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by yep
Rated: GC · Short Story · LGBTQ+ · #1956511
Fleur presents Rarity with a new experimental milk that was personally given to her.
Rarity begins to walk over to her dresser to begin to pack up clothes for her trip to visit Fleur-de-lis. Fleur had invited Rarity over to talk about dresses and the social life, apparently Fancy Pants was away on a business trip, and Fleur had much free time to herself. Rarity was so excited at having the opportunity to visit her, but she wouldn't go alone, so she had invited Fluttershy to come along, she was sure the dear would enjoy the talks they would have other there, but Fluttershy already had plans at Canterlot it seems. Nevertheless Fluttershy was going to accompany Rarity to Fleur's house either way. Rarity had just about finish packing up, till a knock came at her bedroom door.

"Rarity, are you still there?" It was her sister, Sweetie Belle. "Well if you are, I'm gonna go at Apple Bloom's house for the weekend while you're away." After hearing that, Rarity can hear her sister's footsteps descend down the steps. Sweetie Belle was always hanging out with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, maybe one day they will find out what their talents are. Once everything was ready, she made out the door, check every room to make sure it was in top condition, making sure not to leave anything on, and leaving a note on the door saying "Shop will be closed for the weekend." and stepped out of her shop, heading to Fluttershy's cottage.

Today was a normal day at Ponyville, the sky was clear thanks to Rainbow Dash and her crew, the sun was bright thanks to Celestia, it seemed like a beautiful day for a beautiful person like herself. Everyday she would gain compliments on her body, whether it was someone new or a repeat from someone. Her body was simply to die for. She was rather thin, but not too thin, a lady must always have a little fat for herself. Her breasts a sizeable C cup, showing cleavage but not too much to show the men. And to end it all off, long legs with a decent bottom connected to them, which many wished to touch, but she never let anyone, least not that they know.

She finally arrived at Fluttershy's cottage, and begins to knock on the door. "Fluttershy, dear, its almost time for us to leave are you ready?" Behind the door came a squeak, and soon the door opened to reveal her shy friend, in a long yellow dress that mostly covered her body. Such a waste of beauty Rarity couldn't stop thinking, Fluttershy had a cute face that would cause most people to stop their train of thought whenever they saw her face. She was also skinny, but not as skinny as Rarity, just a tad more. Her rear and legs weren't as amazing as Rarity, which Rarity was quite proud of, but what she envied the most was her friend's chest size. Fluttershy was the most well endowed person she knew, having a double D cup and still remained perky.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be late, I was already ready an hour ago, and didn't know what to do so I stayed home and waited for you, sorry, I know going to Canterlot means a lot, please don't hate me." Fluttershy had always been one to care about others ahead of herself, and worried for just about anything really.

"Its fine dear really; there is still plenty of time, though I do suggest we start walking now." Fluttershy heads inside to grab her bag, and comes back outside and locks the door. "Let's us go then."

The two set off to the train station and board the train with five minutes to spare. The ride was uneventful, the two had talked about gossip of her usual life, like they always do during their weekly spa, they also talked about what to expect from the trip, and return to Ponyville, Sunday afternoon. Finally after the three hour train ride, Rarity and Fluttershy arrive at Canterlot; they both get off the train and are greeted by a familiar face.

"Rarity, so nice to see you again, you look marvelous today might I say." Fleur was there to make sure they kept to their words. "And I do believe this is Fluttershy? My my, she is quite the cutie may I dare say." Fluttershy blushes at the complement never really being the one to hear any due to her shy personality.

"Yes, Fleur this is Fluttershy, please be a dear and say hi to her." Fluttershy barely speaks the words to her. "Don't mind her; she is a shy one as you can tell from her name." Rarity was quite jealous that Fleur had paid more attention to Fluttershy, but one is to expect that at times.

"Yes quite, any who, shall we head to my home? It is a must pass by while you two are here." She turns around getting ready to head to her house.

