Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1956606-The-Secret-Rewrite
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Contest · #1956606
a secret is reviewed
         It was a hot musty summer afternoon. The air conditioner was broke and the fan was blowing warm air all around the small pink room. Everything was neat and in place. The light beige carpet was damp from the water that was spilled on it. Sitting on the side of the dark oak dresser was a tall slender glass of lemonade with three square ice cubes. Drops of water slowly ran down the glass.

  Lying on the satin red quilted bed was a petite thin twelve year old girl. She had short brown wavy hair and bright blue eyes. She was wearing light blue short with a white t-shirt. She was busy looking up at her pure white ceiling.  Thinking about what the summer would lead too.

  She liked being in school she thought education was very important. Her favorite subject was history. She loved learning about old things in the past. History was like music to her ears. Another reason she like the class so much was because she knew the teacher Mr. Sanders. Which she liked calling him by his first name Justin, he was always so kind to her. Justin was friends also with her father. He had been like a part of the family for years.
Suddenly she jumped to her feet when she remembered she was supposed to call Justin right away. Her small hand grabbed the pink phone and dialed the memorized phone number, but instead of getting a ringing sound she got a busy noise in the background. She hung up the phone. Her name was Michelle but she didn't like it. It was the only name her mother considered.

  When the door downstairs swung shut she raced down the stairs to greet her father. Her father was a tall thin dark haired man. He wore his favorite fedora hat that was made of soft brown felt to work each day. His name was Daniel Kooper.

  Daniel wore a dark navy blue suit and tie to his office he was a hard working detective. He worked on many different cases. He was always determined to solve his mysteries.

  At Justin Sanders house him and his wife Mary were sitting out on the pouch on the west side of the second level.  They were watching the sun go down over the mountain top. It was sending off a shiny glow that shined upon Mary's face, she had golden brown skin from sitting in the sun for hours. Her firm voice whispered in the blowing breeze. Her silky sparkling blonde hair was so long and delicate. That it waved in the wind. They were a perfect match, they were sweethearts in college and they had many things in common. Justin was a strong and noble man. He was about medium size; he had dark brown hair with a few light streaks. Admirable hazel green glazed eyes. He had two shining gold rings on two of his five fingers, one being his wedding ring and the other his class ring. He was also a very wealthy man. He lived in a mansion. He had everything he could possibly want.  A lovely home, money, and a beautiful wife.  He loved being a History teacher and taught summer school as a hobby.

  That night the wind roared. The cool breeze blew through the windows of the Koopers . The dark sky was filled with stars. There sitting in a tall heavy wood chair was Michelle. In the pale moonlight she sat by the window looking into the night.  She loved seeing the stars and the mountains in the distance. It was so beautiful at night in a strange way.

  When the next morning came Michelle was asleep on the soft fluffy carpet by the time she reached the window her dog was sitting on the wood chair. The dog was huge and he was pure white with big blue eyes staring at her. He was a full breed Siberian husky. She named him Skip, after her uncle. She thought it was only right since he was the one to give her him. Skip gave her a whimper and Michelle knew it was time for breakfast.
She went to call Justin first again hoping that he would be there.  She grabbed her phone and pushed redial and it was busy again.

  It was Carol Sampson the maid on the phone ordering for new sheets. She was in her late thirties. She had black curly hair with dull blue eyes. She was quiet and kept to herself. She wore a black and white uniform that the Sanders suggested.  After she was off the phone she put her hand in her pocket and walked into her room downstairs. She had a medium size room. She walked to her bed lifted up the mattress and took the item out of her pocket and stuffed it under. "Are you busy?"  Carol turned around to see Emma her new trainee, standing by the door. "I need help with the sheets." She called. Emma had just stared a week ago and was still learning the routines. Emma was twenty two, thin tall and had jet black hair that she placed in a bun on her head. Her uniform was a bit big and Carol had been to busy to take it in yet.

