Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1959555-The-Bullyfighters
by eric
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1959555
a girl that gets bullied helps inspire her parents to spread the word across the nation

The Bullyfighters

By Eric Rivera Jr.

The Bullyfighters

This Book Was Inspired by Stories of Demi Lovato's Experiences of Being Bullied and True Events of My Experiences with Being Bullied.

This Book Is Dedicated To Those Who Were And Are Being Bullied Around The Country Of The U.S.

Chapter 1
A Lecture on Being Bullied

Todays generation of kids have it harder than I did and the bullies are more rough, but now there's even Cyber-Bullying and with parents telling their kids to wash the car, wash the dishes, sweep, mop, vacuum clean your room, do your homework, and then having the kids go to school with those bullies. It's like being hit by a car on a nice cool day in the middle of December at the end of the School Day, Well at least that's the way I see it. Let's get on with the story, "Mr. Rodriguez," "Yes Jacob," "The Students are ready in the auditorium," "Thank You Jacob." Jacob is the best assistant I have ever had unlike the last assistant I had who kept stealing money from me. My Name Is Alexander Rodriguez, I've written many novels and books about bullying I guess you would call me an Activist or an Advocate of Anti-Bullying.
I was Inspired To write these novels by a worldwide famous Singer/Actress who was once bullied through her young teen years. Today I'm giving a lecture to some middle school kid's here in Los Angeles, CA about how being bullied can affect both boys and girls emotionally and physically and how it's important to tell someone especially if you see someone being bullied. "Mr. Rodriguez," "Yes, Jacob, I'm coming," here I go. As I headed for the stage I could hear the kids talking and shouting. The Principle went out and introduced me to them. "Alright kids I want to introduce someone to y'all. Y'all might know him from his books we have in the library, please give a warm welcome for Mr. Alexander Rodriguez,"
As I headed out onto the stage I shook The Principle's hand. "Thank you Mr. Ortiz, Do y'all like your principle?" "Yeah," the kids shouted. I began my hour and a half lecture "How many of you know about bullying," A few kids raised their hands. "Who knows what to do if you see someone being bullied or if you are being bullied?" As I looked for a student who could answer this question I looked towards the entrance door and there she was the same brown haired girl who inspired me to start my book writing journey about being bullied, even though I was a famous author and I wanted to meet