"That would be lovely Fleur, but Fluttershy here is on important business of her own, dealing with animals and such. Go ahead Fluttershy, you may leave, Fleur and I should be fine."

"Umm okay, thank you." Fluttershy begins to walk away, leaving the two fashion women to themselves.
Sometime later, Fleur and Rarity finally arrive at the house that will house them for the weekend. "Isn't it just grand? Fancy bought it, says its one of the finest house to live in, I simply love it." Rarity had just entered the house and already had her breath taken away, the house was simply marvelous. Everything about it, seemed perfect, nothing could ruin such a house. "Care for some milk Rarity? This company has personally asked me to test out their new product, promoting that it'll help improve one's figure."

Rarity was quite surprised a company had asked Fleur to test out such a product, her body, though older than Rarity, was just about the same, another body to die for, the only difference being, Fleur was a D cup and not a C cup like poor old Rarity, she was quite mad at that fact. "You're willing to share such a product?"

"Of course, dear. You are a guest, and I must treat guests to the finest products that can be afforded, so I'll take that as a yes then." Fleur goes over to the kitchen and brings out the milk carton and two glass cups. She begins to pour the milk into the glasses; Rarity hadn't had milk in possibly forever, unless you count the milk part in coffee, which she didn't. Fleur had passed one cup to Rarity, and held hers up. "To our wonderful weekend ahead of us." The glasses cling, and they begin to down its contents.

"I must say, that milk was divine, I never knew milk could taste so good at my age." Rarity had commented once done. "And this is a new company, yes?"

Fleur had just finished her cup. "Quite new, but they didn't want to release it yet so they sent me a sample, saying the one and only Fleur-de-lis should try it before the public does." She had struck a pose to indicate her importance here in Canterlot. "Many of the nobles say that my opinion as a lady matters the most, and if I don't approve of something, no one ever will. So do be glad we are friends." Fleur winks at Rarity, causing her to blush.

"Oh yes, I am quite glad we are, you and Fancy are my one of my biggest idols, I just hope to do more with you two in the future." At this moment was when Rarity had started to feel a little woozy, probably the train ride, she didn't really have a chance to settle down till now. "Alright if I use the bathroom? I don't feel well at the moment, sorry to be a bother."

"Its no problem my dear, I don't feel quite well as well, you may use the bathroom over there," Fleur points off to the other side of the house, "I'll use the one upstairs." The two head off to use the bathroom.

It was quite a short walk to first floor bathroom for Rarity; she had no problem finding it. Though something seemed odd when she arrived at the door to the bathroom, her head was the same height as the frame, surely Fleur would have a doorframe taller then herself, she was at least some inches taller then Rarity. Maybe it was some Canterlot fashion she didn't understand, but she has read up on everything related to fashion, it must be a new thing going on, and hasn't updated that must be it. As Rarity enter the bathroom, she notices it's rather large, easily ten people could fit in here, and still have room. Fancy and Fleur really did buy a fancy house it seems. The bathroom had an open shower, a jacuzzi to relax in, two sinks, a massage table, and finally two toilets. She wonders why it had two toilets.

Rarity approaches one of the sinks so she may examine herself, but found something wrong again. The mirror was chest high to her, almost every mirror is placed at least face height last she checked. Nevertheless she lowered herself so she may examine her face, when she heard a rip sound. "Oh no, what did I rip?" She begins to look at herself and saw nothing wrong, at least in front of her. She decided to turn around, and notice her blouse had ripped on the back, revealing a small part of her bra. "How did it rip? I don't wear anything that's small on me, everything is the perfect size." During her panic she never heard the sound of her shoes snapping as her feet begin to break through. "My shoes, ruined!" Looking back at the mirror, she now noticed it was stomach high compared to her, it wouldn't be possible that the world was shrinking around her, so she must have been growing!

