Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1961056-Flute
Rated: E · Chapter · Fantasy · #1961056
The beginning of a novella. Features 1900's freak shows and real monsters.
It was long before the sun began to peer over the treetops when William W. Bauer was jolted out of his bed by the baying of what seemed like a gigantic dog. By the time he was reaching for something to strike out with the bays turned into roars of laughter as the dog stood on two legs. The dog grinned widely showing a mouth full of pearly white ceramic dentures, shaped personally to look like dog's teeth, and offered a hand to William.

“You should see the look on your 'ace, boy.” laughed the furry man. “I could see the whi's 'round your eyes!” The man had difficulty pronouncing certain consonants due to his specialized dentures. William, feeling a little hurt at the joke, gave a bittersweet laugh and took the hand offered.

“Yeah, dad, good joke,” he mumbled, swinging his arms back and forth, pretending to stretch to not show his embarrassment.

“Hey, now, all par' o' the job,” grinned the man, patting his son on the shoulder. “Don' 'ake I' 'oo personally, Billy, all in good fun.” The boy sheepishly smiled back and nodded before the two exited the tent. The furry man kept his dentures in since the opening act was about to start. The warm up waking his son was practice enough for his signature howls and barks. His stage name was Carl the Wolfman, an act he was literally born to do, just like his colleagues here at The Amazing Marco's Sideshows and Oddities.

Carl was a performing freak. His oddity was that he was covered from head to toe in thick wiry black hair, the only exception being his palms. His basic job was to act the part of a werewolf whenever he was on stage, snarl at the audience, howl at the moon, cower at the silver necklace that The Amazing Marco always wore, and get captured and eventually dragged off stage by some of the other performers. When he was a young performer he had a sudden fling with a small-town teenage girl during the travels. The fun rewarded him with sudden letters in the mail. Thankfully his son didn't inherit his condition and was able to have a typical upbringing. But when it came time for Billy to pick his future at the age of 17, it was either inherit his mother's family farm or follow his dad's career. Two months later the kid showed up at one of their performances with one last letter wishing luck for finding a place to pull his own weight among the freaks.

That was half a year ago, and even still he was having trouble finding a good permanent position in the show. It wasn't that he was bad at following orders or pulling off certain tasks, but nothing new had been added to the show and there weren't any new jobs to be done other than the usual errand. Today his task was to assist the heavy workers, a couple of Italian men named Tony and Eddie, to do the routine checks on the tents and structures of the show. As the two neared the main tent Carl patted Billy on the back.

“Good crowd tonight, lots of women and children.” He growled wolfishly before slipping through the flaps. Billy chuckled to himself and began to head around the sides to look for Tony and Eddie, but was suddenly pulled aside by a tall, skinny man with thinning hair and wearing nothing but overalls drenched in salt water. It was Donny, the cook, behind him was his stout son, Rufus, equally drenched in water. The pair of them were both shaking terribly and bore wicked looks in their eyes, as if they had witnessed an angel drop down and grab a passerby in the streets. Donny's unsteady hands clenched Billy's shoulders, holding his face close to his own.

“Where's Eddie?!” the man hissed, Billy squirmed under his grip before finally breaking free and backing up a few paces. He suddenly noticed the large, heavy bundle in Donny's arms. It was one of their throw-blankets that they would take with them on fishing trips to wrap up in should the temperature drop too low, like the both of them it too was drenched in salt water; but more curious than that was the long grey fin that hung stiffly out the end of the bundle. Donny noticed Billy staring and grabbed at the boy's arm again. “Listen to me, kid, we just now got off the dingy and need all the man-power we can get! Go find 'em now!” With that he pushed Billy off in one direction as he and Rufus headed off in another to find the two workers.

Billy's curiosity was definitely peaked. It had been a while since they had a deformed animal in the exhibits, especially a live one. Their last freak animal, a five legged goat named Myrtle, had died the previous year due to old age. They had been scouting for something unusual to buy off a private farmer or land owner but have been finding nothing. An aquatic would definitely be something odd, even for a sideshow... As he rounded the large tent and came across the crowds of tourists piling into the entrance for the show, he spotted a curly black head poking above the crowd. He waved his hands, trying to catch his attention.

“Eddie, over here, Eddie!” Billy cut himself off, cursing under his breath, and simply pushed his way rather rudely through the crowds to get the man's attention. “Eddie, Donny n' Rufus need you and Tony. D' you know where he is?” Eddie turned to the boy and leaned down, tilting his head to the right.

