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A bully friends a special needs
Chapter 12 Welcome home When Arvest was ready to leave, she told frank thank you, he hugged her for a long time, as Sylvia saw this and replied, Okay, frank she has to go now, she has to go to work let her go." Ok moma," as she let her go, still feeling joy in his heart,he spoke, "Jesus love you." Thanks Arvest said to Franks again." Welcome home." he said as she was walking out, " So I will see you tomorrow morning." Yes, tomorrow at 9:30 am." What's tomorrow?" replied Frank { with his curiosity taking the best of him.} " I am meeting your mother for bible study." You are." Yes, I am" I will see you later." Have a great night."as she walked out that night, she just thought how everything will change now, and nothing will ever be the same, she was walked through the door, and saw Jesse was reading a verse in the bible, he looked up at her, she gave him a smile, she never saw her step son with a bible before, she was proud of him for, choosing to grow his faith through the word, " What did you do today? I was talking to Sylvia this afternoon." What were you talking about anything particular." I just asked her about Jesus, I wanted to learn more about him, I accepted Jesus in my heart today, after she told me a little bit about him, she gave me the choice, but I was convinced that I wanted him as my personal savior." Wow, that's great mom. { as he heard what he had said,} Is it okay to call you mom?" Yes, its alright?" { as she nodded to give him the approval, and to reassure him that she was alright with it.} " I was wondering how you accept Jesus in your heart?" Well, you bow your head, { while remembering how she was taught.} to ask him to come into your heat." That's it" "You just have a normal conversation, just like you would have with a normal person, then you say that you believe that he died, on the cross for our sins, so we can live with him in heaven, do you understand all the things I'm saying to you?" Yes, I think so, I guess I don't understand, how someone is born again, and how you know Jesus is in your heart if you can't see him?" " When-you pray that prayer, he accepts you and he is in your heart forever." Do you understand now?" No, I will have to have more time, to have a strong grip with the whole Jesus thing." " Take some time, and let me know again, if you have any more questions." Okay, Frank invited me to church tonight, and I am thinking about going, I have the urge to learn, more about him." You should go to church, as matter of fact, I think I will go with you, I'll call Sylvia right now, to say were going,to go to church with them tomorrow. Chapter 13 They headed to church and was excited to see what awaited, for them when they arrived, it was exactly the picture that they had in their minds, it was exactly what they thought church would be like, it had the typical cross, on top of the that they had in their minds, that they had expected church would be, it had the typical cross on top of the church, the pastor greeted everyone in a joyful matter, " The petermains Arvests family, did not know what to expect, from the visit at hand when they arrived, they found their seats, and sat down while they got stares from the congregation, because the knew why they were, to welcome them into the family, it was tradition that they had done in their town of Piedmont, theysang a few verses, of " What a friend we have in Jesus, Awesome God, and Amazing Grace, the preacher invited them to sit down, as Arvest couldn't believe her own eyes, in the midst of it all, stood Sylvia as the preacher, of her own church, when she came up, she said, " There is something I like to say about Sunday mornings, Sundays are good for, welcoming people like friends and even the elderly, into the family of God, but I want to touch, on a subject of the lord, and that is when someone, invites the lord inside their hearts, that to me means, God is happy to see his, children being born again,so he can greet them, when they leave this place, and be with him, I got to know the person, I'm talking about very well, she has had many trials in her life, " Some good and some bad," She called me one evening, to just talk, I was glad to listen, to what she had to say, she wanted to know about Christ, but as we talked she accepted the lord, as her personal savior, she in the audience, so why don't you come up here Arvest, they gave her around of applause, Sylvia motioned her up to say some words on her behalf, arvest looked at her in utter shock, as to say, " I'm going to get you for this, when the applause died down, she said, " I haven't prepared a speech of anything." Sylvia leaned in, " Just tell them what, it was like for you accept the lord, in your heart for the first time." Okay" she began to speak, when I was a young girl, about sixteen, I had feelings of regret, that I believed in Christ, I grew up with parents, who would go to church, and put up a hugefront, you know the type, dressed really nice, said the right words, when church was over they acted different, it was there where I resented my parents, for everything they would say, I felt like the parents, I knew were phony, I remember one day,when we were riding in the car, my dad looked over at me, as he replied," Now arvest you need, not to talk about your family problems, no one wants to hear about them," it was then that, I wished I could talk to, someone who