Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1957144-Lucky-penny
by rat
Rated: GC · Fiction · Other · #1957144
A young special challenged indivual and a bully in bark in a special friendship
The Lucky Penny

Chapter 8

After a long night of dreaming, jesse awoke from a deep sleep, which he had been reminded, of what his mom had

told him, to treat others like, he would be treated, he didn't know how to do that, to him teasing someone, was what he

learned from his father, before they took him to foster care, because of child abuse, that happened numerous times while

he lived under his moms roof, until it got so bad that his mom left, she couldn't do it anymore, she would write and visit him.

Jesse tried to go home with her, but she refused him by responding with, "No, you are just like your father, I didn't want

him and I don't want you, you are worthless and so was your father." Then why do you come at all, it just seems like a

waste of time, your worthless to think that I want you as a mother anymore," she just looked at him before saying, "Okay-

Jesse if you feel like that, then you will never have to see me again." Good, you are trash anyway, you don't clean yourself,

and your hair is always a mess, you don't work and I don't think dad ever loved you." Jesses mom came up to his face, and

slapped him clear across the face, " Don't you ever say that to me again, do you understand, you take that back, or you will

be stuck here for the rest of your life, and I will give you nothing." I can't take it back, all of what I said was true," his mom

went away from Jesse, as she turned one more time, to say that he was the worst thing that ever happened to her," Get-

out of here," while he screamed the door, to his room slammed and Arvest pick him up, two months after his mother

abandon him, Jesse remembered why he was so mad at life, a feeling came over him, as he got up, and recalled all the

things that happened in his past, a voice came in his head, that he needed to talk to Frank, and make amends with Frank,

like the dreams that he had that night, the dreams were about Frank, and a little girl, and a man, they were both playing

with a big round ball, as they threw it back and forth, it was then that Jesse, realized that Frank was the key, he didn't

to what it had to say, he thought it was all in his mind, and it was just his mind playing tricks on him, until he went to his

first class, he saw Frank at his locker and then at his class, he saw him in the lunch room eating lunch, Jesse was

convinced that something, had definitely had to give, he knew he had better say something, or he would completely go

nuts, so at that moment he went up to Frank, " Hi Frank," he looked at Jesse, " Your not going to hurt me are you, or

throw my tray across the room. "No, I came to apologize for all that I did to you," I had a dream last night, you were in it,

and I think Jesus was in it too." You dreamed of Jesus and me?" Yes, my stepsister was in the dream too." Wow, that's

cool." Anyway, I just wanted to ask you for your forgiveness." Frank stood up and gave Jesse a huge hug, Jesse was

shocked in fact, the whole school was shocked to see them together, they had heard about them, and wondered how could

it be, the bell rang and the students went to their class, after Frank said he in fact forgave him.

Chapter 9 Some Kind of Friendship

When Frank arose the next morning, he saw his mom sitting at the end of his bed, " Good morning sunshine, how did

you sleep?" Good." That's good great to hear, I wanted to talk to you about something that was on my mind, your father

told me that you have been spending a lot of time with Jesse, what brought that on?" " He wanted to apologize for being so

mean to me, he had a dream that me and him were in Heaven together, we were playing soccer with Jesus in a field,

franks mom just stood there, listening to every word that he had to say about that day, frank continued to tell the story,

he said that Jesse gave him, a firm hand shake to show that he had not hard feelings, when the bell rang and everyone,

went back to their classes for the rest of the afternoon. " He said all those things to you really." as she gave him his -

breakfast, " Yes, he did he was very sorry about, treating me so horrible, and he hoped that the two of us can be

friends, I said yes that I would like that, { he mom began to cry} as Frank replied," What's wrong momma/" " Oh, nothing I

am just so happy and proud, that you and Jesse are such good friends now, and that he would do such a good thing like

that, I think there is going to be a lot of changes around here."

