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Rated: 13+ · Serial · Self Help · #1960828
About people we meet who don't always portray who they really are.
This is being edited finally! I started writing this in 2013. Fate and family commitments/ priorities and low paid jobs, kept me slowed down to finish it, yet here I am again in the right time of Heavens ways!
Ah so many typos so little time! Besides trying to get my Port here up to speed, Looking forward to being back in a community where there is support for each other...

I have left a place of many years didn't really care about my writings, or me in the final days of 50 years gone by.
No names of course, yet the lessons hard learned need to be told. To help each other through the hard times and put abuses by bullies out in the light of truth. May there come an end to all who suffer under the yoke. To find a better way of wholeness and healing...


When you are young, you trust people for the most part. You may believe like Anne Frank "There is good inside of most people" Those of us who spend our life looking for those types of people and wanting to help the ones, who seem in need of help, sadly can also drain us ,rob us and make us lose friends for nothing, other than to cause pleasure to those who come to expect, that we will always do what they say. That we will go against our own hearts & morals, to accommodate them & what they want at the time...
We for the most part are caring people, and it seems that some will take advantage of giving people natures. Wanting to put ourselves last, to help another first. It's written In The Torah and Bibles to do this. At the same time we need to be careful who we trust and how much we give sometimes.

Over a 50 year period, I have observed many people & good and some very evil behaviors. I am going to work on this and when it is done I will sell e-books for ten bucks or so. I can use the money, ( on a fixed not chosen income)
Believing that I would be able to become an RN and working with Children with Cancer. Not because it would be easy, but there was such a need for caring givers and to share hope love and humor to brighten the darkness for others. That was 30 odd years ago God |G-d had other plans for my life...)
I have helped so many in my life, I wanted to still give back something ,and have donated some to charity like Saint Jude's Children hospital ,Dogs/ Cats rescues Etc. (In time a list will be provided!) Some were just sharing and making known good causes ,like " Click to help sites started 20 years ago like the Hunger site, Animal rescue site and many more added over the years. I wrote my first published article for a collage newspaper in Athens GA in the late 90's. "Help is just a click away" The hundred bucks bought groceries and diapers for a beloved Step grandchild, yet seeing myself in print for a good cause, was all I could ask for! (Even if there was some errors in the copy!) It was later added on the website. And an advance on an outsourcing article I had written about the beginning of jobs being sent to other places.


Chapter One~~
"To Be or Not to be".
William Shakespeare Had that line so right! In truth,it is critical to keep a good sense of humor,when dealing with destructive people...
It is not always as easy as that.I have found myself in the seemingly depth of despair,in my past. I have come to see that,it is mainly a matter of perception,when It comes to understanding others,of a nasty nature. They can seem to be "people that walk on water" So thoughtful,kind ETC,then they turn around and use your words,against yourself.They can take your identity and manipulate you in such a way,you won't see it coming,until it's hurt you,used you or whatever they take you for. I have seen some that thought me a fool,because I believed in a better world. The only way to have it,is to create it,helping others,and yourself... to be continued..*Paw*
Hi Y'all! back again. it's mid-November and so much has happened in the past 3 months. In The Tarot there is a card The Tower. To me it's when things seem to out of ones hands,to do anything. It's outside forces which force some to change. Some can take this as an opportunity to improve ones self or help others. To some it means to have "more tools" to take advantage of others.The Chinese Character for "Crisis" is the same for "Opportunity" It is all how we perceive life and what we do with set-backs and heart-ache. We can choose to cause others hurt or not. It is very simple.
(Wow took awhile to get back to this...)

(Chapter One continues after a "Brief intermission of 7 years?!"Being called back to a long forgotten project...
August/Elul 2020 5780
Aug 29th again editing changes. Blown away had a kosmic review on “The devil don’t ….”
It’s fate calling,And forgot I started it in 2013 as a book.
7 years later it’s time…
So gonna write it in here,and copy to WDC.
.The Chinese Character for "Crisis" is the same for "Opportunity" It is all how we perceive life and what we do with set-backs and heart-ache. We can choose to cause others hurt or not. It is very simple.

And so the book calls me back after waiting so long. Yet it’s all in the timing, when it’s meant to happen or restart it does sometimes. If we pay attention or have the freedom to follow the paths.
7 years ago I was a different person. The past years did not happen yet. We can only see so far through “ a glass darkly”.
We wouldn't understand then what we may know now…

It might not have made any sense in the past.
Slowly the stories will shine a light, a piece at a time Y'all.
Thanks for the company on this strange trip we continue.
Aug 31 2020)

Now it is September 13th. Fires are eating up the West Coast ,it's people and the poor Creatures heading to Rainbow Bridge.
This all is taking place at the same time.
I'm trying to share some lessons and insights on a subject. Then other things and situations become priority. I live and at some point wind up coming back to this place with more to say. And trying to focus with my P.T.S.D. I have been here feels like forever, yet away in other places ,learning about people from many perceptions. Smoke is outside and now instead of "Covid stay home" ,we have tar flying around in the smoke. The difference being ashes are not as toxic as burning wood in the smoke.
So shit excuse me if I must take a break from the intense experience behind the scenes, as well as try to keep myself on an even keel. For me when I do write it's like my muse etc. taking over my thoughts and production from beyond becomes the norm.
Very tricky yet is meant to be. My life goal has been from a very little girl, to help others. Even when was hurt in many ways myself. I knew someday I would write a book. At 7 it was a blank book in my minds-eye. It would take decades to find out what that would entail.
To be continued...

(Well it "only took 2 years to come back to this 2021 5782.")

I will continue to work on this and not "Fade away"

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