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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1955721
I COULD USE SOME HELP WITH THIS! It's raining fists in this story of cops & criminals!
Chapt. 1. Under Enemy Eye

Blaze’s fist landed with a sickening crunch onto his opponent’s head and he took a moment to watch as the tattooed distraction fell to the ground unconscious.
“bring it on f-ckers!” He roared as more attackers leaped for him: one for his throat, the other for his gut. A decisive kick to the other man’s groan got his hands off Blaze’s neck, allowing him to gasp in some air but the fist coming out of nowhere rammed into his side. He gritted is teeth but did not collapse, having tightened his stomach muscles just before impact.

The attacker backed away, shaking his slightly soar hand as cold sweat beaded down his face. Blaze grinned, the adrenaline rushing through his body. He grabbed the man by the shoulders, smashing their heads together with dull thud. His ears were filled with a high pitched wine and blood dripped from the center of his forehead but the didn’t bother Blaze. He dropped his unconscious opponent to the ground and laughed, breathing harshly from fighting for forty minutes.

Blaze turned to stare pointedly at the second leader of the Gang that had sought him out, when the tell tale sirens of Coppers made everyone freeze.
“we’re going to get you sooner or later Mr. Blaze!” The leader called out as the Gang (at his signal) dispersed like water, leaving Blaze surrounded by the unconscious Gang members who couldn’t get up. Cursing fluently, Blaze dashed for an alley, dodged an approaching cop car, and ran for the nearest street.

Blaze groaned, his enter body still on fire after a full night of recovery. Ever since that fight with the Gonzo Gang, Blaze had been laying low so he could nurse his injuries before the next fight broke out. He took another chug of his half empty beer bottle and clutched his head from the hangover that had hit that morning.
“This is going to be a sucky day.” Blaze muttered as he glanced at the cracked mirror hanging lopsided in his dingy apartment. Concentrating hazily, he saw a young man dizzily staring back at him with clear sky-blue eyes which only enhanced his fly-away shoulder-length red hair. Blaze hiccupped and looked away from the cracked mirror as he took another swig from his now empty beer bottle. Yawning hugely, he curled up on the old couch he lay on as the six bottles of alcohol finally took their affect on him. Sleepily letting his eyes close, his last thought was: hoping none of the Gonzo Gang had followed him home.

The door to Blaze’s apartment was wrenched open by two pairs of police-men ten minutes later; the latest lazar guns set at medium charge.
“Freeze!” A cop shouted harshly when he saw Blaze on the couch. “You are under arrest for vandalism of public property, disturbing the peace, fighting on government territory and…” the policeman’s words trailed off when Blaze didn’t move from the couch. “You have a real attitude! I just might add a few more weeks on your current sentence if you plan to ignore me…” Once again the cop’s words trailed off as he reluctantly leaned closer and found that Blaze was asleep.

Blaze thought he felt the cool metal of handcuffs being snapped over his wrists as the cops dragged him outside to one of the cars, but he was too out of it to understand what was happening.
“Man, this kid is drunk!” One of the cops muttered as they shoved Blaze in the car. Another cop glanced at the four police cars parked near Blaze’s apartment and shook his head.
“I don’t get why we had to bring so much backup for this guy.” He muttered. One of the lead officers stepped forward when he heard the cop’s comment and leaned in close.
“Well that’s an easy answer friend.” He said. “Let’s just say that if the kid hadn’t been out cold, us eight policemen might not have been enough!” The cop turned in surprise.
“Eight of us? Not enough?” He demanded. The other cop nodded.
“Yes, you know the twelve members of the Gonzo Gang we put away last night?” The man asked with a smirk.
“yeah.” The cop said.
“According to their testimony, that kid was the one who brought them down. Actually, that was how we tracked him down. Some of the Gonzo Gang wanted revenge for getting caught. If it hadn’t been for them, we wouldn’t have noticed him.” The cop added as he pointed at Blaze who was still asleep.

