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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1960348
This is a fanfiction story based on "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer.
New Era of Slayers

Episode 1: Welcome to Rosedale

Background Voice: It's been over a year since the witch turned earthbound goddess Willow Rosenberg casted the spell awakening the entire slayer line empowering all potential slayers everywhere with the powers granted to only one.  The entire supernatural community has been in total chaos ever since as many have fled underground for their own safety whilst a few brave souls brave the onslaught in order to feed and wreak havoc.  Witches and warlocks across the planet have accelerated their development as the rush of new slayers stake their claim to power in the world's hostile environments.  Watchers scramble to keep up with who belongs to whom as regards to the increased number of slayers as the council remains in shambles.

Cut to: Rosedale, Louisiana

In the heart the south between Louisiana and Mississippi sits the town of Rosedale, a town similar to the size of what used to be Sunnydale out in California before the hellmouth was put out of business for good.  In the heart of the city sits Rosedale Cemetery, the city's cemetery and the most haunted place in town.  The recent uptick in murders during the nights has local authorities stymied as to why bodies keep popping up with two small holes in the side of their neck.  It's here that a new story unfolds as new heroes take the stage alongside their legendary counterparts battling the things that go bump in the night.

Cut to: Rosedale Cemetery - Night

Two vampires rush through the cemetery in a fright as a teen girl chases them with a wooden stake.  One trips over a headstone buried in the tall grass and falls face first into the wet ground.  The female stops and waits for her friend.

Vampire #1:

What are you doing?  We need to keep going or that slayer is going to be on our asses.

Vampire #2:

I'm coming.  I just tripped over that damn headstone. (he suddenly feels a sharp pain in his chest noticing the tip of the stake poking out of his heart) Oh . . . (he turns to dust freaking out the female he was with)


Don't worry your little undead self. (she twirls the stake in her left hand with a devilish smile on her face.  She stands 5'5" with jet black hair with blue highlights and wearing a black tracksuit.)  You'll be joining him in a second.

Vampire #2:

No way I'm letting that happen, (she sprints towards a crypt and rushes inside slamming the door) another time, slayer.


Well, one out of two isn't that bad. (She peeks inside the crypt noticing seven more vampires before easing back)  There's way too many of them to deal with tonight.  Better get home before my mom chews me out for breaking curfew . . . again. (She starts to walk out of the cemetery when two more vampires jump from behind headstones opposite the walkway)  You guys don't know when to quit.

Vampire #3

A pretty little thing like you will make the perfect little snack for us and we're hungry. (the two charge the teen when another female tackles the vampire to the stymied teen's right running a full sprint)

Girl #2:

You ok Alicia? (she punches the vampire under her before pulling a stake from her green jacket and stakes him turning to dust.  She's of African descent wearing a light blue jacket over a yellow shirt and blue jeans.  She stands at 5'3".)


I'm good now thanks to you. (she kicks the vampire on her left causing him to double over in pain)  What brings you out here Dana?  I was heading home but these losers keep popping out every five seconds. (the vampire scampers to his feet and rushes after her but she holds her stake and he blindly runs into it turning to dust)


I was walking by when I saw you fighting those first two vampires.  When those other two hid behind those huge headstones, I waited for my shot.


Thanks for the support.  I better get on home before my mom chews me out for missing curfew for the umpteenth time.


I'll see you at school then. (she scampers out of the cemetery and Alicia takes a different direction to her home.)

Cut to: Alicia Davidson's Home - Night

On the corner of two neighborhood streets sits a two-story home with a white picket-fence.  Trees line the entire street masking the street lights lighting the roads.  Alicia enters her home and eases the door shut noticing her younger 14-year old sister Mindy, who has brunette hair with blonde highlights, sitting on the couch watching television as her mother Lucinda enters from the kitchen.


About time you got home.  You barely made it before curfew.


Sorry mom.  I got caught up on the way home but I'm here and just in time.

Mindy (smart):

I bet she was out slaying vampires again.

Alicia (defensive):

So what if I was?


You know better than to go out like that by yourself.  What if you get yourself killed?


