Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1961277-Class-Witch
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Horror/Scary · #1961277
A new teacher is at the high school. She is a chemistry teacher with a horrific secret.
Maddie, can you believe that we are getting a new chemistry teacher after fall break?

No, I can't! Mrs Huffin was an amazing chemistry teacher and she made chemistry fun. Aleena what do you think our new teacher will be like?

I don't know all I know is I hope she is as good as Mrs. Huffin. I have always loved her class and had fun. Now I'm anxious for school to see who our new teacher is.

Yeah. I'm anxious too. Well, see you at school tomorrow.

Okay, cya.

I went outside to go for a walk. It was cold outside and fall colors were everywhere. My front yard had leaves everywhere I still hadn't piled yet and wasn't ready to do yet. My mom was working late tonight and probably wouldn't be home until around ten tonight. I went down the street and saw some people from school outside playing. Brandon was playing football with his little brother, Kyle. They saw me and waved and asked if I wanted to play with them. I waved back and said no thank you. I walked around the block and then went home. It was about seven o clock when I got home and I decide to grab some left over pizza in the fridge and see what's new on the news. I turned the TV on and the news said something about a teacher from high school about an hour away from here was fired because it is believed she was torturing the kids with mystical powers. I sat there and thought it was probably just something a student did to get the teacher fired because they hated her. I turned off the news and watched some Halloween movies that were on and thought about what I was going to do or Halloween which was right around the corner.

Mom got home around ten o clock and I told her about the teacher at the high school apparently having "mystical powers" and how I thought it was just a student who wanted the teacher to get fired because they hated her. My mom agreed and I told her how I am getting a new chemistry teacher and how Maddie and I are curious if she will be as nice as Mrs. Huffin was and make chemistry fun like she did. Mom said I would have to wait and see tomorrow and said she was going to bed and I should be getting to bed too. I went upstairs, took a shower, and went to bed.

My alarm went off at seven and I had fifteen minutes to get up, get ready, eat breakfast, and get to the bus stop. I quickly got dressed and threw my hair up in a bun and made a bagel with peanut butter on it. I grabbed my stuff and ate as I walked to the bus stop. Maddie was there and she told me about the news with the teacher and I told her I thought it was a student just trying to get the teacher fired because they didn't like her. Maddie thought about it and finally said probably. We wonder again what our teacher would be like this morning since she is our first block teacher. We got on the bus not ready for break to be over. Once we got to school we saw the new teacher. She looked pretty and nice and Maddie agreed. The warning bell rang and Maddie and I went to class anxious about our teacher even though she looked pretty and nice. She had a bunch of chemical stuff on her desk so I took it as we were going to be making something.

Hello class, my name is Mrs. Zain. I will be replacing Mrs. Huffin. I have been teaching chemistry for five years and just recently moved here so, this is my first year here. I just moved from Memphis.

I sat there and thought a minute and looked at Maddie and said hey Memphis is an hour away, do you think she is the teacher that got fired? I find it weird she moved her from an hour away and this is her first year here,

I don't know, maybe. We will have to investigate. Maybe follow her around at lunch and after school, see what's up.?

Okay, meet here at lunch and hurry.

Okay class. everyone get with your partner, we are going to make something new today. Today we are going to make a potion.

Mrs. Zain, why are we making a potion and not a new chemical substance?

I call it a potion. Now class, take the red substance and put 15 mL in the beaker and boil it for two mins over the Bunsen burner then mix in the blue and boil for 1 min. Let it sit and cool and record observations. Then turn your work in to me and bring your potions to me. I will observe them and grade it off how well you did and your observation. You will get your work back tomorrow, graded.

Um, Maddie, don't you find this creepy? "Potions", she wants to keep all our work, graded off everything?! This is creepy.

Yeah, we really need to check this out. Maybe take some pictures and stuff for proof incase, well you know.

Yeah, in case she is that teacher from the news and really does have some kind of mystical powers.

The bell rang later that day indicating lunch. I went to our chemistry class and Maddie was there waiting. We peaked in the class and the teacher was sitting at her desk. She was putting the "potions" in separate bottles and putting them in her big duffle bag. Maddie and I were very surprised, we took out our phone and recorded what she was doing. She looked up really quickly and we quickly moved away. We heard her getting up and coming toward the door we panicked and ran around the corner before she could see us. She went back in the classroom but locked the door this time behind her.