Blaze woke up to the unpleasant knowledge that his hands were tied to a chair. At first he thought that his fears had come to pass and he had been taken to the Gonzo Gang’s lair, but then he saw the police uniform of the guy staring at him and he grew cold. It was the Coppers! He shifted nervously in his seat, the headache from the morning’s hangover, increasing with the added stress.
“Crap!” Blaze cursed as he hastily scanned the room around him. “I’m in deep shit.” A cop with mud brown hair smiled at him from a corner of the office and pointed at the cop who was still watching him.
“Good Morning Mr. Blaze. That’s quit a record you’ve got there.” The black haired man gestured at another cop who held a thick file with Blaze’s name on it. “I must admit it was quite a read!” Blaze glanced at the file and grimaced. It look’s like you’ve done a little thieving and hacking in your time, why you would hack into police files when most of this is about the fights you’ve gotten into, is beyond me!” Blaze looked around the room.

A moment later, his eyes trailed back to the cop. He couldn’t help thinking about the file. Blaze didn’t care about the fights he had been dragged away from but was there anything else? It was an odd hobby for a fighter like himself, but Blaze had taken an interest in puzzling over mystery cases. Unfortunately, most cops didn’t want him near the crime scenes, so Blaze had taken not-so legal means to check out the cases…they didn’t find out about that did they?
“Hey Brat! You had better start listening to Detective Aezon or I just might beat your ass!” Blaze blinked away his thoughts and looked up at the cop, who smacked him on the side of his head with his own hefty file.
Blaze’s eyes narrowed dangerously at the insult, his temper quickly rising.
“Go ahead do it again! I can still crack a rib!” Blaze snarled. Mr. Aezon raised an eyebrow when the cop looked down at his shirt in surprise.
“How’d you know I was wearing a bullet-proof vest!” He demanded. Blaze shrugged and rolled his eyes. “Brainless git” Blaze muttered.
“What the fuck! I’m going to beat you anyway for your attitude!” The cop snarled as he raised his baton threateningly. (That’s enough.) Blaze thought.

He lifted his cuffed hands from behind his back and forced them to the front, briefly dislocating his shoulders before cracking them back in place. Sliding off the chair, Blaze was behind the cop before he could lower his baton. He reached for the cop’s hidden gun, ripping it out of its pocket but hesitated once he had it in hand. He blinked questioningly as he weighted the silver in his hand and then sneered in disgust, tossing the weapon aside when he realized there were no bullets.
He quickly dodged a punch aimed at his jaw and leapt for the door. Sensing eyes on him, Blaze glanced at Mr. Aezon who smirked, his expression taunting. When he didn’t make any moves to stop him, Blaze wrenched the door open since it was too late to back out.
Suddenly, he was facing two cops whose laser guns were trained directly on him!
“It’s best if you don’t cause any more trouble Mr. Blaze.” One of them said. Blaze stepped back, his eyes darting around the room. He cursed softly knowing that the room was too small to dodge the guns for long and raised his hands.

When Blaze had been taken away, Detective Aezon stepped out of the room and approached the captain who had been waiting for him.
“Well Detective Aezon, did you get what you wanted?” He asked. Aezon nodded. After reading the kid’s thick record of lawbreaking he had been impressed enough to make his way down when he was told that Mr. Blaze had finally been apprehended.
“Yes, I do believe I am satisfied.” The Detective said. The commander frowned.
“I don’t know about this, you being interested in that delinquent.” Aezon shrugged.
“I need a willing pawn and a hot head like that is easy to manipulate.” He explained dismissively. He handed the stack of files back to the commander and started to walk away.
“Wait! Sir! What do I do with him right now?” the commander shouted. The Detective turned.
“Pressure him.” He said simply.
“Scare him if you have to; just make sure that Mr. Blaze would be willing to do anything to get out of jail.” He sneered. The Commander shivered slightly as he watched the Detective’s retreating back.
“That man.” He thought. “Scares the hell out of me!”