Relax mom.  Dana was watching the entire time and she ended up lending me a very helpful hand. (she walks into the kitchen and raids the refrigerator pulling out a bottle of Sunny Delight and a cinnamon roll)  Thanks for those martial arts lessons you made us take.


At least you're home safe.  Ever since you got those abilities last year, it's been harder than ever to keep you inside at night.


Tell me about it. If it wasn't for James telling me that I was a Slayer, I'd be in bed right now. (a knock at the door gets everyone's attention as she opens it revealing a man standing at 6'6" and in a black three-piece suit with a red necktie with black and white dots)  Speak of the devil.


I figured you'd be home by now. (he walks in and takes a seat next to Mindy as she watches "Awkward.")  I wanted to get a report on tonight's patrol.


It was a slow night by my standards.  I only dusted two vamps and Dana showed up and got one herself.  Another led to a vamp nest that had at least six vampires in it maybe more.  That'll take more than just me and her to take them out.


I thought the Slayer is strong enough to take on any bad guy no matter the numbers.


That's how we trained Slayers up until a few years ago when my old friend Rupert Giles ended up watching over Buffy Summers.  According to him, she had friends that grew into a gang of demon hunters that eventually destroyed the hellmouth under Sunnydale.


Since that spell, every Slayer thinks twice before taking on that many opponents without a lot of help.  They say that a smart Slayer is one that lives to see the next day.


When can I go out at night?


Don't even think about it Mindy. (she walks into the kitchen to check on the food still cooking on the stove and in the oven)  It's too dangerous for someone your age to even be outside the door at night much less do what your sister does.


Besides, your sister has had a year of experience slaying vampires and demons.  Plus she does have her friend Dana at her side.


That reminds me, that nest I saw that vamp run to in that crypt is going to take more than just Dana and me.  She's not a slayer and there's too many to take on without some serious muscle.


Let's meet tomorrow after school and we'll figure something out.  You seriously have to consider putting some kind of team together to help with the demon hunting.


Dinner's ready! (Mindy rushes into the kitchen)  Mr. Elvoy, you're free to join is if you wish.


Thanks but I'll pass this time Ms. Davidson.  I seriously have to get back and check in with the other watchers and see how they're holding up.  With us watching over multiple Slayers, we're spread a bit too thin at the moment.


Isn't Mr. Giles running the Council now?


He is but he's rather busy trying to train more watchers and he barely has any help as it is - except for that Andrew character and he's more annoying than you are when you're on a caffeine fix.

Alicia (insulted):

There's no way that I'm that annoying.


Anyway, if you'll excuse me, (he walks to the front door and turns back to Alicia) I'll catch up with you tomorrow and decide how best to deal with that nest. (he leaves as the family goes about its evening)


I wonder: why do I put up with that guy?


Because you're only 16 and he's your watcher so deal with it.


I guess you're right.  I really need to put a team together and soon. (She sits down to dinner before calling it a night.)

Cut to: Rosedale High School - Morning

On the northern outskirts of Rosedale sits the largest high school in the area - Rosedale High.  The school sits on several thousand acres and three stories up housing grades 9-12.  The student population is the same as with any high school as they divide into various cliques. Students arrive as the sun rises over the horizon and gather up in the patio areas around campus awaiting the first bell.  Alicia and Mindy arrive amongst the scramble of students linking up with their friends.


Have a good day girls (they wave as she drives off)


Have a good day and stay out of trouble.


You don't have to tell me how to behave. (she runs off toward a group by the front door)


Hey girl. (she approaches from behind and the friends hug) How goes it?


You don't want to know.  Mr. Elvoy suggested to me last night that we put a team together to deal with that nest in the cemetery.


Something like the legendary Scooby gang from that Sunnydale place that he always spoke of.


Nothing to that scale but I'm thinking at least two magic practitioners for starters.

The first bell rings causing the best friends to head into the building toward their first class.


If we're going to put a team together, I highly suggest we ask Samantha if she wants to join up.  She is a witch and has used her spells in class before.


