Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1956367-Fur-Displacement
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Animal · #1956367
A series that I will continually update about furries swapping bodies
Author's Note: This is a story series, focusing mainly on furries swapping bodies. If you don't like anthros, I suggest you not read this. There may be some sex and fetish based writing in future chapters. which is why I changed the rating to PG13. It's just something fun I thought I'd write, as I hadn't written anything furry-related yet.

Chapter 1: The Jackass and the Jackrabbit

         Some people say that in order to get to know somebody better, you have to spend a day in their shoes. I would like to grind my fist into the face of whoever said that, because I hate getting to know a person that way. Especially, when you're forced to spend the day as that person. Could you imagine not only being in a foreign body, but also be forced to live a foreign life for an entire day? I digress, I'm getting ahead of myself. You see, this strange scenario began when I went downtown to meet my new therapist. You see, Dr. Albert Mules was an esteemed genius with therapeutic techniques. I watched his old show numerous times, whenever my wife had it on. We wore the finest black suits, specially trimmed to allow his hooved feet to see daylight.

         The donkey wore fine black suits, and always had his grey fur properly trimmed. The small black mane on his head was always properly trimmed and well-washed. His pants had a small hole, to allow for his long donkey tail to not be stuff uncomfortably inside his trousers all day. Naturally, when I found out Mules was going to be my therapist, I was extremely nervous. Here, you had a very old and refined donkey, who wore fancy suits and who was almost six feet tall. What was I? A skinny white rabbit, barely four feet fives inches, who wears T-shirts and khaki pants. I think the only advantage I had over Mules in terms of appearance, was that I had an actual head of brown hair. I felt really nervous, especially when I approached the large building I brushed the exposed parts of my white fur, making sure they were presentable.

         I entered the building, my foot-paws gracefully brushing the fine carpet. I wandered into the lobby and spotted a young squirrel receptionist working behind the receptionist desk. She had almond-brown fur, beautiful skinny arms and two small ears atop her head, which sprouted out from her golden blonde hair.. She was me and immediately twitched her whiskers, while staring daggers at me at the same time. "Did I do something wrong?" I asked sheepishly, to which the Squirrel responded with, "Yeah, you didn't bring the filled-out survey." She stated coldly, her large bushy tail rubbing against the wall she chewed me out. "Oh sorry, about that. Would you like me to come back?" I asked, while curling my whiskers with my left paw in a very nervous manner. "No, it'll be fine. I'll ask you the questions, you answer them honestly. Now please, pull up a chair to my desk."

          I did what she told me to, and grab a small cushioned chair from the back. After I had grabbed the chair, I immediately scooted over to the angry squirrel. Perching it in front of her mahogany desk, I sat my butt on the chair, my stubby rabbit tail uncomfortably being crushed by the back of the seat. I bent a little bit forward, so my soft and tiny tail could feel more comfortable. "Alright, so you're name is Kevin Long-Ears, right?" She asked, while tapping her claws against the top of her wooden desk. "Yes, that is right." I said, responding quickly to the rather impatient Squirrel. "Alright, well let's get the quiz on the way. Just give me a second to pull out the sheet here." The squirrel shuffled her paws through numerous piles of papers, as I took notice of the engraved name plate that read, "Sandra Chitters".

         Sandra continued to literally paw through her desk, until she found the survey sheet. "Ok, first off: What is your gender?" I gave her a confused look, which caused her to learn forward and angrily pinch my pink nose. "I'm going to write female." She said, with a sarcastic smirk forming across her fur covered face. I let out a sigh, I knew she was obviously messing with me. "Alright, whatever." I said in a rather angry tone, "Guess I'm classified as female now. What next?" The squirrel continued to smirk, "Well Ms. Long-Ears...." She began, "What problems are you dealing with right now? Emotional or mental?" She asks in a very dry tone. "I'm sorry, but shouldn't I be discussing this with my therapist? Not some squirrely receptionist?" The squirrel's smirk turned into a angry glare. "Well let me you tell you so---" She was immediately cut-off by Mules stepping into the room. The grey furred donkey turned towards me and gave me a smile.

         "I apologize for my reception lady, Mr. Long-Ears. She gets like this when she's a bit bored." He states in a very calm and subdued manner, in a very deep voice. "Sorry Mr. Mules, I was instructing Mr. Transgendered here on how to properly act like a woman!" Exclaimed the confused intern. "I don't even know what to say to that." I state in a rather confused manner. "Don't worry, she says that to a lot of my patients. Now, if you'll excuse us Sandra, I'm going to give Mr. Long-Ears his scheduled appointment." Said the Donkey, to which the Squirrel immediately went back to work. Right before I entered Mules' office, I turned and saw that receptionist sticking her tongue out at me. I went inside the room, to find nothing really that extraordinary. There were plaques on the wall, puppets and a large amount of books. The donkey, clad in his fancy black suit, walked over to the front his desk. Gently whipping his tail back and forth as he strode towards his seat, he gently sat down in fancy chair.

