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Rated: 13+ · Other · Mystery · #1955630
Three sisters just died. Will they go back to finish their performance?
And She Must Play

“This is not where I expected to end up when our party ended.” The ghostly conductor patted down her shadowy remains, making sure nothing had been misplaced.

“Yes,” replied her sister as she appeared before her, “I don’t think anyone saw this coming.”

The third sister came into view. “Whew, made it! I thought they were sending me to Heaven, but I guess it was Hell with you two here.” She teased.

“Minita, good to see you in one piece.” The ghostly conductor laughed. “Now what are we going to do about the murdering thing?”

Minita only shook her head. “What can we do Shila? We are dead now, what do ghosts do?”

“Take revenge of course. They killed us on our debut, why not go back and finish the night? No one can say be weren’t memorable. Oh, Becka, don’t cry!” Shila turned to her crying sister, and laid a ghostly appendage over her.

“Why us?” Becka cried. “We were nice to everyone we met!”

“The world isn’t fair Becka; we can only do the best given us.” Minita said, coming to comfort her sister as well.

“Yes Becka, you know we will always be there for you, in life or in death? If we must stay like this forever, then I wouldn’t want to spend it with anyone else. Now come on, we can grieve later, let’s go kick some butt.” Shila encouraged.

The three sisters rose and closed their eyes, concentrating on their destination. They seemed to shimmer in the air before disappearing all together. In a blink of an eye, they reappeared in the Great City Music Hall, where the party was still in full swing.

Minita looked up at the clock, it was five till twelve. She nudged her sister, whispering, “It is almost time for us to go onstage.”
The trio flew to the back, where they had been waiting before they had been killed. They quickly found their bodies, hastily thrown under a stage curtain.

Shina couldn’t believe the utter disrespect to their bodies. She burned to know the killer’s name. But their time was close, so she motioned to her sisters to take up their positions. Two violins appeared out of nothing for her sisters, and for her a conductors stick.

The clock struck twelve, and they floated out onto the stage. The crowd was silent, waiting for them to begin. She raised her hand, and quickly brought it down, signaling her sisters to begin. The horrifyingly sad music brought the crowd to its knees, and the sisters sang a soft tune. Green mist covered the floor, masking its audience in its glow. It twisted and twirled around each member, comforting their sorrow. The two sisters worked their violins to an impossible tempo, voices reaching higher and higher, only to abruptly stop.

“Thank you.” Shina whispered, and they all disappeared.

Hours later, when they found their bodies, they would discover that the sisters were long dead before they ever gave the performance.

There we are! enjoy! 500 words


Meet the Deliverer

Like a shadow, Samantha flitted from tree to tree. She ran across the treetops, like a monkey, twisting and leaping in utter abandon to reach her goal. She held the secret of her people, and she had to escape the slaughter and get help from the mountains.

Luckily, the moon was with her tonight, and its soft light showed her the way. She reached the edge of the woods and halted. There was no cover for her after this. Nowhere to hide. She held back, slightly scared of the thought of leaving her childhood home forever. But she had no choice. She summersaulted to the ground, landing lightly on her feet.

She knew the Destroyers were not far behind her. Samantha knew what they desperately wanted. The one power that gave the Elvin people life. She held back her grief as she ran, using it to fuel her tired legs. The outcome of her people depended on her. Even so, only merciless bastards would attack during a Hallows Eve festival. She could still feel the dripping of the ceremonial paint still on her face.

Samantha’s fear spiked when she heard the numerous foot falls behind her. She dared not look back, and she pushed herself harder, picking up her pace to breakneck speed.

She watched in slow motion as she tripped over a rock in the flat meadow ground. She saw with crystal clarity every blade of grass as it reached up to greet her. She scraped against the ground, slowly coming to a painful stop.She felt a shadow fall over her face.

“Lookee here, the last Elf alive.” A clawed hand gripped Samantha’s shoulder, dragging her to her feet. The giant werewolf bark-laughed to his comrades.

“How perfect,” his disgusting hot breath on her face, “That your celebration coincided with our lunar transformation.” His ugly scarred snout rising to the moon as he howled his appreciation.