I don't know.  Samantha and I haven't necessarily gotten along in the past plus the bitch owes me for that glamour she pulled on me last year. (the pair enter their ceramics class and take their places next to each other)


Then again, the blue highlights set you apart from everyone else.


Yeah, you're right.

Cut to: Rosedale Underground

A group of vampires and various demons gather up in an open cave away from the deadly sunlight.  They gather around a makeshift stage as an individual with spikes extending from his body walks in front of the crowd who immediately gains everyone's attention.

Spiked Demon:

Alright all you evil things, I called this meeting as something has been brought to my attention - the Orb of Orin. (the crowd murmurs as the demon raises his hand)  Settle down.  Now, my sources have told me that orb is somewhere in Rosedale and we need to get to it before the Slayer does.

Male Vampire #1:

What makes you think the Orb of Orin is in this dump of a town?  I used to live in what was Sunnydale and believe me when I tell you that I've never heard of anything like the Orb of Orin.

Gator Demon:

(he waddles forward with skin covered in green scales with a gator's mouth) This part of the country is mostly swamps and clay for dirt.  If anything like that was around my brethren and I would've already sensed it.

Spiked Demon:

The orb is said to be similar to that of the Key some monks hid from that god Glory back in Sunnydale several years back.

Male Vampire #2:

It didn't take that slayer Buffy Summers to figure that one out.  Once Glory tried to get it, the slayer sacrificed herself to protect the world from the chaos of the key or have you forgotten the story of what happened in that encounter.

Gator Demon:

Who hasn't heard that story?  On to the obvious, this new slayer here in town has no idea this thing is even here.  This could be our chance to get it before she even realizes what's going down.

Hooded Male:

(he wears a black cloak with a hood hiding the face from everyone in the room)  That's all and good but do you even know how to find this thing? (the crowd chatters again before falling silent)  I figured as much.  This is the kind of thing that gets our kind killed and why we've been in hiding for the past year. (he walks onto the stage pushing the demon aside)  It's time for all of us to stop hiding and go on the offensive but for now, we wait and see how this new Slayer deals with the demons of this region. (cheers rain from the crowd)

Spiked Demon:

That's why we're going to seek the Orb of Orin to give us the advantage we need.

Hooded Male:

You know the saying 'if you are hasty, others will only be amused.' If you go rushing off against the Slayer like that you'll be in pieces faster than you can say oops.  Let's sit back and send a few lower demons after her and that way we can gauge the significance of the threat.  Hey gator boy, send some of your friends to the school and see what happens.

Gator Demon:

Sure why not?  It's almost lunch time and that time in the month where we terrorize the high school lunch periods anyway. (he scampers off to his tribe)

Hooded Male:

Now that's a plan.  Let's see what we're up against first before we make any headway on trying to figure out where the Orb of Orin is. (he looks into a crystal ball as an image of the high school comes into view as students exit various classrooms)

Cut to: Rosedale High Cafeteria - Lunch

The bell rings ending the second block of classes signaling the beginning of the first of three lunch periods.  Students on the second and third lunches head to their next scheduled class as their lunch comes during the next class period.  Students on the first lunch call rush to the various lines to get their food before finding a seat in the vast room.  Mindy exits the lunch line with her tray and takes a seat at a table with several other females.

Mindy (frustrated):

Damn geometry class. (she slams her tray onto the table)  It's all alphabet soup to me and it sucks.  Tell me at least you figured it out Amelia?


Sorry doll.  I'm the last chick you should turn to with anything regarding math - especially after that D average I got last year. (a male sits between her and another of their mutual friends) What the hell Everett?

Everett (arrogant):

(he's one year older than both Mindy and Amelia and sports a black and blue letterman jacket showing he's on the football team) Excuse me Amelia, didn't notice you sitting there.  So Mindy, what do you say to getting with me after school for some after hours socializing? (he puts his hand towards Mindy's cheek)

Mindy (to Everett)

Not a chance playboy. (she smacks his hand away) Now why don't you - aaahhh! (she suddenly grabs her head in extreme pain and stiffens straight up freaking out her friends and drawing attention to their table.)  What's happening to me?  (In her head, she sees several gator-faced demons bursting through the windows and attacking those in the cafeteria before killing Amelia, Everett and her sister's friend Dana. Exiting the lunch line, Alicia and Dana observe the commotion and rush over to see what's going on.  She opens her eyes as her friends hide her from the wondering eyes in the lunchroom.)  That was strange.

