Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1961081-Deceitful-Heart
Rated: NPL · Chapter · Adult · #1961081
Chapter two
Chapter Two

Searching in my closet I find my Dolce and Gabbana, black fitted dress made out of lace and sheer crochet circles with a silk-satin slip underneath, the square-neck and three quarter length sleeves make it sexy and appropriate for work.  I match my dress with black strappy Louboutin platforms and black dangly earrings. Once dressed I head in to my restroom to blow dry my hair.  I decide on leaving it down.    My phone buzzes and I check my messages. Both Rose and Abel have texted me Happy Birthday wishes, I type a quick thank you to both.  Just then I can hear Karina awake in her room. I need to get her ready to go to grandmas.

After having left my parents’ home, I decide to call John since I haven’t heard from him since yesterday.

“Good morning sweetheart” says John, still half asleep and yawning loudly in to the phone.

“John, are we still going to dinner tonight”

“Yes, Alessandra do you want me to pick you up or would you rather meet at the restaurant”

“I think I’ll meet you there.  Message me with the details and I’ll see you around seven.”

“Alright baby, see you then, I love you Alessandra”

“Yea…me too John”

Ugh I couldn’t bring myself to tell him that I loved him anymore.  I just want this over bearing relationship to end.

“Good Morning Ms. White, your first appointment is ready and in the small conference room waiting.  We are still waiting for the notary to arrive for the signing of the documents” Said Joann from reception. Joann is a heavy set woman, with a sharp black bob and kind blue eyes and an overly done tan.  She’s worked here for many years and is very friendly and welcoming. “Thank you Joann, can you please let them know that I will be right with them and please see if they would like anything to drink” walking briskly past her desk I head straight for my office.  With Abel and John on my mind I had completely forgotten about this morning’s closing.

I was so glad that Joann was so efficient, she had already printed the loan documents and made the extra two copies.  All I needed was the notary not to run late.

It was about eleven in the morning when I finished with my clients and was able to get back to my office.  My message light was blinking on my office phone showing I had six voicemails. And my cell had two text messages one from Rose asking me to lunch, her treat for the birthday girl. I quickly respond to Rose to meet me at California Pizza Kitchen off of Ventura Blvd. at one o’clock. And the other message was from Abel “I can’t wait to see you Saturday, it can’t come any sooner” I don’t know what to respond and opt to ignore his message for now.

My office phone buzzed, startling me “Ms. White you have a flower delivery here for you, would you like to sign for it or would you like me to bring it back to you” Joann asks coolly.  “I’ll come get it and sign for it Joann, thank you” I felt a bit of excitement as I walked up to reception.  I could see a beautiful arrangement of long red stem roses. I quickly signed for them and sent the messenger on his way. 

“Ms. White, happy birthday” said a cheerful Joann and handed me a birthday card signed by all my colleagues. “Thank you Joann, I will send out a thank you email to the rest of the office”

Walking back to my office I picked the card out of its holder and read the card “Alessandra, my love. I wanted to wish you a very happy birthday. I can’t wait to see you tonight. Love, John” Oh it’s from John, not Abel. I can’t help the stab of disappointment I feel.  Maybe he is being truthful and just treating me like a friend. Setting the roses down on the corner of my mahogany desk I get back to work until Rose’s messages beeps to let me know she was on her way to the restaurant.  I text her back and let her know I would be leaving right this moment.

When I arrived to the restaurant, Rose has already secured a table and ordered me an ice tea with a slice of lemon. “Hello Rose I’m so happy to see you and get out of the office” I said squeezing her tightly as she gave me my birthday hug. Settling in to the booth, the waitress approached us to take our order. “I’ll have the BBQ chicken salad, please” I said “Make that two” Rose added.  The waitress retreated to take our order back to the kitchen.

Sipping my tea, I examined Rose. She wore a pretty flowery summer dress in pink and yellow hues and a white cardigan to cover the thin straps. She had straightened her hair and the contrast of the white made her midnight black hair stand out more. “So Alessandra how’s your birthday going? Have you received anything gifts yet?” she said arching a brow at me and taking me away from my thoughts.