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A Lecture on Being Bullied

Her in person, I never did because I was too afraid that she would laugh at me just like my sister's and my mother always said, and for a second I almost lost concentration on what I was talking about and I looked into her eyes as she looked into mine and it's as if she were saying to me, I know the answer. I quickly shook my head and continued to look for a student with the answer toward the left from the door where she was standing, suddenly I saw a kid in glasses, he reminded me of me when I was his age, "Yes you hi, what's your name," "Mike." "Mike, what do you do when you see someone being bullied or you are being bullied?" "Tell someone right away." "That's right tell someone right away."
As I continued my lecture I noticed she sat down in the first row making it harder for me to concentrate and I don't think any of the kid's realized who she was. I continued on with my lecture "I want to tell y'all my story when I was a young boy. I was always bullied but never told anybody because I was afraid to tell my family even though I knew they could help me, I still never told them," "who here has been bullied and never told anyone. At that exact moment I looked at her and I could tell she knew, I was talking about her. She raised her hand and Said "Me," I wasn't expecting her to do that. I quickly shook it off and continued on, "ok anyone else," I said. Suddenly Mike raised his hand and said "I have been bullied, but I haven't told anyone."
"Well if you want, you can talk to me here at the end of the school day" I replied. As I continued, a girl raised her hand and said, "I have been bullied, and Cyber-Bullied, but I haven't told anyone," I suddenly got this look on my face, that made her stand up and say, "You can talk to me about it after school, My name is Sarah Gonzales, I was bullied and cyber-bullied." I was thinking about telling her 'I don't need your help shut up and sit down' but that would be too rude for me to say to a girl I had a crush on. At that moment the bell rang and the principle came out and asked me, "Can I release the student's for lunch and you can finish this after that," "Sure," I said "Great," said the principle.
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As he released the students for lunch, Sarah made her way towards me with my new book that just came out called "Bullies Are Lonely People, not that it's true. "Hi I'm," "Yes, I know your Alexander Rodriguez," she interrupted "I'm a huge fan, will you sign my book for me," "Of course I will," My Face turned as red as Santa clause cheek's on Christmas Eve. I was overjoyed that she was talking to me; it made me want to say, "You talking to me? Nobody's here so you must be talking to me,"- "So listen, I was wondering, would you like to have lunch with me? Because, I got some food back here enough for two people," I Said. She replied "Lunch with you, I'd love to," "Great come on, we got Pizza, and fruits." "So Sarah, I have been writing these books for five years, why did you choose today to come looking for me, not that I'm not happy to see you but why?" "I guess because, I was always afraid that you wouldn't want to talk to me." "Well that's understandable I felt the same way about you,"
"Really, so you were afraid to meet me?" "Of course! I had many chances to meet you," "So if you had so many chances to meet me, why were you afraid to take them?" "I was afraid because I thought if I asked you out you would reject me." "Awe, you were going to ask me out? That's so sweet." My face lit up like Rudolph's red nose, that's how hard I started blushing. "Well Alexander," "Please call me Alex," "Well, Alex, now's your chance to ask me out, are you going to take the chance or just let it slip," When she asked me that I got butterflies in my stomach and I felt like I was going to puke out the food I just ate, so it was now or never. "OK Sarah, will you go out with me,"
"I'd love to," "great, awesome," Just than I could hear the student's come back into the auditorium and it was time to end my lecture. Later that day I found myself signing books for my fans at a local book store. "Hello, how are you," "Mr. Rodriguez I am a huge fan of your book's and I am so happy that someone's writing about how being bullied affected them," "Well thank you for your support,"
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As I continued to sign the books I would look at the front door every time I heard it just to see if it was Sarah. I wonder what she is doing right now, I could tell this was going to be a long day and man was I getting hungry. "Hi, who am I making this out to?" "Jamie," "To Jamie may this book give you the courage to stand up against bullying, signed Alexander Rodriguez," "Ok here you go," "Thank you," "Alright everyone, Mr. Rodriguez is going to go get something to eat, he'll be back in about an hour." "Thank you Jacob," just as I was getting up to go get something to eat, Sarah came in and my face lit up again like Rudolph's Red Nose. As I went over to greet her, a huge smile came over my face like if I was a puppy about to get a stick and play with it.
"Hey, Hi I didn't think you'd show up," I said excitedly. "Oh really?" She said. "Well if that's the way you want it," "NO WAIT," I quickly grabbed her hand to stop her from leaving and for a minute I couldn't let go of it. "I'm sorry, It's just that I really wasn't expecting you to show up here," As I stared into her beautiful brown eyes, she said, "Well, Ok I forgive you, now what do you say we go get something to eat," with another smile on my face, I replied, "As You Wish," For a minute I made her blush and giggle, we went to a star buck's coffee shop down the street from the book store where we were just at, and boy does she love star bucks coffee.
We got our food and sat down, "So, Alex, we didn't really get a chance to finish our conversation earlier today," she said, I replied "I know but we can finish it now, so, what is it exactly that made you come into that auditorium today? I mean I know you said you were afraid to meet me, but you never said what helped you conquer your fear of meeting me." "Well it was hard I took a look at the tattoos on my wrists it says 'STAY STRONG' so I thought about them." "Wow that must've been hard?" I asked. "Yeah, yeah it was but I still did it." "I'm happy you went, really I am," I replied. "Me too," she said. We went on, and on, and on like if we had been friends our whole life.