Amelia (concerned):

What happened to you there?

Alicia (to Mindy concerned):

You ok sis?  I saw the commotion from the lunch line and ran over.


You looked like you had a seizure or something.

Mindy (to Alicia worried):

I saw . . . the future. (she points to Dana, Everett and Amelia) You three were killed.


You're serious?


I can't believe I'm asking this but by what?


(screams are heard from the window as three gator demons enter the cafeteria causing people to panic) Them!

Gator Demon #1 (drooling):

It's our lunchtime kiddies and you are on the menu. (he attacks two students eating them both from the waist up.  Students run out of the room in a panic as two others chase after them)

Alicia (angry):

You've got to be kidding me. (She sets her tray on a nearby table and cracks her knuckles.) Mindy, get your friends and get out of here.  Dana and I will handle these things.


You don't have to tell me twice. (she and Amelia leave with their group outside away from the scramble)


You sure we can take them?  I mean, I haven't taken on a full-on demon before.


Oh shit I forgot about that.  Just keep moving and use what we learned in our taekwondo class. (She turns to the demon in front of them.) Hey ugly!

Gator Demon #1:

(he turns around to see two teen girls taking fighting positions) Well, what do we have here?  Hey fellas. (the other two demons turn to their leader)  Looks like we got ourselves a couple of tough ones and they think they can stand against us.


They have no idea who you are Alicia.


Then I should introduce myself then. (she attacks the gator in front of her and lands a punch knocking him on his back)  The name's Alicia, the Vampire Slayer!

Gator Demon #1:

Slayer. (the other two demons rush after their friend) Get them!  The black haired one's the slayer.

Gator Demon #2

You got it Master Jarga. (he charges after her but Dana flips over Alicia kicking the creature in the back of the head knocking him on his face) 


You want her - you'll have to go through me first.

Cut to: Rosedale High Hallway

Students rush around in a panic as more gator demons enter the building devouring more students and disrupting the other classes.  Two demons chase after Mindy and Amelia down the hall from the cafeteria and trip as they start up a flight of stairs.  One stares them down licking its lips ready to act.

Amelia (panicked):

You ok Mindy?

Mindy (struggling)

I twisted my ankle. (she tries to stand but her leg gives out) Can't move.

Gator Demon #3:

I've had my eyes on you two since we arrived and now, there's no one to get in my way (two more teens appear at the top of the stairway)


Hey, Gator head! (the gator looks up and sees two teens at the top of the stairs.  The male leaning on the wall stands at just over six feet is of African descent wearing glasses along with a red shirt with flames over a white shirt and light blue jeans.  The female next to him stands at 5'6" and wearing a short sleeve red shirt and a black skirt.)  Step away from the freshmen.  If it's a fight you're looking for, you've found it.

Gator Demon #3:

You dare interrupt my meal when I'm about to eat.


We'll do more than that. (the two start down the stairs as the gator growls ferociously).  You have no idea who you're dealing with.


You sure got that right. (the pair stand in front of the girls)

Amelia (to Mindy):

Who are these two?

Mindy (whispering):

That's Samantha Avarn and Damian DiMarco.  According to a rumor I heard about a month and a half ago, these two are the most powerful magic users in the entire southeast. This is going to be interesting.


We can hear you ladies. (the girls turn silent as he and Samantha hold out their arms directly at the gator)  You ready to do this?


Let's get this over with.


Desparte! (the demon is surrounded in a green light before vanishing in a light show.  The other demons in the hallway disappear in the same way)


That'll get rid of them.

Mindy (freaked):

My sister's in the cafeteria fighting three of them now with her friend. (she tries to get up again but her leg gives out)  Damn ankle.


