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This is a letter of commitment for Nanowrimo 2013
Nanowrimo 2013 Commitment Letter

         I have come to write this several times over and each time I think it is not good enough.  Well, enough of that.  That is just bogus anyway.  I have read a few other people’s attempts and overall I get the impression that the letter speaks to me anyway – contest or not.  The letter also resonates with the person’s personality.  So here is mine for all the world to see.

         First, why Nanowrimo?  This will be my second Nanowrimo and unlike the first – last year – I will be working full time and assisting in home renovations.  I am not daunted by that prospect; in fact, I am feeling the thrill of making my moments truly count.  So often I find when I have lots of time I waste it with the trivial things.  This year I will have to carve out time and use it wisely. 

         I should also remind myself, that since doing Nanowrimo last November and winning, I have done Camp Nanowrimo this year in April and July.  Those were also successful, even though I set my word count lower and worked on the same story I started in April.  I also did Junowrimo in June.  Another 30,000 word success on the same story as Camp Nanowrimo.  What I found in all of these events is the motivation and encouragement to meet my writing goals.  After a year of making writing more a priority in my life, I have found I am able to come to my writing each day and take it day by day.  I know at some point I will move beyond the creation process to the editing stages but for now I am content to focus on the creation aspect.

         Before Nanowrimo, I was writing.  I have been writing since I was a child.  I love creating stories of my own.  But life often interrupted my writing and it often took a backseat.  I was not satisfied with that anymore.  That is why I did Nanowrimo in the first place.  Now it is part of the landscape of my life.

         To make this year’s Nanowrimo successful I will need to use my time wisely and productively.  Some things will need to be limited.  I say limited and not eliminated because I find eliminating things has a tendency to overwhelm me.  Setting limits gives me permission and makes it easier to reduce whatever it is.  So what needs limiting, you may ask?  Television is the top most thing.  Internet surfing as well.  Reading is the third.  Once I curtail these three things I find I have a lot more time than I realized. I also limit family and friends – except friends doing Nanowrimo. 

         What helps keeps me motivated and on track?  I like to keep track of my word counts.  Seeing the progress spurns me on.  Also motivating is the social networks that Nanowrimo opens up.  There is the Nanowrimo site itself and this year I will also have Writing.com which has already been so helpful and motivating with the Nano Prep forum/contest.  Nanowrimo also has local events which I try to get out to.  I have met some really great people and found some wonderful new places to write in around town. 

         I already know that it takes about an hour and a half to write my daily quota of words (1667).  Using programs like 750words.com and Write or Die help to get me writing.  750words.com has helped me develop the habit of daily writing.  Writing on my lunch break and after school will also come into play.  Weekends will also be a time to get caught up, but also a time to get a healthy buffer done so that if I miss a day or don’t get it all done in a day I can rest in the knowledge that I am not letting myself down.  I have also signed on to the Nanowrite – a – thon to help motivate me and to help my colour team rise to the top.  It is not just me but the group I am trying to help. 

         When I enter the winners circle at the end of November I expect to feel a sense of accomplishment that comes from having put in the effort.  I will also take part in our local ‘It’s Over’ Party.  Beyond that, I do not know. 

         I believe I am ready to take on this challenge.  Excitement is building and so is the worry but getting to it each day will beat back the butterflies and let me spread my creative wings.  Good Luck and Write ON.

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