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A Lecture on Being Bullied

"Oh Hey, we better get going, I got to Finish signing those books," "Oh yeah, let's go." Boy spending all this time with Sarah made me happy and it has been a long time since I've been this happy. We headed back to the book store so I could finish signing the books and when we entered the book store, hand in hand, everyone stared at us like if we were royalty. It was completely silent, like if the earth stood still just for us. We suddenly let go of each other's hands and I quickly went back to the table where I was sitting at earlier to finish signing books. It's been a month and a half since I met Sarah and today we are going out to a high school to raise money for a new anti-bullying foundation. A bunch of celebrities, including Sarah, will be performing today.
Ding Dong, Suddenly my doorbell rang, "Sarah, will you get the door for me?" It wouldn't have been right for me to ask her to spend the night with me at my place after the first week we met. Besides it was out of respect for her step father that I didn't ask her to spend the night with me. "Alex, your mother is here," She said. "Ok, I'll be right down," I replied. I almost forgot my mother was coming to visit this week, it's amazing what life and god can throw at you. As I headed downstairs I could hear my mother and Sarah talking, "So Sarah how is everything working out with you and Alex,"
My mother asked, "Oh fantastic, me and Alex are very happy," Sarah replied. Suddenly the rest of my family came into the house, "Hi Alex," I have three sisters, one each born after the other, Alexandria, Mia, Danielle. "Hi come on in," I told them I wanted to have thanksgiving at my house this year. "Hey everyone, Sarah and I were going to go to a high school to raise money for a new anti-bullying foundation. A bunch of celebrity artists will be performing, I don't know if you all want to join us or if y'all just want to stay here and get settled down?" I asked. "How long will it be?" Danielle asked. "It'll be about four and a half hours," Sarah replied. "Oh, you know, I think we're just going to stay here. We're all tired from the trip." My mother replied. "Alright then, y'all can order a pizza or Chinese.
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Yeah or you can make something there's food in the kitchen so make yourselves at home." I replied. Alexandria, Mia, Danielle, and my mother all replied, "Thank you, have fun." It wasn't the first time my family came to visit, but I didn't like leaving them at my house with nothing to do while Me and Sarah went out to do stuff "Alex, are you okay?" Sara asked me, with a concerned look on her face. "Yes, Sarah I'm fine." I replied with a feeling of sadness. I didn't want Sarah to know I was feeling bad for leaving my family like that. Especially since I was the one who invited them. I guess I should remember when I have an event to attend to.
"Alex if you want to go home I'll understand?" just as Sarah finished asking me that question, we pulled up to the school where her and other celebrity artists were going to be performing. I didn't like disappointing her on a night she was going to perform so I answered with a positive attitude, "No Sarah I'm fine, let's go." The sad thing is I think for once she knew how I was really feeling on the inside. Besides tonight I was hosting the event so even if I could say yes, let's go back to the house, I couldn't because I was the host. I started the event and introduced the first performer.
As the first performer came out I went to the back to wish Sarah good luck on her performance. "Sarah? Sarah?" I knocked on her dressing room door and I wanted to wait for her to answer me but she didn't, "Sarah? Sarah?" "Come in." all I could think was, Thank god she answered. I went in, "Hey I just wanted to come and wish you good luck, so, good luck." "Thank you Alex." The performer was about to finish their performance, "I better get back." as I said that, I pointed to the TV she had on with the performance going on. "Okay, I'll see you at the end of the show." She said, "Yeah, I'll see you later, bye." I headed out to release the performer. "Here you go boss." Jacob said, "Thank you Jacob." finally the first performer was finished. I introduced the next performer and then headed over where Jacob was. "Are you having fun so far, Jacob?" I asked, "Yes sir." He answered, "Great." I said, "How are things with you and Sarah?" He Asked.
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"Fantastic." I answered excitedly. Seven minutes later the second performer was finishing their performance. Three and a half hours later I introduced Sarah, "Now ladies and gentleman, the last performer of the night, Sarah Gonzales." As Sarah came out I headed towards Jacob, "Hey Jacob, what time is it?" I asked him, "Its 3:30pm sir." He said "How long have we been here? Four hours right?" I asked "Yes sir, I got your stuff ready sir." He replied. "Oh thank you." Sarah was about to finish her performance. "Let Sarah know I'll be in the dressing room when she's done." I told Jacob, Just then the principle of the school came in. "Mr. Rodriguez, I'll release the students back to their classes once Ms. Gonzales is finished." He said "Okay." I replied. I headed for the dressing room because Sarah still had to change once she was done, so I decided to wait there.
A couple of minutes later Sarah came into the room. "Hi Alex." "Hi Sarah." "So did you have fun being the host tonight?" she asked, "yes." I replied, "Well I'm going to get dressed now." she said, "Oh, I'll wait out in the hall." "Oh no, you can stay." It was at that moment that I realized she wanted our relationship to go deeper into an intimate relationship, to the point where a man and a women change in front of each other. But I wasn't ready for that, but I couldn't say no to her either, so I stayed and I kept my head down. "Okay, Alex, I'm ready."
She said, "Alright let's go." I replied. When I said she spent the night I meant we watched a movie together and then we cuddled and then we fell to sleep so it was kind of like a sleep over. "Hello? Where back, where is everyone?" I live in a two story house with 18 bedrooms. Suddenly Mia came in, "Alex, we're in the backyard." she said. I went with her to the backyard and there they were, barbequing, "Hi everyone." I said "hey, did y'all have fun?" Alexia Asked, "We had a great time." Sarah replied. Ring, Ring, "Alex, will you get that?" Sarah asked, "Of course." I replied. "Hello, oh hi David, yes we got the invitation,
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A Lecture on Being Bullied