Later that afternoon, after school, we followed long ways behind her to her house. Her house was in a place that has been abandoned for years and was right next to the cemetery. It was spooky but luckily it was still light outside and was going to be for another three hours. We hid behind a bush and watched her walk in wt the duffle bag. No long after we saw her basement light go on through the small window. We quietly crawled over there and looked inside. It was like a lab in there for scientist. I saw a book case full of books but couldn't make out what they said. She took the "potions" out and left.

Aleena, I think she is the teacher from the news and I think she may have some mystical powers!

That may be so, but we need more proof other than she is calling our chemistry substances "potions" and lives in a spooky place with a lab. We will come back tomorrow after school and try to take pictures of the lab and books and write down some names of the books. You want to watch out for me tomorrow and let me know when she pulls up in the driveway?

Yeah. I'll bring a notepad and pen, you bring the camera. I'm going home I will see you at school tomorrow. Bye.

I walked home thinking about what I just saw. It was still cold outside, felt cold enough to snow. By the time I got home it was dark. It was about eight o clock. My mom was home and asked where I have been because dinner was almost ready and I never called her. I told her I hung with Maddie after school today. She told me I should have called and told her and I told her I was sorry and I would next time. I asked her if it was okay if we hung again after school tomorrow and she said okay as long as I was home by dinner. As we sat at the dinner table I told mom about my chemistry teacher calling our chemical substances in chemistry "potions" and how she wanted to keep them and was going to grade them along with grading our observations. I also told her how she put them in a duffle bag to take home. Mom said it was probably just so she could have and easy and safe way to get them home to grade them for us. I took it into consideration and then decided to tell her we thought maybe she was the teacher from the news because she said she moved here from Memphis, an hour away from here, and it was her first year at the school and she has been teaching for five years. I also told her we followed her home because of our suspicion and she lives in the abandoned house next to the cemetery and how she took them to her basement which looks like a lab. Mom said it was bazaar where she was living but the lab was probably just because she was a chemistry teacher. I thought about that as well and took it into consideration as well but still was going to find out more. I excused myself from the table and headed to bed.

Maddie, are you ready to do some detective work today on Mrs.Zain?

Yes, I can't wait it's so exciting, but also scary at the same time.

Good Morning class. I graded your potions last night. Most of you did well but I can tell we have some lazy people in here and people that don't listen. So of you I can tell are perfectionist and I like that. I may have you perfectionist help me after school. I am going to pass back your grades, once you finish looking at them pass them up to me.

Aleena, why do you think she needs help from "perfectionist" after school?

I don't know but we are going to find out when the time comes. For now we are going to stick with our plan we came up with yesterday. Maybe find some information and helpful stuff there.

After school I met up with Maddie and we walked straight to Mrs. Zain's house to investigate. Luckily the window to the basement was open. I crawled threw and had Maddie hand me the camera and notepad. It was old looking in the lab and there were many cob webs. I looked around and saw the potions we made in class. I took a picture of them and then went to check out the book case. There were some books of witch craft and potions. I started to wonder if maybe she was a witch. I remembered the news about how the teacher that was thought to have mystical powers, was that Mrs. Zain the news was talking about? I continued to walk around more and see what else I could find. I found a bunch of stuff about Halloween, but took no notice to it but still wrote it down. I studied the wall and it looked as if the cracks were like a door way blending in with the stone wall. I took a picture and walked around some more, still wondering about the mysterious looking door way. I didn't see much more of interest at the moment so I decided to investigate the wall some more. I felt around seeing, if it was a door, if I hit the right stone it'd open the door. I felt around and then heard Maddie calling me, telling me that Mrs. Zain was walking in her house, I needed to hide fast, I didn't have time to get out window. I felt around frantically and felt a stone below my foot move and the door in the wall opened. I ran inside not sure where it led hoping to find a way out or somewhere to hid until Mrs. Zain was out of sight so I could escape. I ran through the hallway and it was very dim in there, only the torch lights showed the way through the darkness. I came to what looked like another lab, but more upgraded, like our actual generation full of technology. I hid behind a tall box, hoping she wouldn't catch me. Shortly she appeared in the room and I sat there like a statue. She grabbed some bottles and a book off her table and left. I decided to quietly and carefully look around this lab and see what I could find here. I saw this odd looking box with tubes going in the crate holes. It was human sized and really creepy. I took a few pictures and followed where the tubes went. The just connected to some big bottles full of liquids, I don't know what kind.

© Copyright 2013 Aleena Ann (buggysgirl13 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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