         "Nice to meat you Mr. Long-Ears. Hm... That's a very uncommon name, for a rabbit." Said the old donkey. "Well..." I began, "Ears was my great grandmother's last name, and my grand father's name last name was Long. At one point or another, the two families combined their maiden names. They came up with my current maiden name, which was much more fitting of a rabbit." I state proudly, smiling from long ear to long ear. "Very well, it's nice of a man to know a lot about the culture of one's families. More to the point..." I sat at attention when I heard those words, "I hear you've been having some... Emotional problems." I began to fidget a little, making the situation a bit more awkward. "Yeah, it's just that..." I began while beginning to sweat, under my white coat of fur, "I have a terrible sense of my self-image right now. When I was a kid, I loved being the species of animal I was born as. Being a rabbit, having swift and adept legs. Extremely good hearing and having taste buds that make vegetables taste like cotton candy, really defined who I was. However..." I took a deep breath in, and exhaled.

         "It's just not what I want to be anymore. I go around and there are so many other unique species of Humanimals around, moles can dig underground and can uncover gold mines. Blue Jays can fly wherever they want, and basset hounds are expert hunters, who can find any creature in the woods they want. What am I good for? Running and being healthy. That's good enough for some people. but it nowhere near enough me. When I see all there other species, I get... Jealous." The donkey leans, with his arms crossed. "It's normal for most animals to feel that way. Species-jealousy is a common thing. I used to know a camel who wanted to be an otter, because he was tired of working in desert and he wanted to be able to swim to any place in the world." Stated the donkey in a reassuring tone, "What you should know however, is that it's impossible to become another species. No matter how hard you try, you'll always be an athletic rabbit. Just stick with that, it's your forte." He stated proudly, with a serious look on his large and protruding muzzle.

         "Yeah, that's easy for you to say." I said, with a grimace, "It's not that easy for me, I just can't stop these thoughts. I may require many more sessions, in order to work this out, Dr. Mules." The donkey continued to smile, and eventually raised a hand towards me. His fingers had hoof-like fingertips on each hand, with only four fingers to an appendage. His hand gently patted me on the shoulder, "Don't worry about it. However, it won't take that long at all. I've got a special treatment that will make you feel as though you have achieved this desire. The best part is, you'll only need this session in order to accomplish it." I tilted my head at just the thought of it ,"Really?" I asked, "You can solve my lack of self, with just one session? You really are as amazing they say, Dr. Mules."

         I was beginning to get excited, I was really wondering if Albert had some way of curing these strange thoughts with one session. Part of me however, was strangely skeptical and wanted me to walk out right now. Sometimes, I wish I had listened to that skeptical part, I might've been able to skip over the craziness of that day. The donkey began to hum a tune, as he reached into a drawer on his desk. Clacking his hoof-tipped fingers around in the drawer, he found what he was looking for fairly quickly. He pulled out a strange looking hypnotic spiral. Instead of being the usual black and white color, it was red and green. The spiral was embedded upon a gold chain and it immediately caught my attention.

         "Like it?" He asked, "It's a special spiral, just take a look at it." My hands began moving on my own, as if I was under mind control or something. "Woah, that was weird!" I exclaimed, "I lost complete control of my body!" The donkey began to laugh. "This is a special spiral, it has a bit of a... Magical influence placed upon it. It's a very potent kind of hypnosis, case and point..." He said, while pausing for dramatic effect, "Act like a chicken." I curled my arms to my side and began clucking uncontrollably, the donkey continued to laugh. Was this really magic? I felt as though I was really being controlled, just like that Mules snapped his fingers and I immediately snapped out of it.

         "What do you think?" He asked, "Do you like being a chicken more than being a rabbit?" He asked jokingly, as I pulled myself off the floor. "That was amazing! Maybe, that little spiral can fix my problems!" I exclaimed, as I ran back towards my chair. "Yeah, maybe it can solve some of my problems too..." He said, in a very mysterious tone, "However, I'll talk more about those problems in a minute. For now, I want you to relax." My body fell limp, as I uncontrollably slumped in my chair. "Now, you said you don't want to be a rabbit, right?" He asked in a rather malicious sounding tone. "Yes, my master. I'd love to be something more." I was getting freaked out now, he was completely controlling me!

         "Well..." He began, "Repeat what I say: "I'd rather be you, then be myself!" In a moment, this phrase will become reality!" With glazed over eyes, I looked at him and said in a zombie-like tone, "I'd rather be see then myself..." The donkey seemed rather proud of himself, "It's good to know this was money well-spent. I want you continue repeating the last phrase I told you, as I repeat the same phrase. By the end of it, we'll both be each other!" He exclaimed, which frightened me to my core. I continued to utter the phrase, as he did the same. Our utterings began to link up, sounding more like demonic chanting , then anything else. It continued for five minutes, until I could finally move my body again.