Yeah we're going to go, yeah, I'll see you there." David, Sarahs step father, great guy he wants my family to meet his. I headed out back to the backyard where everyone else was. "Hey Sarah, that was your dad, he just wanted to make sure we got the invitation." I said, "Oh okay." She replied. "Are y'all going to have thanksgiving with him?" Danielle asked. "Oh yes, he wants y'all to meet him, we're going on Friday." "Oh well that'll be fun." my mother said, "I agree." Sarah said. We finished the rest of the night and went to sleep. The next morning I woke up to the sound of my nieces and nephews playing and yelling, that brought a smile to my face. I got up, washed up, got dressed, and I headed downstairs. As I was coming down the stairs I could hear my mother and my sisters asking Sarah questions, "So tell me, how you met Alex? Y'all never told us how y'all met." Danielle asked.
"I actually went to a middle school where he was talking about how being bullied can affect people and I walked in and he noticed, we ended up having lunch together, later that day he was at a bookstore signing books and I met him there for dinner." Sarah explained. "That's so romantic." Alexia added. Alexia's the youngest of my sisters, born before me. Just then I went into the kitchen, "Good morning everyone." I said, "Good morning Alex." "What are y'all talking about?" I asked as if I didn't already know. "Not much." Mia answered. "Sarah, I think we should have thanksgiving here with your parents." I said. "Why?"
She asked with a disappointing voice, "Well because my family's really big and we have a big dining room and we have the party room, I just don't think your parents have enough room" I explained. "Sure, I don't think he'll mind." She said. "Great." I replied, "I'll call him right now and ask him." As she said that, a sad look came up on her face, I know she wanted her family to meet my family, and I know they wanted to meet my family, that's why I thought about doing things this way. "Hey dad, I'm doing good, Alex wanted to know if you and the rest of the family could come over here for thanksgiving
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A Lecture on Being Bullied

Because his family's really big." She said. "Really, that's great ok I'll see you Friday, ok bye." She sounded excited and that only meant one thing, "He said yes." she said excitedly, "That's great." I replied, just than the rest of my family came in through the front door. "Hey everyone we got breakfast." My
Grandpa said as he walked into the kitchen. "Great, everyone grab some plates and let's head into the dining room." We all sat down to eat, and after breakfast we all headed to the backyard, and an hour later my nieces and nephews got Into the pool, it felt good to have my family with me and Sarah.
Soon Friday came and it was thanksgiving, as I woke up, I looked towards the window with the sun shining in onto the floor, and once again I could hear my nieces and nephews playing outside, and then I turned to my side and Sarah was still asleep. I quickly got out of bed, took a shower, got dressed. After that I went towards Sarah to wake her up, "Sarah, wake up, Sarah, come on its time to wake up." She continued to snore, "Sarah, wake up." She still wouldn't wake up, so I did the first thing I could think of, I yelled into her ear, "WAKE UP." She jumped out of that bed like if she had a nightmare; I looked at her and said. "Morning sunshine." With a smile on my face,
"Now that you're up you need to take a shower, get dressed, and come down stairs, everyone's down there." I quickly walked out of the room and went down stairs. As I headed into the kitchen, I looked at everybody and said, "Good morning everyone, happy thanksgiving." They all turned to me and replied, "Good morning Alex." "Where's Sarah?" Mia asked, "Oh, she'll be right down she's getting ready." Ten minutes later, Sarah came down and we all went outside to eat breakfast, "Alright guys let's eat." I said. Later on that night I was in the bedroom with Sarah getting ready for the thanksgiving dinner, "Hey, Alex, can you pass me the blue dress from the closet." Sarah asked, "yeah, no problem." I grabbed the dress and handed it to her, "Here you go." "Thank you."
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A Lecture on Being Bullied

"Why are you staring at me like that Alex?" Sarah asked, "Because I'm looking at pure beauty." For the first time since I had met her, that was the first romantic compliment I had given her about her body. "Did you just give me a compliment about my body, Alex?" I quickly got a look on my face like if I was saying, oh crap. "What, no, no I didn't, I mean I did, but, what?" There was no way that I could deny what I had just said about her body. "Don't try to deny it Alex, just say whatever's on your mind." For me to say what was on my mind about her body would be like me getting hit by a thousand bricks, I couldn't do it. "Oh, well would you look at the time, you better hurry up and get dressed, I'll wait downstairs." As I was heading for the door, a smile came up on her face as she said, "Thank you Alex." I paused for a minute in place, turned my head a little towards her way, and then I headed out the door, It was as if I had said you're welcome.
Finally Thanksgiving dinner came around and everyone was eating and enjoying this big family get together. A couple of hours later, the dinner ended with us saying goodbye to Sarah's family. "Alright everyone thanks for coming, I hope you had fun." I said as they all got in there cars, "Goodnight mom I'll see you tomorrow." Sarah said to her mother. "Okay goodnight, Sarah." Sarah and I headed back into the house, "Alright, well we better head on up to bed, we don't want to miss our privet jet flight." My mother said. "Oh that's right, why don't we all have breakfast before y'all leave?" I asked.
"Okay." My mother replied. After that, we all headed up to bed. The next morning I woke up once more to the sound of my nieces and nephews playing outside, I got up out of bed and headed downstairs. "Good morning Alex." Sarah said as I walked into the kitchen. "Good morning." I said. "Are you hungry, we were just about to cook breakfast?" My mother asked. "Great I'm starving." An hour later we were all outside saying goodbye to my family. As Sarah and I watched them leave, Sarah looked at me and said "Do you want to help me pack my bags, I have to go back home tonight."
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A Lecture on Being Bullied

