Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1959584-Break-Providence-Chapter-1
by jazjaz
Rated: E · Chapter · Thriller/Suspense · #1959584
Cher and Alex from Providence foil a bank robbery while a mysterious boy sees a vision.
Chapter 1: Magic and Technology

Abayant City
Year 2000
Location unknown

In an island laboratory, machines are making noises, and several people in lab coats are working. A blue haired woman in a lab coat is behind two men and next to her is an older gentleman. They are both eagerly watching an experiment about to start behind a glass wall. A white haired man wearing a green shirt and pants and shoes is in his early 20's and is alone inside a room; He is walking impatiently circling the room.

The man grows impatient and finally gets a word in, "Come on are we ready to start? I'm getting itchy old man" He stares at the gentleman next to the woman behind the glass wall.

The older gentleman makes a giggle, "You're rather impatient and old man I RESENT THAT."

The blue haired woman tries to stop herself from laughing.

"Oh come on Mary, not you too?" The man states

"S-sorry dad, I can't help it." The woman named Mary tries to stop giggling. .

Suddenly a blue haired little boy around 4 years old enters the lab door and runs toward Mary. Mary upon seeing the spirited boy gets a word in "Ah dear how are you feeling?"

Mary grabs the boy and lifts him up.  The boy gets a little disappointed, "Mommy the candies are bitter and I'm scarred sleeping in that bed." The boy begins to pout.

"Don't worry dear, this is only temporary. I know you want to see other places but its dangerous outside so once this is over we can go wherever you like." Mary replied with a smile.

"Yay" The boy said with a happy voice and then waves his hands

"Ok dear lunch is almost ready, why you don't you go ahead?" Mary replied

"Ok mommy" The boy replies, and then he waves at the old man, "Bye Grandpa."

The old man waves his hand in return. Then he nods at Mary.

"Ok start, you know what to do right Ben?" Mary replies at the man inside the room.

"Of course, don't worry about it" Ben makes an ok with his hand and smiles.

Inside the sealed room came out a brick wall. Ben charges at it and then he gets his hand in a chopping position. His hands begin to be engulfed with a white light and it transformed into a drill. He then succeeds drilling the brick wall.

Mary is astounded after seeing it but regains her composure then proceeds to speak
"Ok next test, Ben." Mary replied, she then signals a man in front of her facing a computer.

Inside the room came out multiple guns from the walls aiming at Ben in the room.

"AHHH are you sure about this Mary?" Ben suddenly gets frazzled.

"Relax; they are equipped with rubber bullets. You'll be fine." Mary jokingly replies

"Ok ok" Ben regains his composure then turns his arm into a metal circular shield.

The guns fire and the bullets bounce right off. Ben changes his shield back into his arm.

"That was magnificent Ben, though it would have been fun with real bullets though", the woman Mary claps her hands and the other scientists does the same.

Ben slightly frowns at the statement but smiles back.

The old man states "Amazing, this material when used genetically can give people powers. For those people not compatible however..."

"When injected with material exposed nanites, they can do what Ben did, but so far only Ben is compatible with it..." Mary continues her father's statement. "Further tests are needed, but still will this rebellion really end with this technology?" Mary states

"Your son is living proof of how much this technology can do. How many lives it can save" The blue haired man said

"But I don't want him to have to carry the weight of the world in his shoulders." answers Mary

"That's why we're here. He doesn't have to carry the world on his own. With this we can save people and rebuild society. We can even change the future for the better. He won't even have to move a finger." The blue haired man smiles back at his daughter

"Yes you're right, dad." Mary nods in agreement.  
A scene change happens

Mary is running away toward the outside of the lab with her son in her arms. Screams, panic, and the sounds of gun fire can be heard in the whole area.  

"Its alright, it's alright, don't be scared mommy is here for you. I won't let them hurt you." The woman told her shaking and crying son she is holding. She is running and people looking like soldiers are chasing them...

Then the scene shifts again

Somewhere in the coast of an ocean the same little boy has been washed ashore.....
Present Year May 26, 2012
12 years later

Abayant City Ilex Towers Ground Floor Diner's Delight
10:50 am

It was a regular cloudy morning, on the ground floor of the Ilex Towers apartment building there is a restaurant called Diner's Delight.