         However, I noticed things were much stranger now. My body seemed to ache in odd places, and I was at a higher altitude in the room, then I was before. My face seemed to be jutting out of my head, as I took notice of this large eyesore, I heard someone laughing. Not someone, that laughing sounded just like... me. To my horror, this duplicate, walked right in front of my face with the spiral. Before I could say or do anything, he pocketed the spiral in his pocket. "What's going on?!" I hear Mules voice exclaim, which caused me to panic. I stood up and immediately fell forward, not being able to feel my toes at all. I had a much longer tail, which had a tuft of black fur at the end. The tail ached to an insane degree, every time I whipped it back and forth I noticed I was wearing Mules' suit, which caused me to think. Did he somehow swap bodies with me?

         I struggled to stand up on my hooved feet, eventually being able to balance perfectly. I unbutton a sleeve of his suit jacket, to reveal an arm covered with old grey fur. "How do you like it, Dr. Mules?" Asked the body-thief, "I think I'll have fun reliving my youth!" I couldn't believe it, my own therapist had stolen my body. "Give my body back!" I exclaim, with Mules' deep voice, "You're my therapist, how could you do this?!" The rabbit continued to laugh, "What are you mad about? You're rich, handsome and have numerous credentials now! Besides, I fixed you're little identity problem! Now, you're only problem, is with my psycho of a receptionist!" I got really angry, then I realized something. I could just grab him, because I now had the musculature of a male donkey. I ran towards him, but immediately felt a sharp pain in my back. I fell to the ground, writhing in a considerable amount of pain. During this, I hit my new (Or old) tail on the ground, causing me a considerable amount of pain.

         "Oops!" He exclaimed, "Forgot to take my back-pain pills today! Or should I say, you forgot! Don't worry though, Chitters always keeps an extra bottle on standby. However, by the time you make it your feet..." He said, as he walked over to my struggling body, "I'll be long gone, ya' old jackass!" The rabbit whistled a tune and happily marched out the door. "Stop..." I moaned out, as I managed to get myself to my feet. I struggled to get to my feet, and took notice of how much taller I was. When I was standing on my hooved legs, I was a complete giant! I was still in shock, maybe I was still in some sort of hypnotic trance. I grabbed my head, and began to squeeze my large fur-covered muzzle. It felt so real, the amount of grey-toned fur and the constant aches confirmed I was now trapped in the body of an old donkey!

         With my back causing me a considerable amount of pain, I ambled to the door and saw Chitters at her desk. "Oh my god!" She exclaimed, as she saw me in pain, "Albert, did you forget to take your back pills?!" She actually cared? I guess there was more to her, then I had first thought. I ambled over to the squirrel's desk, as she took out a small blue bottle. She quickly pored out two yellow pills, and placed them in my old and scruffy-furred hands. I gulped them down, and slowly felt the pain begin to fade. "I suggest you sit down for a while in your office, sir!"

         I could use some comfort right now, but I knew I had to chase after that body thief of therapist. "Sorry, I have one thing left to tell Mr. Long Ears." I stated awkwardly. I wasn't used to referring to someone else with my own name, let alone having them run around in my own body. "It's really important, and it's something I can't tell him over the phone." The squirrel smiled, "You always push yourself so hard, Albert." Stated the squirrel, who formed a somewhat genuine smile, "That's what I enjoy most about working with you."

         At the moment, I couldn't understand why Albert had called her a psycho earlier. She was perfectly nice to him, why couldn't he see it? I was the one who had a legitimate reason to call her that, and now I have not reason to do at all. "Thanks, Ms. Chitters. Say, would you like to come with me to see Mr. Long Ears?" I asked, I had no idea why, though. Of course she wouldn't want to see me, she hated me. "Well, I do feel bad about what I said to him earlier. However, unlike you, I can't afford to leave a bit early today. Also, something kind of embarrassing happened..." She said, as he rose from her seat. She revealed that, her skirt had fallen off. Luckily, her nether regions were obscured by a large coat of fur.

         "Yeah, I had an accident with my bushy tail today. Some skirts just don't agree with my tail, and sometimes the movement of my large tail, will rip my skirt. I really wish the tailors were more considerate when making skirts for squirrels." She stated, making me feel extremely awkward. On that note, I nodded with agreement and walked quickly to the door. I noticed my back felt much better, now. Turning the knob, I walk outside and I strangely begin receiving memories, that aren't my own. I suddenly knew where Mules' car was, and what kind of car it happened to be. I couldn't believe it, I was gaining the memories of that old jackass, too! I knew I had to get my body back, so I began to briskly run, as my hooves clacked against the cold-hard pavement.

Chapter 2: Way Too Many Rabbits

         After quickly walking a couple of blocks, I finally reached Albert's car. It was a very old looking car, probably a restored version of a vehicle he owned in his youth. It was painted a blood-red color, and had some really old looking rims around it's tires. I pull out the key to this ancient monstrosity out of my pocket, and quickly unlock the door to the car. After hopping in, I start up the vehicle and decide to head toward the most likely place he'd go. If I was gaining his memories, he was obviously gaining mine. My wife worked in an office, that wasn't too far from our house. I was a stay-at-home husband, so I would always walk down to her place of work and ask if she wanted to go out for dinner. I needed to get my body back, I couldn't have that old jackass taking over my life.