Fleur wasn't exactly having better luck than Rarity was. She seemed to have grown taller then her doorframe, every door was least a foot taller then her, and now she was a couple of inches taller then them. The upstairs bathroom wasn't as grand as the downstairs one; it was a bit more personal. Hopefully the mirror wouldn't lie to her like the doorframe did, but unfortunately it did as well, having the mirror be in-between her chest and stomach. "This isn't good at all; I have to tell Fancy about this." Before she could walk to the door, the heels on her shoes snap and she loses her balance and falls on the floor. "Oh my, what just happened?" She begins to look at her feet, and notice the heels are broken and the straps are slowly coming off. "Odd, that shouldn't be happening at all." She sits up so she can take her shoes off, but hears a rip. "Oh dear, I hope that wasn't my shirt, I just bought this." She begins to examine herself and notice her shirt had a large rip in the front, her boobs almost exposed. She didn't bother to wear a bra, hoping to get lucky with Rarity during the weekend; a little "fun" never hurt a business.

Back over to Rarity, she started to notice the rest of her clothing's started to follow suit, and started ripping slowly. "Oh my, I hope Fleur doesn't get mad at me. I just want this to stop." Whatever was causing her to grow clearly didn't hear her, as the process began to pick up speed, quickly reaching fifteen feet, her shorts long gone. Her blouse was barely hanging on, button after button popping off, until finally there was none left to hide her bra covered orbs. She couldn't decide whether to try and leave now, or stay inside. If she tried to leave outside, civilians would see her and probably call her a freak, but if she stayed inside she be ruining one of the most expensive houses ever made. Taller and taller she grew, till finally her underwear popped right off her figure at twenty five feet, which she finally noticed the bathroom was running out of room. She braced herself for the inevitable breaking of the bathroom.

Fleur was rather angry at her shirt being torn, but no matter she could always buy more. After removing her shoes, she stands up only to discover that her head hit the ten foot ceiling. "My, guess I'm not done growing yet." The bathroom was far tinier than the one Rarity occupied and was quickly losing space as Fleur grew, at about twenty feet she had lost all clothing and had started to crack the walls around her. "This is quite a pleasant feeling, being able to break these walls as if they were nothing, one could enjoy this." She smiles as she begins to push the walls outward to let herself free. Within a five foot growth spurt, she bursted out of the bathroom and into her bedroom, which she was quite thankful for, having more room, alas that feeling didn't last forever as the floor broke underneath her to reveal another person growing with her.



Both women exclaimed at each other seeing the other grow beside them. But there wasn't a lot of room left to support the thirty five foot Fleur, and the thirty foot Rarity. From outside, people can hear walls breaking and groaning going on, many people stood outside hoping everything was fine. This wasn't the case, as a minute later both ladies exploded out of the house, fully nude, with the building in rumbles under them. Both of them had finally gotten out of the house around seventy feet each, both shocked at what happened. Civilians began to panic at seeing two enlarged ladies out of nowhere.

"Fleur what happened? Why are we huge?" Rarity began to fear the worst.

"I honestly have no idea, but doesn't it feel amazing, we're huge, you saw how easily we crushed that house for the size it was." Fleur had remained calm after breaking her house. Fortunately the growth seemed to have stopped.

"I suppose you're right, it does feel rather nice." Rarity began to see what Fleur had meant, till she felt something wet begin to drip. Was Rarity leaking milk? She couldn't believe her eyes or feelings, but yet she was, milk was pouring out from her jugs as she stood there.

"My, my, someone is quite full hmm? Here let me help you with that." Fleur moved over to Rarity, knocking or crushing a few buildings under her feet, as she gently suckled on Rarity's left breast. Rarity couldn't help but moan at how sensitive she was now, she was never this sensitive before, but all she wanted was for Fleur to continue to drain her milk, it felt divine.

