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Rated: 18+ · Serial · Drama · #1956252
Vivian and Cooper struggle to get a sense of normal back, even as work changes.
 Hinesville: The meet (Part 6)  (18+)
The Crew comes together to discuss what they have found out about Coop & Viv's incident.

The four endured over two hours of video to watch the interrogations. They wandered upstairs and found the two sleeping on Cooper’s couch. Knowing they had not slept in weeks they didn’t want to disturb them, and Nate volunteered to stay and make sure they were alright.

They stood under Cooper’s carport discussing extensively what they had just watched and how impressed they were.

“Yeah, I overheard the Sheriff talking to a couple of the Police Chiefs in the county, neither of which was Chief Sandusky from Hinesville, and they all agreed they were waiting until 'Foster and Martin were able to come back to full duty’.”

“With that many departments involved how’re they going to do that?” Ben was beginning to wonder how widespread the viewing of the videos was. He and his team knew it was rapidly spreading through the federal levels, so it wouldn’t be that far of a stretch to think some of the local Sheriff’s and Chief’s had seen it. He also didn't realize how much influence his agency had, had on the local departments.

“I heard this, too, and from what I understood it was a collective agreement with all departments involved,” Lane interjected as the group stood in a circle near the center of the carport.

“Don’t tell them this,” Nate was animate as he looked seriously at the men, “they might think it has something to do with what they just went through.”

“How do we know it’s not related?” Lane appeared to be playing devil’s advocate.

“I know they have been talking about doing a multi-agency major case squad for the last six to seven years,” Mason looked out at the group and crossed his arms. “But that doesn’t mean anything.”

“Listen,” Nate interjected and knew they needed to conclude the current discussion. “Y’all get home, and I’ll stay here to make sure they sleep alright, I’m going to turn the ringer off on his house phone, so call my cell if you need anything.”

“We got it.” Ben took a few steps toward the driveway, and the three walked to their vehicles.

The bunch left and Nate went back inside to check on the two. They were still sleeping soundly on opposite ends of the couch. Nate noticed their feet were intertwined and figured the reason they could sleep, is they knew the other was safe.

Nate soon received a text from Ben, He wants us to work on Mason.

That shouldn’t be a problem, but I suggest we wait until we start in Midway, Nate quickly shot back.

Ben had a quick answer himself, I don’t think he will have a problem with it. I’ll let you know tomorrow.

Nate easily decided to let them sleep as long as they would, but Vivian woke about an hour later, and both of them decided to let Cooper sleep while Nate took her home.

Nate walked her up to the house just to make sure she got in alright. “Are you going to be okay, Viv?”

Vivian walked into her kitchen and grabbed a bottle of whisky out of one of the cabinets. She considered the question, taking her time to answer. “I’m getting better.”

Nate watched her as she made her way to the table. He had been concerned about her since this all started; she was stubborn and wouldn’t let her pain show, it was the one thing he had learned about her through the years. He sat down with her at the table, and watched as she poured two glasses. He accepted and they began to sip on the whisky.

Nate looked down at the table as he spoke, “Should you be drinking that with your meds?”

Vivian chuckled and shook her head; Nate was always looking out for her. “The only thing I was still taking was for the pain, and I stopped taking it a week ago.”

Nate nodded but still looked concerned. “Are you feeling good enough for that?”

Vivian shrugged. “I can’t take it forever.”

“No, you can’t.” Nate finished his glass, and poured another.

Vivian sighed and Nate knew she wanted to say something, he could see her thinking. “Nate, I have a bad feeling about all of this.”

“That’s normal, I mean after what you went through.”

Vivian shook her head. “No, this is different. It feels unfinished.”

“If you ever need anything you better not hesitate to let me know,” Nate insisted. He watched a few tears fall and knew the pain she was feeling wasn’t physical.

“I’m going to call Lane tomorrow, and I’m going to treat him to a meal for his birthday.” Vivian poured herself some more, and took a big sip.

“Don’t forget, you have an appointment with Dr. Hardy tomorrow,” Nate reminded her, and knew she needed it.

“That’s in the late morning. Me and Lane are going to go out for lunch or supper.”  She looked over at Nate and he could tell she was hurting. “Nate, I hate to ask this of you, but– ”

“You want me to stay the night?” Nate cut her off.