His head snapped back down. “Give us the necklace girl.” He raised his other hand to Samantha’s face, tracing a dagger sharp nail across her cheek. “Or I’ll make your pretty little face even prettier. Like mine.” The werewolf turned, showcasing his scar.

Samantha stood tall, not letting the beast’s comments get to her. She slowly reached in her pocket, taking a deep breath. What she was about to do would cost Samantha her life as she knew it.

“As last surviving elf of Sleepy Hollow’s forest, I pronounce myself Queen. Murders of my people, flee, for I am not forgiving.” She crushed the necklace in her pocket, closing her eyes as she felt the rush of power. She felt the scared growls of the werewolves.

Her head was forced back as the power burst through her eyes. Samantha let herself go, letting the Power take her place.

“Revenge my people,” Samantha whispered to the Power.

Her head came back down, no longer Samantha. Her head turned, staring into the murderous werewolves eyes. A voice with a thousand whispers spoke.

“Meet your deliverer, pup.”

Ok, had to use the words: Elf, moon, woods, secret, scare. 500 words. DAY 555555 5


What was left? The wind tore down the boards of the house, and blew in all sorts of debris. The water ate at the foundations holding the building up. Dark clouds hovered over the area, forbidding light to shine on the sorry subject.

House had been beautiful once. She had been painted a pure white when she was built, ready to accept and welcome her new masters. Back then, when it was sunny, House could clearly remember her masters’ playfully frolicking throughout the lawn. They had picnics with the blanket stretched all out

House felt full then. It had a purpose. It had people, children and pets! Gardeners who cared for her and loved her, filling her hollow soul with happiness and affection. House was happy, for her purpose in life was filled. And House shone with gratitude, and she cared and provided for her people, her loved ones.

Now she was abandoned, her boards blackened and chipped. Her windows, that had once held light, now boarded up halfheartedly. The green lawn her masters had once sat, now hidden beneath the murky gray water surrounding her.

Where had her Masters gone? Did they not care for her any longer? She remembered the van, the roaring monster that had taken her people away. They had not returned.

But House still held hope, and she watched slowly over the years as the water poured in, leaving her a solitary figure in the background of a forest. She watched as crows and other birds nested in her halls instead of her people.

She kept on single light on the attic to show that she had not forgotten, even if her people had.

Day 4 (It was late) *cry*

The Evening Path

Azra gazed at the path before her. It was heading into evening, and the stillness of the forest path calmed her. With the sun behind her, it gave the surrounding trees and plants a comforting pinkish glow.

It was times like these, the quiet, peaceful moments that her burden did not seem so heavy.

Azra watched as the wind flowed around her. A passionate little leaf twisted with the movement of the wind.
The dancing leaf strained against its fathering branch, and a sudden gust of wind set it free. It twirled in its happiness, floating in the bliss that was flight.

Azra softly stretched out her hand, opening her palm to greet the little runaway, only to watch with despair as the leaf passed through her outstretched hand, continuing its graceful decent to the ground.

Azra slowly closed her palm, the seeping sadness reaching to her soul. She lowered her eyes, wishing that the road of her life had not led her here.

If she had known, so long ago, what waited for her, would she have made the same choices? Were her past choices doomed to haunt her forever?

She was frozen in time, never going foward, stuck eternally, to pay for her sins. Azra heard the approach of a couple down the path, and sunk to the shadows.

The couple strolled down the path, never noticing Azra as they teased each other and laughed. They were linked hand in hand, enjoying the cool evening walk. Their joy was like stabbing knives for Azra, who had no joy or light to brighten her existence.

The couple's voices reached her.

“You know the legend right?” the man teased the woman. “A woman found out about her husband’s cheating, so she tricked him to come into the forest with the promise of a picnic. Out of spite, she killed him. Now she walks the forest, searching for any cheating man that walks down the path. Promising to get revenge”

“Good thing my ex didn’t come with us then.” The woman giggled.