“It’s going fine I received a text from Abel, a birthday card from the office, my BFF invited me to lunch and a bouquet of red roses from John” I said rolling my eyes and making a gagging expression at Rose.

“So are you ending things with John tonight, on your birthday dinner” asked Rose taking a bread roll and buttering it.  “Yes, I can’t stand to talk to him any longer or to continue to waste my time with him anymore. Rose, I am so done with him, he’s so controlling. I don’t see my career going any further if I stay with him.” I sound winy telling her how I feel about John and I. We decide to drop the drama and enjoy our lunch that has arrived at our table.

Pulling up to the valet section of Katana’s on sunset Blvd a quarter ‘til seven I take one last look in the mirror.  The valet boy opens my door and greats me kindly. I smile back and hand him the keys of my SUV. I walked inside immediately spot John at the bar. Taking a moment to calm my racing heart I study John. He really is handsome, wearing a grey suit and white linen shirt makes him looks powerful.  He’s drinking an amber colored liquid and appears to be deep in thought.  Walking on shaking legs over to him I reach to give him an awkward hug. “Hello, John” I said softly. “Hey Baby, how are you” he purred and planted a kiss on my cheek. “Will it be long before our table is ready, I’m quite famished and would hate to wait long.” I say stepping back out of his hold. I want to get things over with. Maybe I can break things off now and not even go through the bother of dinner…ugh I can’t do that. Just then we are called to our table.  The waiter leads us out toward the terrace.  John has selected a table with a view of the city and the little stars that manage to sparkle through the lit sky from the surrounding buildings.

“What would you like to order” asked the impatient waiter. Katana’s is a well-known Japanese restaurant in Hollywood and they are always filled to capacity. “I’ll have an order of calamari and a glass of Pinot Grigio, please” the waiter turns expectantly to John who orders a few different roles to start with. Swallowing the knot in my throat I turn to look John in the eyes.

“We need to talk…actually I need to talk” I say my voice shaking slightly.  He sat back and gave me his undivided attention.  His lips set on a hard line and he twirled his drink round and round making the shards of ice clink with the glass.

I continued to talk “John, I feel that we’ve reached an impasse in our relationship, and I believe that we should go our separate ways” 

“Why do you believe that sweetheart” he asked his voice smooth, cold. Setting his tumbler down he put both elbows on the edge of the table and leaned his chin on his laced fingers “Be-because I don’t like the way you treat me. I have dreams of moving up the ladder within the firm I work for or maybe opening my own broker firm, but with you I feel that I can’t do this. You are too controlling and you overwhelm me.” I stutter out.  I feel parched and take a welcomed sip of my ice water. “What about Karina, dear. Who will help you raise her and look after her?  You know I was willing to overlook your…baggage.” he says waving his hand around in no specific direction. I sardonic look crosses his face. Staring at me his mouth twists in a triumphant smirk.  What? Who does he think he is calling my daughter baggage! Standing up and placing my napkin on the table I stoop down to eye level and very slowly say “My daughter is not baggage, and I’m woman enough to support her on my own, good-bye asshole” Turning on my heel I storm towards the front of the restaurant ignoring the questioning look from some of the other diners. John just sat there stunned, he didn’t even try to come after me. Show’s me how much I meant to him.

Once in the car, I decide to call Abel, he answers almost immediately. “Hello?” says Abel in a question. I cut him off “Hi! Abel, hey I just broke up with John. Can you believe that son of a bitch called my daughter baggage, and he told me he was willing to put up with her? I’m so upset.  I’m so glad things are over with him, he didn’t even bother to come after me when I left” I sob in to the phone. “He practically made me feel that he was making an exception and I should feel grateful” tears where now rolling down my cheeks.

“Oh babe, I wish I was able to come meet you, but I have some club business I have to take care of and can’t leave right this minute. Don’t worry honey, that piece of shit doesn’t know what he’s saying and what a blessing it is to have children.” I knew he would understand since he is a father now. “I know, it just upsets me that someone would refer to a child that way. I’m glad his true colors showed which made me glad I decided to end things with him.  Abel I can’t wait for Saturday to have some fun and forget all of this ever happened, but I’m going to let you go know I’m tired and need to get home” I hang up with Abel and put the volume up on my radio, Someone Like You by Adele is playing and it makes me cry harder.