Chapt. 2 I Hate Cops

Blaze glowered down at the surly cop who peered at him through the prison bars that had been his home for the past three weeks and once more wished him a very painful death. It seemed that now that they finally had him, the courts were still chalking up his final sentence, digging up every transgression he had ever done and putting it into one large punishment and every few days since his imprisonment, the same cop came back to him with the same proposal.
“Same answer.” Blaze muttered going back to the 80th one handed pull-up he had been using the barred ceiling for. The cop sighed.
“You don’t have much longer to accept this opportunity.” He warned as he walked away. Blaze shook his head, sweat trickling down his face and arms.
“Here’s your get out of jail free card: work for O.D.A!” That was the proposal given to him just three days after his imprisonment. A chance most might have taken. Blaze wasn’t desperate. “I’d rather rot in jail!” He muttered vengefully. The surly cop glanced again at Blaze (who dropped from the bars on his 90th pull-up and started the routine thousand pushups he did every day) before picking up his ringing cell.
“How about this time?” Detective Aezon’s voice asked from the phone.
“No change.” The cop muttered reluctantly. “We’ve tried a few things to push him, but he’s stubborn on this one.”
“No doubt!” Aezon laughed. His tone darkened abruptly. “But I will have him!” He added firmly.
“Any ideas?” The cop sighed irritably.
“Actually, yes” Detective Aezon said. “Throw him in with the Gonzo Gang and see if he softens up!”
“Ah…Are you sure? He could get killed.” The other cop muttered uncertainly.
“I’m willing to risk it.” The cop nodded and hung up. He glanced at Blaze again and shook his head as he made his way to the head office, to suggest this, newest tactic.

“F-ck No!” Blaze cursed when he found himself dragged into the lion’s den. The 9 Gonzo inmates grinned from ear to ear, anticipating some payback. The five cops it took to force Blaze into the cell awkwardly looked at one another, wondering why Blaze was being thrown into his own grave when his sentence hadn’t been decided yet.
“I almost feel bad for him.” One of the cops muttered as they hastily retreated from the hell that was surly about to break loose. After banging on the bar door a few times, Blaze grinned sheepishly and slowly backed away, his hands raised in peace.
“Hi guys.” He smiled uncertainly, his sky blue eyes alert. One of the Gonzo clan stepped forward, brown eyes narrowed in pleasure.
“Don’t be scared, we’re gonna make you feel right at home.” He sneered. The rest of the Gonzo clan nodded, chuckling unpleasantly as Blaze backed into the unyielding bars behind him. The unpleasant atmosphere abruptly intensified and they lunged for Blaze who gripped the bars behind him with both hands. Steel toed boots and brass knuckled fists slammed into metal bars as Blaze lifted his body up over his head, hands supporting his full weight. He slammed his feet against the bars and pushed himself into the air, landing behind three of the Gonzo Gang, His eyes blazing dangerously.
“I guess we can’t talk like buddies sharing the same fate, so let’s fight it out instead.” Blaze hissed and he rammed a fist into an attacker. Everyone paused to watch as the man went flying into a corner, before the remaining eight launched into battle.

The surly cop stared at Blaze who sat against the farthest cell wall, staring into space. Dried blood decorated his otherwise beautiful face. It trickled down his muscular arms, legs and well built torso, which could be seen under the ragged remains of his shirt. A shade of purple and blue spread over one side of his shoulder and crude bandages covered both legs and one arm. The officer also noted that a cleaner looking bandage with trailing ends had been dutifully wrapped around his head like a fighter’s band. His hair fell over the bandage, giving it a fitting style that only someone like Blaze could get away with.
As the officer looked on, Blaze yawned and glanced at one of the Gonzo clan sitting in the corner. Wordlessly he pointed at the bandage of his arm which had begun to take on a red tinge as the blood tried to bleed through. He rose an eyebrow and the man immediately scurried over with a handful of new bandages that was ripped from his own shirt. Blaze waited patiently for the man to tend to the wound before giving a look that could kill.
His enemy immediately backed away to the furthest corner from Blaze, his fearful gaze lingering on the six unconscious men still lying around the cell, and the two others Blaze comfortably sat on. Blaze looked untouched compared to the Gonzo Gang’s injuries, and since the fight, everyone had submitted to Blaze, fearing for their lives.
“There is no doubt in one’s mind, how the fight turned out.” The cop muttered into his cell. “In other words, the plan is a failure.” He said to Detective Aezon who had called to see if Blaze was still alive. The cop looked back up at the red-headed tyrant who was now accepting a dry brownie from one of the dinner trays offered to him by a Gonzo member awkwardly knelt at Blaze’s feet.
“You want my dessert?” The man asked a quiver in his voice. Blaze laughed dryly.
“Kissing my ass isn’t going to do you much good after stabbing me!” He growled, indicating his injured arm. The inmate nodded and stood up, hastily backing away.
“Just don’t kill me okay?” He whined as Blaze gnawed on the brownie. Bright blue eyes flashed and the inmate shivered with a fear he had never felt with the head of the Gonzo Gang as Blaze’s cold stare chilled him.
“I’ll think about it.” He said as he bit into the stale brownie.