  The other hired hand they had was a tall dark handsome man named Nick Jacobs, the gardener which Mary demanded. The gardener had a dark brown tan and wore jeans with a light color t-shirt. He was always very pushy and out spoken he also had a terrible temper. He mended the flowers in front of the mansion.  Pruned the shrubs and mowed the lawn.

  Justin was at the breakfast bar finishing his food.  He whistled at His wife grabbing some coffee by the kitchen sink. She turned smiled and waved her hand gesturing to hush her husband.  He playfully grabbed her waist and pulled her closer as he gave her a kiss before going to work. They had been in love since college and still had passion in there married.

  Justin grabbed his keys and was ready to lead to summer school" Mr. Jacobs, please clean out the pond and cut down some of those weeds by it." He said.

  The gardener gave a nod but had a contemptuous smile on his face.

  Meanwhile Mary was on her way back to the bedroom when the doorbell rang. She continued on letting the maid answer it.

  It was a heavy set blonde haired man. He had bright green eyes that hooked anybody who looked at him it was consent stare face to face eyes locked. Before the maid snapped out of it and noticed he had on a pair of jeans with a black velvet shirt. His skin was a flat white. He had dimples on each cheek. Behind his back he held a box. He was sly in the words he used. He was very consistent asking for Mary as he stood in front of the silver plated door. He slowly talked his way into the living room. 

    The living room was enormous. It was mainly filled with vases from all over the world. Mary loved to travel while Justin didn't. The man wanted to talk to Mary. So the maid went up 2 flights of stairs until she reached Mary's room. She knocked all so slowly till a firm whisper came from behind the door.
The door creaked opened; there Mary stood in a white cotton bathrobe her hair long and dripping wet. The maid described the man downstairs.

  She rushed downstairs to see what her ex-husband wanted. It was Tracey he was always so sneaky and conniving. She greeted him at the bottom of the stair case.
  Tracey had his hands behind his back. He swung a box of dozen fresh red roses in front of her. Mary snatched them from him harshly and told him to leave, but he just wouldn't listen, until she picked up the phone and threatened to call the police. He wanted to see if she was still happy and if there was any way they could patch things up. On the way out the door he seen a picture of Justin in a crystal frame picked it up and smashed it on the oak wood floor and it shattered.

    After her ex-husband left she got another unexpected visit. This time it was a woman. In a long ragged, dress that hung to the floor. Her face was distance but yet she had a strange look in her eye.
Her hair was long and had tangles. Her lips were pale. She asked for Justin.  Mary stepped back frightened and chilled by this weird unknown woman.  As she did her feet crunched upon the bits of glass from the broken frame. Furious, that the mess wasn't cleaned yet. Mary made sure that the woman understood that he wasn't there. Then she ran off disappearing into the next room not saying another word.

  After the woman left the maid closed the door.  Mary screeched from the living room to clean up the glass and have Emma bring her some tea out on the back porch.

  Later that night Mary thought about the strange woman that came to her house. Why was she looking for Justin? It was almost nine and Justin wasn't home yet, but normally he meets up with friends after work some nights. Mary hoped he would be arriving soon. Just, then she heard Justin's car pulling into the drive way, the phone rang.

  There sitting on the beautiful glass end table was the red touch tone phone. She picked it up. At first she didn't recognize the voice but quickly realized it was Tracey.  He was saying something about she didn't have to worry anymore everything was going to be alright. Raving about how they would be together again. She was confused he was acting crazy like when they broke up many years ago. And didn't know what he was talking about. Sounded like he had, something planned. He went on saying many other things but she wasn't listening, because Justin was standing right in front of her. She said "goodbye Tracey" and hung up the phone. Mary got up hugged Justin as she closed the door. They crawled into bed talked awhile and cuddled until they fell asleep.
When Michelle couldn't reach Mr. Sanders at his home she went to the summer school program to talk him. Sure enough he was there, as she had expected.