         I entered his extremely old car, as I slid my backside across the leather seat I flinched in pain. My tail still ached to a considerable degree, but I was going to have to put up with it for now. I gripped the rear-view mirror with my hoof-tipped fingers, and arranged it into perfect view. As I did this, I took notice of my new reflection in the mirror. Part of me wanted to live this life, sure I was old and somewhat decrepit, but I was not extremely handsome and rich. However... I just wanted to be myself right now, my family is all the riches I need. I buckled my seatbelt, and fastened myself into this very old-looking vehicle. I started up the ignition, pulled the vehicle out, and took off to get my body back.

         I drove for ten minutes, until I managed to get to her office. As soon as I pulled up and stepped out, I was approached by a panther on the street. "Oy! What've we got 'ere then?!" Said the panther, who sported cockney accent. I turned to the panther, to see he wasn't wearing any clothes at all. "Excuse me." I said, "Are you sure you're supposed to be gallivanting around naked?" The panther just laughed at me, "Of course I am! They just passed a law that jungle-cats are allowed walk around naked! It doesn't surprise me you haven't heard of it, it wasn't big news!" I walked away, and decided to ignore the panther. "Ey, wait a sec! You're that therapist guy, ain't ya? I've seen your show on TV!" Exclaimed the panther, as he started following behind me.

         "Yeah I am, but I'm kind of busy right now!" I exclaim, as I began to speed-walk on my hooves. "Don't be like that!" Said the naked panther as he threw his arm around my shoulder, "We therapists have to stick together! Don't shrug off a bloke like that!" I started to feel a little apologetic, "Sorry about that! I was kind of in a bit of an irked mood, I didn't realize you were a therapist." I state, which caused the panther to laugh. "It's alright, I get on a lot people's nerves! And I can get why you didn't think I was a therapist! I specialize primarily in helping animals deal with embarrassment in trying new things, like the new nudity clause for jungle-cats! I also help people with all kinds of problem, whether it be with identity problems or eating habits! Here's my card, Dr. Mules!" The naked panther handed me a card, and slid it into my pocket. "No offense, but please don't tell me where you were keeping that card." I say, with a bit of a sigh.

         "Can't blame you for not wanting to know that!" Exclaimed, the panther as he turned to walk away, "I'll just take my leave, if it's alright! I've got some patients to deal with!" The panther turned his back to me and suggestively wagged his long black tail, while shaking his butt at me. I was somewhat disgusted, but at the same time amused by his behavior. The nudist quickly walked away, and I felt somewhat depressed. Why hadn't I gone to see this guy instead? He was proud of who he was, and wasn't afraid to walk around in nothing but his fur. I quickly pulled out the card and took a look at it. It read "Dr. Harvey Blackpaws" in plain golden letters. However, that didn't matter at the moment! Right now, I had to get my hands on that thieving therapist! I left my car, and saw Mules talking with my wife. I was about to approach them, when the rabbit sped off in the other direction, happily skipping away.

         My wife spotted me standing there, and waved at me. She quickly hopped towards me, with a smile on my face. My wife has always been my shining beacon, always a nice person and a good looker. She has her fur pristinely styled and washed everyday, and has her whiskers curled in a very defined way. I knew that I couldn't let my wife Jennifer know about what happened today. The rabbit continued to hop towards me, until she was standing in my presence. "Thanks, Doc!" She said, as she moved her paw towards me for a handshake, "My husband is in much better spirits today! When I told him that I had something fun for him at home, his ears perked up and he ran straight home!" Exclaimed Jennifer, as I reached my hooved hand towards her and gave her a firm shake.

         I was hoping that soon enough, I'd be able to shake paws with my beloved once again in my own body. "So, why are you here?" She asked, as she scratched at her long ears with her right paw in a curious manner. "Well, I just wanted to tell him something important that may help his development." I say, feeling undeniably bad about lying to my wife, "It's important that I see him right now. This is something I can't tell him over the phone! I'll see you later, Mrs. Long-Ears!!" I began running off in the other direction, getting used to my new hooves. She smiled at my goofiness, as I quickly ran back to Mules' car. As I got inside, I felt extremely out of breath. This old body wasn't used to this much running and adrenaline, so I was going to have to take it easy. I started up the ignition and pulled out, heading quickly towards my house.

         Pulling up to my house in Mules' old car, I immediately spotted the rabbit trying to open the door with my key. The way he was holding the key, made it obvious that he didn't know how to properly use his paws yet. I threw open the car door, and walked briskly towards the rabbit attempting to pry the door open. "Get lost!" He exclaimed while still screwing with the key, "This is my life now!" I turned towards him and asked, "Is this what you really want? Stealing someone's life to fulfill your own fantasies? You're a respectable therapist, but you're acting like a child!"