“You can stay up all night watching TV, or you could crash anywhere you want. There’s the couch, and a spare bedroom in the back.” Vivian pleaded with him.

“You got it, Viv. Your appointment is mid-morning anyway.”

Nate got her to her appointment, and then he brought her over to Lane’s place in Savannah. Lane would bring her to lunch and then back to her house.

Lane grabbed his keys, and they left for an early lunch.

“What’s on your mind Viv?” Lane questioned her and started up his truck.

“Lane, all these years, they have stayed in the shadows, but now they do this.”

“You don’t know this was them,” Lane tried to rationalize, but even he knew better.

“I have no doubts it’s them.” Vivian barely gave him time to finish his statement.

“I’m terrified of these people.”

“Justifiably so.” Lane glanced at her at a traffic light.

“I honestly thought they were gone.”

Lane pulled into the restaurant, parked the truck and looked over at her. “You know better than that. From what I remember Jake saying, they will never go away.”

“Shit, come on, why don’t they just leave me the hell alone. Enough is enough.” Vivian started to climb out of Lane’s truck, and he grabbed her arm.

“I will do everything in my power to help you.”

“I know.”

Lane got her to her house and visited with her for a little while. What Nate told him worried him, he had never known Vivian to “need” someone around. She had always been so independent, almost to the point of concern.

“Would you take me over to the Baker’s?” Vivian aske Lane.

“Sure, Viv,” he said and watched her grab her backpack and head to the door.

Lane and Vivian walked up the front steps and rang the doorbell. June Baker opened the door, “Vivian, Lane! Y’all come in.” She held the door open for them. They walked in and followed her to the kitchen. “What can I get y’all?”

“I’ll take some lemon-aid.” Vivian called out remembering the deliciousness of it.

“Yeah, me too.”

June poured them each a glass, and stepped over to them, “Let’s go sit in the living room.”

The three walked in, Vivian claiming a seat on the end of the couch and Lane and June each taking a chair.

They all started chatting, but Lane was concerned, he had never seen Vivian like this.

Vivian looked over at June, “Do you remember the whole birthday incident?”

June laughed, “How could I forget? That cake,” she shook her head. “It was suffering.”

“That is still the most beautiful birthday cake ever.” Vivian smiled sweetly.

June looked over at Lane and saw him smiling, but the concern on his face was evident. She was relieved to see it and know she wasn’t the only one worried about Vivian. “Lane, do you know that story?”
“No, no ma’am, I don’t know that one.” Lane turned to Vivian to hear the details.

“I was nine years old, well about to be…”

Vivian and Mason were playing nicely in the back yard of his house one afternoon just after school started.

“Guess what?” Vivian turned to Mason.

“What?” Mason asked as they finished sliding off the swing set.

“Tomorrow is my birthday. I’ll be 9.” Vivian told him as she picked at the grass.

“That’s awesome Viv, I don’t turn 9 until October.” Mason jumped up and ran to the football in the corner of the yard. “Go deep, I’ll throw it to ya!” Mason called from the fence line.

Vivian jumped up and ran to mid yard waiting for the pigskin bomb to come hurling through the air. “I’m ready.”

Little did the two know June had overheard the whole conversation. June was determined to make Vivian a birthday cake. She soon stepped to the door to call them in for dinner.

Vivian left shortly after dinner with strict instructions from June to come to the house straight after school let out.

The next afternoon her and Mason walked home from school together with Billy accompanying them.

“Wow, Vivian, you’re nine!” four-year-old Billy said in awe.

“That’s just five years older than you,” Vivian pointed out.

“Yeah, but four years! That’s practically my whole life!”

Mason chuckled and nudged Vivian, “You know, he’s right.”

They all trotted up the steps to the front door. “Mom!” Mason called out, “We’re home and Billy is with us!”

“Great!” June came out with a party hat on and Vivian’s eyes lit up. “Happy Birthday!”

Vivian had a huge grin on her face as well as Mason and Billy.

“Come to the kitchen,” June waved them to the kitchen.

They all ran into the kitchen to see Charles sitting at the table, also wearing a party hat, a cake with nine candles in it, and one stuck in the side.

Mason deflated a little when he saw the cake. It was lopsided, and it looked like the icing had melted some. The “happy birthday Vivian” was barely ledge able on top of the cake. He would have died before he mentioned it though.