    When she walked into the room she could smell a musty scent of old books and papers. As Michelle drew closer to Justin she could smell another scent, it was cologne. A scent he had always carried with him wherever he went. It never seems to leave his clothes. Michelle looked at him as she walked closer he was smiling at her. As soon as she reached his desk the bell rang.  The small class of students got up to leave noise fills the room as they left. The light tan walls were covered in pictures from different time frames of history.  A pile of papers filled the basket on his desk.

  She sat beside him she loved talking about the past and Justin always liked sharing old times with her. She asked him to tell her about memories of her mother. Justin knew her mother best since He was married to her once, but after she got married to Daniel she seemed different. They would always fight when they were together.  Justin liked the time he spent with Michelle. They would sit and talk about her mother for hours not even knowing how fast the time was flying. Justin told Michelle of how he bumped into her at Green Hill College. She stumbled and he caught her. She was frightened by a secret admirer who was leaving her letters in the dorm. They began dating soon after that.
  It was another hot humid summer day. When, things started falling apart. The air was extremely warm.  Sweat ran from the gardener's forehead as he grumbled to Carol about Justin commanding him and correcting his work.  Carol had never seen Justin mistreat Nick.  This gardener was the most aggressive and tempered she had seen. Carol remembered the other three and Nick was far more angered then any of the others but he did a very good job.
Meanwhile Michelle had surprised Emma in the kitchen when she snatched a chocolate chip cookie from the jar. The jars clatter startled Emma as she washed dishes. Michelle liked spending time with Emma since she hadn't anyone around her own age.

  A loud agreement arose between Justin and Mary in the entrance. Michelle heard them yelling at each other before Justin slammed the door and left in his car.
Michelle spent the whole day helping Emma clean the patio and house. At 5 o'clock Mary informed her it was time for her to go home.

  The night crept up on Michelle as she sat in her bedroom reading one of her favorite books which the author she knew a lot about. She slowly flipped through each page carefully so she wouldn't crease any of them. While reading lines and lines of the story.  She became tired and soon fell asleep.

  The next morning, Michelle awoke yawning. She heard footsteps coming up the stairs.
Suddenly the door knob jiggles and the door slowly opened. There standing in the shadow was her father. He gracefully walks in; his face looked puzzled he sits on the side of her bed. She puts her hand on his shoulder. Her father frowned she knew something was wrong. He opened his mouth to talk but then quickly shut it. "What's the matter", she said. Suddenly with no interruption he blurted out something he knew would destroy his daughter. "The police called they said that Mr. Sanders err, Justin was dead and they think he was murdered. They want me to investigate the case." Daniel said whimpering. Michelle gasps as tears began to roll down her cheeks. Her worst nightmare had come true.

  When she heard her history teacher who was always so kind and best friend was dead. The thoughts that ran threw her mind burst.  When Daniel seen how hard it hit his little girl he swung his arms around her and held her tightly. She couldn't stop crying. All she could think was poor Justin. Daniel didn't have any idea who would murder him. Daniel stood up and told Michelle how sorry he was and decided to go downstairs to call and get more information on the case. He didn't want to take the case he figured it would be difficult for Michelle.  Daniel knew someone needed to find Justin's killer.

  Mary was upstairs brushing her golden blonde hair. Getting ready to go to the country club. The maid was standing by the door when she told her that the police was down in the dining room.

  The dining room was the largest room in the mansion. It had a big glass table right in the center of the room. There was 8 giant chairs filled the soft patting, that the two police officers sat in, while waiting.
Mary came down the stairs in a silver elegant gown filled with sparkling glitter. Her blonde hair had a big curl on each side of her face that moved slowly as she glided down to the base of the stairs. When she hit the bottom, the two police officers stood up. They were dressed in brand new uniforms. They walked over to her. As one spoke up, He told her the bad news of her husband's death.