On one of the tables near the front window by the left side, there is a teenage girl with bright red hair in her late teens eating breakfast and reading the newspaper. Her breakfast includes the classic sunny side up eggs, ham and bacon on a plate. Also included is French toast and coffee. All have already been nearly finished.

A ringing noise can be heard and then the girl takes out her phone from her pocket. The girl puts the phone on her left ear and starts talking.

"Yeah what is it? The girl said with a serious tone

A voice on the phone, "We have a job. The bank in 3rd street is being robbed. Where are you now?"

The girl answered back with a normal tone, "Diner's Delight below my apartment"
"Ok I'll be there in 2 minutes. I'm on my motorcycle; you can ride with me Cher." The voice answered back.

"Ok Al, I'll finish up here." Cher said

The red haired girl, Cher quickly finished up her breakfast with almost one gobble, but then she starts pounding on her chest because she starts suffocating.

"Ughhh, Ooof water, water NEED some water." Cher continuously pounds on her chest and scratches the table trying to grab her glass of water. The glass is then given to her by someone and immediately she drinks it all up.

"Ahh I needed that. Thanks Matt." Cher made a sigh of relief and then looked at a tan skinned gentleman with a moustache. This man is on his 40's wearing an apron over a white shirt and pants.

"Don't mention it; you're a member of Providence and you choke at your breakfast?" The man named Matt smiles back while answering her.

"Sorry, sorry I was in a hurry." Cher smiles back with a shy look

"I did overhear that you have a job. Ok I'll just put this on your tab like always. But your bill is piling up; you need to pay it sometime ok?" Matt happily points it out.

"Thanks, I owe you one." Cher smiles back then she moves away from the table and out the sliding glass door of the diner.

While in front of the restaurant, a motorcycle stops in front of Cher. Riding the motorcycle is a boy also in his late teens.

"Hurry hop on" The man says to Cher.
"Ok" Cher hops on the back of the motorcycle and holds on the man's torso. The motorcycle speeds away forward.

While on the road Cher gets the attention of the man she's holding on to. She breathes the air and then gets a word in, "Would that be the bank 3 blocks from here Al?"

"Yeah First National, I don't know the full details but it would look like a bank robbery minutes ago. Cops are on the scene. Let's hear it from them. Grab on tight" Al exclaimed

Cher grabs on tighter to Al and then the motorcycle speeds up toward the road

Abayant First National Front
11:00 am

The police are in front of the bank. Police cars formed a barricade and there are about 5 police cars and around 10 policemen. So far it's silent and the only noises than can be heard are from the voices of the policemen questioning civilians nearby

Cher and Al arrives in the scene. They parked the motorcycle on the sidewalk near the police cars and got off. Al takes off his helmet and leaves it on the motorcycle.

Al and Cher approaches one of the policemen next to a police car.

"We are from Providence, who's in charge?" Al calls the attention of one of the officers

The policeman in his late 20's heard them and looked at their direction. The other officers nearby also gave them eye contact. A policeman in his forties approaches the pair.

"That would be me. I'm Brad Campton. I'm a Lieutenant. Thank goodness you are here." The man answers them.

Cher and Al approaches the man closer and begins the introductions

"I'm Alex Kypel, Al for short." says Al with a normal look.
"My name is Cherise Mancio, Cher for short." Cher also introduces herself

Al, Cher and Brad look at each other and then Al starts the conversation, "What's the situation?" Al replied

"Right, around 15 minutes ago witnesses nearby reported three suspicious men wearing ski masks, black shirts and pants forced their way in the bank." Brad said, he pauses and then continues, "But that's not the weird part, according to witnesses suddenly fired bullets from his arms."

Al gets a word in, "So you assume they are members of Cluster Tech."

"You mean that criminal organization of robots and all those gismos? Yeah, we may be carrying better weapons but we still need all the help we can get. So you guys use Quievas material too right?" Brad states while scratching his head

"Yeah we both do. Ok tell the officers to stand their ground. We'll sneak in the back." Al states seriously

"Ok we'll leave it to you. We'll distract them with a megaphone in the front. That ok?" Brad states

"Yes make it as loud as possible." Cher states jokingly

Brad walks away from the pair and toward the rest of the officers.