"Yeah, let's go." I replied. After I helped Sarah pack her bags, we spent the rest of the afternoon watching movies and eating popcorn. At 8 O'clock, we were outside saying goodbye to each other, "I'll see you tomorrow ok." She said, "Yeah, alright, I'll see you tomorrow." I replied. As I watched her leave, I turned around and headed back into the house, and I headed on up to bed. The next morning I headed out the door to go get something to eat, Sarah was coming up the driveway, "Hi." I yelled, "Hey, where you going?" She asked. "I was just going to go get something to eat." I answered. "Oh, well let's take my car." She said, "Okay." I said. As we were driving to the restaurant, she looked at me and asked, "Hey are you feeling okay?" "Huh? Oh yea I'm fine." I replied. "Are you sure you're ok?" She asked.
"Yeah I'm fine why?" I asked, "Because, you seemed sad when I got to your house." She said, "Yeah I guess it's because I'm starting to get used to having you around me." I replied, "Really?" She asked, at that moment we pulled up to the restaurant, I was driving, "okay we're here." I said as I parked the car and turned it off. We went into the restaurant, sat down and looked at the menu, a couple of minutes later we were both eating. On the way back to my house, I was still feeling sad but I didn't want Sarah to think about it, so I turned on some music. When we got to my house we said our goodbyes and we left in our own cars, I didn't want to work at the house with no one there, at least not right now.
That night as I laid in bed all I could think about was Sarah, the way she made me feel was just amazing and the only time I felt like this about her was when I was 23 years old, right around the time I started writing my novels, even as a kid I started to like her after I saw her on an episode of barney and friends, boy was that rough, I didn't understand it, there was always something that made me feel connected to her in some way, finally I just shut my eyes and fell to sleep. "RING, RING" about three hours later, my phone started ringing, "Hello, David what's going on, she what, what hospital is she at,
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I'll be right there." I got in my car and took off to the hospital; David didn't say much, when I got to the hospital I approached the receptionist, "Can I help you?" She asked, "Oh yeah, I'm here to see-." Just than David came in. "Alex over here." "How is she, is she okay?" I asked, "I don't know the doctor hasn't come out." "Well what happened?" "She was in a car accident, there was a dog in the middle of the road and she swerved to avoid hitting it and the car flipped over." Just than the doctor came out, "David? Hi I'm Dr. Rivers, I just came from seeing Sarah, and she's perfectly fine there were no fatal injuries, just a couple of bumps and bruises."
"Oh thank god, can we see her?" "Yes, she's wide awake now." We went into the room where Sarah was, "Sarah, are you okay?" "Oh hey dad yea I'm fine." "Hey Sarah how are you?" "Hi Alex I'm fine, thanks for coming." "Okay if I can get one of you to sign these papers, than Sarah can be released, she will need someone to take care of her." The Doctor said, "I'll take care of her let me sign the papers." I replied, "OK here you go." He said, "Thank you." "I'll bring you some of her clothes later." David said as the doctor walked out of the room. "OK, come on Sarah; let's get you out of here." We all left the hospital; I took Sarah home with me, this was a great opportunity for me to ask her that big question. "OK Sarah, We're here stay, there I'll help you get off." I said as I got off the car, I went around to her side of the car and opened the door, "OK Sarah let's go, come on."
Once she was laying down I knew now was the time to ask, "Hey Sarah, can I talk to you about something?" "Sure." She said. "Will you marry me?" suddenly there was a long pause, "You know what I'm just going to go get you some food and a drink, and you can think about it, okay? OK." I went to go get some food and a drink, a couple of minutes later I came back in, "OK I got you a chicken chopped salad, and I got you a cup of ice water." "Thank you." I had decided to let her eat before I got an answer about my proposal, an hour later she was done eating and said, "Alex did you really mean it when you asked me," "for you to marry me yes." She paused for a minute, looked at me and said, "OK, I'll marry you." "Really," "Yes." "Great."
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Chapter 2
Marriage and a Baby
A couple of months later we were getting ready for our wedding, it was two days from now. Suddenly Sarah came in, "Alex can I talk to you." She asked, "Sure, what's up?" "Well, I'm ugh." "You're what Sarah?" "I'm really excited about the wedding." She said, "Really, well me too." I replied, Later that evening my family had arrived, and once again we were all enjoying dinner together. Throughout the entire night I could tell something was bugging Sarah, but I didn't want to ask what it was. After dinner everyone went off to bed, including Sarah and I. As I was trying to go to sleep that night, I could feel Sarah tossing and turning in the bed, and all I could do was wonder what was on her mind, "OK SARAH IS THERE SOMETHING ON YOUR MIND? SOMETHING YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT?"
"No, why do you ask?" "Because you're tossing and turning like if you have something on your mind." I added. "Well I don't." She replied. "Then go to sleep." The next morning I woke up and Sarah wasn't there, I went downstairs into the kitchen, "Hey mom have you seen Sarah around?" I asked, "Yes, she stormed out of here, she seemed upset about something." She said. "Well did she say anything at all?" "No, sorry, is something wrong?" She asked "I think she's trying to tell me something and I'm just not getting the hint, I'm going to call her cellphone." I went upstairs to call her from my cellphone, but she didn't answer. After a couple of minutes she called me back, "Hello" "Hey Alex." "Sarah, thank god, where are you?" "I'm at my mother's house; I just needed to talk to her about something."
"Well are you OK?" "Yes, I'm fine Alex; I'll be home in a minute." She replied with an upset voice. "OK." A couple of hours later Sarah came home, "Thank god you're home, I was so worried." I said as I exhaled, "I'm sorry, I bought us some dinner." "Is something bothering you." "Look I don't want to talk about it right now, ok?" "OK." After dinner, Sarah and I went up to bed, for some reason I felt like Sarah was gonna be like this for the next couple of days. The next morning I woke up and Sarah was staring out the window,
"Sarah." She didn't look at me. Page 13