    The policemen watched her facial expression as she stood calm and strong. Then one little crystal tear trolled down her face until it met her shining glistening lips. They weren't frowning nor smiling. Then all of a sudden she let out a shrieking scream, from the top of her lungs. Then she simply just stood there. Finally the policemen told her that he was murdered and must have died very late last night the mailman found his car at the end of the long driveway this morning.

  When the maid heard what was wrong she began to sob continuously. Then Mary screamed at her to stop crying or she would be looking for a new job. Mrs. Sanders always yelled or screamed at the maid to do this or that. So when Mrs. Sanders screamed, she sobbed even longer. When the gardener heard all the commotion he raced in to see what was happening. When the gardener heard the news he told them it was better this way. Mary informed them all three of them needed to make statements.

  Michelle was sitting on her nice clean carpet and her soft cuddly dog Skip was by her side. She was thinking about Justin and all the talks about her mother. Then she thought who would murder such a nice man.  She was trying to imagine what life would be like without him. Justin was Michelle's dearest and closest friend. She didn't have many friends in fact the only other one was Emma. No more going to history or summer school to visit. Her life felt empty. Michelle felt like sometimes she was closer to Justin then her own father.

  A couple days later Tracey comes by the mansion to be a shoulder to cry on for Mary and hoping they still had a special connection between the two of them.  Mary calmly told Tracey to leave or the gardener would throw him out. Pretty soon Tracey's temper controlled him and he grabbed Mary by the arm and threw her up against the living room Mahoney door.

  Suddenly from nowhere the Gardener came grabbed Tracey and pushed him threw the sliding glass doors on the east side
  It was a cool breezy full moon night. The sky was filled with tiny bright white stars that were scattered everywhere. The cool blue lake at the Koopers' was covered with green lily pads. While frogs made sounds outside the window. Mr. Kooper was in his small office that had a Danish stain desk sitting in the corner. He was holding his brief case in one hand as he had a file on Mr. Sanders in the other. He sat in his leather recliner as he opened the file and began to read it.  It told that Mr. Sanders had multi stab wounds. The murder weapon was a small hand knife. He was found at the end of the driveway in his car. The door was wide open. His body was half hanging out.

  It was the mailman that called it in. The weapon was never found. Statements were made but there was still a long list of suspects to check out.  After he finished reading all the information, he started thinking about how such a bad thing could happen. Justin was there one day and gone the next. He could remember how attached Michelle was to him. He was like a second father to her. Daniel thought Justin was not a bad person. He was always nice and very kind in every way. Now he had to go to his funeral something he thought he wouldn't have to ever do. Justin was like a brother to Daniel besides their differences he was considered the best
  It was a dull summer day. There were many dark storm clouds in the sky. The wind was blowing quite hard.  Daniel was in his bedroom putting on his last garment which was his favorite black and white tie. When he was done he went up to Michelle's room to make sure she was getting ready. She had on a navy blue dress with a black bow in her short hair. She was ready to say her last regards to Justin. They got in their light purple sports car and headed toward the cemetery. When they got there they had to wait a half hour before they could start because Mrs. Sanders wasn't there.  When she arrived they begun the music as the preacher started. He began with, "Justin was a fine man. "  And ended in "May we all remember beautiful memories of Mr. Sanders and what he meant to each one of us."  Daniel began to pull Michelle to the car. She was sobbing so hard her navy blue dress was soaked. She sat in the sports car as she watched her father talk to a man standing next to Mary.

  Daniel saw Mary she had no tears in her eyes. For a second he thought he may have seen a smile. He heard one of the guests say Mary was planning a trip. Then Daniel noticed Mary standing next to Tracey who was indeed on the suspect list. Next he hopped into his car with his daughter again in tears and drove home.

  After the sleepless night he met Michelle at the kitchen table. She was eating eggs and toast. When he looked at his daughter her face was pale. She knew her father had to go to investigate the suspects. She wanted to know who murdered her friend .she asked if she could go with, but her father insisted that she didn't.  So he went to the sanders mansion.

