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Po discovers what he must do to be able to unlock the true power of the dragon warrior. |
Tigress was speechless. She couldn’t believe that Po, her best friend. Her greatest challenger, and even love interest. Now stood in front of her with her four teammates inside of him. His belly stretched and hanging over the front of his shorts, was like a symbol for her that all their training and living together was worth nothing any more. That he had chosen to betray his friends and master, and then eat them all up for no reason. That was the part that leaved tigress mightily confused. For what kind of sick and perverted reason would Po rather then just kill them, swallow them WHOLE AND ALIVE, one at a time? It didn’t make any sense to her. It just didn’t make any sense. Po’s saw tigress shocked look, and felt all the guilt of what he’s done come back to him. At first with monkey he had just gone on his own hungry instincts because he was…well hungry. But then he had done it to Viper because she had almost caught him in the act, and then the rest was just for the sake of survival and self defense. He had barley had (if any) chance to tell anyone why he had to do it, or after monkey, why he had done it. It felt like this was a really bad time to first now trying to explain anything, but he know that if there was anyone who deserved more then anyone to know why this was happening, it was tigress. Felling like he was going to try and jump of a cliff to see if he could fly, Po build up momentum to try and make tigress understand why he had to do this. Looking up in tigress eyes he could see she was still standing at the same place. She seemed to not attack unless Po made any sudden movement. She still looked at him like he was a traitor and a psycho. Sighing Po took a deep breath and said. “Tigress, I understand that you are probably completely broken and crushed just now…” He could see that she strained her eyes angrily. “But I’ll guarantee that all of this was made for a good reason. I mean why else would I eat almost all of my friends and mentors he…he?” Tigress was now stretching forth he claws, showing that she would now be prepared to attack if he so much as speaks another word to her. “N-Not saying that you aren’t a good friend and mentor, I-I mean if I could choose I would have had you as my first meal.” (Oh god, that turned out wrong!) Po though to himself. Looking at tigress again, he saw her charging towards him for attack. Po was in a hard situation now. He didn’t want to attack or eat tigress. But if he didn’t do either one he was gonna die. Right when tigress was on her way to slash Po in pieces with her claws, he simply dodged away from it. What surprised Po though was that he didn’t do it, or at least not intentionally. While the power of the dragon warrior had given him added strength, agility and stamina, it had also given him the memories of fighting techniques from previous dragon warriors. While he didn’t felt in his head that they where added there, he could inside his body feel how they would help defend him when in danger on instinct. So even if he himself didn’t want to fight tigress, his body would take the fight to defend him. Getting a bit stunned by Po’s last second dodge from her deadly move, tigress took it as a sign on that Po’s strength was not to be underestimated. Staring at him looking all confused as well over what just happen she just took it as a way to throw her off her game. Making herself ready for a new attack, Po tried to tell Tigress what was going on, but she wasn’t listening. She got up close to him, and started to release a bunch of punches against Po’s belly. To her (and his) surprise the muscles in his gut pulled and dragged his stomach in all kind of directions to avoid tigress’s fists. Po himself could only hang on as he almost got tossed around by his stomachs force. Getting herself a bit tired Po’s body decided to take the change to fight back. His body started to glow which took both Master Tigress and himself by surprise. In the moment of a second Po’s left arm and right legs took and thrown an attack against tigress at the same time. Tigress best way of defending this two-ways attack in her current stage was to throw herself in a side spin to dodge both attacks. But doing that gave room for Po’s body to surprise her even more. In the air doing the loop and being very close to Po, gave his powerful stomach the chance to slam her with all its force, sending her flying a couple of meters away from Po. Po could do nothing but look confused and shock over what just happened. Master Tigress went from standing up close to him, to lying on the ground a great distance from him. “The Wu Sisters trio technique?” Tigress mumbled confused to herself as she got herself up. Getting herself up Tigress was trying to think out a new tactic on attacking Po. Seeing the woods near the garden gave her an idea. Trying to lure the panda into an environment where he would be in a disadvantage she took off and escaped into the woods, hoping that the panda would follow. Luckily for her everything that had happened so far had made Po lower his mentally guard so much that the Dragon Warrior spirit could take complete controls of him. Having as only mission to devour Tigress to make the prophesy complete, Po’s body took of to chase her. In the woods Tigress started to climb the trees and jump from one to another. Think that with his big physique the panda would have great problems keeping