would listen, to what I had to say, I started to go to the senior high, and that's when I truly felt, like I was at home, there I felt like, I could relax and be myself, I had dreaded going to school, because of the things, that they did when they thought, you were a Christian, they would throw rocks, at you until you could not stand up anymore, they would also, make fun of you, for believing in Christ, I went to an inner state school, were even the mention of God, was prohibited that's when I thought,God is the only person that I can trust, I talked to my parents, about if I could transfer to another school, that was aChristian based, they agreed because they heard, so many bad things had happened at that school, not to mention what had happened to me, I transferred from my old school, and went to the school, that I was in interested in, that's were I have been for nine months now, but I still have thoughts about, it and that haunts me still, until one day I, meant Sylvia who told me the truth, about who God really is, and that he doesn't care about your past, or who your parents were, he loves you who you are, that's why I asked him in my heart, and that's my story and I am sticking to it, when she finished the church stood up, and applauded her for her tremendous, courage and faith that she has for her heaven father, Sylvia stood up after the crowd died down, " I hope this has been a great, influence on some of you, who are thinking, but not sure about making a commitment to Christ, thanks arvest for telling your story." Your welcome" as she nodded at Sylvia, the start of the sermon began, on being good to others, she continued on to preach, on how we need to treat others, like Christ would want us to be treated, when it was over, Jesse came up Arvest, " Wow, that was an incredible story, how come you didn't share those stories before? " Some things about my past, I like to keep private, do you understand? " as she asked the question, he looked like he had more to say to her, arvest just turned around toward him, " What's wrong?" Well, it's just I've been feeling, like something is pushing, me and guiding me toward a thought." What have you been thinking about?" It's your story, I have been thinking, that I would like to get saved, since me and frank are friends now, he has been encouraging me, and lifting me up, I have been wondering, who this person called Jesus, is why don't I know him yet?" Chapter 14 Frank and jesse When they got through talking, arvest asked if she could pray for him, he said yes, so she continued, as they prayed, " I pray for my stepson, I pray he will accept you in his heart, and that you will guide him in his walk, in your name I pray amen." they finished praying, and Arvest responded," Did you pray that prayer?" Yes I did, I feel like my soul, is restored again, and that I have a new body." That's the spirit entering into your heart Jesse, " God loves you and he will, never leave you or forsake you, just as long as you trust him, and have the faith in him, that he will bless you in all things, " I know I just want a change in my life." He will change you for the better he promised that, just then the phone rang, it was Frank asking, Jesses mom if he was there, she handed the phone to Jesse, " Hello, this is Frank, are you planning on going to small group tonight with me." Sure what time is it at?" It's at 7:30p.m to 9:30 p.m, and we will probably go out after wards, " So bring some money, the pastor will announce, where we are going, so bring some money, so I will see you tonight, I'll pick you, up around sixty forty five," then we will play some games, so bring your game face." " Okay, I will." he chuckled as he said, " Good bye" and hung up the phone, " Who was that?" Arvest replied, " That was Frank." Oh, what did he want." He was asking me about tonight." Oh, small group I forgot it was tonight, I'm glad you said that you would go." You might get a lot out it, and who knows you might meet a girl, oh cherish the thought." Let's not push it," arvest laughed, frank came around six forty five, like he said he would, "Hey Frank, did you bring your game face." frank laughed," Yes all ready, when they arrived, the meeting was getting ready to start, the music began to play, they sung a couple of songs, two slow ones and a couple of fast songs, the songs ended and the night began, the lesson started with the pastor saying, " Tonight is a very special night for one student, who just accepted the lord for the first time, frank has been inviting him, so often that Jesse accepted the lord into his life, so jessed why don't you come on up here, but he didn't know what to say, he quickly gathered his thoughts, and started to talk," Well, I first understood what God meant to me, was when my step mom spoke at a church function, the pastor asked her to come up, and tell her story as well, that got me thinking, about what Jesus means to me, I remember looking at my stepmom, while she was speaking, I noticed a glow about her, I never have seen it before, I asked her about it, because I wanted that for myself, she said it was the spirit, in her talking to the church, and giving her all the words, she mentioned how nervous, she was when she first got up there to speak, but she heard a voice saying, " You don't need to be afraid, I am always with you, that for her made her really calm, she had sensed that she would be fine, she just needed to trust him, and he would give her the