Seven days later, Blaze was returned to his original cell and an hour passed before he heard calculated footsteps approaching him. It wasn’t the surly cop. Blaze blinked in surprise when he vaguely recognized the black wavy hair and vivid green eyes of the cop he had seen on the first day of his arrival to prison.
“Let me reintroduce myself.” The cop explained when they had taken a reluctant Blaze to the same office they had met in. “You can call me: Detective Aezon.”
“I have better names to chose from.” Blaze muttered as he was hand-cuffed to the same wooden chair he had sat in before. Detective Aezon’s gaze narrowed, but he said nothing.
“I understand you have been repeatedly refusing a very good offer and I really want to know why.” He began an edge to his otherwise smooth tone. Blaze frowned, not expecting this and shrugged despite the slight pain in his bound shoulders.
“That’s a simple one.” Blaze muttered. “I hate cops.” The room was silent for a few tense moments as Aezon waited for Blaze to continue, but he did not. He lightly touched his fingers together in thought.
“That’s it?” He persisted. “That’s the reason why you would rather face a few years in jail then take on a new life as a privileged special squad member?” Blaze stared hard at Aezon, his startling blue eyes briefly fathomless.
“I will not be used.” He muttered firmly. Aezon sighed and glanced at the laptop an officer had just handed him, before typing data into it. After a moment, he looked up at Blaze, his gaze meaningful
“And if…I said your life depended on it?” Detective Aezon announced coolly, green eyes cold and unmoving.
Blaze blinked in surprise, startled by the odd question. Aezon typed in another sequence of data before turning the laptop so Blaze could see the screen. The color in his face drained and his eyes widened in disbelief. His picture stared back at him, standing over what looked like more of the Gonzo Gang in an alley. Two members of the Gonzo Gang were trying to escape, staring horror struck at Blaze who stood over the lifeless body of a Gang member. If it weren’t for the fact that Blaze had never been there and had never killed before, he would not have known that the incriminating image had been forged.
“What the hell do you think your doing?” He demanded hoarsely. Detective Aezon didn’t even flinch.
“The way I see it is you have two options.” He announced without emotion. “Suffer the consequences for first degree murder, or…Join my team.” Blaze looked from the image which now detailed all the crimes he had been found guilty of and shuddered. The result for such incriminating evidence was death roe!
A few hours later and Blaze was once again escorted to his cell.
“So?” the surly officer asked Mr. Aezon who stared after Blaze. “What did he say?” The detective sneered.
“It took some persuasion and wasted theatrics but we will be leaving in two days time. I don’t want him to change his mind.” The detective added with a dangerous note to his already dark tone.

Chapt. 3 Another Player?