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Marriage and a Baby

"Sarah?" "Hmm? Oh good morning Alex." This time she hesitated to look at me, I ignored it and started getting dressed for breakfast. After I got dressed, I went downstairs and I started helping my mother with breakfast, "Alex, is everything ok?" She asked. "I don't know Mom, something's bothering Sarah, and she won't talk to me about it." I answered. "So what are you going to do?" She asked. "I'm just not going to ask her anymore." During our breakfast time, Sarah and I didn't look at each other the whole time, and I think everyone noticed. Later that afternoon everyone, including Sarah, went out to lunch. I just couldn't handle it, I had to have time to myself.
While the family was out, I was upstairs writing, not a new book or anything but just writing, I think I just needed to express my feelings in some way. "Oh Alex, we're home." I went downstairs, and six hours later we all sat down for dinner. Again, Sarah and I didn't look at each other the entire time, after dinner I told everyone goodnight and went up to bed before Sarah. The next morning everyone was trying to get ready for the wedding, and as I was getting ready Sarah came in, "Alex, I need to talk to you." "Not now Sarah, I have to make sure everyone's getting ready for the wedding."
I replied, "But Alex," "Look Sarah, whatever you need to tell me you can tell me later ok, now hurry up and go get ready we have to be at the church by 12pm and then we have to go to the ballroom." An hour and half later everyone was ready and we all headed out the door, "Okay Alex I have to tell you something right now." "Okay, what is it?" "I'm.....pregnant." At that moment everyone just stared at us, "Congratulations you're gonna be a father." Alexia said. "Everyone get in your cars now, thank you." "Is this what you've been trying to tell me these last couple of days?" I asked. "Yes." "How long?"
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Marriage and a Baby