Down below on the streets, people were running left and right trying to escape the two giantesses sharing a moment with each other. Fluttershy tried to move but everywhere she went someone was there and she waited till she had a chance. She hadn't paid attention to whom the two women were, though either way she would have been afraid to do anything, but soon that will change. Just when the streets finally became clear for her to run, a drop of white rain fell on her, completely ruining her dress and hair. "Oh my, what just happened?" She looked up to see another white drop fall on her, more and more drops fell, until finally after the tenth one it stopped. "Is it raining? No one said it be raining?" She begins to look around and see other drops have landed on the streets completely missing people, since no one was around.

She began to stand up, and quickly lost her balance. As she fell backwards, part of the side walk broke a bit. "I'm so sorry; I didn't mean to break that." She said to no one, considering she was alone somehow still. She begins to look at herself, and notice her clothes have shrunken on her. They almost looked like a child's clothes. Soon enough though they began to tear off, leaving her in her underwear. "Oh my, just what was that white rain?" She didn't have much time to think, till she heard moaning above her, she began to look up to see the two giantesses begin to fall on buildings next to them. From her point of view it looked like the one with light pink hair was fighting the purple haired one. Wait! Rarity and Fleur? What happened to them? Unfortunately Fluttershy didn't have much time to think about this as her bra and panties finally broke off, her orbs jiggling in the air finally being released from their clothy prison. She was already approaching thirty feet; she was growing at a faster rate than the other two had. She wasn't sure why, but this new sensation felt quite nice, she had never felt anything like this. Is this what pleasure felt like she thought?

"Hmm don't stop Fleur, I'm still full." Rarity was in heaven.

"I don't plan to dear, this is just the beginning." Fleur had loved the taste of Rarity's milk, it was creamy, and almost like the milk they had earlier. Speaking of which, she can actually feel herself gain gaining height, foot by foot. "Would you look at that, seems like your milk is fueling my growth." Rarity decided to look up and see that it's quite true; Fleur seemed to be getting bigger and bigger. Suddenly a crash was heard off to the side.

Fluttershy had surged to seventy feet, matching Rarity's height for a moment and started to approach Fleur's new height of hundred. This new feeling was too amazing, and she had to find a way to end it, she began to play with one of her breast, while the other hand wondered down under. Adding more pleasure to her already growing pleasure seemed to have added to her growth, quickly she passed Fleur, in just five seconds, and now on her way to hundred twenty. Fleur and Rarity stopped their brief love making to see Fluttershy's growth, hearing her moan and playing with herself, made them wet, but they were too entranced by her growth, now hitting two hundred feet, her chest creating a shadow over them, as they surged outward, seeming to balloon outward.

Fluttershy had started to feel that the pleasure was coming to an end, and she didn't want that to happen, it felt so nice, and she didn't care, everyone could see her, but they had always wanted to so might as well show it off. At finally two hundred and fifty feet, her growth started to slow and she could feel the orgasm at its highest. Those last few seconds were some of the best Fluttershy will experience, as her fluids begin to pour out from her, covering buildings, luckily Fleur and Rarity were just beyond the amount she shot out.

"Oh my! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so loud, and umm large also." She had finally stopped at three hundred feet; if she were to stand up she would probably match the tallest buildings in Canterlot.

"Mmmm just look at her melons. I'm sure sucking on those can last a lifetime." Fleur began to move towards Fluttershy, stepping over buildings and into Fluttershy's sticky mess.

"I don't think that's such a good idea Fleur." Rarity had tried to stop Fleur, but her words fell on deaf ears, as all that Fleur cared about was to be the biggest.

Eventually, Fleur reached Fluttershy and began to massage the nipple; it was as wide as her head! "You're a beauty, you know that? You're gonna be making someone super famous." She teased as she continued to play with the nipple until she finally saw the first leak of milk stream out.

"Umm excuse me, but it's impolite to suck on me without permission." Fluttershy had calmly said, surprisingly for her size, she still spoke in whispers.

"Shut up you, you won't matter for long once I start growing, and eventually become the biggest here." Fleur really wanted to be the biggest, seems like the height has gotten to her.

