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Rated: E · Poetry · Nature · #1957512
Free verse poetry
Nature at Nightfall

                Young woman...sitting on an old dock

                  Slight breeze over the large pond

            Navajo blanket over her back...she's crying*DropB*

                  Cattails glowing in the evening sun

                    Dragonflies like rainbows hover

                      Shimmering wings that purr

                    A bull frog croaks out in song

                      "Good cheer...Good cheer"

                        She still cries...red eyes*DropB*

                      Crickets harmonize in tune

                  Tiny eyes peer through the grass

                      Hop hop hopping for hope

                A spotted fawn creeps up to drink

              Gracefully her head rises...ears perk

                Whimpers create cautious attention

                  Small fish jump for twilight's bugs

                Splash and ring upon rings appear

                    She must have a heartache*DropB*

              Ducks shimmy and preen "Wack wack"

                      A lonely Loon calls out...

              "Full of the Mooon...Full of the Mooon"*Sleep* 

              A tree frog, bright green, yellow striped

                  Leaps onto her blanket..."ribbit"

                        She says "hello froggy"

                    He smiles at her and climbs

              Now perched upon her hand..."ribbit"

                She smiles and wipes her tears.*DropB*

                    She rises...her blanket falls

              "Thank you tiny friend...I feel better"

            Kerplop, kersplash... he swims away*Rain*

                  "Good cheer... Good cheer"

                  She finally sees the beauty

                Now healed by nature at nightfall*Heart*

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