Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1956417-Bandits
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1956417
A story about 2 bandits.
The cart trundling up the path was heavy with goods yet the complement of guards, 6 in all, was half-short off the usual escort for such a load. But the cobbled together suits of armor and diverse weaponry carried by the guards marked them as mercenaries rather than a local garrison or security force. 3 pairs of 2 guarding the rear, front and flanks respectively with a single driver and a well-built man in his late 30's sitting next to him. A sheathed saber was clutched in his hand while piercing gray eyes scanned the trees bordering the path on either side, ever-vigilant for danger or threats.

  Simple enough, thought Chapters as he collapsed the small telescope and stowed it away in the folds of his cloak, the movement revealing metal-gray armor over a stout compact frame. Unfolding himself from the boughs of his perch, Chapters slid down the tree and set off through the brush, stalking the cart in anticipation for the fight ahead.


  As an officer in the Gordovian Royal Mastiff Corps and now squad commander in the independent ARMA-Dillos security services, Captain Alexander has led his fair share of missions escorting all manner of goods and goodly folk through troll-held lands, the Terrin Orc-holds, in and out hostile territory and across expanses of no-man lands and he had learnt one thing from all his years as a man-of-steel.

  Escort duties suck.

  If it isn't one thing it's another. Take this mission for example, taking a load through the Dark Elm woods, so named because of the black elm trees that dominates the landscape, to the next town down the path. A simple enough mission, one would say. Except Alexander did not know what exactly he was supposed to be escorting and ever since the incident with the slimes he had become especially touchy when clients refuse to reveal what, exactly, are him and his men escorting. The client was cheap as well, only hiring 6 guards when 12 would have been prudent considering the route they were taking and to top it all off, he was saddled with a driver who just didn't know how to shut up, as a result, he had been forced to endure hours of endless prattling about inane matters that had him debating whether to put his saber into the fool next to him or into his own throat.

  He was just about ready to gag the driver and get one of his men to take the reins when he heard the first strains of a melody float down the path.  As the cart rounded the bend they came across a figure sitting on a stool smack in the centre of the path. shrouded in a rugged, coarse cloak and playing a pipe, the most distinctive feature being the brightly plumed hat perched atop the figure's head. Bringing the cart to a rumbling halt, Alexander signalled his men to ready their weapons while he stepped off the cart to confront the stranger.

  "Eh, Milord? Wot's that now?" the driver asked nervously.

  Without looking back, Alexander replied;

  "Hopefully, entertainment."


  The cloak itched abominably and smelled nearly 3 days old but Mondes had suffered worse. As she played she kept her focus on the escort's leader who had left the safety of the cart and was heading her way. Mondes ended her song as the captain stopped 10 paces away, his saber hitched and ready at his side;

  "Good Morrow friend! That is a beautiful tune, but may I inquire as to the reason you are playing here, in the middle of nowhere?"

  Mondes crooned in reply;

"Good morrow strong sir, Good morrow indeed! As for why I am here, well lets just say I'm a compassionate soul doing my part to watch the road. This particular part is especially dangerous, if it isn't the beasts it's the brigands and toughs, it takes a brave soul indeed to chance this road, especially with so few men."

  "You are truly a compassionate soul, to risk your life for such a task, however, I am on an most important mission, on a schedule that can brook no delay. If you would not mind, please let me and mine pass so that I may leave you to your self-appointed duty."

  "Of course strong sir, of course. Sadly, I must ask that you leave a little donation as a sort of toll in order to pass. I do need to eat and sadly, compliments go nowhere in filling one's belly."

  As she spoke, Mondes stood and turned to face the captain, keeping her head bowed so that her features would be hidden by the hat's shadow.

  "I won't ask for much of course, just everything you, and your men happen to have in your pockets, plus the cart's goods as a tip! Now how does that sound?"

