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Rated: 18+ · Novel · Fantasy · #1955317
Just a short story that I'm thinking of developing into a short, I wrote this on Halloween
Chapter one

Three nuns at deaths door

Written by; Thomas G. Arndt

It was a cold winter night, the wind was coming out of the west, they were used to the wind, but it always came out of the east. Their hermitage was built to take advantage of this, so they weren't really prepared for this kind of weather. They had thought their nunnery was prepared for anything. They had to send all the nuns down to the church. But three of them had pulled the short straw. They barely kept the hearth glowing in the main room. Then a knock came at the front door. The most senior of the three nuns answered the door, it was a man. He had an arm full of fire wood, they felt that they must talk amongst themselves though, even as cold an bitter of a night it was.

As they talked, the one of middle age said they should utilize this man so they themselves wouldn’t die. The older one was in accord, but her reasoning was because they never turned anyone away. The young one said that they had never been with a man and this was far too tempting for just a normal man. The older nun reasoned that they should rely upon God to keep them safe. They discussed this matter with a little heat between them. But in the end they all decided to relent and allow the man in.

Then he told them that there was one condition of his coming in. The older nun asked what it was. He told them that they all had to spend a little time with him, in a room away from the others.

The younger one immediately said that he would rape them. The middle aged one had to admit that she might be right. But the older one said it didn't matter, if he intended to rape them they still had to allow him in. She included that their beliefs said that they must help anyone that is with in distress or need of help of any sort. The middle one relented because it was getting cold. So she was the first to bring him into the fire.

He then told them that he really never needed the fire, for cold never really affected him. Then he took the youngest nun by the hand. He led her to a separate room, there he stared into her eyes. She wishes she could be as brave as the older nun, but for twenty minutes she trembled.

He then took her back out to the main room, he stokes the fire to make sure it was hot. Then he moved the middle aged nun to the same room. He also sat with her and stared in her eyes. She thought the entire time, I wish he would get this over with it, I have to get back to the others and do my duty. He seemed to search deep within her for two hours, he moved his hand as if he was trying to find something in her.

He then moved her back to the main room, he then moved back to the fire and made sure the fire was bright, even adding their scares wood. He then moved the third nun into the room, she had been a nun for almost sixty years. She had started when she was twenty. He moved his hands around her body and crested her with a very loving touch, he appeared to almost kiss her a couple of times. She knew he had a very certain purpose in his actions, so she didn't make a move. But she wished she was young again so she could appreciate him like he did her. He sat with her six hours, but in the end he took her back out to the others, he then took a look at each and every one.

He then spoke, “If you want to know what I've learned you'll be here tomorrow night, I must leave into the night now.”

He then walked out into the storm that had been howling. As he moved quickly off they were surprised to see morning ready to dawn.  When morning finally did come the wind was even stronger. They moved outside to get what little wood they could get. But to their surprise the wood pile had been filled to the top. So they moved in as much wood as they needed, then they ate and drank well. Then they debated on whether to go down and get the other nuns.

The young one said he was evil and they should just go down. The middle one said that strength was in numbers. But the older one reasoned if he was evil then they would all be dead, she also added that even if he were evil God would protect them. So they all agreed to do their duty and spend one more night. They made so it would be warm for the stranger, if he returned.

It grew dark and at the very same hour the man knocked at the door again. They let him in and offered him something to eat, he ate with them.

Then he stood up and spoke, “So what have I learned about the three of you? Well the young aspires to be as the older one, she would trade everything for this. You the one that is in the middle you aspire to just make it through yet another day. This isn't life, this is death. But you the older one only aspires to go back and do it all over again. You do see though that to this point your life has been guided by God. You own this life, do everything because of your belief in all you do.”

He then came and looked into the younger ones eyes and said, “Do you really aspire to be like the older one, in thought and action.”

She nodded her head, so he took her in the back room. He then looked her deeply in her eyes, then without her own will she took off her robes. He then made love to her for six hours, and then he took her nude body out and laid it on the floor by them.

He then said, “She aspired to be like you,” looking at the older nun, “Now in general she will be.”

The other two were now scared. He then took the middle ones hand and moved her to the room. Then she disrobed just as the first as the first one. Then with his mind he made her see all the horrors of the world. After two hours he moves her to the same room, as she kneed there as he sliced her throat and allowed her to die.

He then spoke, “You desired your own death in this life,” Smiling at the older nun, “Now you have received it.”