         "Then maybe it's more fitting I have a younger body! You said yourself that you were unhappy with your identity, while I now have a life of my own! A happy wife, a nice house and nothing to get in the way of that!" He exclaimed, while pausing with the key in his hand. Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind, and a smirk formed across my muzzle. "You're right!" I exclaimed, as I began to walk away, "I don't want to live this life anymore!" The rabbit turned towards me and spat in my direction, "What are you talking about? You were so insistent on getting your own body back, and now you give up! What do you have planned?" He asked, as he want back to jimmying the door open.

         "Why don't you open the door and find out, jackass!" I exclaimed, as the rabbit became enraged. I walked up to him, and pulled the key from his struggling hands. "You're going to have to learn to use those paws properly, if you want to live as me!" I said mockingly, as I quickly and effortlessly opened the door. Quickly and surely enough, forty young bunnies hopped came barreling out of the door. The little white rabbits piled on top of the rabbit, who quickly began squirming and freaking out. "What's wrong, dad?" Asked one of my sons named Nibbler, "Who's this smelly donkey in the doorway?" I decided to ignore Nibbler's rude remark, and began to smirk. "I'm his therapist, Dr. Albert Mules! You're father here has a clean bill of mental health! However, I recommended he stay inside, due to the medication I have him on!"

         "Yay!" Exclaimed another one of my sons named Bucktooth, "Daddy can stay with us all the time!" The rabbit began to grimace and quickly grabbed my arm. "Excuse me a moment, kids." Stated the rabbit as he faked a smile, "I have to talk with Dr. Mules." I followed him to an empty baseball field, at which point he began to get fidgety. "Fine." He stated, "I'll give you you're body back. I just wanted..." He said while biting his lower lip, "I just wanted to feel young again." I gave him a reassuring pat on his shoulder, "I'm sure everyone does, but you shouldn't steal someone's life because of that desire. There are millions of ways to feel young again." The rabbit began to haphazardly smile, "Yeah." He said, "You're right, let's swap back. There's nothing I hate more then children!" He immediately pulled out the spiral and said, "Let us return to normal. Repeat after me, "I want to be me and I want you to be you", continue to repeat it as long as need be.

         I did as the spiral commanded of me, and I began to chant along with the rabbit. After a few minutes, I saw that I was now staring at Dr. Mules once again. I was proud to be a rabbit again, complete with my signature fluffy-tail and coat of white fur. Mules let out a sigh, and sat over on a bench located nearby. He threw the spiral to the ground, nearby the bench. At first, I just wanted to ignore what happened today and walk away. However, I felt sorry for the old jackass in the strangest way. I decided to walk over to him, and sat on the bleacher next to him. "I gave you your body back, what more do you want?" He asked, as he angrily stomped his hooves in the dirt. I began whistling in attempt to calm him down, while kicking my paws playfully in the dirt. "Well, there is one I thing I want..." I said with a smirk, "I want you to keep being my therapist."

         The donkey looked shocked at what I said, he couldn't believe his long ears! "Why would you want me to be your therapist, still! I just tried to steal your body forever!" He exclaimed. I just continued to smile at him and say "Yeah, you did. However, you also cured my self-image problem! When had my body stolen, part of me wanted to stay as you. However, after a while I was fully convinced I wanted my own body back! Now, I feel proud to be a rabbit!" I exclaimed as the donkey began to smile back at me. "Well, thanks for that vote of confidence. I'll continue to be your therapist, at least until I retire in a year." He stated, as he stood up from the bench. "Thought about a replacement?" I asked, as I remember the panther I met earlier.

         "Why?" He asked, "Do you have any suggestions?" I immediately pulled the card out from his coat pocket and handed it to him. "Dr. Blackpaws, huh? I've heard of him, he does some amazing things. I've heard he works wonders with animals that have nudist rights, something I could never help people with. I'll consider it, I hadn't even thought that much about who'll replace me in a year." He stated, as he began to smile proudly. I reached into the dirt and plucked the spiral out of the sand. "Here." I said, while handing him the spiral. "You keep it!" He exclaimed as he began to walk away, "That thing's only given me trouble today!" Within a few minutes the black panther quickly walked away. I began to laugh to myself, about what an ordeal this whole day had been. I decided to head home and spend some quality time with my little bunnies.

         A couple of months had passed since that day, I attended appointments with Dr. Mules on a weekly basis. I kept the spiral in a box in my bedroom for safe keeping. I also decided to become friends with Dr. Blackpaws in my real body, as did Mules. I play basketball with Harvey Blackpaws on occasion, and he's quickly become one of my best friends. As for me and my wife, well... She's a few months away from delivering another litter of bunnies! I was reflecting on all that had changed on one special saturday, when my wife walked up to me holding the tiny little spiral in her hand. "Hey, fuzzy-buns!" She exclaimed in an upbeat tone, "What would you like me to do with this old trinket?" I grinned from ear to ear, "I'd like to keep it! It's something I got from my therapy appointment with Dr. Mules, it's very sentimental to me!"