up with her, does giving her the upper hand for surprise attacks. She stopped in a tree with long thick vines hanging down, to look around and see where he was. She could see the panda approaching from the ground looking up and see the tigress sitting up there about 10 meters in the air. She could see that his eyes looked very cold and lifeless, almost like if he was a zombie. Just standing there and staring made master tigress think that the panda was about to give up, seeing that there wasn’t any way for him to make an attack towards her before she would be able to counter attack him. Then she saw his body starting to glow again and she knew that she had to be prepared for anything. But what happened next surprised her completely. First the panda placed himself in a squatting position, before making a powerful jump towards the tree. At first it looked like he was going to curl up into a ball, and try to make the tree shake master tigress down. But to her surprise he took and did the opposite. He took and bend himself outwards, making his huge chest and belly being the first thing to his the tree. Tigress clung herself to the tree branch prepared to feel a great force trying to shake her down. She felt the force, but then something she wasn’t prepared for. She felt falling. She, the branch, and the whole tree were falling to the ground. While falling she could see what Po had done. He had used such great force that he had managed to break through the thick tree trunk with his own body. “The Flying Rhino technique:” Tigress whispered shocked to herself as she plumed down to the ground with the tree. Hitting the ground hard Tigress felt weak and defenseless. She had been doing nothing but running and climbing for over a half-hour, and when she finally took a chance to rest she gets almost immediately chopped down by Po. She was very tired right now. Trying to get herself up she saw a pair of paws standing in front of her. Looking up was confirmed that it was Po how was standing in front of her. Before she had a chance to do any kind of movement, Po took some of the vines from the tree and quicker then in a blink in an eye Master Tigress was bound up. “The Great Master Viper’s bounding technique!” Master Tigress said recognizing the technique from ancient scrolls. When Master Tigress was all bound up and helpless Po finally managed to take control of his body again. The mysterious glow around him disappeared and his eyes had a more confused and life full look, unlike the more serious and blank one from before. Looking down at Tigress and then at his own paws, Po couldn’t believe what he had just done. Master Tigress, the one that for as long as he could remember had always been just as good (if not even better) in fighting then him. She had always been able to keep the upper hand in their trainings, and if Po ever seemed to get an advantage Tigress made sure to find a way for her to get around it. And now she was lying in front of him, bound and immobile. It was the power of the dragon warrior that had helped him achieved it. He could just eat her now when she was lying there bound, but he felt that he finally had a chance to explain the whole thing for someone. He had wanted to tell them all from the very start, but destiny had made it so he had to just eat four of them very quickly without explanation. With Tigress he could at least tell her that he wasn’t just on some extreme eating habit, but actually had a reason for it. Staring at her again he could see that she was very split by emotions. She was both sad for her friend being eaten, scared of what was going to happen to her, and angry for why Po would do something like this. Looking him in the eyes she shouted at him with tears from her eyes, “Why did you do this?!! Why in all things holy would you do such a horrible, inhuman, sick thing like this?!!” Feeling the guilt flush over him, Po sat down on his knees and tried to wipe her cheeks. Tigress tried to avoid his paws but could almost not move her head, letting Po reach out to wipe the tears from her cheeks. Po didn’t say anything but started to have tears of his own. He hanged his head down and just cried for a moment. Tigress felt unsure of what to feel at the moment. She was still angry and not trustworthy towards him, but at the same time she felt that he was really sorry for it and almost wanted to ask him why. After getting his feeling together Po looked up at Tigress again and tried to explain. He told her about how master Shifu had asked him to meet him. How he had made him his first meal. How he had planned to try and explain everything for the furious five. How his hunger and the dragon warrior spirit had taken over him, and made him eat them instead. And how his new found powers had taken over him just so he could capture Master Tigress. During all of this Master Tigress laid there totally ignoring him. She didn’t buy for one second anything he said. It wasn’t until he came to the part of him capturing her using the dragon warrior’s power when she started to show interest. She remembered back to the fighting techniques that he had used against her to defeat her, and that she recognized reading about the skills from ancient scrolls she had been studying. About the “Wu Sisters trio technique”, a fighting skill that if pulled of right could make the fighter perform three powerful attacks with such speed that it almost looked like they where all made simultaneously. About the “Flying Rhino”, that made the one performing its body so hard