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A man sits next you on the bus hands you a letter before leaving. |
Your day begins like so many blain mornings. You got dressed for work, eat breakfast, walked the dog, and prosed to walk to the bus. Once on the bus, a man sits next to you. At first glance nothing about this man pops out at you. He is dressed like so many other men who are on their way to work. You start to have a conversation with this man just to pass the time. Before this conversation has a chance to come to an end, the man pushes the button to signal that he wants off the bus. As he assembles his things he reaches into his suit pocket and retrieves a plain white envelope. He then leads in towards you and gives you the letter. With a smile he bids you good bye and hope you have a great day. With this envelope in your hands you begin to wander about what is inside this envelope. You are over combed with fear and not dear open it until you are inside the comforts of your apartment at the end of the day. So until that time your mind is free to wonder about the contents that are inside this envelope. While you are at work it is a struggle to remain focused with you work because your mind is fully engrossed with what is inside the envelope that the man on the bus gave you this morning. The harder you try to redirect your mind and attention to you work the more futile your efforts become. By 5:00p.m. When it is time to go home you are engulfed with anticipation and relief. You are in such a hurry to get home that you almost boarded the wrong bus. Once you finally made it home you don't even bother to do your normal routine. You immediately make a space at your dining table so you can open and read the contents of your envelope. The outer appearance of the envelope gives no hints or clues as to what awaits you on the inside. It has no name, no return address, no date, or any other markings of any kind. With great precision you take great care in opening this envelope. Now it's the moment you've been waiting for all day. You very carefully remove the letter from its envelope and much to your surprise it's a letter with your full name on it. You believe that your eyes have deceived you and read once more. You take a second look at the first line and yes it does have your full name on it. You then recreate your encounter with the man who gave you this letter. You try to think back to a time or date when you might have told this stranger your name. Yet once again your mind fails to deliver this information. You put the letter aside and try once more to think. Puzzled and confused you proceed to read the letter. Your hope is his identity is within the pages of this letter. You read and reread every sentence, trying desperately to identify the man who gave you this letter. You are so desperate to find a clue that you miss the message that is in print. You overlook the purpose of this letter. You are so blinded by your own thoughts that you are unable to fully understand what this letter is asking you to do. You put the letter aside and pick up the phone. Your plan of action is to call anyone who might know the identity to your mystery man. After many hours and endless days, you’re no closer to identifying the man from the bus. Due to this you disregard the letter and tuck it away deep inside a box in your closet. Much time has passed; you are now on a flight to Florida. There is a man who is sitting next to you. To your surprise it is the same man who gave you the letter. While both of you sit there lost in your own thoughts, he taps you on the shoulder and asks you what ever became of my letter? Your answer is lost due to the sounds of take-off. Once in the air, you ask him how he knew your full name on that day on the bus. His answer is filled with riddles and very little clues. If you are to ever find the answers you seek, it has to be on this plane. You have less than an hour and a half to find the answers you seek. You begin to ask him a game of twenty questions. Yet to your surprise his answers are vague and are filled with riddles. In the mist of your questions, he tells you that your questions are closed-minded and empty. You must first answer your own questions honestly about yourself before you can accept the answers from another. By this time it is time to depart from the plane. Once again this gentleman hands you a second envelope and says when you arrive back at your apartment dig out the first letter from your closet and read both letters, he then clears his throat and says one final thing before departing. This time when you read my letters: Do so with a clear mind and focus on my words instead of my identity. Just like that he was gone in the blink of an eye. You are left there on the plane with many questions and a feeling of violation. Violation because he knows intimate things about you that you never shared with anyone and questions revolving around the identity of this stranger. Once your reason for being in Florida was finished you boarded the plane in hopes of seeing your stranger but to your disappointment, he is not to be found on this plane. So once again your mind begins a journey of putting this puzzle together. Your efforts to make the pieces fit perfectly are futile once more. There are more questions than there are answers. The cab ride back to your apartment is also filled with questions. Once inside your apartment you go to your closet to retrieve the first letter. You go to your computer and play some instrumental music. The music is to put you in state of mind of ease and comfort. The music than begins to wash away any negative thoughts or feelings. It also opens your mind to many different possible outcomes. Before you read the letters your mind reminds you of what he said before he departed from the plane. "This time with a clear head and focus on my words instead of my identity." His words are fresh and prominent to understanding his words. As you open the first letter you take a breathe and begin to focus on his words and not his identity. This letter was handwritten and based on his chose of words it took him a great deal of time compose this letter. Once you reached the end of his letter, you have gone through a wide range of feelings and had many emotional responses to his words. Instinctively you proceeded to his second letter. It too has no identifying markings on the outside of the letter. The second letter is more personal and more in-depth than the first one. It just like its predecessor stirs emotional responses from within you. Once you reached the ending of the second letter, you have embarked upon a journey to enlightenment. The letters have given you a spark of inspiration. You take this spark of inspiration and put it to words. You take others on a journey unlike any others. Your words take the reader by his/her hand and they too can feel many of the same emotions you felt when you first started your journey. Many months have passed when you come face-to-face with your stranger for the last time. He bows to you gives you endless thanks. He takes you by the hand and gives the final piece to the puzzle. Before he parts for the last time he says," I have given many people the same two letters, but only you knew the meaning behind my words. Many have spent too long trying to find me and not read my words. My only hope is that you do the same for others. Show them through words and guide them to enlightenment." Once again you are left there with a letter in your hand. Then one day you were the stranger that gave a person the same letter. The cycle begins again. |