“Didn't get a word of that in, boy, shout into my good ear!” Eddie's voice boomed over the buzz of the tourists; it was his nature to have a loud tone even at the most inappropriate of times. Having only one good ear will do that to a person. Billy repeated the message, trying his hardest to enunciate, and Eddie finally nodded. “Sounds like they'll need a place to store it, you said they headed off towards the private tents!? Well, Tony's in the show tent setting up props! You go get him while I try to find Don' and Ru', we'll meet by my tent, be quick!” With that, Billy was off. Like Eddie, it was easy to find Tony among the crowds due to his height. Tony had just about finished setting up the main stage, so the two headed straight for Eddie's tent. Upon arriving there, they saw a now shocked Eddie trying to calm Don, who was now shaking so uncontrollably that the buckles on his overalls were jingling. Eddie turned to Tony.

“We need a place to store a live six foot fish thing, I'm thinking the watering troth for the horses would be good enough for now.” Tony rubbed a calloused finger over his stubbly chin and shook his head.

“No good, it's city property, folks wouldn't appreciate us borrowing it even for a night.” Eddie tried to debate back but it spit-fired an argument, suggestions were being thrown out but it was either too expensive, too precious to use, too flimsy or too small. The noise wasn't doing anything to help Donny's nerves as he tried to voice suggestions for the argument while Rufus clung to the bundle in his arms like a sacred object, suddenly the tail jerked and began waving back and forth, slapping at the tent walls behind him. The movement was obviously throwing poor Rufus off balance as he continued to cling to the fish. But his grip finally weakened and the bundle fell from his arms and hit the ground with a muffled, wet thump. A flash of green tinted white hair, bleached from so many days in the sun, shined through a break in the blanket. A face followed it, covered in a shiny light grey skin. A pair of wide silver eyes darted back and forth as the rest of the creature's bound body continuously tried to thrash against its bonds. Donny and Rufus had clumsily tied this creature together with the rope in their boat and a used the soaked blanket to keep it alive while out of the water; finally, an old soaked neckerchief was stuffed in its mouth as a gag. Despite its fierce look it didn't thrash to attack, under the scuffling and thumping horrible gasps and wheezes were heard as Rufus tried to subdue it, large gills could be seen on its neck flaring wildly. It was very clear that if they didn't find a body of water to contain it, this creature was doomed. Eddie and Tony were stunned to silence, Donny just held himself and tried to keep from wrenching at the sight of the creature. Rufus finally was able to pull a section of the blanket over the creature's face, which seemed to calm it down, before turning to the others.

“What in God's name have you done...?” Said Eddie in his most quiet tone. Rufus only gulped and stood up again with his prize.

“We've found a living myth, our big ticket. But we don't have much time, fellas, what-?”

“I-I remember seeing an old washtub in an old lot a few blocks away, a big one, it must've been from a wealthy house... It's definitely deep enough...” Billy piped in, the urgency causing him to speak so suddenly. Four pairs of eyes on him lowered the volume in his tone as he began to step away. But the two larger men looked at each other, Eddie turned back to face Billy.

“Is it in good shape? No holes or anything?!” His voice never lowered its volume even at a calm tone. Billy only shook his head.

“Aside from the obvious drain, but plugs aren't hard to find, it might even still have it in.” Tony slapped him on the back and began leading him away.

“Good kid, show me. Ed, you handle the water! Get as much of it as you can in buckets, bowls, or whatever! It needs to be salt water only! Come on, boy!” Tony gave him a thump on the back for good measure as Billy sprang ahead on his longer legs, racing towards the end of the pier the show was set up in. Eddie headed for the tents, grabbing all the buckets he could carry in his gorilla-like arms, and carrying them to the beach. Billy's mind was a blur as he raced down the street, almost getting hit by a carriage, rounding a corner, spooking a horse, turning to make sure Tony was keeping up with him, and turning back to sprint ahead. Sure enough the tub was still in the lot, just like he remembered. It had apparently been thrown out because the family who owned it was moving and didn't care to worry about taking it with them since they were going to remodel the new house anyway. With a lot of strain on his end, Billy helped Tony lift the tub and hurry back to the pier.

When they arrived Tony had five buckets and all of Don's cooking pots filled with seawater. With a clunk they set the tub down and began vigorously pouring in the water, but it only filled up half of the tub. That didn't stop Rufus from dumping the creature in anyway. Billy and Tony then took turns running to and from the beach with a bucket while Eddie did the pouring, eventually they had the tub filled to the brim with water. The tub, sadly, wasn't long enough. The back fin stuck out half way at the end, but as they peered into the tub the creature's human-like nostrils were flaring, eventually it settled and became regular breaths... If that's what you could call it. But the creature still looked up at them with those silver eyes from the bottom of the water, its human-like arms still tied to its sides and the handkerchief still balled up in its mouth. Tony pulled a pocket knife from his pants and, ever so carefully, snaked his hands into the water to cut the bonds. The moment he touched them, though, the creature began thrashing. It spun around to try and take a bite from his arm, but the gag prevented that. The lunge rocketed the creature out of the water straight towards Eddie, but his bear-like arms suddenly reached forward and pinned the creature against his chest.