words to say, that was the first time I was in awe, it made me want that for my life as well, I wasn't saved before, but I chose to things, that I wanted to do, that got me in so much turmoil, it made life challenging for me growing up, my dad beat me, he would say that was nothing to him, he wished I wasn't born at all, that was the first time, I felt abandoned by him, I'm grateful I don't have to see him again and that I'm in a new home, I have a new perspective, of what it means to be loved by a loving father, maybe someday I'll reunite with my earthly father." Chapter 15 Coming home Jesse finished telling his story that night,everyone stood up to applaud him, like they did when his stepmom, told her testimony, " Now, Jesse don't go too far, I want to talk to you some more, the students sat down, " Thanks for accepting my invitation to tell your story, I hope Jesses story, has inspired you if you haven't, already accepted him into your heart, I introduced Jesse tonight for a reason, that is why I wanted to interview, him by asking him, about his childhood, Jesse you mentioned to me, when I talked to you last, how difficult your childhood was, just talk to us a little about that, " Well me and my parents, would, travel a lot and she would abuse me when I acted up, one day it got so, bad that protective services had to come, and they saw that we weren't being taken care of, they took me and my sister, at the time to a foster care unit, there I stayed for about thirteen years, the we turned 13 and we both got adopted, we got separated from each other, but we promised each other, someday that we would find each other. " How long has it been, since you saw her last?" I haven't seen her, nearly five years now. " Where you guys close?" We were as close as bother and sister could, have been at that age, we had fights but what bother and sister didn't." What was her name?" Noel," like the song , "Yes, my mom like the song, and she thought it really fit, so that is how she became noel, as they were talking, a hand went up in the audience, the pastor looked into the audience, I have two questions." Yes, go ahead." the pastor said, then a girl who had a voice, of an angel with long black hair, that looked silky and smooth, which covered her face when she talked, I just wanted to know, it you have a girlfriend, because your really cute. " What was the other question, that you have?" as the youth leader laughed from the courageous question. " No" jesse said, "Oh" she said as she smile, and the other question is, as she said, " What was the name of the orphanage, that you stayed at when, you and your sister stayed at, he thought it was Audra Santa Maria, it was a catholic orphanage, run by nuns that took care of us, when we were there, why do ask he said miss...............as he paused to catch her name, she said it was Britney, Britney, he said as she interrupted him by saying, " I may have info, for you about you sister, I've been seeing you around, I have been studying you, and looking up some info about you, but I guess I'll talk, to you about that after the meeting, the pastor chimed in, "Ok, thanks Britney" he said the pastor, had some more questions for him, but Jesse could only think, about the girl and he wondered, what information she had, the meeting came to an end, it ended by the youth pastor, inviting everyone to Fuddruckers after the meeting for burgers and fun, frank came up to jesse, and said, " Wow, that was so awesome, those things that you said up there, were so amazing I never knew about you. " Thanks Jesse." " Will are you ready to go?" I think I'll meet you over there, your going to talk to that girl aren't you? " Yes I am for a while." Okay, I will meet you there." as Jesse walked over to Britney, he saw her talking with her friends when, she got his eye, " Well, hey there, I was wondering, when you were coming to see me," she looked at her friend, to say I'll catch up with you later." the friend looked at her and Jesse, " Okay, don't let me, get in your way, she looked at Britney and said," I want details." britney shook her head and she quickly move away, " So, I heard you have some info for me." Why, yes I do." as she gave a little smicker, as she brushed her hair out of her face, which would drive any man wild, she said that his sister, was living in one of her apartments, " You own your own business?" " Yes, I am a owner of my own business, renting out rooms and such, but you look so young." she smiled at him, thanks she said, " I am mature for my age." How are you able to own your, business running hotels." he was impressed on how, I knew the business, that he gave me a full time, position handling things at one of his apartments, then when I heard you giving your testimony, and talking about your sister you lost, and I wanted to help you out, "Oh" "Well, then are you going to Fuddruckers?" Sure" I can't stay very long though, I have work the next day, I have the early shift, where do you work?" " I don't long story." Do you mind, talking about it while we eat?" " I love a good story." I have never been interested, in working I used to, get into and just recently I gave my life to Christ, then he talked, just two weeks ago I was dreaming, about a field and I heard a voice, saying I have to make amends, with this person I used to pick on, I came from a bad family, and I strived for attention, so one night I dreamed, that god was trying to tell me something, I read some