Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1958383-What-is-Normal
Rated: E · Poetry · Dark · #1958383
The power of darkness and its true purpose
Why are you not normal? I have been asked outright
It is a question that confuses me, it does not seem right
What do you mean? I do not understand
Is there such a thing as normal, can you describe it as best as you can?

I have been told that I see only darkness
That I see all that is bad
That there is good all around me
Why can’t I see any of that?

You say you look at the sky, and normal people see blue,
And all I see is gray and black and not a hint of blue
You say you look at the sky, and normal people see light fluffy clouds fly by
And all I see are storms and lighting, and anger in the air

What is wrong with darkness, it is comforting in the dark
I am its good friend; I have lived in the dark
I asked my friend what is your purpose, why are you so dark
Why do people fear you, why are you so black

The darkness it told me, I am misunderstood by all who come near
If only people could see, they would see the real me
But I am twisted and turned, people do me so much wrong
For I am a gentle warrior, fierce and relentless when I get aroused

People come to me when they get lost and disorientated on their path
Some people just only visit, for them, for them I come and go
Some people live come with me, for them I’m a constant companion
They are scared and lonely, in me they find comfort

I envelop around you, I am a cloak, I am a guard
I offer you protection, my shield, my strength and I am glad
I work in the shadows, in the badlands, and in all the abyss
This is my choice, my life, this is why I exist

There are demons there are wraths, there is evil everywhere
They are always snatching and clawing, they want you to succumb
They strip away all that is good; they make you their slave
Their own prince of darkness, they win and you grieve

I protect you and I fight for you, I would make you so proud
If only you could see the real me, you would feel oh so proud
That I protect the despairing, the dejected and the distressed
That I protect during your lifetime, with all understanding and love

You have lived with me for a long time, you have seen me fight
So many demons were after you; that I have seen your heart turn black
I saw how they polluted you, I saw you full of disgust
I saw the evil build up inside you; I saw that you almost burst

When you were at your most hopeless the demons were most delighted,
They had you ... and they were dragging you away
To become one of them and you were most willing
To inflict evil that was hideous and wicked, you had a poisonous and repulsive heart

I saw a glimmer, a little kindling, a little shimmer in the dark
I knew that I should battle for you; I knew I should drag you back
You see that fire that burns in the night, is brighter than the day
Only in the darkness can the hopeless call for help, only the down hearted can light such a spark

For happiness is day, and sadness is night
But how can you find happiness, if you have never experienced any pain
The pain of living, of heartbreak, of cruelty and of love
Truly understanding the darkness, makes you truly understand true love

That is why the daylight sent you on my way; It felt your happiness was all a frown
That deep inside you, was confusion, commotion, and turmoil, a desire to be normal
What is it to be normal I hear you say
Normal is darkness and light, guiding you on your way
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