“NOW!” He yelled to Tony who finally cut the bonds and tore the fabric out of its mouth, upon doing so the creature released a blood curdling scream which caused Eddie to release his hold and let it drop into the water again. It clumsily glided around the tub in circles three times, and settled, curled up at the bottom, glaring up at its captors through its green tinted hair.

Eddie took a few paces back, wiping his hands on his trousers. All the members of the party were out of breath and took this time to sit on the grass around the tub. The only ones who refused to take their eyes off the tub were Billy and Donny, who still looked as if he saw a ghost. Tony laid on his back, his hands still clenching the knife and soaked handkerchief. They were all silent for a good two minutes before Eddie shot a knife-like look to Donny.

“What in almighty's name did you do?” He growled to the cook. Donny trembled as he clutched the tiny crucifix hanging around his neck.

“We... We saw it gliding under us in the water, it was obvious, it wanted us to come join it in hell, the way it kept circling the boat, the way it kept lookin' at us. See? Even now it's still starin', see? You kin' feel it can't you?” His explanation quickly turned into a string of babble as his body began to shake more frantically. Rufus had to take him by the shoulders and guide him to his tent in order to get him to calm down, leaving the three alone with the creature. Tony refused to look at it and took to staying at least three feet away from the tub, Eddie volunteered to find The Amazing Marco and relay the news. Billy still couldn't take his eyes away from what was in front of him. He studied the creature up and down, but his mind couldn't process how it was possible. A mermaid, here, laying before him... He jolted as Tony took him by the shoulder.

“Look, kid, don't get any ideas of what's going to happen. If it were up to me, I'd dump the thing back in the water before something happens... Something big. But it's not up to me, and it's not up to you. Now, all this commotion has made us skip our duties.” He shoved Billy off away from the tub. “Go do a sweep of the tents and make sure all the ties are secured, no pegs getting loose and no chords slacking. Be swift!” And with that, Billy was off. The entire time though, his mind was still enchanted. His work seemed to drag on forever as he did his normal duties, he kept stopping, wanting to try and sneak off to see the mermaid again. But then he remembered how Tony boxed his ears the last time he slacked off.

Finally the show ended and Billy was able to sneak away. The Amazing Marco had been called to the find after his final exit during the performance and was still looming over the tub, grim faced. Billy slowed his pace and silently approached the tub, the mermaid inside was still as ever, her eyes darting between him and Marco. Marco turned to face Billy.

“You knew about this, am I correct?” The dark haired man asked Billy, Billy nodded. “Good, I want this only being between the people that know about it already, for the time being.” Marco straightened his bowler cap and turned around to face Tony. “I want this creature guarded at all times tonight. In the morning the entire staff is having a meeting and will be properly introduced to its newest member.” Marco glanced back to the tub. “Where's that twig man, Donny?” Tony jabbed a thumb to his back.

“His job, it's ten till suppertime and everyone's hungry.” Marco nodded.

“Good, cause those that perform above and beyond while still doing their jobs deserve a raise.” Marco pushed Tony out of the way as he headed off to the dining tent, Tony shook his head.

“What's going to happen to...?” Billy glanced at the tub.

“The Mermaid,” Tony finished for Billy “and what d' ya think? Marco's gonna make it a part of the show. Gonna see if he can order a big enough tank for it. I wouldn't doubt it'll get us money, but...” Tony took Billy by the shoulder and leaned over so the two were eye-to-eye. “Listen boy, don't be hanging around that thing for too long. It gives me the willies and it should be doing the same for you. If the mermaid legends are apparently true then you and I both know what they do. So I'm warning ya, don't get too involved with the thing.” Tony stood and walked away. “Those tents had better be in tip top shape.” he called over his shoulder. Billy smirked, he trusted the immigrant like family, but all adults end up being hypocrites in the end. Billy looked back at the tub, listening to the water sloshing around inside as the creature moved. Slowly, he eased his way to it. He took precautions that each step was as soft as possible, for he noticed that loud clomping steps alarmed it. He still stood arms length away from the tub, he was young but he wasn't a fool. But he could not take his eyes off the fish-person inside. She looked back at him too, the gills on her neck flaring. Billy tilted his head and tried an experiment that he would later curse himself for even thinking about.