Detective Aezon courteously stepped aside to allow a very agitated Blaze to pass him, along with the four trained officials who escorted him to the small airplane ahead. If any chance to escape had occurred, the detective had already found and smashed it to pieces.
He was roughly seated next to two of his escorts who both wore the same black suit and glasses. The other two stood behind him while Detective Aezon sat on the chair opposite of him. “We will be landing in half an hour Blaze.” He said pleasantly, closely watching for any resistance. “Would you like to have lunch before we head to base?” Blaze stirred in surprise and Detective Aezon smiled. “Come on. I am not that cold hearted…when I get my way.” He added. Blaze cursed under his breath but nodded slowly since he hadn’t had anything good to eat for a month!
Blaze yawned tiredly and slowly climbed down the airplane’s steps. The sun struck his sensitive eyes and he winced. Detective Aezon patted him on the shoulder before passing in front of him.
“This way sir.” One of his escorts murmured, opening the door of a black sedan. They drove a ways through the bustling city until they came upon an Arby’s and pulled in. Blaze laughed dryly after he and the detective took their seats, ham sandwiches in both hands. Blaze consumed a relishing amount of strawberry milkshake before answering the detective’s inquiring stare.
“The last time I was at an Arbys I was surrounded by a Gang of delinquents who reserved it for the day just to ambush me!” Blaze glanced at the four escorts positioned at certain locations near and in the store and grimaced. “Now it’s you guys.” He added dourly. Blaze happily took another slurp of his milkshake but his gaze was never far from the Detective who shook his head and sat back in the booth.
“You really are an idiot.” The Detective whispered so that Blaze couldn’t hear him. He took another bite in his sandwich as he studied his pawn.
Blaze was no longer watching the detective. He stared far ahead at
one of the escorts standing outside, charged with ensuring the delinquent didn’t try to get away. The escort blinked in surprise when a handsome man dressed in white with matching spiked hair walked passed him out of nowhere, his expression full of intent. Before the escort could speak he collapsed onto the ground, blood leaking from behind the slender blade deep in his chest.
The man smiled, his silver-blue eyes narrowed in pleasure before stalking into Arby’s. The last three escorts fell to their knees without a word before the man turned his attention on Aezon and the red head opposite him. Blaze hastily slipped Aezon’s butter knife off of the table when the Detective turned to see why the door to Arby’s was opening without his consent. After a second’s thought, Blaze also pulled the ketchup bottle closer to his side of the table.
“Ah detective! So nice to see you again!” The new arrival glanced at Blaze who chewed his sandwich unimpressed. Something about the delinquent must have pissed him off because he frowned in irritation then smiled slowly, a thin line of his victim’s blood dripping from one of his fingers. “I’d like to catch up with a few things...” Suddenly the white haired man was just inside Blaze’s reach and another dagger blade appeared in his hand before disappearing inside Blaze’s chest.
The man pushed him out of the chair and face first onto the marble floor. Blood poured from the unseen wound and the man laughed harshly before brushing his victim’s lunch aside.
“…do you know how hard it is to track you down?” He asked as he sat on the table, legs crossed seductively. The detective who’s expression was one bordering that of rage did not answer. “Berlin, Paris, and Boston, Egypt….Jeez you travel fast and far!” The detective’s eye twitched and the man frowned, his gaze suddenly thoughtful. “Don’t tell me you’re mad!” He whined jokingly, petting a strand of white hair that grew down his shoulders. “So what if I killed four of your men and a suspect in one of your cases. It’s not like they were important.” The man glanced at the last of the costumers running out of the store and sighed. “Anyways, my boss told me to give you a hint on one of your cases so that you can play a game with us.”
“A game?” The detective managed to ask, still staring reproachfully at the dead delinquent he had finally claimed.
“Yeah! He’s got a nice one set up! He said you’ll like this one.” The detective was silent.
“I don’t feel like it.” He muttered. The man frowned.
“Why?” He demanded, grabbing Blaze’s milkshake in frustration.
“You killed my pawn!” Aezon growled irritably. “Do you know how hard it was to get him?” The man frowned again.
“I just don’t get why you’re so mad.” He muttered dismissively.
“I was going to use him to lure out one of my suspects in my current case.” The Detective sighed. “Blaze’s personality and felonious ties were the perfect bait.” The white haired man rolled his eyes, lifting the milkshake to his lips.
“I told you we’re giving you a hint. You don’t need the rat anymore.” The white haired man repeated irritably.
“Well, that’s a relief!” Blaze replaced the empty bottle of ketchup juice back on the table once he had stood up and turned to his would-be-killer.
“That Jackass literally blackmailed me.” He added bitterly. Blaze glanced at the shell shocked man. “Oi! That’s mine!” He grabbed his strawberry milkshake and lifted it to his lips. A few minutes after getting over the fact the Blaze was still alive, the detective leaned closer and sniffed experimentally at Blaze’s tomato tainted clothes.
“How are you still alive?” The Killer choked. Blaze shrugged.
“Oh yeah, here.” He took out the dagger that should have pierced his chest and tossed it and the butter knife on the table. The detective and the man stared at the bent knife and the killer’s blade and comprehension dawned on them both.
“Don’t tell me? You counteracted my blade?” The Killer whispered incredulously. The detective laughed not sure how to feel but his laughter was cut short when he realized why Blaze had pretended to be dead!
Detective Aezon stood up abruptly and slammed Blaze down onto the table with shocking strength, briskly cuffing his hands behind his back. “You? Actually thought you could escape me?” He demanded his green eyes dark with anger. Blaze cursed himself for getting up too early and turned to glare at the detective, his red hair splayed messily over the table.
“I didn’t do it to escape you.” He snapped blue eyes bright. “I just wanted to know what he wanted so I let him attack me.” The detective frowned and the killer looked up, his expression curious.
“Wait! How long were you aware of my presence?” he asked suspiciously. Blaze glanced out at the tall office building several yards away.
“You’ve been up there for a bit.” He muttered. “I guess you knew that the detective would be here.” The two men stared at the surprisingly sharp Blaze in silence before the white haired man experimentally lunged forward, three knives in both hands.
“You can’t kill this one!” The detective shouted possessively. Blaze tore from Aezon’s grip and easily dodged the Killer’s first lunge, stepping to one side for the other. Blaze gripped the chain of the handcuffs and forced them apart with a faint chink. He lifted both arms upwards on the third attack and allowed his perceptive attacker to pass inside his guard. (I have you!) The man thought as his six blades grazed against Blaze’s unmoving body and… shattered. The attacker stopped short, confused.
Blaze held up the original blade his attacker had tried to kill him with and turned to run. The white haired man turned to Detective Aezon and laughed.
“You’re pawn is a little interesting!” The Killer cooed but his expression was calculating as he stared after Blaze. Detective Aezon gritted his teeth lightly. He had meant to let Blaze escape since he didn’t need him anymore but that last comment nagged at him. Blaze couldn’t possibly be worth their interest could he? He was just a good fighter…but it was best not to risk it! He decided as he darted forward with alien speed and tripped Blaze just as he was passing by him.
“Come on!” Blaze roared as he struggled to stand after Aezon cuffed his ankles. “You heard that guy! You don’t need me anymore so lay off!” He snarled. Aezon hesitated as if thinking about that, and then he kicked the space between Blaze’s shoulder blades when he tried to get up, pulling out another set of cuffs and snapping them around his wrists.
“I’m taking you anyway.” Detective Aezon announced coolly, glancing sidelong at the killer who shrugged and took a step back.
“Fine, I get it!” He smiled coldly at Aezon and retreated for the door when he heard approaching sirens. He placed the invitation he was sent to give to the Detective on the store counter and mockingly saluted. “Another time then?” He asked as he exited Arbys.