“Come on, Vivian, sit right in front of the cake.” Charles told her and blew a noise maker at her. Each one was given a hat and a noise maker. The lot of them then began to sing happy birthday as Charles lit the candles. They made it through the song and Vivian blew out the candles, and as she did the top slid to the side. She started crying and rubbed her eyes.

“Vivian, I’m sorry—” June began before Vivian cut her off.

“This is the best cake ever.” Vivian sniveled out. “It even moves! I’ve never seen a cake move.” She wiped her face with her hand in typical nine-year-old fashion. “It’s beautiful.”

Charles always liked the girl, but this just endeared her to him. Anyone else would have saw the glowing imperfection that it was, but her, and he knew she meant it. To her it was the most beautiful thing she saw.

“Then let’s eat it!” Charles bellowed.

This made Vivian chuckle, and they all indulged in a slice with a large scoop of ice cream.

Lane was chuckling listening to the story.

“Lane, that was the most horrid looking cake ever. I had fallen behind, and had to ice the cake while it was still warm.” June chuckled thinking about the post cake noise maker battle with the kids.

“Are you kidding, that’s still the best cake ever,” Vivian hadn’t gotten the sentence out when she started crying.

June quickly moved next to her, and put a pillow in her lap. “Oh, baby, I know.” June let Vivian lay in her lap as she rubbed her hair. “It’s okay, it’s going to be okay.” June held her for a long moment as Lane texted Charles, Mason, and Kelly. “Baby, why did you come today?”

“Because, whenever I came here, I never felt anything but loved.” Vivian sniveled out with her eyes closed.

Soon Mason arrived, followed by Kelly, and then a short time later Charles showed up. They were all able to calm her down and brought her back to her house. Lane found a sedative prescribed by Dr. Hardy, and gave her one to take. They had her resting in her room when they all went to the kitchen to talk about it.

“We can’t leave her alone right now,” Mason looked out over the group.

“I agree,” Lane nodded and considered what they could do. “Nate told me she asked him to stay over last night, he could sleep where he wanted, either the couch or the extra bedroom. If he wanted to he could have stayed up all night watching TV.”

“We need to make a schedule, so someone can be here with her until she can deal with it.” Kelly tried to think how they were going to do that.

“Mom, Dad, I know you want to, but I think it would be better if her co-workers were here with her, plus Sherri and Kelly.”

They both nodded when June looked up at her son, “I’m still going to come and see her. She’s in so much pain.”

“I was able to get her in to Dr. Hardy’s office again tomorrow.” Lane announced to the group.

“Good, I’ll take her tomorrow,” Kelly volunteered, “and then spend the day with her.”

The group had it settled and set up a rotation schedule, and would play it by ear as the time went on. However long she needed them they would be there.

A couple of weeks later Cooper was released for full duty, and started to work on a few cold cases, but Sullivan didn’t want him on call just yet. Vivian still couldn’t drive, but continued recovering at home. She, Kelly and Sherri had a few girl days; the ladies knew Vivian was going stir crazy at home. But a few weeks later, Vivian, too, was released to go back to work. Vivian walked in, was greeted by her co-workers, and they were happy to have her back.
Sullivan stepped to his office door with a smile just as she walked in. “Martin, Foster,” Sullivan called them over to his office. “It’s good to have y’all both back,” Sullivan told them as the two walked into his office. “Now, go clean out your desks.” He turned and grabbed two boxes.

“What?” Vivian was shocked as she took her box.

“You’re moving over to the Major case squad.” Captain Sullivan grinned. “Over to the command center in Midway.”

“Captain we hate to leave your command,” Vivian somberly admitted.

“Good,” he chuckled and stepped to the side of his desk. “You’re not; you two made me look so good, I’m coming with you.”

The two laughed and Cooper grabbed his box to fill with personal belongings. They completed the task of cleaning out their desks, and walked back over to Sullivan’s office.

“Clean out your unit, too, you have a new one.” Sullivan threw them each a set of keys. “Press the button until one chirps at you.”

They looked at each other and walked outside. Cooper kept pressing the “panic” button until a black SUV started chirping.

“No way!” Vivian ran over to the brand-new SUV. “Dude, this is sweet!”

“This is awesome.” Cooper agreed as he opened the driver’s door.

Soon the two headed over to Midway and their new squad.