Sam, go to the cafeteria and check up on Alicia.  I'll tend to these two and catch up with you.


Does this mean that Alicia Davidson is . . .


The Slayer?  Yeah, she has been for over a year now.  Her watcher's the history teacher Mr. Elvoy.


No shit.  Well, I'd better apologize to her for that glamour I ended up doing last year. (She scampers down the hallway in the direction of the cafeteria.)


Just hold still you two. (He holds out his hand as it begins to glow green)  I'll have you two healed up in just a second - Reparate! (both girls glow a soft green before quickly fading) There, you two should be good a new.


Thanks Damian. (she helps Mindy to her feet who stands on her own rather quickly) I just don't know what led to this whole thing to begin with.


It's a monthly thing in this school but you are onto something.  Get somewhere safe and wait for the bell.  This thing isn't over yet.


I need to see about my sister. (she runs toward the cafeteria)


I hate it when she gets like this.  Wait up! (she runs after her with Damian tailing them)

Cut to: Rosedale High Cafeteria

Alicia is thrown onto a section of the lunchroom table breaking it.  Dana snaps one of the gator demon heads killing it and rushes to Alicia who staggers back to her feet.


Damn, that hurt. (she regains her fighting stance as Dana comes along side)


That's the second one done for.  What now leather head?

Jarga (snarling):

You killed my brothers you stupid bitch.  Now I get to kill you.


I don't think you're going to get the chance because you're next.

Jarga (defeated)

We'll finish this another time. (he jumps out the window as other demons exit the building and run toward the swamp)

Alicia (relieved):

Thank goodness that's over. I don't think I had anything left to deal with him.


Speak for yourself.  I literally had to snap that one's neck to kill him (she points to the demon pinned to the wall by one of the undamaged tables)

Alicia (laughing):

Man we make a good team.


You know it. (the girls high five as Samantha, Mindy and Amelia rush into the cafeteria)


(she rushes into her sister's arms)  Sis, you're alright.


Yeah, I'm fine.  It'll take more than a few gator-faces to do me in.

Samantha (nervous):

(she walks up behind Mindy) Hey, Alicia.

Alicia (nodding):



She and Damian helped Amelia and I get away from one of those gator things that jumped through the window.


So Damian's finally back huh?  That dude disappears more times than I can remember.


I just want to know how you knew to tip us off about the attack before those demons stormed the cafeteria.


Like I said, I suddenly saw it after I swatted Everett's hand away from me.  The migraine still with me though.


That means you've a Seer. I've never heard of one so young before and it's a pleasure.


(he enters the cafeteria observing the carnage from the battle and overhears the conversation)  That would explain the lack of human bodies - only two died from what I can figure.  There's usually more carnage after a gator-demon attack.


Hey there Damian.  I should thank you for what you did for my sister and her friend.


Not a problem.  So I finally get to meet the slayer in these parts.  The fact that your sister's a seer is nothing more than a surprising development.


Good thing you got that first vision when you did otherwise I'd be dead right now.


Things happen the way they're supposed to and there's little control over that.

The bell rings forcing the students to leave the battle-scarred cafeteria.


Oh great - now it's time for class and after all of this; it'll be hard to focus.


I think I need some book time and an ice pack after this.  Plus we have to fill Mr. Elvoy in on what happened.


Don't remind me.  We'll deal with him after school. (she turns to Mindy and Amelia)  You two should get going as well.  (everyone funnels out of the cafeteria leaving only Damian and Samantha)


That's one weird group over there.


They'll be fine.  We'll join them soon enough. (he looks around the cafeteria again)  There's something about this whole attack that seems just a bit too organized to be a random coincidence.


What do you mean?


Jarga's not the smartest tool in the shed to pull something this coordinated.  I get the feeling that something or someone else is behind the entire thing.


You're saying that the underworld is getting organized?


It wouldn't surprise me.  I'll have to check it out to make absolutely sure though.  In the meantime, keep an eye on Alicia.  She's going to need both of us going forward.  Let's get out of here. (The two magic practitioners leave the cafeteria as cleanup crews enter and begin the cleanup.)