         She took the spiral and placed it on a nearby table. "You men keep the strangest objects! I'm glad are not a packrabbit or I wouldn't allow you to keep some lame things!" She said jokingly, as she began to laugh. I laughed along with her, until we immediately heard the door ring. "Oh it must be that pig, Gerald Hogson! Good, I was wondering when that no good plumber would show up!" She exclaimed, as she marched downstairs to answer the door. I went to the kid's room to check on my little bunnies, as Hogson began to climb the stairs. Unbeknownst to me, Hogson has picked up the curious looking amulet and began to stare at it.

         Hogson himself, is a very indecent looking pig. He was really overweight and wore a shirt that barely covered his pink-colored gut. He was a bit of a slob, and tended to war worn-out old hats. He wore tight genes that showed off a plentiful and unwanted amount of butt-crack. He was usually only interested in things that would benefit himself, yet he found this tiny little amulet was somehow... Calling to him. As he looked at the spiral, my wife walked upstairs and spotted him. "Hey, Hogson!" Exclaimed my wife, "Why not keep your hands off my husband's things and do your job?" Hogson held the amulet up to eye-level, as Jennifer quickly became transfixed by the spiral. Hogson snapped in his hoof-tipped fingers in front of her face, it did nothing. "Are you alright, Mrs. Long-Ears?" Asked the pig, as he continued to snap his fingers. "Yes master, command as you wish." Said my wife, who stood in a transfixed state. The pig smiled, knowing that he now had complete control over my wife and there was nothing she could do about it. "Now..." Began the pig, "I wonder if this spiral can make people act differently, like at that hypnosis stage show I went to..." The pig continued to smirk, as he thought of something devious...

Chapter 3: My Wife is a Boar

Author's Note: This chapter is mostly written written from Jennifer's perspective, I thought I'd clarify, so it doesn't get confusing.

         I stood transfixed at the spiral the pig held, I was now nothing but a puppet who was meant to be strung about. "Well, this thing is pretty nifty! Maybe, I could get you to clean the toilets for me!" Exclaimed the pig, as began to laugh and snort at the same time, "What do you think about that?" I stood transfixed in a daze, however I managed to exert a little of my will to say, "Wouldn't it be odd... If my husband saw me clean the toilets instead of you..." I said, in a rather dreary state of hypnosis. "True!" Exclaimed the pig, "I wouldn't want him to find out and pull this pendant away from me. Hm, I wonder..." Said Hogson, as he began to contemplate.

         The pig thought to himself for a while, until finally coming up with an idea. While Hogson was a plumber, he wasn't exactly stupid in any way shape or form. Hogson could be a bit of scam artist, and I only expect the worse from what he had planned for me! "Yes, that might work... Maybe the pendant could do that. Pendant, if at all possible..." Began the pig, "Swap my mind with that the of the cute bunny rabbit there!" Hogson exclaimed, however the pendant did nothing. "Guess, I was wrong! I hate real-life, nothing in the movies is ever possible!" At first, I was relieved and glad that I wouldn't be forced to swap bodies with that gross pig. However, my lips began to move on their own, "Well, master..." I said uncontrollably, "You have to command me, not the spiral in order for the swap work..."

         This is insane, I couldn't possibly have the knowledge! Was the spiral working it's will through me, transmitting the knowledge of it's capabilities to the person hypnotized? The pig smirked, "That's great! With this I could swap with any dame in the city! I wouldn't have to be a pig ever again!" His grin became devilish, as he thought of all the things he could do with such an amulet. Suddenly, Kevin shouted from across the hall, "Honey, I need to talk to you in a few minutes!" Exclaimed Kevin's bellowing voice. "Damn, I don't want Kevin to find out what I'm up to..." The pig began as he thought up a devious plan, "So, I'll just steal your body in the meantime! Jennifer, swap bodies with me!" Suddenly, I began to chant a series of words uncontrollably. I was so panicked by the strangeness of the scenario, I didn't take the time to figure out what I was saying!

         I struggled to move for what seemed liked ages, until I felt my body move again. I looked down, to see a large protruding pink stomach! My naval was on display, and I wearing a greasy shirt that could barely obscure my entire torso. My nose seemed much larger, no longer small and petite, it was bulbous and round. My gut was truly massive, the same went for my rear-end. I wore a hat atop my now furless head. I had about three fingers on each hand, each fingertip had a black hoof-like appearance. It was undeniable, I was now trapped inside Hogson's body! The pig now smirked, wearing my body! He, or should I say she, was now Jennifer and was plotting something devious. "With this I can become any babe in town!" She exclaimed, using my borrowed voice. "Give me my body back!" I exclaimed, "I don't want to be a man!" However, all the pig did was laugh at my misfortune.

         "Jennifer, go outside and never darken my doorstep again!" Exclaimed the body-thief, as he held the spiral in front of me. I couldn't disobey the power of the spiral, it still had full control over me! I shuffled my hoofed legs down the stairs, as tears began to well in my eyes. I wanted my body back so much, but as long as Hogson had that spiral, I was trapped! I ambled down the stairs and out the door, still completely in trance. When I reached the outside of the building, I heard a slam behind me, and immediately awoke from the trance-like daze. "Oh no!" I exclaimed, as I ran towards the door. I attempted to turn the know to let myself back in, but an invisible force was keeping from even making contact with the door. It must be the trance I'm in, I really can't darken the doorstep again!