They arrived at the small three story building that was the HQ for O.D.A two hours later. Blaze sulked as he struggled to walk down the long path leading to the white and sandy brown building that was to be his newest prison.
There was no tour or welcome for Blaze when they walked through the double doors. Aezon wisely guessed Blaze wasn’t the type to feel warm and fuzzy about his new lodgings. Blaze was led to a room on the second floor and escorted in, his cuffs removed before the door was shut. He waited for the lock to click in place but it didn’t, making him frown.
He glared hatefully at the gray blue walls bare of any decoration and the twin bed in one corner covered in thin white sheets. The navy blue blanket was folded at the foot of the bed but Blaze wouldn’t need it. The floors were bare wood; a small closet had been carved in the wall opposite of his bed, a few articles of clothing hanging from the cluster of empty hangers.
“Why do they have what looks like a dorm room inside a police station?” He scoffed. His searching gaze stopped at the window next to his bed and his expression darkened.
The window was wide open with a nice view of grass and trees and the steel gray sky above. This being the 2cd floor it would have been easy for Blaze to escape his room via window, but the fact that it was open and the door was left unlocked made Blaze hesitant. This was a clear message. “There is no escape.”
Hate for the Detective seared through Blaze’s veins, his blue eyes bright with malice.
“This should be over!” He shouted to the empty room. He rubbed at his sore wrists while scanning the room carefully. How was he getting out of this one? “No!” He stood up and paced the room, realizing it wasn’t just about him escaping anymore!
This Detective had blackmailed, tortured and belittled him! Blaze knew the type of guy Aezon was. He saw Blaze as a bug to be used and squashed and was confident he could control the “delinquent.” He hadn’t even considered that Blaze might actually be his equal…but that was fine with Blaze. It made getting revenge on the Detective all that much sweeter!
It would be easy to pretend to cooperate and then betray the Detective as his weakest moment…but...he wanted something bigger! He smiled slightly, happy for the first time in months, and grabbed a piece of paper he spied on the small desk in his room. “Number One: I need to learn more about the Detective.” Blaze murmured as he wrote out the words: Six steps to Checkmate!

© Copyright 2013 Lazereth (lazereth88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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