where that he, wears a white cloth for purity, and a long beard so I imagine it was him." That's incredible, what were they doing?" he talked about the dream and the field, that he saw that night, it was going great, jesse loved talking to britney, and seeing her smile, he felt so in love with her, that in the middle of the conversation, he said," Do you want to go out with me sometime?" Chapter 16 the relationship Britney stopped dead in her tracks, go out with you where do you want to go." Well' I am just kidding I'd love to go out."I was wondering when you would ask me out, I've been eyeing you for sometime." Why" I just felt like we have a lot in common, really like what, you have looking for your sister, I've been trying to look for my mom." Did she walk out on you like you see on those life time movies." No silly my dad actually threw me out on the streets. " She was abusing drugs, she was abusing drugs, and was really depressed that he took her to the rehab clinic to get help." One night he told her tha she needed to leave." Why" she asked him, "You are not a bad person the life you are leading is not fit for this family, I don't want our children to be around that." She would call over and over again until one day, we were celebrating my birthday, I waited for a card, a phone at least to wish me a happy birthday, but she never did I called the number she gave me, when she visited one weekend." It was not a working number, that's when I felt lost, until I meet you as she gave him a smile, I knew we could help each other." Jesse could see the sorrow in her face," I'll help you but I want to see my sister, I just need two weeks, can you give me that, two weeks would be perfect, I'll tell her tonight when I collect the rent from her.""I'll let you know what you have decided about seeing her." Thanks" I knew you would understand." they looked in each others eyes, as they kissed good night. Jesse drove home that night he thought that everything was changing in his life,he never thought he would meet someone so beautiful as Britney, with eyes and black hair. He couldn't help feeling love for her, he wondered if this is the same love that Jesus has for his children. When he got home he went inside the house only to find a letter on the ground, it was addressed to him. Could it be that his sister wrote it, he looked at the letter again and again. Not sure what was in the envelope he heard a voice saying, my son the only way to heal is through me. He openedthe letter to find words of hope and encouragement it read. Dear Jesse: I know its been a very long time since we saw each other, there's been instances that have brought us apart, you must have questions, feelings that you don't know how to deal with. I know because when I heard of your existence, I was very anxious to know that you were so close by, I just wanted to let you know that I have been married to a wonderful man, we have parted ways, it was the best decision that we both made. I have three beautiful children that I always tell them about you." They have seen pictures they ask me when they are going to meet you, I tell them," Soon very soon." I would love to see you and maybe have dinner at our house or meet up for coffee, to talk I love you and miss you." Your sister Noel As Jesse read it his eyes began to water from the words he was reading, he never read so much beautifull words in a his life. He picked up the phone and dialed "Hello" It's time I think" We have some searching to do." "Ok" she said on the other line lets find your mother. Chapter 17 Later that afternoon they meet at a near by coffee house to go over, the details to start looking for her mother. "How have you been." Good I suppose "What's going on" Last night I got a letter from her." "From who." Her" Britney stared at Jesse for a long time. " Oh, from her what did she say." She wants to see me she knew I was in town." Did you say something to her." No, not yet." "She must of seen you and why you didn't visit her yet." "What are you going to do." I guess now see her since she wrote me a letter." Don't you think." Britney looked at Jesse, " just do whats in your heart and you will find the right answers, jsut trust in him to give you ther rights words to say, That's what I thought you might say." as Britney gave a smile to him. " OKay then I'll see her." with more confidence that he had before , You can tell her that, I am ready to see, I've already did, she is expecting you tonight for dinner at seven, I was afraid you wouldn't come, so I took the invite, and said you would love to come. " Jesse at first didn't know what to say about his new girlfriend, " Okay, I'll meet her.""Great, I'll give you all the inforamtion you need when you buy me lunch" Jesse meet Britney at the apartment complex," Are you ready for this." Do I have a choice." "Yes, you do , you can go through life not knowing what could of been, or you could g up there and reunite with your sister." I think I'll take the second option." "Good choice." I thought you might feel that way." in a sarcastic tone in her voice. Jesse looked at her as if to say your crazy." he stated to go up to the apartment when Britney replied. " Wait just a minute." she meet him half way, and kissed him on the mouth. " OK, you can go know." Are you sure this time ." Yes, all squared away." Jesse went up smiling at Britney, for her crazy sense of humor, he arrived at the door, knocked on the door, Noel answered the door, they