"If they are from Cluster Tech, then they could all be robots." Al whispers to Cher
"Or they could be humans using nanites, like you Al" Cher answers back

"Those nanites are rarely compatible with anyone; I'm the only one I know who can do that so I would believe better in the robot theory." Al replies
"Our priority is to save the hostages; we're not really obliged to save the criminals too right?" Cher scratches her nose while answering

"Even if they are robots if we can then we should, besides we might get them to squeal on info. Ok we should sneak in the back, with the 2 of us we can get the jump on them" Al replies


11:10 am
Abayant Train Station

NOTE: The trains here are like the bullet trains. Moving on the rails, but the difference is that instead of a subway, the trains and train stations are above the road held by pillars in the sky

A train just stopped by the station. All the train doors opened and passengers came out. Among all the passengers in particular there is a young teenage blue haired boy coming out on one of the trains.

The boy is carrying a big shoulder bag and looks around the station. He then proceeds to sit down and shortly looks at his left to a red painted building. The boy feels a sensation and his eyes glow blue. Very quickly he takes out his cell phone from his left pocket and makes a call....

11:10 am
First National Bank Back

A loud voice can be heard in the front of the bank. The officers are talking via a megaphone. The robbers inside is alerted.

"It's about time the cops start talking, it's strangely quiet outside." Robber 1 states while inside the vault.
"Ignore them, we're almost done here and there is no way they can stop us, plus we have our secret weapon." Robber 2 who is standing next to him answers back.

They both continue to put stacks of money in sacks. Meanwhile in the bank lobby the hostages are on the ground while the third robber patrols the area.

Meanwhile Al and Cher are next to the back door of the bank. Al signals Cher to move to the other side. They both peak at the window and see that the hallway is pitch- black. After a moment both are in agreement to enter the bank.

"Ok all clear so far, with all that noise sneaking in would be easy." Al states

After moving at the dark hallway, the pair just enters the lobby of the bank. Cher blends in the walls to avoid detection, while Alex hides next to a table. Cher sees the hostages on the ground.

"Huh that's strange, how come the hostages are unguarded?" Cher thinks to herself.

Suddenly she hears Al scream behind her, "LOOK OUT, Al pushes Cher away. He then turns his right arm metallic and it gets hit by a barrage of bullets

Cher recovers from the push and sees what Al did. She then looks to the direction of the bullets to see the third robber firing the shots with his hands that have turned into machine guns. The robber has briefly stopped a moment to cool down. All the hostages go into a panic and the other 2 robbers get alerted and just came out the vault to the left of Alex and Cher while the third robber is in front of them.
"Al, are you alright?" Cher calls on Alex.
"Yeah I am, fortunately I picked the right metal." Alex noted while he turns his body back to normal. Alex continues talking, "I'll get the robot, and you get the other two."
Suddenly both Alex and Cher attacks the robbers, Cher attacks the 2 in the vault and Alex attacks the third guy.

"What!" Both robbers near the safe get frazzled and one of them aims his gun at Cher who is coming closer. By the time the guy aims his gun, Cher kicks it with a strong force, and the gun flies and hits the ceiling which makes a dent on it. Then she punches the 2 men and both go flying to the wall.

The third robber fires both its hand weapon machine guns. Alex runs toward multiple directions to dodge the bullets and once again he makes the circular shield with his right arm and finally charges straight on to the third robber. Alex turns his left arm into a drill and shoves it in the robot's stomach, shortly after the robot explodes.

The hostages started calming down and Cher smiles at Alex from near the vault.

"Ok case closed" Cher signals Alex with a thumbs up.

11:30 AM
Outside the bank

The two robbers are handcuffed with their bands behind their backs. They are being taken by police officers inside the police cars.

Brad approaches the pair and who both give him victory signs with their hands and smiles too.

"What happened in there? We heard an explosion!!" Brad comes closer and he looks worried sick.
"One of them is a robot and I just took care of it." Alex smiles at Brad
"The other two might talk, so keep them locked up and interrogate them ok? Cher tells Brad

"Ok Thanks we can take it from here, but that's quite stunning so you Providence guys have powers like these? " Brad asked
"That's actually a need to know basis, let's keep the commotion at a minimum ok?" Alex points out while scratching his head.