The he finally took the older nun to the room. She pushed her rosary in his face. This made him almost laugh, and then used his mind to force her to put it down. Then as before he used his mind to get her to do his will. He came close as he stroked her body, and said, “I didn't have to do this with the other two.”

He then used his cold touch to make her rise up. She felt something she thought she would never feel as a nun. He then cut his arm and whispered, “Will you accept the youth which is so much yours.”

She didn’t know how she knew what to do, but she leaned her head down and drank his blood. It felt warm as it seemed filled her body. She could feel it fill her body. Then he leaned down and kissed her neck. He whispered again, “You feel the passion of the ages, now allow me to start your journey.”

She felt him release her, she didn't know what to do. Her instinct told her to lean her neck, again almost with a knowledge that came from somewhere ancient. As she did this she heard a popping sound, then his teeth dug deeply into her neck She could feel her life blood slip away, with this her spirit seemed to rise also. She had to wonder as she seemed to float away, was this death, was she going to Heaven.

Then as she believed she was dead came the pain, it filled her body. She could feel even her hair was in pain, and then she had the belief she was going to hell.

He then left, as she just kept screaming from the pain of this hell she was within. She knew it change after a while, her voice seemed to deepen and grow hoarser. She then thought she would die now, as the never ending pain just kept coming. Finally a numbing pain took over, she could feel it was almost over. Again she didn’t know where this knowledge came for, because she just knew.

Then her pain was gone, so she tried to stand up. She couldn’t believe the ease it came with. Her poor knees didn't have to be reinforced so she could stand, a hand on a chair or a bed table anymore. She couldn’t believe it, then she looked down and saw her young breasts. This made her giggle, she hadn't giggled like that since she was a school girl. She moved to the mirror to have a looked in her disbelief in what she saw. She saw that young school girl with the raven hair, all the marks on her face were gone. Where did all the wrinkles go, and who was this twenty year old looking back at her? It couldn’t actually her at twenty again?

She then rubbed her throat as she was as thirsty as she had ever been.

She then moved to the other room, there lay two bodies. One was surely dead, the other trembling with the cold and close to death. She didn't care though, she realized the fire was out, yet she was warm. She felt this new power, it seemed to just take her over. Was this where her life was meant to be in the end? Was her soul always meant to be like this and only recognized it in the end. Then she felt the thirst yet again, there was a sudden strange feeling that came over her. Her mouth was watering, was she salivating over the blood she saw?

This had to be evil, if it weren’t then what was it. Everything she had ever learned said it was evil, but was it evil to drink the blood of someone that was already dead. She reasoned that no it wasn’t, her soul was gone, she was simply dead. So she leaned down and tasted just a little of the cold sticky mixture. Before long she was lapping up, using her nails to cut the body to make fresh wounds.

She drew close to the one the shiver, she could use the heat of her body to warm her. But instead she just shivered greater, she could also hear her heartbeat. She had a smell about her, she grew close and drew it in. It was a wonderful smell, and she had to lick her lips at the smell. She could feel something rise within her, almost as if she was feeling a sexual feeling. Then she heard a popping noise. She then had to wonder if she tasted as good as she smelled. She moved to her neck and licked it just to see. As she did this she felt it rise more and more within her, then almost without thought it seemed to happen. She allowed her teeth to sink deeply into her neck. She couldn't believe she was drinking her blood, but it was so delicious that she couldn't stop.

She drank until she heard her heart stopped. Then she cried out in horror, she couldn’t believe what she had done. She dropped the body. She felt that she needed to kill herself, so she moved to the door. But a hand stopped her.

She turned to see his naked body. He then took her into the back room and made sweet love to her. She relished this with all her heart. She didn't know how long they had made love, but she knew one thing. She was hopelessly in love with him. So when night returned she left with him. She knew her life would never be the same again. She wondered if this life would be better than her last, but then again this must be God’s will.

The next day the rescue crew finally made it to the shack. They found the two nude dead nuns, they did wonder why they were nude? They never found the older nuns body, so they figure an animal had dragged her off. The greatest wonder was the three sets of robes they found perfectly folded as if they had done it just before they died. And why did they feel the need to disrobe at all in such bitter cold. They then left with the two completely frozen bodies. The Church never filled the building ever again out of respect for the three Nuns’ on Death’s door.

© Copyright 2013 ThomasGAr (thomasgar at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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