  The maid told how that morning she heard Mary and Justin fighting upstairs.  About another trip and Mary's spending habits. Also talking about Tracey and Michelle's name was mentioned. The fight continued downstairs in the entrance way. This made Justin late for work
  The Gardener told Daniel that he never did like Justin and he wasn't at the mansion that night. He told of how Justin hadn't been such a nice person.  One day in spring he had threw a glass across the table and nearing hit Mary.
Mary was next. When detective Daniel Kooper asked her a simple question she melted, she wailed so long and steady it seemed unbelievable she didn't answer or give any information. Daniel had her statement from the station Mary said she crawled into bed at ten that night. Although no one seen her.    Emma went home at six the night Justin was killed. Daniel decided to head to the office.

  After a long hard day of searching for answers and information Daniel went home. Michelle was waiting up. He didn't know much more at this point. He thought maybe Tracey had something to do with it. He was in the office being questioned when Daniel left. Michelle had her own opinion. She thought that the gardener was the guilty one No one knew what the truth was.  A lead could be whoever stolen the two rings stolen off Justin's hand.
It was a warm summer night the moon light shone bright on the whole Sanders mansion. It was a beautiful night. The mansion was lit up with rays of the full moon shining through the windows. The air conditioner roared as it blew cool air all around the enormous rooms. Emma went home for the night and Carol was dusting the furniture in the dining room. Mary was upstairs in her admirable swan shower. When she was done she turned off the shower allowing her to hear a strange noise.  It sounded like there was someone in the staircase
  There was a loud creak soon it was silent she stepped out the shower and walked into her marbled room. The white mixed cream carpet was soft on her wet feet. She could smell a funny odor in the room. She calmly walked to her clear glass vanity she grabbed a sliver designed hair brush to protect herself. Then she heard a scrapping sound someone was outside the door. She ran to the walk-in closet she shut the door behind her, But leaving it a crack open. When she heard the door squeak open she started hunting around for a better weapon. She found one of her favorite lacey high hills. When, she looked through the crack of the door. She could see a figure of but it was too dark to see the face.  Her heart was pounding loudly her body was shaking with fear.

  The figure came closer to the closet. She knew she had no chance, but to fight. She tried to calm herself down but it was no use. She stood up firmly and with full fore pushed the door open hitting the image of the person. The person flew and hit the wall. Mary stood by her vanity with the high hill in her left hand. The image was up in a flash and came racing at her faster than ever, and pushed her against her vanity mirror it broke and shattered into what seemed like a million pieces. Cutting her tender flesh, Blood was dripping all over the cream carpet.

  Michelle was watching TV in the living room. When her father arrived she jumped up and gave him a big hug. He was glad to see her cheerful again. Ever since Justin's death she wasn't the same. Michelle did a lot of lying on her bed crying to herself. Her father would hear her some nights and wished there was some way he could make her feel better.

  Daniel was busy working on the case. It got to be pretty late and he fell asleep in his chair. When he awoke it was morning. Looking out the window told him so. He saw a beautiful humming bird in the feeder. He also saw the fresh green grass that still had dew on it. He was sitting there peacefully. He was startled when the phone rang. He answered the phone quickly. It was his boss Norman He was a heavy man with dark gray hair and mustache. He told him that Mrs. Mary Sanders was murdered. When the police got to the Sanders there was blood everywhere. She was killed the same way as with they as her husband. Maybe the same weapon too. He told Daniel to check it out.