"A month and a half." I suddenly got a huge grin on my face, "I'm happy about this, but you're going to have to tell your father, speaking of your father, we need to get going to the church." "The family and I left and headed for the Church." When we got there Sarah's family was waiting outside, "Hey, you're late." Sarah's dad said. "He-he, hey honey why don't you tell your dad why we're late while I go see if the pastor is ready." "What's he talking about?" David asked her as I went inside. "I'll tell you inside the church dad." I started getting ready for the wedding, "Hey, nice tuxedo Alex." David said as he came into the room. "Is everyone ready?" "Yes Alex, listen I need to talk to you about Sarah." A look of disappointment came upon my face
"David I swear I didn't know, she barely told me today, before we came here." "I know Alex, Sarah told me, I just wanted to congratulate you." A smile came on his face and then he hugged me. "Thank you." "Come on it's time for the wedding, let's go." Three hours later everyone was having a good time at the ballroom. "Hey Alex, I heard Sarah is pregnant, is that true?" one of Sarahs cousins asked, "Yes its true I am gonna be a dad." "I'm so happy for you and Sarah." Danielle replied. "Thank you." "OK everyone it's time for the father-daughter dance." As the DJ said that I headed for the bar "Hey bartender can I get a coke." A couple of minutes later the DJ announced "It's time for the bride and groom to dance together." Everybody stood up. Suddenly, I became the center of attention with Sarah looking into my eyes,
At that moment I saw stars in her eyes. "Alex, everyone's staring, take my hands and let's dance." Sarah said. "Oh right sorry." I replied. Suddenly, I felt like a moron, "alright, are you ready?" I asked her, "Yes." We started dancing to the Valentine's Dance Tango song, we danced like there was no tomorrow, and I could tell by the smile on her face this was the perfect wedding, and there she said "Don't let me go." "Not even for a million dollars." I replied. At 8:45pm the party was over and we started cleaning up a little bit.
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Chapter 2
Marriage and a Baby

Seven months later life became harder with Sarah getting emotional all the time. "Alex bring me some chips, Alex I want a soda, bring me some tacos." The only thing I could think of was, when was she going to pop out that baby? Little did I know that in a couple day's I would be getting a daughter. Two days later Sarah starting going into labor while I was shopping for baby stuff and I got a call from David, "Hello, Hi David, SHE'S WHAT, I can't get to her in time I'm on the other side of town I had to stop by the studio for her and now I'm shopping for baby stuff, can you take her to the hospital." "Yeah, you just want to meet us there?" "Yeah I'll meet you there, Bye." I left the basket full of baby stuff in the store and headed for my car. As I raced for the hospital all I could think about was her and how I should've been there when she started going into labor, when I got there I parked the car and went inside, "Can I help you?"
"Yes I'm looking for my wife, Sarah Gonzales Rodriguez." "4th floor, room 314." I quickly got up to the room as fast as I could. "Sarah." "Hi honey you made?" "How are you doing?" I asked. "I'm doing ok." She replied. "Hey David, thanks for bringing her." "Hey it's no problem, and stop calling me David, I'm your Dad now." He said with a smile, "OK, Dad." I replied, just than the doctor came in, "Alright Mrs. Rodriguez, let's see if you're ready, Oh hi Alex," "Hello Doctor Thomas." "OK, it's time for us to have a baby here,
Mr. Gonzales Can you wait outside please?" "Oh of course Doctor." Forty-Five minutes later we had a girl. "What are you gonna name her?" David asked. "Isabella 'Izzy' Rodriguez." Sarah said. "Izzy" is short for Isabella." I replied. "Nice name." My Mother replied, "Mom, what are you doing here, I thought you were in San Antonio?" "I was, but Sarah called as soon as she went into labor and sent out a private jet and a car for me." "I wanted her to come Alex." "Well Ok than." "Hey mom can you stay with Sarah while me and David go down to the cafeteria?" "Sure, no problem." "Can I get you both anything?" "Some sub sandwiches would be good." Sarah replied.
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Chapter 2
Marriage and a Baby

"OK, I'll be right back." "Alex," "Yes Sarah." "I Love You." She said as she held the baby in her arms, "I Love You Too." David and I headed to the cafeteria to eat, once we got our food we sat down at a table. "David I feel so bad, I should've been there for her." I said, "Alexander, this isn't your fault, you were doing something she asked you to do." "Do you think Sarah is mad at me?" "Trust me, she understands it wasn't your fault, besides you made it for the delivery." 20 minutes later we were all back in Sarah's room, "How's the sandwich honey?" I asked her, "Oh It's good." Sarah said with her mouth full. "OK, Sarah, how are you feeling?" "I'm feeling good Dr. Thomas."
"Good, well I would like to have you stay an extra night just to make sure you and the baby don't have any trouble just a precaution for yours and the baby's health." "OK Dr. Thomas." Later that night I stayed awake watching over the baby and Sarah, wondering how I managed to be so lucky to finally have a family to love and care for. It's amazing what life can throw at you when you're not paying too much attention to it. The next morning I got Sarah and Izzy into the car and we headed home, and after forty-five minutes we finally made it home, "OK we're home, don't move I'll come open the door for you." "OK." Sarah was in the back seat she wanted to be with the baby. "OK, come on let's go, be careful,"
I said as I helped her out of the car. "I got it," she replied. "OK, where would you like to go, upstairs, the living room, you know what the bedroom would be best for you and the baby right now." I said "Yeah, me too." She said with a sarcastic look on her face. "OK, there you go, are you nice and comfy?" I asked, "Yes thank you." She replied, "Are you hungry or thirsty?" "No, but can you pass me the remote?" "Oh yeah sure, here you go, oh I want to show you the crib I got for the baby." I quickly went down the hall and got the crib. "I thought you might want to have the baby sleep in here, so I kept it in the box." I said as I dragged it into the room. "Oh it's wonderful, thank you honey." She replied. "You're welcome, I'm gonna start putting it together next to the window." I said, "OK." She replied.