They arrived carrying in their boxes, and were shown to their desks by the security officer at the front, they were the first to arrive, and he said instructions would soon follow. He gave them their entry badges, and instructed them to put them on before he left. They both clipped them to their lapel, and unloaded their belongings. Vivian noticed the desks were pushed together in groups of six, her and Cooper had two in their unit, she began to wonder who the other four would be.

Vivian looked around at the building, as she swiveled in her chair. It was old but had obviously been updated recently, and had been given a touch of modern architecture. The ceiling was high, and you could see a second level that contained offices for, what she assumed, was the brass, that over looked the squad room. She looked over to see a glass walled office, near the doors to the squad, with Sullivan’s name on it. She glanced over the large room to see lots of glass doors and walls in the open squad room. The only exceptions, she noted as she walked solo around the squad, were the interview rooms. They were cinder block with a viewing room on one side, and a one-way mirror between. There was also a cinder block wall that separated the squad room from a large hallway. She wandered out alone and walked into the hall. She opened the first door and discovered a large conference room. It had all the bells and whistles of electronic equipment. She continued down the hallway and found four more conference rooms just like it. She opened the door to the auditorium, and poked her head in. She saw some people preparing for something, and quickly ducked back out. She found several more offices in the back for support staff and techs. She had even discovered a full lab that would be dedicated to the squad. She wandered back down to the squad room and found several other officers arriving.

Mason soon showed up, and his desk was situated next to them, he, obviously, was in their unit. A short time later Ben and Nate walked in and they rounded out their unit. This struck her as curious, since their units were laid out for six.

“Does anyone else find it odd that we’re a unit?” Vivian questioned as she finished organizing her desk. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m pretty stoked, but it’s still seems odd.”

“It is,” Cooper agreed and rocked back in his chair looking at everyone.

“Yeah, but we’ve worked together a lot,” Nate pointed out with a grin.

“Yeah,” Vivian agreed, but her gut was telling her different. She had worked with a lot of people on a regular basis.

After all of the officers involved in the major case squad arrived, they were all called to the large auditorium she had noticed earlier. The poker crew walked in and claimed some seats about midway between the exit and the podium. The lights over the seats were dimmed, but remained bright over the stage area. Soon Major Meyers walked up to the podium. They were given a welcome speech, congratulations, and told to head back to their desks for a welcome packet. Vivian watched as about seventy-five investigators began to file out of the auditorium. She immediately noticed Lane.

“Lane. I finally get to work with you again.” Vivian walked over and gave him a warm hug.

“It’ll be fun, maybe we’ll be assigned to a case together,” Lane agreed as the two walked back to the squad room.

Each officer returned to their desk to find a large envelope and a box of equipment with their name on it.

Cooper looked at his, Det. C. Martin Unit #7, was emblazoned across the front in black sharpie marker.

Each opened their envelope and found new credentials, a new badge, keys to the building and lists of names for crime scene and other agencies they would need to contact, and a map of their zone with in the new jurisdiction. The box contained a new portable radio, a new cellphone, a new laptop computer, and other odds and ends they would need.

“Where’s our area?” Ben unfurled his map, trying to figure out where they would be working most of the time.

Cooper looked in the packet, and found his map. “We run from Fort Stewart to the state line northward, cutting Savannah in half.”

“That’s a big area. They must overlap.” Vivian opened up her laptop and fired it up.

The Savannah detectives soon walked over to join the crew. “Alright, you guys, welcome to Savannah.” Lane had a big grin on his face.

"We will get to work together!" Vivian smiled.

"We sure will, Viv." Lane grinned and shook the men’s hands.

Their crew’s area was overlapped by three other unit’s. They were able to meet them all, and Vivian was excited to get to work with all of the new people.

They all looked forward to working in new areas, but there was still a nagging feeling there was more to this. Her mind kept drifting back to her beat down, so she got up to grab a cup of coffee and Cooper followed her.

Ben watched as Mason stood up to check out their new digs. Nate looked over at Ben and nodded.

Ben stood up and walked over to where Mason was. "Come talk to me, just for a minute, before you wander off."

"Sure," Mason responded and followed him to an interview room. "What you got Ben?" Mason was a bit concerned by his friend’s behavior.

"I have an offer for you," Ben began and sat on the edge of the table in the interview room, "Do you remember the first task force we worked on?"