"Fluttershy darling, don't listen to her. You're easily three times her height, you can take her on." Rarity had tried to reason with the shy giant. Fluttershy began to think about it, and it did make sense, why should someone smaller then her take advantage, everyone else use too, but now no one can.

"Rarity is right; you shouldn't take advantage of me." Fluttershy reached down and picked up Fleur and brought her to her face. "How would you like it if I began to suck on your breasts? That's umm if it's fine with you." Fluttershy felt Rarity kick her indicating to not be that way. "Oh right." With that, Fluttershy brought Fleur's chest to her mouth and began to suck on both boobs at once. It was such a delightful taste. She wondered if this is how her tiny woodland friends felt when they were fed by their moms. Except of course one difference, the milk was causing her to grow again, but at a much slower rate than earlier.

Down below, Rarity began to make her way over to Fluttershy, hoping to help herself to some milk. She was sure Fluttershy wouldn't mind, they were best friends after all, and she would allow Fluttershy to remain the biggest. Up above she can hear Fleur moaning as her breast were being sucked and Fluttershy happily enjoying it. Rarity finally realized she never had a chance to taste anyone's milk ever since they grew, she hoped Fluttershy would taste well. Just like Fleur did, she began to massage and caress the nipple, waiting for the right time to suck. And soon enough some drops began to leak out, till milk just spilled out, drenching Rarity in Fluttershy's milk. "Oh my, I wasn't expecting anything like that at all."

Fluttershy had just experienced her breasts letting out a great amount of pressure, by moaning out loud, she dropped Fleur hard on to the floor, and began to lean back, flattening multiple buildings and streets behind her. Lying down on her back, panting hard at the pressure finally being relived. "So that's what it's like being milked? That was amazing."

Rarity concerned for her friend began to walk over, but quickly noticed Fleur on the floor. Fleur didn't seem to be as tall as before, unless that meant Rarity was growing again. Which was true, she could see Fleur getting further and further away, with this newfound growth spurt she could get over to Fluttershy's side in no time. By the time Rarity had gotten over to Fluttershy, she can tell they were more or less the same height, about three hundred fifty, but soon she would surpass that, due to the amount of milk Fluttershy had released. "Fluttershy are you fine? Was that too much?"

"Hey Rarity, and it felt amazing, but what happened?" Fluttershy seemed to have been exhausted.

"I was trying to drink your milk, but it seems like your breast had a different idea." At this point Rarity finally noticed how far Fluttershy's face was from her. "Oh my, I'm still growing from that explosion." She had quickly gained at least hundred feet in height and still going. "This feeling really is intoxicating, being able to tower over everything and everyone. One can do such things at such an amazing height." Her growth finally slowed and stopped at five hundred feet. "Such a shame, right when I was enjoying it ever so much. Nevertheless, Fluttershy dear, shall we have some fun?"

Fluttershy couldn't help but blush at what her friend had suggested. "That would be amazing." Though there was a hundred and fifty foot difference, neither cared. Down below Fleur watched as the two friends began to hug and kiss each other. She couldn't believe it, she was supposed to be the biggest, and she was the one with the milk carton in the first place. Wait that was it. She could go to the company and grab more of that delicious milk while these two were distracted, soon she'll be the biggest and conquer all.

Fleur began to walk towards where the company exists, "Milken" was the name, she stepped over and pushed buildings, nothing was going to get in her way. Finally arriving at the factory, she began to rip the roof off, to see the employees running around working on something, more of that milk she thought. "I'm here for more of that experimental milk you guys made."

A man stepped up so he may speak. "Hi there Fleur, glad you liked the milk. And yes we have been making more, if you can gently pick me up I can show you where." Fleur had agreed and picked up the, tiny to her, man making sure not to squish him. "You see that truck over there? We had to make something your size, but don't drink it all at once or it'll have no affect whatsoever." Fleur began walking over to the truck filled with the milk. It must have been have been a hundred gallons. She opened up the truck lid, and began to down some of its contents, careful not to drink too much as the man said.