and solid that it could make then break through a solid rock wall. And about the “Grand Master Viper’s bounding technique”, that made its bearer able to pull up incredible rope tying techniques and bound its opponents in seconds. She could see the resembles from the legends in the scrolls, and in Po’s fighting against her. “But now when I finally got to tell you everything you will probably not believe me.” Po said finishing up his explaining. “And think I am just insane for making it all up and….” “No.” Tigress said. Both Po and she herself was surprised over what she said. “I-I’m sorry, what did you say?” Po asked. “I said I believe you.” Tigress said. “I believe that Shifu told you that, and that it was your reason for eating everyone. When I was fighting you I saw the power of the dragon warrior leading you. I understand now that you only did this because it’s your fate.” “So you’re not angry over me eating the other four from the furious five?” Po asked. “It’s not much to get angry over, considering I’m going to reunite with them again very soon.” Tigress answered very calmly. “The only thing…” Tigress said before pausing. “The only thing I’ll whish to say before I meet my end is…” “Yes?” Po asked looking her in the eyes. Tigress eyes got a bit watery and her cheeks started to blush a little. “I-I have always liked you a little bit.” “Well, I have always liked you a lot Tigress.” Po said clueless. “Even before I meet you, you where my idol, my hero, my…” “Not like in that way.” Tigress interrupted. “Like in, you know…“”Like, Like””.” Po’s eyes where just as clueless as before, until after a few moments when he got it. Then his eyes lit up wide and his own cheeks started to blush. (Which was more obvious considering his cheeks where originally white.) “Could you untie so I can kiss you at least ones?” Tigress begged Po. Po knew it could be a trick, but even if it was he would still be able to take her in battle with his dragon warrior powers. It took a while, (Considering Po wasn’t himself when he knot her, so did recognize the technique.) but Po eventually got her free. She got up and walked towards Po. He didn’t move, but his was prepared for action. She got up really close to Po, practically touching his belly with her own. She looked up towards his eyes, (He was around a few inches taller then her, and she stood 2 feet away from him because of his still bloated belly.) and pressed her paws on his belly. Po was feeling really nervous for what would happen now. In this position she could just slice his stomach open with her claws before would be able to do anything. Not even Dragon Warrior powers would be quick enough. He could only hope that he could trust Tigress on her words. He could feel her dragging her paws across his belly, and then he felt her claws come out slightly. Cold sweat was starting to pour down his face now, feeling like this could be his last moments alive. Tigress put her claws as high up on his chest that her arms could reach and gripped tight. Po felt this was it. “Next thing she’s going to do is to drag those claws all the way down my waist.” Po thought scared to death. But what Tigress did next took Po completely by surprise. She used her paws buried in his chest to help spring her in the air. She made a somersault in the air, and landed on the top of Po’s belly. This not only took Po by surprise, but it also almost made him trip backwards and fall. Confused he look into Tigress eyes and she playfully said, “What? I couldn’t reach for you down there.” This made Po laugh. The first real laugher he had this whole day. They both laugh for a while at it and then felt their eyes drawing closer to each other, and then their mouths. Lifting his arms up and laying them around her head, Po took and pulled Tigress closer to him and kissed her. Tigress answered by hugging him back, making the kiss tighter. It was a long several minutes long kiss where it felt like the whole world stood still around them. Finally Po broke the kiss and asked, “Are you ready?” “Will I ever be?” Tigress answered, feeling ready. Taking her arms away from him Tigress took and started too unbutton her vest. Po got very thrown of by this and asked “What are you doing?” “Just wanting to let you enjoy the taste.” Tigress said, tossing the vest on the ground leaving her sitting topless on his stomach. “What? Is it feeling weird too you?” she asked. Po thought back to when he was going to ate Master Shifu and he did the same thing. “No.” He answered awkwardly, “Not this time.” “What?” Tigress asked. “Nothing.” Po answered quickly. “Well then.” Tigress said half seductive, crawling towards his mouth. “Open wide.” Of all the meals he had had so far, this had to be the one he was going to like the most. Just like Master Shifu Tigress was completely willing to go through whit it, and considering that Po has a crush on her it would make the sensation feel all the more amazing. Doing what Tigress asked him Po opened up his huge jaws, and let Master Tigress stick her arms inside. Taking it slowly Po let himself just sit down and relax, while letting Tigress feel around and get use to this place. There was no need to rush, just letting Tigress enjoy this as well. He could feel her paws feeling around inside his mouth. On his teeth’s, on his cheeks, and on his tongue. It was all amazing. Especially her feeling his tongue. How she let it rest in her hands, and feeling her stroking it with those soft furry paws of her. After doing this for a while Tigress decided to start