  Daniel arrived at the Sanders with two police officer he immediately questioned the gardener. He told Daniel he wasn't there He only worked days. Next he asked t Carol she was in the dining room sitting. She had heard a high pitch scream and by the time she reached Mary's room. Mary was on the floor with blood everywhere. Her crisp clean white towel was smeared with dark red blood. The vanity mirror was broken and the pieces were lying on the floor. There was a small dent in the wall across the vanity. Emma had told Daniel of when she accidently broke one of the vases in the living room and Carol took the blame. Mary really yelled at Carol until she was in tears. Now it was time for him to tell them what he thought happened. "Carol you were mad at Mary. So you crept up to her room. Scaring her when you, entered the room. I think you angered and then she pushed you up against the wall, denting it. Someone or something broke the mirror. You stabbed her many times causing her death. The maid wept it wasn't true she murmured. He had Carol's room searched and they found under the mattress a small clean but sharp knife. She was taken down to the station. After an hour they decided to arrest her.

  Daniel was in Norman's office they had to have the knife checked out and was holding the maid until they found out if it was the murder weapon.  Daniel was to check out the strange woman Carol had told them about. This time he was sending a partner with him Norman introduced Nelson Wick.  He had solved many cases and considered one of the best. He was short and looked like he was in his forties. He had blonde hair that was so light that looked fake. He worked on force for twenty years.

  Nelson stood up to shake hands and said. "I believe we have met before in Deer Grove it's a small town next to Green Hill." "No I have never been there before," was Daniel's response.
Daniel and Nelson decided to check out the five different motels in town.

  It was a very weird and chilly summer night Daniel was parked in the first motel parking lot. He sat quietly watching the office as Nelson was talking to the front desk. Daniel decided it was time for a snack. He reached into the glove department for napkins. He had two Jelly rolls with thick frosting in a box on the dash. He took a small bite, but when he went for his second bite the jelly roll slipped out of his hands and fell on the floor, by the gas pedal. He reached down to grab it. He lifted it up and brushed it off. Finally he could take the second bite that he craved so bad. He opened his mouth as he let the creamy frosting drop on his tongue. He was getting ready to clinch his teeth, when he seen Nelson on his way back.

  It was dark in the parking lot. He tried to get out of his car but the jelly roll fell on his lap making his hands and pants sticky. So it was hard to open the door. By the time he got out, Nelson was ready to head to the next motel. After another attempt at finding the woman they decided to start up again in the morning.

  Norman called Daniel the knife was indeed the murder weapon. Nelson was still on the search for the woman in question as Daniel appeared in court. On the stand sat Carol stated her name "Miss Carol Sampson" Then she recited her version of the story. The jury listened to both sides of the story. After detective Daniel was done. It left the jury to decide who was telling the truth. The court took a 20 minute break. Everyone left the room. Carol's lawyer was tall with very light hair he looked good in a suit he had the professional look of someone in charge he was going to try his best to win the case.

  Assistant State Attorney was one of his Daniels's old friends who owned him a favor. He was a bright man, strong carefree nice to people who were nice to him. He was bold and determined to win the case. Once he started none thing could stop him no one could hold him back.

  They piled back into the court room. State attorney held up exhibit A the knife the murder weapon. He flashed it around the room and then cut a piece of cloth to show how razor sharp it was. The jury fell silent. The judge released the jury to a small room to make their decision.  An hour later everyone was seated. Carol looked at her lawyer scared wondering what was the verdict would she going to prison.

  Just then Carol told her lawyer about the strange visit Mary got a few days ago. So he spoke to the judge to get enough time to track down this woman. The judge gave him a day and he searched but found nothing.
The next day back in the court room. Carol's lawyer s stood outside the court room hoping for information. The Judge was seated and he asked a guard to call in carol's lawyer. He was sitting on the bench the guard called him. Just then his phone rang he was talking stalling the guard.  He quickly walked down the aisle and spoke to the judge.  He had received a tip that the police had found the woman. He convinced the judge to allow another witness. It got late and they decided to continue after lunch.