both stood there staring at each other, as they greeted each other with blank faces. " Hi" Hi how are you." they replied " Come in won't you, would you like something to drink. Jesse took of his coat and placed it on the nearby chair. " I'll take a beer if you have it." Okay, coming right up." Nice place" Thanks, I'm sharing it with a roommate of mine. " Oh" still didn't know what to say, or how to react with the separation. " So I thought you were married." I just got a divorce when I gave you that letter, sorry for the mix up, my children are staying with a babysitter. " I told them they could meet you at a later time, I didn't want it to be overwhelming for you." The good news is, I am seeing someone." He is in the real estate business, him and Britney got me a good deal on the apartment, I believe she and you have been seeing each other, a lot she speaks very highly of you." She likes you a lot." Oh, yeah how can you tell , girls usually have a good feeling about these types of things you know." Jesses, face became really red, his sister could tell right off, that he was embarrassed. " Here is your beer." she gave it to him, to get the tension off. Britney sat down next to him, and they started to chat, they talked about life, and the past they said they had missed each other through out the years, " Why didn't you try to contact me, or try to find me." I moved around I didn't know where I would be, I thought about calling you, but when you are adopted they give you your folder back, it gives the spouses name, and where they moved to, and if they were adopted or not. Jesse could understand that perfectly, he moved around a lot to some good places, and some not so good. " What have you been doing with yourself all these years." I got a bachelors degree in real estate, I absolutely love it." What have you been doing." I have been just trying to find myself, you could say, and really trying to turn my life around." I accepted Christ just a couple days ago, and really feel a change in my life." " That's awesome, good for you, how are you doing in school?" " That part can be a little bit better." as he rolled his eyes. " I have had a hard time transitioning in school, because I've been dealing with a lot of issues, with my real mom, which you know that story, also I am dealing with my new step mom. " Does she know that you are here." I mentioned it to her." What did she say." She said to tell you hi, and she wishes the best for you," How's she doing with the men in her life." She dated a couple of times on and off, but enough about them, I came to visit you." That's fare." " Since the relationship I haven't been so good either." They talked more about Britney and that she was a nice girl, she asked if it was getting serious." He didn't know." she encouraged him to find out, and to look for signs that would tell him." she said she was a strong believer and her dad was the pastor at a Church, he though about visiting it." It was then where he asked if she was a believer. Chapter 18 Getting Back to the Basics " What did you mean by that." I just meant I wasn't sure if you were a Christian." " Yes, I recently became one, I am still pretty new to the concept, but I fell like it was the right step for me, it was my stepom that got me into it, we went to a sermon at Church, just last week , the past called her up which was a surprise to me, I hadn't really known her life, an what she believed in, It was that when I dreamed that Jesus was in a field." He was playing with my sister you knew Gabi." Right" " I saw Gabi there kicking the ball around, Jesus was also there too, he was laughing, he almost looked human like he did when he was on earth." I went closer only to find that he was looking at me, as came up to him he looked into my eyes, to say that I needed to ask for forgiveness to Frank." A boy suddenly came in the picture smiling, it was my friend Frank, I felt ashamed because I had hurt him by saying some cruel words to him." What did you say that was so hurtful." I called him a retard, he was a mentally challenged, you know how you see something different, and you don't know how to react, that's how I felt, I just said it to make me feel better, I was going through a lot with mom and the adoption." I didn't have anywhere to turn, but that morning I went up to Frank to ask for his forgiveness like the dream told me to do." I asked him if he would like to be friends, he said he would like that." We have been friends ever since." Great for you" That's an amazing story, I like to meet Frank sometime, he seems like a good guy." He really is he loves the Lord, you can tell when you talk to him." I bet" The dream you told me was amazing to hear, it seems so real." It is real." What do you mean." I heard somewhere that when you dream that God is telling you something that he want you to hear." Who told you that." Frank" Hey would you like to come to church sometime." Yes, sure when do you go." I go on Sundays mostly with Frank, would this Sunday be good for you." Gee, I don't know it's hard to say, didn't you say you would come." Yes, but I thought you meant sometime and not this Sunday, I like my Sundays and I like to hang out with my friends, we sometimes stay out late, so you know what I mean." Yes, I know what you mean, is there a number I can reach you at so we can keep in touch." Noel gave him the number to the apartment, but he could tell that she was in a whole different world than, what