He reached his right hand out carefully, trying to see if he could touch the edge of the tub. But just as he was about to brush the edge the creature lunged out, one arm swiping from the side to claw the air just in front of his face. He jumped back just in time as the creature swung over the edge, it recoiled like a snake readying itself to strike a second time. It laid back in the tub peeking over the edge, glaring at him with those silvery eyes. Billy, surprisingly, wasn't too winded by the event. Obviously he knew that it was a stupid idea, but he still couldn't shake the idea of staying with the creature. Could it be the mermaid had put a spell on him? Couldn't be... But then again... Billy shook his head and left the area to finish his afternoon chores.

Supper was the usual, cheap but stomach filling, and nighttime consisted of a game of cards with some of the other performers. After everyone went to sleep, Billy snuck out of his tent and raced over to the tub. The creature's eyes practically glowed in the moonlight, they danced as they watched him approach. Billy's head darted from one side to the next, good, the coast was clear.

“Hello” he half whispered to the creature “We haven't formerly met.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a scrap piece of meat. “I... Thought you'd be hungry. I don't know if you've had mutton, but it's pretty good.” He extended his arm and slowly, ever so slowly, approached the tub. The creature's eyes became fixed on the meat dangling from his fingers and began experimentally extending its neck towards it. Suddenly its arm shot out like before and snatched the meat away. Billy pulled his hand back sharply as the creature pulled back into the water to swallow its meal. Billy chuckled at how the creature just seemed to swallow the morsel whole, pulling the meat through its mouth like a bird rather than using its hands. After the meat was gone, it looked to him again with now less glaring eyes. “Oh, um, sorry. That's all I could sneak away. But I'll bet Donny'll be catching you some food tomorrow.” The creature tilted its head at him, still watching from under the water. Billy smiled. “My name's Billy, do you have a name?” The creature slowly gripped the edge of the tub and pulled its head out of the water, its bleached white hair glistening in the moonlight and now gripped to its head out of the water. It was looking at him with curious eyes. Billy's smile faded, and he put his hands in his pocket. “I guess you still don't understand what I'm saying, do you?” The creature wasn't even looking at his face any more and was now transfixed on the curious things attached to him instead. He froze as the creature extended, ever so slowly and carefully, a hand to touch the clothing on his chest. Billy dragged an overturned bucket over to the side of the tub and sat down, allowing the creature to examine its discoveries. Maybe its guard was down and it was starting to warm up to being surrounded by people? Billy lifted his own arm, but the creature caught sight and retreated back into the tub.

“Oh, hey now it's alright.” Billy said in a more relaxed voice. “As long as you don't bite, I won't.” He held out his hand just outside the edge of the tub, like when he would introduce himself to a dog or a horse. The creature stayed back at first, pressing its back against the other side of the tub, but after a minute or two it slowly crept forward. It gave his hand a thorough look over, then ever so cautiously cupped his hand in its. Its fingers ran over every inch of his, examining every joint, every cut, every wrinkle in the skin. All the while its eyes were brighter than ever, almost filled with joy. Billy was amazed, so it was sentient, at least to an extent. He let the creature examine his arm, gently bending the elbow, rotating the wrist, all the while it mirrored the actions of his arm with its own. The creature looked at Billy, eyes so wide and full of curiosity. He couldn't help but feel overjoyed, suddenly a loud bang shot through the tents and the creature flung itself back into the water with a splash. Billy fell back in his seat, accidentally kicking the tub with his boot and making a muffled bong which made the creature writhe in the water. Billy winced and started to pick himself up before he noticed a looming figure standing over him holding a knife to his face. It was Donny, his face was pasty white and his skin seemed soaked. He dragged Billy to his feet by his shirt collar, his face only inches away.

“What do you think you're doing here, boy?” He hissed through his teeth, Billy caught the familiar stench of alcohol in his breath. He pulled himself away and stood defiantly.

“I didn't see anybody feeding it, so I brought it some scraps.” Billy couldn't help but stutter a bit, never taking his eyes off the knife. Donny's eyes narrowed, he let the knife point to the ground.

“Just because you're trusted with the livestock doesn't mean you're in charge of the care of... it.” He pointed the knife at the tub, the creature was curled in a defensive position, eyes darting between the two. “Until the boss says otherwise I will be in charge of caring for the beast,” he patted the flat end of the knife against his chest “and you will stay back.” he then pointed the knife back at Billy. “Do I make myself clear, boy?” Billy clenched his fists, but nodded. “Good, now git'!” Donny took his free arm and shoved Billy back, Billy took the message and turned to leave. He didn't look back as he left, but he could hear the man mumbling to himself. He didn't catch any words other than “ocean” in the mumbling. He also caught the sound of another muffled “bong”, Donny must have kicked the side of the tub himself, Billy ran the rest of the way to his tent.
© Copyright 2013 Opal Faulkner (lucky_h._crab at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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