going inside. She started with her head. Taking a few deep breaths Tigress stretched her arms down Po’s throat and started getting herself in. Po’s throat muscles knew the routine, and started working on it. As Tigress felt her paws and arms disappear down the throat, she started to enter her head. The inside of Po’s mouth was very wet and slime, but she didn’t mind. She actually liked the chance to get to exploring new things and places. She could feel Po’s tongue getting in her face and starting to lick her. At first it was slightly annoying, but then Tigress got an idea. An idea that she first found nasty and disgusting, but then the kinky side of her brain thought “Eh, What the hell”. So she waited for the tongue to get in front of her own mouth, and when it did she opened it up and let the tongue inside. She had been given Po a little tongues when they had the kiss before, but that was nothing compared to this now. The feeling of having him making out with both her outside and inside of her mouth was amazing, and Po could outside see the rest of Tigress’s body was scratching itself against his fur, trying to get something out of this too. After she was done Po felt Tigress let go of his tongue and he could continue swallowing her. With a big gulp Tigress’s head, shoulder and arms went down his throat. He now had the rest of her upper body in his mouth. He could feel her gorgeous breast and slim flat belly resting on his tongue. Feeling a bit naughty Po made his tongue to take its time and taste her breasts very well. He even manages to make the tip of tongue to reach up and stroking her nipples. This whole thing took Tigress completely by surprise, (even thought she kinda asked for it when she French kissed his tongue) and she let out a small moan. That became much louder as Po continued to taste every inch of her chest area. Po even started to notice that the midsection of her pants started to get wetter. After a while Po thought that Tigress had had enough, and let his tongue go deeper down and towards her stomach. What Po didn’t know was that Master Tigress actually was very ticklish, and that it didn’t take much to make her laugh. As soon as his tongue touched it Tigress let out wild laugh, and it was loud enough for Po to feel its vibrations in his throat. Giving himself an evil grin, Po decided to have some fun. After counting to three in his head Po let his tongue lose Master Tigress’s body. His tongue worked as quickly as racecar over the fields. From the area just under her breast, around her sides, and as far down as he could reach on her body that wasn’t hanging outside his mouth. He even took the time to bury his tongue into her bellybutton, finding out that it was her weakest spot. For Master Tigress all this was almost like a torture for her. She tried with all he might to make it stop. She tried hitting the throat walls and kicking him outside with her legs, but nothing help. She couldn’t either do nothing because her ticklishness forced her to move her body. After a while Po felt Tigress’s legs stop kicking and just hang there. Getting all worried over killing her Po tried shouting to her, “Tigress, are you alright?!!” After a while he heard a very muffled answer coming from his throat, “Yes I am. I’m just very exhausted right now.” Po took this a sign to stop with the tickling and continued swallowing. By this point Po had realized that Master Tigress was his biggest meal yet. With the others he hadn’t been able to really enjoy the tasting probably. In most cases it was because he had to stress eat them and finish them up in almost one swallow. The largest one before had to be Master Monkey and even he was not so hard to swallow. The only one that had been some what willing had been Master Shifu, and still Po didn’t have a chance to hold the tasting for as long he would have liked before he was gone. Master Tigress was definitive the best meal of them all. As he swallowed Tigress he could feel her bottom half starting to enter he’s mouth. As her butt was starting to enter, Po could feel Tigress making resistance. At first he didn’t get, but after a few moments he realized that she was trying to get her pants off. “Of course. She wants me to enjoy her taste as most as possible. Just like what master Shifu did.” Po thought. So he helps her to get them of. With them off Tigress’s stopped making resistance and let Po continue. At this point Po almost didn’t have to do anything. Master Tigress was swallowed up so much now that her arms had already started to enter his stomach and she could pretty much drag herself in by this point. So she got really surprised when she felt Po’s arms grab a hold on her legs. “What was he doing? Was he going to drag me out now when I’m almost there?” Tigress asked herself. But no, what Po had in mind was much more insane then she could have ever imagined. Before Po took a grab of her legs his tongue had been around tasted all new parts of her that entered, and when it did it happened to get a quick touch of her pussy. It happened so quickly that when Tigress felt it, she just thought it was an accident that would be quickly forgotten. But for Po this was something he had never experience before. His father had been given him the talk about where babies comes from so he know about a woman’s parts and what they do, but he had never experience it first hand. So when his tongue got a taste of it and his brain told him what it was he was touching, he felt like he had just got an enormous attack of hormones