Exciting the elevator I spot Rose standing outside my apartment holding a bottle of my favorite moscato. I knew I loved her for a reason.

“Hey love, ready to drown your woes in a glass of wine” says Rose winking at me as she raises the bottle up.  “Yes, ma’am you don’t have to ask me twice” I respond fetching my keys I let us both in to my apartment. We step right in to the kitchen and Rose plops on one bar stool while I look for two wine glasses.  Rose makes quick work on getting the bottle opened. I grab the cheese platter from my refrigerator and bring it over. I’m not hungry, but I should eat something since I didn’t even get to have dinner. I sit on the stool next to Rose and hand her my glass.

“Well Alessandra, tell me all about tonight. I know it must have been rough since your eyes are red and your cheeks are still a blotchy pink.”

“Yes, it was horrible Rose.  John is a fucken asshole.  When I told him we needed to stop seeing each other he basically told me how lucky I was to have him interested in me, calling Karina baggage. What I found strange was that he took it so calm and didn’t even try to come after me when I stormed out of Katana’s.” Taking a big gulp of my wine I wiped away the tears that had begun to fall.

Rose just nods her head and takes a bight of a piece of cheese. I know she’s contemplating on what to say to me.

“Just say it Rose” I roll my eyes at her knowing well where this conversation is headed.

“Well Alessandra you obviously know that this shouldn’t mean that you should run to Abel. Look if you want to be friends with him and chat great, but you know he’s hurt you. Yes, you were both young and stupid in high school and lots could have changed…but you aren’t alone anymore. You have to think about Karina now also” reaching forward she grabs my hand squeezing it tight and makes me bring my eyes to meet hers. “Honey, I just don’t want you heartbroken over Abel again” I nodded in agreement and gave her a week smile.

Rummaging through my chest of drawers I found my night gown. It was eleven in the evening and I felt completely exhausted. My birthday was nearly over and it had gone horribly wrong. I thought back to what I had unleashed with Abel being in my life and the feelings that I felt resurfacing. It was scaring me. I walked to my bathroom and quickly undressed throwing my dress in the hamper and steping out of my heels.  I slipped in to my gown, brushed my teeth and washed my faced.

I laid in bed tossing and turning.  I couldn’t sleep, my mind racing a hundred miles an hour.  I decide on sending Abel a text, maybe he would still be up and would respond.

*Hey made it home safe, had some drinks with Rose and now I can’t sleep*

A minute later my phone beeped with his response.

*How are you doing, glad Rose was there with you. Are you in bed?*

*Yes, why* I quickly type my reply. Knowing Abel I’m sure he’s going to either flirt with me or make a sexual comment.

*What are you wearing* showed up on my screen. Laughing out loud I decide to keep him wondering.

*Good night Abel, think I’m good now*

Laughing to myself I plugged my phone to its charger and set it on my nightstand. I knew it. He always has to turn things sexual, that definitely hasn’t changed. I’m sure he knew it would lighten my mood.

His comment not only made me feel better it ignited my skin and set free the dam that flooded my panties. I couldn’t accept that I wanted him to caress me and most of all run his tongue in between my folds until he made me scream in ecstasy. 

UGH I felt myself throbbing in need. The silk of my night gown made my skin tingle as I raised it up to my belly. I slid my hand down my body lightly gliding my fingers over my skin as they made their way in to my panties and immediately felt how wet I was. Finding my swollen nub I caressed it as I imagined Abel’s head bobbing in-between my legs. The way the heat of his body would feel against mine. I moved my hand faster and felt as the muscles of my belly tightened and then quivered as my orgasm rushed through me. Breathing heavily I laid there raising my other hand to rest on my forehead. “What was I doing” I thought. Turning to lie on my side I closed my eyes and hoped that I was doing the right thing. Tomorrow is Friday giving me about twenty-four hours to make up my mind of Abel.

© Copyright 2013 L.J. Valens (lusciouslips at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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