"Hmm thank you so much, I can't wait to see the results." She gently places the man down off to the side.
"Us either Miss Fleur." The man had quietly said to himself as he waited for the results. Fleur had begun to walk back to the duos making love on top of the destroyed land where it all started. But something felt off to Fleur, everything seemed bigger, she could have sworn all the five-star hotels she passed by were the same height as her, now they seemed to tower over her. Was she tricked? Why would the company trick the most popular lady in Canterlot, they will hear from her. Smaller and smaller she got until she was back to normal size.

"No my size is gone; I'll never have that opportunity ever again." She began to curl up and cry. Having her height gone broke her, until she realized something. She began to look around the area to see the destruction caused. "Oh my, did I really do all this? Was I mad with my size? This simply won't do, I'll have to donate to repair all this damage."

Back at the Milken factory, they noticed the results were exactly what they wanted. "Alright boys, Fleur has been reduced down to normal, time to cut that truck's contents in half and send it over to the other two." Every employee agreed and began to move about setting up everything making sure it was ready to go. Once everything was set up, they hooked up the two new trucks to helicopters to send them over. Upon arriving there the two giantesses stopped what they were doing to look at what came to bother them. "Excuse me ladies, but we were wondering if you would like more milk to help increase your size, bigger is better."

"Hmm that sounds lovely." Rarity begins to grab her truck.

"Oh my, yes please." Fluttershy as well grabs hers.

Good all according to plan, they will shrink back down, and they will have to close their factory to repair all the bills. They never expected the milk to have such a HUGE impact on anyone. The company was just glad they were able to come up with a countermeasure in time for this.

"I must say the milk tastes a tad different, though it has been a while since I had it." Rarity commented.
Fluttershy agreed, but then again, she never really had milk only from Fleur and Rarity. Soon after, Rarity and Fluttershy started to notice the helicopter was above them, perhaps it was flying higher to avoid being hit for when they grow. But quite the opposite was happening instead, they were actually shrinking back down, closer and closer the ground got to them. Eventually they had returned to normal. "Oh my, we're back to normal. And just look at what we've done." Fluttershy began to cry, thinking of the destruction she had caused.

Rarity took a bit longer to reach normal size, but realized the damage that was done. "Oh my, I can't believe we did this. I feel so awful. It will take a lifetime to fix this mess." She began to hug Fluttershy as they both cried.

"Don't you two worry any. We over at Milken, and Fleur have agreed to work together to repair all of this. We shouldn't have been experimenting with substances that weren't discovered yet, we just decided "Hey it taste good by itself, so lets add it to something," but as you can tell, it didn't." The man from the helicopter had landed with Fleur next to her.

"Its also my fault this happened, I probably shouldn't have shared it with anyone, and I just wanted more, it just felt amazing, you two knew what it felt like." Rarity and Fluttershy had to agree, the size was quite nice. "But it wasn't the right thing to do, so Fancy and I will be helping Canterlot return to normal."

With that done, the Milken Company closed down and worked with Fleur to restore Canterlot, Celestia was there to approve of the construction and such. Rarity and Fluttershy had stayed to pinch in a little, but had no use after. They decided to head back to Ponyville; luckily the train station wasn't destroyed.

"I suppose our weekend was bigger then expected wouldn't you agree dear?"

"Oh yes, it certainly was, but umm Rarity you seem a bit different, sorry for noticing." Fluttershy hid behind her hair.

"Whatever do you mean?" Rarity was curious.

"Well your chest seems bigger now." Fluttershy had blushed at saying such a comment.

Rarity begins to look at her chest, they did seemed bigger, possibly a D cup now. "I suppose your right; maybe that milk did do some good after all." She smiles and winks at Fluttershy.
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