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Rated: 13+ · Other · Comedy · #1956212
Marie must get her past memories of the countries and find out which country loves her.

Power_of_madness_html_m5220c56.pngHetalia: The Power Of Madness Volume 1

Note: In the Hetalia fan fictions I write, I put the name of the person talking in front of what is being said, since it's hard to go through so many names.


Marie is back along with Grell, her fake twin brother. They get to meet Hetalia this time! In the first chapter it's Marie and Britain, because they were really good friends when they were little.

Marie and Grell meet Russia, after trying to summon a demon to scare Sebastian. The adorable and funny country becomes friends with them and takes them to the world of Hetalia.

Come along and see how Marie gets along with the countries, especially Britain, since Marie lost her memories after her fall to earth. She got all her memories back except the ones about Britain! See how Britain thinks about her and how he acts when he finds out she forgot everything about their childhood friendship. How will she get them back? And what is Grell and Russia up to? Find out in Hetalia: The Power Of Madness!

Chapter 1: "Memories"

Chapter 1 info

Chapter 2: "War News"

Chapter 2 info

Chapter 3: "Fight With Sebastian"

Chapter 3 info

Chapter 4: "I am Russia, Da!"

Chapter 4 info

Chapter 5: "Hetalia"

Chapter 5 info

Chapter 6: "You're Alive"

Chapter 6 info

Note from the author:

Every chapter has a second part called, Chapter Info, because it explains what just happened. It's for those who read this and have no idea why the characters just did what they just did. It's also to explain what lead up to them doing whatever they are doing. It will also tell the reader information on the characters they just read about.


Courtney M.

Chapter 1


Marie: Come on, Britain!

Britain: I'm coming! Slow down!

Marie: I'm not running that fast.

Britain: Yes you are!

Marie: Well just run faster!

Britain: Fine, I will!

Britain catches up to Marie and grabs her arm

Marie: Hey, how did you catch up to me?

They fall on ground

Both are lying on the ground giggling

Britain: That was fun!

Marie: It was!

Britain: At least now I know I can run fast.

Marie giggles

Britain: You have to leave soon don't you?

Marie: Yes, I have to go back to Galifrey today.

Britain: I don't want you to leave.

Marie: I don't want to leave.

Britain: When will I see you again?

Marie: I don't know. The court needs all the Timelords back on Galifrey for some reason.

Britain: You won't forget me and the others will you?

Marie: I won't forget you. How could I?

Britain: You're right, Marie. We have had so many fun times that we could never forget.

Marie: Yep!

Mrs. Smith: Marie! Time to go sweetie!

Marie: Ok mother, I'll be right there. Bye Britain, I'll miss you.

Marie runs towards the Tardis

Britain: Wait Marie!

Britain runs and grabs her arm and turns her around. He looks her right in the eye

Britain: Never forget me, please.

He kisses her on the lips

Marie blushes

Britain stops kissing her, smiles, and blushes

She smiles back and hugs him

Marie: I'll never forget you, Britain. I promise.

Britain: Thank you, Marie. Come back anytime, Earth will always welcome you.

Marie: Thank you! Bye, Britain!

Marie runs inside the Tardis, waves to Britain and smiles, closes the door, and the Tardis disappears

Britain: I'll never forget you, Marie Magicia Smith.

Britain walks to his house thinking about the fun times he had with Marie.

Chapter 1 Info

Character Info

Marie Magicia Smith- She is best friends with Britain and friends with the other countries. Her dad is John Smith. (The Doctor) Her mom is River Smith. (River Song or Melody Pond)

Britain or United Kingdom- He is best friends with Marie. He is a country and is a proper gentleman.

They were both 15 years old( In human years) in chapter1.

Story Info

Marie lives on another planet called, Galifrey. Her race is called, Timelordian. Her family came to Earth to teach Marie about humans when she was 10. Instead of her meeting a human she meets Britain. She became friends with all the countries, and stayed on Earth with them for 5 years. She had to go back to Galifrey at age 15.

Chapter 2

"War News"

Britain: What time is it? Oh, it's 8:30am.

He gets out of bed, dresses and goes downstairs

Britain: What shall I have for breakfast?

Knock on front door

Britain: Coming!

Opens door, sees America

America: Dude, I have a letter that was sent to you, but I got it instead.

Britain: Who is it from?

America: Marie.

Britain: Whoa what?!

Takes letter, sits down at his desk, and opens letter

Britain: Did you read it?

America: No, why?

Britain: Read it.

Britain hands the letter to America while looking like he is about to cry

America reads letter

Here's what it says:

Dear Britain,

I miss you and the others very much. I hope I will be able to see you again someday, but I don't know if that day will come. The doctors say I might not live long. They don't know why, all they know is that with the illness I have even if I regenerate it won't save my life. I don't have very much time left.

Also I fear Galifrey might be going to war with a strong and horrifying enemy. I hope I will be able to see you and the others again, and I hope I don't see my planet go to war. So, for now I say good-bye.

I miss you all,


America finishes reading and looks at Britain

America: Wow. I had no idea she was ill. Britain, are you okay?

Britain: Marie... why... Marie... of all people who could die... it had to be... you.

Tears begin to appear in Britain's eyes

America: I'm sure she will live. Marie is strong, she can fight it.

Britain: Marie... you said I... was... going to get to... see you... again... don't say that I... won't be able to see you again... or I won't ever... see you... again... forever.

Britain begins to cry

America: Dude, are you okay? It's sad I know, but she will come see us again and be healthy. We will have great times with her again.

Britain stops crying a little

Britain: I hope so.

America: I got to go. See ya later, and don't forget Marie will come back.

Britain: Good-bye and thank you.

America leaves

Britain looks at the letter

Britain: Don't die, Marie. Stay strong.

He puts the letter next to a picture of Marie and him on his desk

Britain: Don't die, Marie.

He folds his arms, puts them on his desk, and lays his head down on his arms

Britain: I... love... you....

Looks at picture of him and Marie

Britain: I love you, Marie Magicia Smith.

He falls asleep on his desk.

Chapter 2 Info

Character Info

America- He doesn't get along with Britain, but he doesn't want him to be sad. He's very energetic. He is also one of Marie's friends.

When Britain got the letter he was

Story Info

Britain, as you can tell, likes Marie. He has liked her for a long time. America doesn't know that Britain likes Marie. It has been 15 years, since Marie left. Marie's illness will be explained later.

Chapter 3

© Copyright 2013 Anamarie Martin (zelda7138 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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