he was experiencing, he felt a little disappointment while he collected the number, he wished that he didn't have to feel that way, he looked in her eyes only to see the pain that there real mom had caused them. He could see that she was not about the whole Jesus thing. But Jesse still said he would call her on Sunday, like he promised. ." Okay, I will see you later." I guess" Well when is the next time we can get together." I don't know I am pretty busy so maybe Sunday, I just have a lot of stuff on my plate , so maybe next week or the week before." I will see you later." She gave him a big hug " it was good to see you." as he left . Jesse meet up with Britney down stairs." How did it go." It went good" We got caught up." " Then why do you look like someone stole your lolly pop." It feels weird to know that you are never going to see that person again." Chapter 19 The Confession " What do you mean." she said with a puzzled look on her face " I mean she seemed so distant, and wrapped up in her life to ever include me in it." I bet she didn't mean to appear that way." I know people don't mean to, but they are just wrapped into their own lives, and don't have any time for anybody else." I understand " You have to give people the benefit of the doubt."I mean you have to trust that God is doing something great in their lives and in your life." " I realize that but some reason I thought it might be different if she, and I would be reunited and you would dance away in the sunset reclaiming your whole family, and no problems will be with you," as she giggled at the ridiculous words she just said. " I wasn't going to say that." They laughed " Why don't you relax tonight and then Saturday call her up, and see where she is." " Alright, but right now lets get some dinner I am starved." On Saturday afternoon Jesse called his sister, the phone rang and rang, but no one answered, I will call her later he thought, she just stepped out, he went out with Britney for lunch. " Did you call your sister." "Yes, this morning and I didn't get a response." Oh, well she must have been out with her friends." Did you leave a message no." "Well, then how is she supposed to know, that you called if you don't leave a message." " Your supposed to leave a message." with a grin as he took a bite of his turkey on rye that he had ordered. " I would just give her space, and call her maybe this afternoon." Yes, I was going to do that, I got to get back to work." Where hosting a conviction and where swamp with people coming and going, looking at apartment after apartment." It's going to be a mad house, Jesse touched her arm to reassure her that it is going to be okay." " Just relax and take a deep breathe, you are a great person, and you know that I love you." They kissed and Britney smiled saying, " I know its just sometimes it can be overwhelming, having to deal with guests and their complaints." " But I got to go see you tonight, you better." I love you" I love you too." as she walked off jesse sat there looking back at how time had past." Just then the phone rang, he looked down, to see his sister calling. " Hello, but it was not his sister, it was the substance abuse director at a near by clinic, asking if this was Jesse. " Yes, what is wrong." " Your sister if I am correct just over dosed on some very high drugs, and since you were the only name, we saw that had the same name we called you." " Are you kin to her." I am her brother where are you." " Were taking her to St. Auginstin hospital, well be there in ten minutes." I am on my." " We will meet you there sir." Jesse scampered out the door, he drove thinking what drugs she overdosed on, he could tell that she was out of it when he talked to her the last time." He arrived as he saw the ambulance with his sister, as they took her she had a pale face, her lips were blue as ice, He followed her in, " Sir, you are going to have to wait ." Jesse was at a lost for words, " I am family she is my sister." Okay, sir just wait over there, and sign some papers for her, but he didn't know her history, but he did the best he knew, he called his mom to get the info they were requesting, she said that she would be right down. She got there and she helped him out with the paper work, she came in crying while she walked in. " I can't believe this is happening, I can't believe this is happening " After they signed the papers, they went in to see her, she was dipped up on morphine. She opened her eyes in shock, " Where am I" " In the hospital." A police officer said a neighbor found you unconcious on the floor,and called 911, are you ok are you some kind of drug or something." What was the reason you passed out." Look I know you think just, because you and I had one conversation that it makes it ok to interfer in my business." Don't talk to your brother like that." Like how mom like I am talking to you now." I am your mother have some respect for me." Not much of a mom." She went up to her and slapped the sister across the the face. " You ungrateful little twit, I raised you better than that." I did the best with both of yall, and this is the thanks I get." What do you want me to say" The truth, tell me the truth, are you doing drugs." she sat silently as she stated at her. " Well, are you doing drugs, are you." She screamed." Tell me" Yes!" she shouted and you are the cause of it, I never want to see you again get out of my life." Chapter 20 " What was all that about" She started