that he didn’t know he had. Not letting this golden opportunity disappear, Po grabbed a hold of Tigress’s legs and kept her still. When having her still Po got to let his tongue explore more on this mysterious thing that a woman had between her legs. He let it brush its lips, and to feel after the clitoris, or to just see how deep it could go. From deep down inside him Tigress was feeling amazing. She was still a bit mad at him for just doing it on her without her permission, but at the same time it felt sooooo good. She was moaning for all she was worth, she was trying to twist and turn her body trying to be a part it to. And just when she thought she had experienced everything Po started to drag her legs back a bit, just so he could push them back in again, and then repeat the process. Tigress had first no idea of what was happening, but it didn’t take long for her to feel what it was. Po was using her legs to drag her vagina closer to his tongue so he could go deeper, and then pushed them back to push the vagina out of it. He was using her legs to help making love with her! From what had been a gentle licking and feeling experience, had now become a full on penetration of her most sacred. And to top it all of, she was in a situation where she couldn’t do anything to stop it. “Po, You clever bastard.” Tigress managed to say to herself in between moans. Even though it felt wrong liking this she would allow it because it was the one she was in love with doing it. Po went on for a while before he felt her reaching her climax. A big moaning shout could be heard from inside before Po felt his mouth being filled with Tigress’s cum. Felling kinda full Po decided to swallow it along with Tigress. Feeling his tongue slip out of her vagina as it disappeared down the throat Po was thankful, knowing that he had been able to do this with Tigress before eating her completely. By now it took almost no effort for Po to finish his job. Tigress was just her legs and tail away from being completely eaten, and she herself was actually doing most of the work now. With her head and arms inside Po’s stomach already Tigress was doing her best to get the rest of her inside. By pressing at the stomach walls with her arms she hoped to be able to push the rest of her body into the stomach. Being almost done Po took and laid himself back on the ground lifting Tigress’s legs up in air, trying to use the help of gravity to get them down. But after a while seeing them kicking in the air without getting any deeper, Po sighed lightly and said to himself “Okay, Okay. I’ll help you finish this.” Preparing with a couple of deep breaths Po then took and made an enormous swallow sending Master Tigress down quicker then she thought was possible. Right when she was trying to make another powerful push to get the rest of her body to move, Po took and made his swallow. It pushed Tigress forward so quickly that she almost ended up trying to stand up straight in his tight stomach. Luckily for both of them she managed to bend herself in time making her curl up in a ball instead. Felling a bit cramped inside by the sudden force Master Tigress mumble to herself “Oh, You could have warned me Po.” Inside Po’s stomach the Dragon Warrior spirit had made some changes to Po’s stomach acids as well. Being much more effective then before it would take and start digesting its prey almost immediately, leaving almost nothing left. So when Tigress entered the stomach she was all alone, with no remains of her friends anywhere. But unlike with her friends Po’s acids would not be as direct and deadly as of before, being that Po was the one in control again. So Tigress had her time to find a comfortable position, and get comfy inside. Outside Po’s paws felt all over his outstretched belly. With Tigress inside it had stretched out at least another foot. The feeling of having something so big and alive inside of him made Po feel like he was a mother, and that Tigress was his little daughter. Getting a little teary-eyed he bent forward slightly and gave his big belly a kiss. “Goodbye Tigress.” He said, before working up something from inside. Inside Tigress could feel everything shaking a little, before feeling how all the air disappeared through the same opening that she had been getting in through. She could hear the sound of a big burp escaping through Po’s mouth, before starting feeling dizzy and sleepy. With the feeling of Po’s stomach acids starting working on her she laid herself in a comfortably position. Before closing her eyes she looked up at the stomachs ceiling and said. “Farwell Po.” Feeling the movement in his belly stop, Po realized that Tigress was now gone. Putting his ear to his belly he could hear the acids starting to work Tigress, and felt a bit depressed. He could feel the last of the powers being absorb into him, and for the first time feel the true power of the Dragon Warrior within him. “But at what cost?” He asked himself. “With all of my friends and heroes gone, Is it even worth continue on?” Po was then quiet for long time, doing nothing else but starting at is full stomach and reflecting over everything that had happened. “Yes! Yes it is!” He shouted to himself. “You have to show them that their sacrifices didn’t go to waste. You are gonna use the powers to fight all kind of evils that exists, and continue to keep the spirit and traditions of Kung Fu alive for new generations.” And with that he looked down at his belly, laid his paws on it, and said “I promise you guys” to it. The End |