Mondes's voice filled the clearing as she placed her hands on her hips, parting her cloak to reveal a strong, supple figure bound with a black corset that left her shoulders bare and emphasized a soft, friendly chest. Dark gray leggings and calf-high boots encased her legs and by her wrists, a pair of bejeweled hilts rested on a wide black belt, completing her ensemble.

  She grinned as the captain stepped back a pace, gripping his saber hilt yet making no move to draw;

  "So! banditry! A brave attempt, but one doomed to failure I'm afraid. Or did you think that one woman alone could face down 6 men-of-steel and hope to get away unharmed? My men would enjoy the companionship of one such as you. And the road to the next town is a long one indeed."

  At the that, Monde's smile being postively cheshire;

  "Men? What men?"


  Chapters had been busy since the conversation started 5 minutes ago.

  He was on the move when the cart was just coming to a halt. By the time the cart had stopped, the 1st of the 6 mercenaries, standing by the left rear corner had been taken out of the fight, his head split apart against the cart's pointed edge. The 2nd warrior, a thin swordsman, turned at the impact and made to draw his weapon. The swordsman was fast, his blade was halfway out of his sheath before Chapters stepped up and kicked the weapon right back into it's scabbard. The force of the kick spun the swordsman around, allowing Chapters to wrap his arms around the swordsman's neck and disappear into the brush just beside the road, dragging the swordsman out of sight in one smooth motion.

  The next 3 guards and the driver were taken in swift order. The last guard, a hulking Halberdier, had been moving up to stand beside his leader, ready to back him up as he moved to arrest the female bandit confronting them. He did not notice Chapters perched on the cart, waiting for the signal to strike. At this point, Chapters would have been perfectly capable of taking down both the captain and the Halberdier in one stroke. However, he had promised Mondes that he would go according to her plan, so instead of leaping on to his prey as was his usual style, he dropped off the cart and crab-walked off to his left, and placed himself right in the Halberdier's blind spot.

  Chapters tensed as Mondes said "men? what men?", the signal that they had agreed upon! Surging forwards, he used his momentum to hurl the Halberdier, halberd and all, over his shoulders into the ground. Rolling to his feet, Chapters ducked as the captain drew his saber and lashed out, the blade flickering past where his neck would have been a moment ago.

  "Chapters fall back! He is mine!"

  Chapters stepped aside as Mondes engaged the captain with a swift three-stroke combo followed by a vicious thrust with her left-hand dagger which was parried by a swift saber flick. As the two combatants went at each other, Chapters moved to secure the cart, settling down to watch the fight and getting ready to intervene should he need to.


  Alexander gritted his teeth as his elusive opponent disengaged from a blade lock and danced out of range of his counter slash before stepping in with a series of swift thrusts meant to put him on his back foot, the dagger was held tight against her waist, ready to be used for the finishing blow.

But Alexander was a man-of-steel, his skills had been forged by war and tempered by the blood of a thousand fallen foes, his opponent was skilled to be sure, but it was nothing he had never faced before.

  With perfect form he parried each thrust, letting the attack's momentum play itself out, setting a easy back and forth rhythm that sent clear notes ringing through the forest. Then, with a deft roll of his wrist, he knocked aside a thrust and sent the point of his sabre questing for his opponent's eye. Victory was assured!

  Until the world turned black.


  "Do you think it was smart leaving that man alive?"

  Guiding the cart down the path, Chapters turned to look at his partner as she cleaned her nails with a small knife she found on one the guards, lush, full lips and a button nose scrunched up in concentration as she manoeuvred the blade around and under her nails.

  "That was unusual of me wasn't it?"

  "Considering the fact that you kill all your opponents? I'd say unusual is a gross understatement."

  As Mondes looked away, Chapters turned back to the reins, believing the conversation over. He did not turn around when Mondes said;

"I don't know why I spared him exactly, but spare him I did, perhaps it's just a whim, perhaps not. All I know is that I only follow the call of my blades, and I was called to leave him his life. Will that do?"

  Without looking back, Chapters replied; "That will do partner, that will do."

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