Azra turned away, not needing to hear anymore. She regretted what she did all those years before. And every day, she was punished anew. Azra felt a single ghostly tear fall down her cheek. Her sweet voice filled the forest in a ghostly whisper, before she vanished from view.

“I miss you…my love.”

“Diiid you hear that?” the man turned to his companion abruptly.

The woman was pale with fear as she looked around frantically. She laughed uneasily. “It’s probably just a trick. It is Halloween after all.”

400 words. DAY 2!!!!!! enjoy and review! had to use the words: leaf, haunt, road, burden, and sad. In some shape or form. I used them all, though sad is used as sadness.


Here Comes Halloween

Muffled screams and laughter reached her ears. She hung there, feeling the sensations of being back on earth fill her empty soul. The rustling of the wind, flowing through the trees reassured she was in fact here, back for another year. The smell of the damp earth hit her nose. And the feeling, not quite alive, but close enough to taste, the feeling of being awake once again.

Shera shot out her arm, willing her scythe into existence. It was crooked and bent, like the sanity of her mind. She swung expertly, like she did every year, to separate herself from the rope that hung her suspended from the ground. She fell gracefully, rocking on the heels of her black boots. Shera raised her eyes to the rising moon, grinning.

Her hand took hold of the rope, untangling its firm grip from her throat. Shera also inspected her scythe for damage. She ran her finger softly down the blade.

“I missed you precious,” She crooned lovingly. Her scythe hummed in response, glowing softly with magical power.

Shera noticed a pond nearby, and walked over to it. She studied her reflection. Hissing in anger, she straightened her tattered dress and tightened her boots. She scowled at her messy hair and focused inwardly on what spell to use. She wasn’t a bippity boppity boo type of witch, she was a witch of the darkest kind. And she liked it.

She focused her energies, enjoying the hair raising chill. She shook her head, allowing the magic to flow down her hair to once again create her infamous orange spiraling locks.

Satisfied with her appearance, her mind turned to her debt. Shera decided to pay it first, and then enjoy the rest of the night. She quickly traversed through the woods, finally coming across a populated street. From there the crowds only became thicker and she gleefully waded through the crowd. She heard many gasps of awe as people admired her “costume.”

She spotted a suitable candidate, and Shera’s mouth twitched into a sinister grin. She tagged her candidate, a brunette pirate, and followed her.

To Shera’s surprise, the pirate led her to an abandoned cemetery. At least her job was easier, she thought gleefully. She watched as the pirate stopped at a gravestone and began rubbing it with paper and charcoal.
Shera casually walked over and stood next to the girl. The girl jumped, quickly seeing Shera.

“Oh… Hello.” The girl gasped. The girl stood, taking in Shera’s costume.
Shera smiled. She leaned closer to the girl. “Why out so late in a cemetery? It is dangerous at night you know.” Shera smiled goofily to show she was kidding.

The girl let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. She smiled back. “Your hair is beautiful, it must of taken you hours. What did you use?”

“Oh, nothing much...” Shera smirked. She edged closer to the girl. “Just magic.” She snarled as she brought down the scythe.

“Happy Halloween,” she hissed.

Entry one! May the Days of Halloween be Spooky! 500 words.


The nightly visit.

Yezar ordered the release of the catapults with a wave of his hand. It was time. His men were in place around the city. They had moved under the cover of dark, setting up their machines of war while the city slept.

His enemy, Agol, dared to threaten his family and comrades, then he and his people would suffer. When Yezar refused to send more money in taxes, the king responded with threats of death to his family. Yezar would not submit like a dog to his master.

He watched as the flaming rocks launched in the sky, crumbling the walls and homes, causing fires and panic.

“Ready another round, quickly! Before they muster their mages!”Yezar watched as his men quickly reloaded. “Fire!”The catapults launched once more. Yezar watched in satisfaction.

He turned to ready his horse.

“Sir!” Yezar turned back as his commander screamed. “It’s coming back!”

Yezar watched in horror as the flaming boulder rushed towards them.

The mages, he thought in despair.

This was not 31 days of halloween, but just a flash ficction challenge.
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