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Chapter 2
Marriage and a Baby

Later that night Sarah was putting the baby to sleep, "Do you think she'll be okay?" Sarah asked, "She'll be fine, we're sleeping in the same room. But she won't be staying in here for long, it's just going to be for a couple of days." I replied, "I know that, I'm just a little worried." Sarah said, "Look we've all had a long day, let's just get some sleep, OK?" "OK." We went to sleep at 9pm and at 3am Izzy woke us up, "I'll get Izzy," Sarah said as she got out of bed, "I'll warm up a bottle." "You don't have to, I can breast feed her, remember?" "Oh, that's right, well than do what you need to do." 15 minutes later, we all went back to sleep. The next morning, Sarah, Izzy, and I were all having breakfast as a family, it felt good to have family of my own. "Sarah, what are we going to do about Izzy, we have to go to work." "Well Alex I was thinking about that and I think you should be the one to go to work, just for a month and after that we'll get a nanny."
"Okay, but I want to add a nanny cam in the house." "Okay." After breakfast, I went out to look for work, and suddenly I ended up with a job as a book editor. "Sarah I'm home." "I'm in the kitchen, I'm making dinner." I went into the kitchen "Hi honey, hi Izzy, come here baby girl, what's up." "So Alex where did you go?" "Oh I got a job as a book editor." "Oh really, that's great, you are a great writer." "That's true, I'm tired, and I'm gonna go take a shower." "Ok I'll finish making dinner." "Okay." Sarah, Izzy and I all had dinner and then we all went into Izzy's room, which had a play area.
2 hours later we all went to sleep. Two years after Izzy was born, Sarah told me she was pregnant again. "What do you mean you're pregnant, you can't be pregnant." "Look, Alex, there's nothing we can do, except to move on with it." Let's just fast forward to the present time, "Congratulations Sarah and Alex, it's a girl." "Doctor Say What Now?" "He said it's a girl honey." "So do you have a name in mind?" The doctor asked, "Yes, Elizabeth 'Lizzy' Rodriguez." I replied, "Oh that's nice, Izzy and Lizzy, Oh how wonderful." The doctor said,
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Chapter 2
Marriage and a Baby

"Thank you doctor Thomas." Sarah replied, "You're welcome,
I will need you to stay the night again." "Alright," she said. The next day we went home and we did everything we did before. "It's a good thing we already have a nanny." Sarah said, "Yeah." I replied. So now we had a baby and a two year old little girl, "Alex, aren't you scared they might be bullied like we were." Sarah asked. "No, but only because I hadn't thought about it, we'll worry about it when it happens, for right now let's get some sleep." The next morning we got up early with the babies and we started getting ready for work, after being away from music for three and a half years,
Sarah was returning to the music studio which means I was coming back as her manager, not only that but I was back at writing books. "OK Jessica, We'll be back at six O'clock, if you need anything just call us, oh and there's a list of restaurants that deliver on the fridge in the kitchen." Sarah said, "OK Mrs. Rodriguez, I'll take care of everything." "Great." "Sarah come on we don't want to be late." "Ok Alex I'm coming, bye Jessica." We quickly got in the car and headed for the music studio, "Hey Jack, sorry we're a little late." Sarah said, "Hey no problem, let's get started." "Hey Jack," "Oh hey Alex," "Don't mind me I'm just gonna take a seat over here."
After several hours at the studio Sarah and I decided to call it quits and head home. "Jessica, we're home." I said as I walked in, "Oh hi Mr. Rodriguez." "Were the girls good for you?" I Asked, "Yes sir." "Great here's your money." Sarah said, "Thank you Mrs. Rodriguez, I guess I'll be heading out, oh the girls ate two hours ago and I put the baby to sleep. "OK, thank you." The next morning we did the same routine, we kissed the kids good bye and headed for the music studio, "OK Sarah, we're going to start where we left off yesterday." Jack said, "OK, let's get it started." Sarah replied. Sarah had been working on her album back at the house, three hours later, "OK, that's it, we're finished." Jack said, "That's great, it's going to sell fast." Sarah Said, "It's sounded great." I replied. "Well we better get going." I said, "Oh right, See you later Jack."
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