  It was windy outside the mountains were covered with clouds. The wind was very strong. It was misty and there was a heavy fog. The wind picked up and blew dust and dirt everywhere, and then it began to rain. Daniel got a call from Norman Justin's will was read and he needed to see what was in it. So he headed over there. Justin left half his money and mansion to his wife and the other half of the money to Michelle. Which seemed odd to Daniel?

  When Daniel returned back at the court house he found Michelle on the steps. She wanted to see what was going to happen. In the court room Michelle thought of Justin she wiped a few tears from her face. Daniel got a call and he got up and hugged his daughter and said he had to go and would return soon. A few minutes later the new witness Elizabeth Kooper stepped up to the stand. She wore a light pink dress that was ripped on the side. Her hair was half combed. She looked scared and frightened and soon began to shake. She seemed so nervous.  The judge asked her to begin.  She started off with "I have never had a real family I was tossed around into foster homes my whole life. Years later I met Justin at Green Hill College. I instantly clung to her to have a normal life. When our marriage failed I found Daniel But that life didn't work either. So I left and went back to Deer Grove that had one of the best Psychiatric Hospitals in the area. Even though it was a very small town it had a few really good doctors.  That is where I met Tracey. He was having a really bad set back and it took him awhile before he seemed well enough to rejoin the public."

  Everyone was still and amazed. The judge was seated in his high chair looking at the jury. Carol sat still waiting for her fate.  Michelle's face shone with a confused expression.  Nelson shows up and speaks to the judge. Tracey was arrested and had admitted to the crime.

  They found his fingerprints on the knife Tracey told the police that he didn't remember the events of killing both Justin and Mary and framed the maid.  But after leaving the hospital and wasn't taking his medication he could have done anything.

  At the station Elizabeth fumbled with her hands eyes glaring down.  She had seen Tracey kill both of them and when they team up to get revenge she didn't know what she was doing.

  Norman called Daniel into the room. He took one look at Elizabeth and whispered" Elizabeth where have you been. How could you do this?" Daniel went to sit down nearly falling into the chair.

  She had dated Justin and which lead to marriage. But they were terrible together and fought all the time. So they separated for a couple of weeks. Meanwhile she met Daniel and tried getting Justin back by making him jealous of her and Daniel. But it didn't work and she soon married Daniel but there relationship didn't work a few months after they were married she began to  take everything out on  Daniel they fought a lot and Daniel gave up but before He could leave there soon came a surprise, a baby. Daniel was so excited about the baby and there live got back on track Elizabeth couldn't tell Daniel that his little girl was really Justin's daughter. When Michelle turned three Justin questioned Elizabeth and she admitted to him that Michelle was indeed his. Justin started coming over a lot and threating to take her. So one night Elizabeth decided to leave and never to return. With Elizabeth gone Justin kept the secret. Even with Elizabeth's unstable life she knew when Michelle became a teenager Justin would tell her the truth. She couldn't let that happen.

  Daniel started at her and took a class ring out of a clear baggie "we found this with your luggage at the motel. We know its Justin's ring," He paused. "So where is wedding ring then?" Daniel asked. She shook her head indicating she didn't know.

  Elizabeth got one last chance to see her daughter. Michelle walked in. Elizabeth cried as she said "I'm so sorry." the biggest shock was when she told Michelle Justin was her father. "Can you ever forgive me?" Elizabeth asked. Michelle gave Elizabeth a big hug and then walked to leave when she reached the door she turned around and said "I will never forgive you leaving me and helping to kill my father." And she left.

  Tracey went to prison. Elizabeth returned back to the Psychiatric hospital.

  Michelle was reading her book when her dad came upstairs to check on her. Her eyes were sad, her face wet from crying. "I wish things could be different. I will never leave you." Daniel said.  Michelle smiled and said. "I love you and you will always be my dad." Daniel left her room feeling content.

  In a small but cozy bedroom Daniel removed his jacket and laid it on the bed. He smiled firmly and with his left hand reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a gold wedding ring. He glared at it for a while and then tucked in back in his pocket.

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