Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1958194-Forever-in-heart-and-mind
by Leily
Rated: E · Other · Death · #1958194
notes in remembrance of Isen Useini, aged 12.
In remembrance of Isen Useini, born on 10th July 2001.

Isen was a very fun and sweet boy who was friends with everybody. He loved soccer a lot and trained hard for his goal of becoming a professional player. When he was eight years old his parents gave him an influenza vaccination. They wanted their son to be healthy and there was nothing dangerous about a vaccination.

Except there was.

Isen was one of the few whose body didn´t accept the vaccination. As result his lower body got paralyzed. He couldn´t walk or play soccer anymore. But he still fought on. During fifth grade his legs became better and the doctors had hope that he would be able to walk again. His biggest whish was to play with his team mates again instead of having to cheer for them from the sidelines. Two weeks before school started again in september he got worse again. The doctors said that it was just a minor setback. Isen was able to attend the first week of sixth grade, 2013. Then suddenly the paralysis started to spread rapidly. He was in the hospital for less than two weeks. He didn´t respond to any treatment the doctors tried. During that time the paralysis reached his lungs and heart. He passed away in the night of the 9th October, 2013. You will always stay in our hearts.

The following notes are from students and teachers.

"Hey it´s me, Nik

I´ve never known you personally and you too probably don´t know who I am.
I saw you a few times during breaks with your friends but we never talked.
Now I wish I had said something. It´s stupid, I know. It probably wouldn´t have changed a thing, but now you are gone and we will never again get the chance to talk.

I´m in year seven. This will sound clichée but it´s still true. We will all -even those who you never met before- forever keep you in our minds and our hearts and will never forget you.

It is not fair that you had to go so young but I hope that at least you aren´t suffering anymore and that you are able to play soccer in paradise. We´ll see us there.

-by Niklas R., seventh grade

"Dear Isen,

We teachers knew how bad you situation got in the end. Still I didn´t want to believe it.
If someone is as sick as you were one has to be prepared that it could get worse. But this summer you seemed to be getting better and better and when the doctors said there was hope that one day you could be able to walk again we were all so excited and happy.
How cruel fate can be.
You are one of the brightest and hard-working students I ever had. I am glad I got to meet and teach you, Isen.
God may have decided to call you to him but you will always be with us, no matter what.

May God bless you and your soul rest in peace.
With Love,
Mrs. Lammert"

-by C. Lammert, Math and Biology teacher

"....I don´t know what to write.
Ms. Blom told me to write in here. She said it would maybe help me to say goodbye. I never said goodbye to you. I didn´t know this would happen.
We have plans remember? You said you´d come to my birthday party next saturday. We´ll go to the next soccer game together. I bought the tickets already. And we´ll play soccer together as soon as your legs got better. Didn´t we promise?

I didn´t knew I should say goodbye to you.
I never told you what a great friend you are. You are.
I don´t want to say goodbye.
I know how you hate goodbyes. Me too.

So, Hi Isen."

-by John G., sixth grade

"An Eternal Memory: Until we meet again

  Those special memories of you,
  will always bring a smile.
  if only I could have you back,
  for just a little while.

  The we could sit and talk again;
  just like we use to do
  you always meant so much me,
  and always will do too.

  The fact that you're no longer here,
  will always cause me pain,
  but you're forever in my heart,
  and that's where your going to stay.

                                                Untill we meet again...!

I don´t know who wrote this,it wasn´t me. Miss Scheffer showed it to us. But I don´t like it because it says exactly what I feel and I wish I wouldn´t have to feel this way.
It´s not good-bye Isen. Until we meet again


-by Anna L. T.

~ Isen was a student at my school. I´m several years older and I´m quite new to the school so I never had the pleasure to talk a lot with him. But my school is very small and there are not that many students in wheelchairs so I knew who he was. When the teachers told us that he had died, well it was horrible. Half of the school was crying and sobbing the other half just stood there in shock and disbelief. He seemed so well.

I remember him laughing as his friend pushed his wheelchair as they were playing soccer outside. He couldn´t shoot the ball but his friend did that for him. I still see them very clearly. I didn´t know who he was I only remember smiling and thinking how strong that little boy had to be and how much fun he had with his friends though I imagined he wanted to stand up and play himself.
This image of the boys running around obviously not caring that one of them was disabled while still knowing it and taking care of him without belittling him was one of the first I had of my new school and I was really glad that I went there now.

We had an assembly in honor of Isen. The younger kids were crying so hard that in the end they either ended up in each others arms or some older student grabbed a little one. It didn´t matter who it was or if they knew that person because they didn´t care. No one should be in such pain as all of Isens friends and his family must´ve been and still are. It broke my heart seeing my classmate (who is quite tall) holding his little sister and looking utterly helpless trying to take her pain away.
I will never forget that day and I´ll never forget Isen.
-leily                                                                                                                                                                                ~


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