Cut to: Rosedale Caves - Afternoon

Jarga staggers back into the cave where the meeting has just dispersed.  A few demons lurk about waiting for sundown to exit and head for their respective locations.  His demonic fluids are dripping from his body from the various wounds he sustained fighting Alicia and Dana.  The Hooded Male is in his chair looking into his crystal ball.

Hooded Male:

I see you survived your first meeting with the Slayer.  Judging by the way you look, things didn't go too well.


You're one to talk.  You saw what went down.  The Slayer and her friend were ready for us and I lost several of my brothers in that plan of yours. 

Hooded Male:

On the contrary my beaten friend, things went exactly as they were supposed to.  Unfortunately, the Slayer's sister is a Seer who got her first vision right before you launched your attack.  You had the element of surprise but there's no planning for developments like that.


I want to rip that Slayer's friend apart for what she did to my brother.

Hooded Male:

All in good time my scaly, green friend.  Right now, you need to rest and find a healer. (Jarga leaves through a side tunnel leading towards the swamplands.) Bright side is that my suspicions have been confirmed about that new Slayer.

Female Vampire:

(She wears a black leather jacket over a red shirt and black jeans and boots.) Is that about this Orb of Orin you spoke of earlier? (She lays her chin on the man's shoulder looking into the crystal ball)

Hooded Male:

They're unaware of the Orb of Orin's existence as of now but I'm not sure how long that'll last.  We need to get some leads on this thing rather quickly.

Female Vampire:

I might have some ideas on getting some leads oh dark one.  I know some priests that have done some studies on mystical objects and maybe they'll have an idea on how to find this thing.

Hooded Male:

Any ideas on where to find these priests you speak of?

Female Vampire:

That's the thing.  They're deep in the swamps around the city and can only be found at night and they come from somewhere in Mississippi.

Hooded Male:

Well, thanks for our first lead and a hefty advantage.  Take some friends of yours, turn them to our side, and bring them to me. (The lady nods before backing into the darkness behind the man in the chair.) This Slayer won't know what hit her. 

Cut to: James Elvoy's residence - Night

Down the street from Alicia's residence sits a single-story home amongst the other homes in the neighborhood.  Inside lies an assortment of British items and knickknacks among the simplistic layout of the furniture.  Inside, James brings out several glasses of iced tea as Alicia, Dana, Mindy, Amelia and Samantha all sit around the living room.


(He sets the tray on the coffee table and takes a seat) Let me see if I have this right. (He turns to Mindy) You're a seer who got her first vision about the gator attack right before it happened?

Mindy (hesitant):

Yeah.  I'm still feeling the after-effects.


Then Damian and Samantha saved you from one of the demons by using magic?


That sums it up.


Okay, we're all caught up on what happened today but that attack typically doesn't come for another week.


That's what Damian said.  He thought the attack was just too organized to be random.

Dana (to Alicia):

Either way, we kicked some serious butt. (the two fist bump)


That may be but the real question remains; who's behind that attack?


That's what Damian is trying to find out.  He did suggest that I hang with you guys until he reappears.

Mindy (to Alicia):

Does that mean that Amelia and I are now part of this group you have?


I guess so sis since you are a seer.  I'll have to train you to hold your own in a fight. (she turns to Amelia) That goes for you too Amelia.


I guess you're right but I've only just started practicing witchcraft a few weeks ago.


That puts you under my supervision then.  Damian's going to freak when he hears about this.

Alicia (to Mindy):

In the next week or so, I'm taking you to the graveyards to show you how to deal with a vampire.

Mindy (excited):

Alright! That's what I've wanted to do for weeks.  I can't wait to get started.


The only condition is that you keep your grades up and you do not tell mom about this or your visions - yet.

Mindy (deflated):

Fine, I promise.

James (whispering to himself):

(He watches as the group continues their discussion.) If this is what we've got to fight the demons in this town, we don't stand a chance in hell.  We're seriously screwed.

© Copyright 2013 Willie Jackson (spiritking18 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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