it." the mom replied."With her stubbornness that she always gives to me." I don't care you started you are the mom, so go back in there to clean up the relationship that you are going to screw up." I have nothing to say to her, she wanted me out of her life, that is just fine I don't need all the fuss any how, tell her I left see you later." Jesse went back in the room where Noel was lying down with a disturbed look on her face, she rose suddenly." I told you.............."as she paused " I thought you were mom, where is she." She left she was mad at you." Good maybe she would stop asking question after question, and leave me alone." She is just looking out for you." Dont take her side, she had what was coming to her." The phone rang, it was Britney on the other line." Hello" Where have you been, I tried calling you all morning to have breakfast, before I went to work." Is the offer still on the table." Of course for you anything sweetie." There's a coffee shop where I'm at, we can meet there in ten minutes if you want." Sounds good see you in ten" they arrived and greeted each other with a kiss." Gosh, I missed you." Me too" What is the news." they say down at the small table that had the typical rose, and a sweet and low stash, a salt and pepper shakerbeside it. " I just been at the hospital." My gosh is everything ok." as she touched his hand. " Yes, everything is fine it's Noel she overdosed , she was rushed to the hospital last night." I was there all night staying up with her." Is she going to be ok."Yes, they pumped her stomach so she should be fine." Chapter 21 The thought of marriage Jesse got home from the hospital that morning, after dealing with his sister, he was glad to have a few hours, for himself to just rest up, he woke up to find that he had six missed calls from Britney. He thought he must of needed it, if he missed all six. He dialed Britneys number, " Well, look who decided to call me back." Ya, sorry for that, I must have dozed off."Thats fine listen." I was wondering if we can meet, to dicuss something with you very important" I cant explain it just meet at 10, at Kernels." Alright, I will see you then." He got to kernels only to see Britney weeping, " Whats wrong."britney rose her head up to see Jesse. " I have been nust thinking about life." Anything inparticular." No, just that I am just thinking about my momwho has been missing, which is why I wanted to meet, I was wondering if you still wanted to help me, since I helped knda of a play it forward."I would be glad to hope you, that will great."britney looked at him reliefe in her eyes. " Where should we start." they meant at the library across townand got started. Not knowing what they would find, they searched until all hours until they fou d exactly what they were looking for, in the midst was the information that they were longing to find. They felt a warm feeling of hope, as they looked at each. " Thank you for believing in me and helping this information." So here goes nothing." Chapter 22 Meeting Frank Frank came over, he was very happy to meet Britney ,"What an honor to meet you." " We go to the same church as us, at the youth group." Oh, you do, you should say hi when you see me, I love it when people come up to me that I have not meet yet." " Okay. I will do that" Where do you want to go for dinner.There's a place close to the apartments we could check it out if you would like, it serves really good food I hear." What kind of food does it have." I think has Mexican food." Yum. I love chips and salsa, enchiladas, quesadillas." We can go there." Let's go then." they go there coars, and headed out to there car. They got to the car, Britney turned toward Frank to ask how everything was going." Fins, how's your mom." Good she's involved with a mnistry, it's going strong." Then why do you seem so sad." She has been gone a lot, I miss her she takes these missionary trips, I wish she was home, my dad works as at a school he is a teacher, I wish that I had someone to talk to me about things." " Like I am doing with you two, like a buddy that will take me places when my parents are not home." Have you told your parents this about how you feel." No, Jesse looked at Britney she gave him a smile,and a look that said what about you. They got to the place went in, sat down in one of the booths. Mexican music was playing in the back ground. They sat down and the server greeted them, " Welcome to Don Polba the finest Mexican in town, all for half the price," That sounds great." You are a good waitet." Thank you." he gave a smile. " Are you ready to order. " Yes, I will have the echiliduas, with that green sauce, rice and beans, more hot sauce please." the waiter smiled as he took the order, what would you two like beside chips and salsa they all laughed. They told him what they wanted, he wrote it down.headed in the kitchen.Jesse couldn't help ponder the thought about what Frank said. Suddenly Frank stood uo, I'll be right back call of nature, as he laughed out loud. " Which was perfect time to talk to Britney about what he was thinking. " I know and I think you should do it." Do what." Be Frank's caregiver someone to watch over him, and keep him entertained. " How did you know." " Women's intuation, yes I think you should talk to Frank's mom about it." It might lead to something great." Talk about what." Frank chimmed in as he returned from the restroom." We been thinking about what you said about not having anybody there