Chapter 10

One night Arvest had the memory of when she was a child, she remembered going to school one day,

getting into a fight about bringing a bible to school, when she was a little girl, since then she has had many, questions

about Christianity that she needed answered, she recently got in touch with Sylvia, because she knew her background,

and she thought that she would be the best candidate, she called her and she was thrilled to hear her voice, on the other

end of the phone, she mentioned that she sensed that she might be calling her, so she prepared herself by reading her

bible and praying to her maker for the right words to say to her, she wanted to discern what she already knew, she stated

that her and her parents went to church on a regular basis, it made her feel so glad to there worshiping her lord and savior,

when she got to be older she went but not as much as she would like, she did feel like God was there all the time, when

she needed her, but as time went by she began to, venture to more material things, and started to hang out with the bad

crowd, that's when Sylvia chimed in, by saying " Did you ever accept him in your heart? " as she replied, " My parents

had talked to me about it, and I got the concept, but I never understood that a spiritual being could, control my life and love

me that way, "What's keeping you back from accepting the lord now?" Lots of things, when I was thirteen I went to a school

like a normal child, and I remember that it was one of the roughest schools in the neighborhood, one d

office, he sat us down, and then asked us what is going on, one of the girls replied that I was carrying a bible, in my hand

and that she knew that it was not allowed on school property, the principal sided with them, and he called my parents to

take me home, an

Chapter 11 Moment of truth

Sylvia was glad to hear that Arvest was willing to go back, she thought it would be a very good thing,

after she had told her story, she was curious about frank as she replied, " Tell me about your son, Frank I mean was

he always so calm and trustworthy like he is now?" I had my struggles with him, he would get angry when he couldn't

do what most, of the kids his age could do, he would slap me but I would not get frustrated, because I understood why he

did it, and I accept it because I love him, as a mother loves her son, I know Jesus will give me strength, to deal with any

obstacle that comes my way," Sylvia paused as she saw arvest crying, " What's wrong?" I've been thinking about Jesse,

and comparing how he was then, and how he is now, I see that change in him, and it brings me happiness, and it gets me

thinking, that I want the same thing for myself." " So lets change it together!" " I want to pray for you if I may?" as Sylvia

put down her coffee, " I suppose it will be fine." " Dear heavenly father, we lift arvet up to you, I pray that you will fix her

heart, so she can see your love is real, and that you can change her life, " a long pause came when she ended the prayer,

and that's when Arvest joined in with, " Daddy, it me arvest, I know I haven't talked to you in a long time, my heart was

bitter for you, I hated you for a long time, I was mad because you let my little girl die, you just let the disease, take her

life, I confess that I didn't love you either, in fact there were times when, I didn't want you as my savior, I realize though my

friend Syliva, that you still love me, enough though I was angry at you, I now understand the power of your love, that you

have, I surrender all to you, I accept you as my personal savior, I don't want to feel guilt or hurt anymore, I want to know

you more, and I want you to guide me in everything I do for now on, come into my heart father, I love you, I love you, just

then Sylvia prayed, "Thank you for hearing my friends prayers, thank you that she accepted you in her heart." I pray that

she can be a great influence, to all who come in contact with her, in you name I pray, Amen." When they opened their eyes

Arvest said, I feel so light and full of life." That's the holy spirit working in your heart, he is always with you, and you can

talk to him anytime, that you have a concern, or just feel near to him." Thanks for taking time to talk to me one on one, and

understanding my situation, " My pleasure" Frank suddenly came in from school, " Well hi, how's school?" Fine" How are

you and Jesse getting along these days?" We are getting along very well." I invited him to a concert, that the church is

having tonight, and he had accepted my invite." You know Frank, thanks for being a friend to Jesse, I have seen a

tremendous change in him, he is a delight to be around now." Your welcome." What were you two doing?" We were

just finishing up praying, arvest just accepted Christ in her heart." She has, welcome to the club, you are going to have

so much fun getting to know Jesus, and telling people about him, and be sure to welcome them in to their new life.

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