"Ok thank you, see you then, I'll call you when they say something." Brad waves his goodbye and joins the officers.

Alex takes out his cell phone in his chest pocket in his vest and calls headquarters.  "Oh hey boss, everything is wrapped up in the bank. I'm heading back now ok?" Alex says casually.

Meanwhile in Providence headquarters

Inside a building there is an office with about a dozen people. In another office inside there is a gentleman in his 40's standing next to his chair wearing a coat and tie with black pants

The man starts speaking "Ok I'll just talk to this Brad guy for the full details, so how would you two like a break? You two should be pretty tired by now"

Back to outside the bank

Alex gets a little surprised, "Really? We can have one boss?"

"Yes is it that surprising? You can have today and tomorrow off. But you still go back on Sunday. Just pass the report by the end of the day. Got it Alex?" The gentleman smiles at his office.

"Ok thanks boss." Alex hangs up the phone and returns it to his pocket.

Alex looks at Cher and says "Boss says we can have a break now, we get back on Sunday.

"Oh that's good. I need the break anyway, I really feel like I need to do something today." Cher knocks at her head.

Alex hops on his motorcycle, "Ok I'll go back to headquarters for that report. Where are you going to?" Alex asks the question
"My apartment is close by so I can walk back, I still feel like I forgot something." Cher keeps trying to remember

"Ok see you" After saying his goodbye Alex drives away.

Meanwhile from the other side of the street, a man watches Alex driving away and Cher left on the road.

The man walks away toward another part of the road and makes a call.

"Hello, it's just like you said the bank job flopped." The man says not sounding the least bit surprised. He then continues to talk. "But I found the lucky guy, he calls himself Alex now and he's with that group."

Somewhere in an office, a man has a phone on his ear and he answers back

"I see, ok you can withdraw. Though I can't say I like you giving our technology to petty thieves. Give them a machine and they rob a bank, Terra. The next few days are important so we do not need slip ups"

The man named Terra answers back while walking the road. "We need test subjects to test the bugs and we can't afford to keep coming out in the open so why not give them to guinea pigs. Besides the robot blew up and the goons know nothing, plus people already know we exist"

"True, very well, return to base." The man in the office hangs the phone.

Meanwhile Cher uses her phone to access her answering machine at her apartment. The phone dictates that she has 2 unread messages.

Message 1 10:30 am, Hi Cher this is your mom, I know your busy and all but I hope you didn't forget that you promised to pick up you brother in the train station

"YIKES I FORGOT" Cher gets increasingly nervous and checks the time on her phone.

Message 2 11:10am Hey sister Cher, it's me I wish you gave me your cell phone number, then (the voice suddenly gets nervous).............

Fire trucks pass by the road next to at the same time; Cher hears the message then suddenly gets increasingly worried. She very quickly grabs her phone from her pocket and dials a number.

Meanwhile Al is in his motorcycle on the road. His phone on his chest pocket starts ringing and then he stops by a sidewalk and answers it

Alex puts the phone next to his ear. "Hey what's up?"

"HEY Alex where are you right now?" Cher says with a very high pitched voice.

"Huh? I'm on the road; I'm almost at 10th street. Why?" Alex answers with confusion.

"Hey Al listen to me, can you see the Oakwood Apartment building? You hear about it right?"

"Huh? Y-yeah" Alex looks to his right to see a six story beige colored building, Then he continues talking, "Yeah what about it?"

Upon hearing it, Cher thinks to herself, "Good nothing has happened yet"

Cher then answers Alex, "Listen Al go there now and evacuate everyone there. "

"Huh what for?!" Alex gets even more worried

"I have reason to believe that there will be an explosion on the 5th floor before noon."

"Wha-what, you can't be ser." Before Alex finishes his sentence a loud explosion happens. Alex covers his eyes and face at the spur of the moment and everyone next to Al panics and runs.

"Hey Alex, what happened are you alright?" Cher asks with worry.

Alex looks to where the building is and stares blankly. The 6th story building is covered in fire....


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