when you get home. " Would you like Jesse to be there when you get home.and talk to you about things." That would be great." Do you think your mom would up to it." Yes, absoultely she has been talking about hiring someone to watch me, that she can trust, and that I feel comfortable being around." It's all seattled when we finish here we can talk to Franks mom about it." Okay" the food came finally, it was very plentiful with cheese and hot sauce, that looked like the picutrethat wos on the table, they finished thier meal, paid the check, headed to Franks house to drop him off, and ask Frank to tell his mom that he would like to be consider Jesse as his caregiver. Chapter 23 Caregiver They drove up to Franks house, Jesse couldn't feel nervous, and afraid about not letting Jesse be his carefiver, he didn't know that much about Frank. " Only that he was kind hearted toward Jesse. Jesse wasn't exactly nice to him. THen Frank out of the blue said, " I know how your feeling it help to pray to ask God for understanding and peace," as he opened the door." Thanks Jesse." You two coming." In a minute, we'll see you in there." Okay, he said as he shut the door, britney quickly responde without any hestitation," Look I know you are nervous, but the ont thing is taht God gave you an open door, and you stepped in, and you need to through with it, don't liik back. " I know." No, Jesse you don't know, stop making excuse for yourself, and start living it." Yes, you treated Frank badly, but this is your chance to make it up to him, show Franks mom tht you can do it, and will commit to it, but first I feel we need topray, and ask God for the words to say, to his mom." Then let's go in, would you be in agreement to do that." Yes of course lets pray." Oh, dear heavenly father we pray for hope, and faithfulness ." Jesse could feel his heart getting lighter, and less nervous, and a peace coming over him when, he opened his eyes, he felt better about talking abou the matter. They got out of the car, knocked on the door, Franks mom anwered, " Hello, Jesse Frank tells me you have something to talk to me aboutt." Yes, I do as a mater of fact, I realized that I haven't always been a great person, to Frank, and I have treated him badly, I am a changed person, and feel llike I wqould do a grat job with Frank." Franks mom stopped him as he fnished, " Jesse I do believe you would do a great job with my son, I had my doubts about , adn I didn't approve with the thing you would like, talk about Frank, and steal, and hang out with the wrong crowd, I have seen an improvement in you, and your life , I feel like you are a chnged person, I am going to give you a chance." Thank you," Jesse said as he breathe a sigh of relief," You won't be sorry." I know I won't" You have proven yourself som much to me, during the past, I have seen a great improvemnt in your through your walk, in Christ from the start. " Frank is very lucky to have you as a friend, and to have you in his life." Thank you, I have enjoyed my friendship with Frank as well." If you donmind me asking, what brought on the new change of life." It was a dream taht I had about your son, and your litttle firlthat had passed away, we were in hte field playing soccer, and in the dram in walk thiaas bright man, with a long berrd, and long hair." I knew who he was, but I wasn't sure, but knew in my heart it was him, he looked at me, adn said that I needed to make amends with yor son, so thats whay I am here now." She mom cried as she listned to each word jesse said, when he was finished she went over to him and gave him a big hug. He was suprised that she was so emotional, " When can you start." wiht tears of joyon her face. "Anytime." she got herself together and cleared her throat. " I 'll need you five days a week from 8:30am to 7:30pm, I would say as payment goes, how about fifteen dollars a week, does that sound about right." as she smiled at him. " Thats fine." I am just so proud that you agreed to hamve me watch your son." I am happy to you both have been getting alon so well, its only right choose you for the hob." Thank youagain." as he wnet u to Franks room to see what he was dong, he walkd up the steps, and saw he was in front of the tv. " Hey, Frankwhat are you waching." Cartoons." Are you excited about me becoming your helper." Yes, I am." Whats wrongI am just having a jhard time being seperate from my mom,don;t get me wrong I love having you watch me,but I miss her and want her near.' I ubderstand." You do." Yes, my mom is far away too, she , is separated from my dad when I was young." You mean they got a divorce." They divorced sometime, but she went away, to a clinic to get better for using drugs, " She would call my dad wanting to see me, but all that calling vegan to go to anger, and rapid calling, then ressenrment , and then she got abusive."That's when they divorced, because my dad couldn't handle her any more." So I know how you are feeling, what kinds of things do you think about." Do ever feel like you are gettin g in the way." Well you inspired me to think that Jesus is always there , and he comforts you by having faith that is near. " You also lead me to Christ by the conversation we have about what you knew about him." I did not know all that."That's awesome ." he gave Jesse a hug. " I fell a lot better thanks Jesse."When they parted ways . " I feel like this is a start of a beautiful friendship." Jesse smiled as he went out the door to go home. |