Mason thought back. "Sure, the rash of bank robberies in the area. We were all on the task force, well, everyone but Nate."

Nate opened the door. "Yeah, I came a few months later and joined the poker crew six months after that."

Mason felt uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation. "Get to the point, guys. This is a little uncomfortable."

"We’re not FBI," Ben told him with a matter-of-fact tone, as Nate stood next to Ben.

Mason became angry. "What in the hell do you mean?"

"We’re paid by Uncle Sam, just not by the FBI," Nate explained knowing that Mason would put two and two together.

"We want all of you to come work with us, and we’re going to recruit Viv and Coop, but we’re going to wait for a while because of the crap they just went through," Ben watched Mason’s reaction. "What the other agency did was unnecessary, and now has delayed any attempt at trying to get them to join up with anyone."

They could visibly see Mason's blood pressure rise. "Did either of you have anything to do with what happened to Viv and Coop, or do you know who did?"

"We, and the agency we work for, had nothing to do with what happened to them," Ben insisted and stood back up.

"We never would have let that go on," Nate added and crossed his arms as they both pressed Mason.

"Why didn't you stop it?" Mason was seething, figuring they could have done something.

Nate recalled the frantic search for the two just a few short months ago. "We couldn't, we did everything we could, just shy of putting them in witness protection to keep them from it. We were even told we could escort them to the location, and wait until they were finished. But the agency in charge misrepresented themselves, and then prevented us from following by cutting two of our tires."

"You could have done something, if you’re who you say you are," Mason retorted quickly, and they could see he was still angry.

"Why do you think we got the call when they were located?" Ben interjected. "Our people were the ones who found them, that other agency didn’t call us. We believe they were never going to call. Viv and Coop, were exposed to the elements for approximately 18 to 24 hours."

"Obviously your telling me this for a reason." Mason was still angry with them, but wanted to get to the point.

"We want you to come work with us, too," Nate said as he leaned against the wall.

"What do you mean? Leave here?" Mason was shocked.

Ben looked down but glanced back up at him. "Eventually, but that won't be for a while."

"We want the other two before we leave," Nate informed him and put his hands in his pockets.

"I want to know who I would be working for before I decided anything," Mason said starting to calm down a little. “Besides I have to talk to Kelly before I decide anything.”

"We can get our supervisor to come talk to you, explain it all, and then you have a week to decide," Ben offered, as him and Nate waited for a response.

"When am I going to talk to the boss?" Mason still wondered how much the two could’ve done to prevent what had happened to Vivian and Cooper.

"In a few minutes." Nate watched knowing that Mason was still a bit angry, and probably had a thousand questions.

Mason was shocked that the “boss” was there, and stood there going over who it could be. "Was this permanent task force set up for Viv and Coop?"

Ben said as he sat back on the edge of the table. "In a sense. It wasn't set up, but it was pushed by key players, and it was for the three of you."

Mason realizing the gravity of what was going on leaned against the wall. "You have that much pull?"

He watched as Nate and Ben nodded, and Ben looked up at him. “Our agency does.”

Mason conceded, mostly out of curiosity. "Let's hear the pitch."

Nate smiled and opened the door to call someone in.

Mason looked up to see who it was, and was floored. "Are you shitting me?"

Vivian got to the coffee pot and poured herself a cup. Cooper was right behind her and grabbed a cup. He seemed to be hovering around her lately.

“I have the same feeling that you do,” Cooper whispered to her as he poured his own cup.

“I keep trying to shake it, but I can’t help but feel like there’s more to this than meets the eye,” Vivian sighed as she stirred her cup.

“Yeah.” Cooper took a sip.

Vivian turned toward the wall and sighed. “Please, don’t think I’ve completely lost it.”

Cooper turned to her quickly. “What is it?”

Vivian sighed again. “I can’t shake the feeling I’m being watched.”

Cooper looked as if his whole body relaxed. “I’m so glad you said that. I thought I was just being paranoid.”

Vivian held up her cup and laughed. “Here’s to being paranoid together.”

Her and Cooper toasted and went back to their desks. They would soon have their first case.

 Hinesville: Welcome to Savannah (Part 8)  (13+)
The Poker crew get's their first case on the Major Case Squad with the Savannah Detectives
© Copyright 2013 trueblue (trueblue533 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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