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Rated: E · Poetry · Contest Entry · #1958934
Writing about the antagonist of my Nano Novel.
Being hurt is not a tangible thing.
It is elusive and vague;
Hiding beyond the surface
Yet tainting everything it touches.

Heartbreak is the worst.
The shock at seeing the one you love,
The one you would trust with your life,
With another person,
Is devastating.

Your life freezes up
Then shatters
Leaving pieces scattered all over.
The pain,
Takes your very breath and reduces you.

In response, you run and hide,
Both emotionally and physically.
Moving past that person
Not letting them see
The absolute pain they have caused.
The crushing blow they have wielded.

Pulling into yourself;
You bury your heart,
So that nothing can penetrate the walls
You build up around yourself.
Life is dulled down but safe.
You go through the motions
But life does not sparkle anymore.

To rise out of this mired hole,
You must reach out and trust again.
Is it possible?
Or will you go on,
Safe and lonely
Within your self-imposed exile.

Be brave and risk.
New love will buoy you
Bring you back from the brink
Of the living dead.

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