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Age long imbroiglo re-echoed in judicial system, sparked outrage,took the nation by storm |
Trevor Martins felt aggravated the moment he perceived someone a chaser who ordinarily would have looked elsewhere accosted him, mind you persistently, tensed up turned around to display his bravery as against wisdom taking a toll to flee rather avoid the strange element, so faith took over, untimely death George Zimmerman, the veritable hunter with good nose for good prey, veritable prize readily available, his security instinct took charge, albeit, troubled community looking for evidence of good policing in vigilante form, alas, opportunity for good neighborhood watch in plain glaring bravado, played the role of conveyor of immature soul onto other side, violently so, thereby nemesis became his albatross for life Timing was in effect very essential to this scenario, the cover of darkness with an accompanying environment where there were no witnesses, the only evidences of encounter became controversial, two phone calls of two voices of cries in the wilderness, one to a questionable character according to defense team, the other in form of distress call to security and 911, the most confusing, no one could decipher the caller, both parents lay claims to it, very strange, for once technology could not rescue our obtuse minds as it seems A battle ground away from real battle ground ensued, the courtroom, of Judge, jury, prosecution, defense complimented by the gallery- passers bye, press, both immediate and larger community-, a case of the dead against the living, not the first though, also, wont pass for the last Controversial code, SELF DEFENCE claim as against outright murder initially, later second degree murder or manslaughter. A 16 had pummeled a 30yr old to stupor, with enormous physical damage leaving scores of scares and bruises, had to defend himself with his gun, the story would have been different, the chronicle would have read otherwise, hence, there would have been no notice or mention of such event to the magnitude of displeases that trailed it, which might for a very long time All had been calm before and during trial, until after judgment, spontaneous cry of rape of justice from a section of the gallery, this lingers on An unprepared prosecution or inadequate presentation reared it head, the moment they altered the charge away from daylight murder even when it happened under the cloak of the dark, told my dogged daughter a part of the gallery who swore vehemently till date of miscarriage of justice, that the, prosecution at that point in the defining moment of the case lost it, the team just brazenly admitted consented to no case against George, in essence, it could not prove it’s case, rather claim of murder, the question why the uproar against the other section, the law and the system The colouration had been at outset, prosecution was led by blackish advocates, who also took it’s case to the galley even while the trial was in shape, whitish, defense all through, except for one myopic black lady, who played according to the dictates of her conscience or belief The confusion rages on, jury most confused asked for lecture on manslaughter, shockingly unprepared for the grammar, as it appears Jesse Jackson, an elder statesman joined the fray, plays the colour game along the colour line, carried the battle on, calling the state of Florida, apartheid along forgotten inoperative word, arousing opening old wound, that, resonates around the globe, giving new dimension to the entire scenario changing the face of the imbroglio The strength of an underage, a 16 year old with strange enormous strength caught in the web of a helpless 30 year old who turned to his firearm for rescue, a toddler found himself wandering within the shadow of death, refused to cry unto the Lord for support, he had lurked in wrong territory aimlessly Travor Martins traversed dangerously in the garden of George Zimmerman, trespassed as the trial and justice indicated, by sympathy became a hero of some sort to a section, going to the length of entrenching his garb in the museum to preserve his memory as reminder of misplaced judgment There had been several cases of bad jug dement, remember that of four black men who went to jail for murder in a garden, took several years to reverse that, having served decades to serve other’s time, before the security discovered they were not the real culprits, did not generate so much heat, neither did it degenerate into raising a global outrage An under aged, with very strong spirit, Late at night, with hood, in heat, went for groceries, wandered into Zimmerman’s garden, his rendezvous with time. Most of us will find it difficult to see faith at work here, Trevor had appointment with time going back in the mishap, took a very cruel method, none has control over how, else, would have preferred suitable means |