         I walked farther away, my hooves clacking against the dirt as I left. I began to cry, as I entered a nearby park. I sat on the bench, and contemplated what to do next. Would my husband believe me, could I even convince him? I was extremely depressed and confused, I didn't want to be this smelly pig for the rest of my life. As I was crying, I was approached by that black panther that usually hangs out with my husband to play basketball. I believe his name was Harvey Blackpaws, but that's about all I know of him. Aside from the fact that he walks around stark naked, something that still strikes me rather odd I rarely talk or chat with him at all. "Bit of a problem, sir?" Asked the cockney black panther, "How may I assist you?" I began to cry even more, "Oh, Harvey! I'm in a heap of trouble!" I exclaimed, causing the panther to tilt his head in surprise. He waggled his tail around in slight confusion, "What's this then? How do you bloody well know my name?"

         "That's because I'm..." I began, with tears still welling in my eyes, "It's because I'm Jennifer! I'm Kevin's wife!" The black panther's eyes opened wide in shock. He sat his naked rear-end onto the other side of the bench, curiously wondering what story I would tell him. I told him about the mysterious pendant, how it hypnotized me and that it was used to steal my body. At first, I thought there was no way the nudist panther would believe such a story. Being a therapist however, gave him a wide and open heart to all manners of stories. On top of that, I had different mannerisms and behavioral patterns, then a common pig humanimal. After I had spoken to him for a while, he seemed somewhat convinced. "You know..." Began the panther, "I think you might be telling the truth, bloke."

         The panther inhaled and exhaled, "On the first day I met Albert Mules, he was a completely different person. He was in a rush, and seemed like he was troubled by something irksome. He was brushing me off slightly, but I could see he had a kind heart. When Mules called me in the next day to talk to me, he seemed more like an old person and was more content then the Mules I previously met. His mannerisms were different too, he acted much more like an old donkey." Stated the panther, who stood up and took another deep breath.

         "If he got that spiral from Mules on the first day of his appointment, and the spiral has the power to swap the bodies of two people, that means..." Said Mules, as he took a long pause, "It means that Mules had swapped bodies with your husband that day." I let out a gasp, I couldn't believe it! Had Mules really swapped bodies with my husband previously? When I think about it, Mules did act much more like Kevin the first time I met him too! The panther was wise beyond his ears, I didn't expect such knowledge from a nudist! "I'm going to call him about it right now! It's best I make the call myself, if what you say is true and this greedy pig has stolen your body..." Stated the panther as he looked me in the eyes, "If he hears you calling up to warn Kevin, he may run off with your body!"

         The panther was about to march off, before he turned to me and said, "Excuse me, love..." He began, with his usual cockney flare, "Do you have any change? As you can see, I have no pockets and when I try to keep change in some "unusual" places people get uppity!" I immediately gave the strange panther some quarters, and he ran off. I sure hope this loony panther is able to do what he says, or else I'll be stuck like this for life. After five minutes, the panther ran back and quickly ran towards me. "Alright, your husband says that the amulet is used for body swap, and that Mules stole his body at one point! He believed me, when I told him that Hogson stole your body. He mentioned that you hadn't been acting like yourself today, and that he hadn't seen the pendant all day. He also stated, that what the strategy he used to get his body back, won't work for you."

         "What strategy is that?" I asked hesitantly, as the panther gave me a serious look. "Mules agreed to swap back, when he found out you had forty kids. However, he said that Hogson and his wife had a ton of children, and he grew up with a lot of siblings! Luckily you're ol' hubby has a few things planned!" Exclaimed the panther, breaking into a smirk. "Thanks Harvey! I have to ask though, why do you believe me? Normally, people would think twice about mystical mumbo-jumbo like that. Why are you such a believer?" I asked, as I stood up to face the panther. "Love, I believe in everything! You can call me gullible, or a paranormal fanatic! However, if they can pass a law where bulls can drive monster trucks and jungle cats can walk around naked, then I'll believe anything!" Stated the ever exuberant panther, which brought a smile to my porky face.

         Suddenly, my stomach growled to an amazing extent. I forgot that pigs have an insatiable hunger, and I hadn't eaten anything in hours. "Would you believe I'm hungry?" I asked mockingly, causing the panther to laugh. "Alright, we'll go out and grab a bite! I have to warn you though, I don't bring carrying cash!" I immediately pulled a wallet out of my pocket, inside were many 20 and 10 dollar bills. "Would you look at that? Hogson's got a wallet as wide as his butt!" I exclaimed, "Looks like it's his treat today!" The panther began chuckling to himself, and said, "I know a burger place nearby, let's go!" Suddenly, a strange feeling crossed my mind and I looked down at the ground. "I don't think we should do this. It would feel bad to go to dinner with my husband's friend! Especially, after we shared a tender moment!" I exclaimed, however the panther continued to smirk.

