Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1960949-I-Want-To-Live-Moment-To-Moment
Rated: E · Poetry · Emotional · #1960949
Anxiety can make it difficult to live in the moment, so fight it, and get back your life.
Anxiety keeps me awake some nights:
worrying about the unknowns of tomorrow,
but also of the things that are planned.
Will everything turn out ok?
What if...
What will I....
What do I....
All of these questions dance around inside my brain;
unwanted, unwelcomed queries.
I feel my heart skip a beat when angst rears it's evil head.

Anxiety is an illness I need to own;
and with ownership, comes responsibility:
To do what I can to improve my quality of life.
I'll do whatever it takes:
Therapeutic Massage
I'll do anything to keep these questions at bay.

I want to live moment to moment,
really live, not just exist.
I need to take control.
For me
For my husband
For my children
If I can accomplish this task,
won't everyone around me have a better life?
© Copyright 2013 Isola Bertolucci (izziern at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1960949-I-Want-To-Live-Moment-To-Moment