         "What are you talking about? I'm just consoling a man in need, I see no wife here." Said the panther as he began to walk briskly away, "Don't worry, Kevin completely understands. Besides, I'm already seeing a lovely lady-friend of my own, so there's nothing to suspect there!" I grinned satisfied at that answer, "Alright, let's go to a nice salad buffet!" I exclaim, as my stomach begins to growl to an insane degree. "By the sounds of it, you'll probably need more then salad, my friend!" He exclaimed, as he gently smacked my large belly. I let out an angry snort, and walked ahead of him. "Oh c'mon, I was just kidding! Don't get all hot 'n bothered now!" He shouted, as he speed-walked to catch up.

         Meanwhile, Kevin put his plan into action. The body-thief was sitting in our living room, watching cartoons in a predictable fashion. "Hey, wifey-kins! I suggest you turn off the TV for now, we've got a guest coming over!" Exclaimed Kevin, as he grabbed the remote and shut off the TV. "A guest?" Asked the female rabbit, "Who is it?" Kevin just laughed at her question, "Don't tell you forgot about Max! You know, our homosexual kangaroo friend? You've been giving him gender advice each week, it's really helped him along!" Exclaimed Kevin, who grabbed Hogson by the arm and pulled him up from the couch. "You're kidding right?" Asked the rabbit, as she smacked away Kevin's arm. "Why would I kid about that fuzzy-buns? The kid appreciates your counseling, you're really open towards him!" Exclaimed Kevin, as he smirked at the body-thief

         Suddenly the doorbell rang, "Oh, that's him!" Exclaimed Kevin as he went to get the door. Hogson wanted to make his escape, but his stomach felt odd and became slightly queasy. "What is this feeling?" He thought to himself, as Kevin entered the room with Max. "Thanks for agreeing to see me today, Mrs. Longears! Your counseling has really helped me along!" Exclaimed Max, as he eagerly hopped in the room. Max has plain brown fur, and wore jeans that fit around his long kangaroo legs. He had a long tail, that he was able to easily maneuver past the furniture like a pro. He wore a white T-shirt, with a pink heart on it and had solemn smile across his elongated muzzle. "Yeah, that's great and everything, Max! However, our kids are right upstairs and this might not be the most prudent discussion to have with them at home!" Exclaimed the rabbit.

         "Don't worry, they are at their uncle's house!" Said the rabbit assuredly, "You can go ahead and talk with Max all you want!" The female rabbit immediately bolted for the door, but experienced strange stomach pains before she could make her escape. "What is this?!" She asked angrily, "What's with this stomach pain?" Kevin put on a kind-hearted smile, "How could you forget your pregnant honey? Another litter of kids, it's going to be great! You deliver like a pro, my little hopper!" Said Kevin, who immediately threw open the door. Standing in the doorway was Harvey and I, the rabbit's mouth was open in shock. "Well? There's nowhere to hide now!" I shouted at the body-thief.

         "Fine, whatever! This is too much of a hassle, anyways! The last thing I want to do is give birth!" Shouted the pig, who became increasingly upset The pig takes out the pendant, and commands me to swap back. After the usual chanting, I'm back in my own body, the same going for Hogson. I turned towards Hogson and said, "Hogson! You're fired, get off of our property!" The pig began backing up nervously, "Fine, but I'm keeping the spiral!" Blackpaws turned towards the pig, with pure rage in his eyes. "Oh, really?" He asked as he bared his fangs, "I suggest you put it on the ground, or I won't be held responsible for my actions!" The pig panicked at the tall and muscular panther, he tossed the pendant to the ground and ran away as fast as he could.

         "Thanks, Harvey!" I shouted, "Would you like to come in? Kevin and I are about to sit down with Max, to give him some life advice!" Harvey turned towards and smiled, "Gracious offer, Love! Unfortunately, I've got some problems of my own to deal with! Besides, I'm sure you're own style of therapy would be much more effective! I've got to see a man about this pendant" Exclaimed the Panther before quickly running off. "I hope he doesn't beat up Albert." Kevin said, in an untactful manner. "Don't worry, that cat has a heart of gold! He wouldn't kill a mouse, let alone Mules! Now c'mon, Max is waiting for us!" I said, as I opened the door. The two of us wandered inside, where Max was patiently waiting.

         The next day, Blackpaws visited the offices of Albert Mules. Walking through the hallways, he was greeted by Sandra Chitters. "Hey there, my big hunk panther of a boyfriend!" Said the squirrel, as she hopped from her desk and ran over to Harvey. "Hey Sandra, we still on for tonight?" Asked Blackpaws, to which she responded with a kind-hearted nod. "Harvey!" Exclaimed Albert as he opened the door to his office, "Why didn't you tell me you were dating Sandra? If you thought that it'd be awkward, don't be silly!" A serious look once again took root across Blackpaws Muzzle,."Albert." He stated in a serious tone, "It's about the spiral." Mules' face mirrored Harvey's serious look, "Then you need to come in. I'll explain everything about it in there." Albert opened the door to his office, and Harvey followed him inside. Albert prepared to tell the panther a truly amazing tale...

To be continued...
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