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Rated: ASR · Non-fiction · Biographical · #1955187
Come and get to know me a little better as I answer 85 random questions

*******General Knowledge*******

  1. Nicknames? Franny, Frannypie... to be honest, I have lots.

  2. When's your birthday? 16th June

  3. Age? Umm 28

  4. Sex: Female

  5. Where do you live? Cambridge, UK

  6. Do you have siblings? 2 older brothers

  7. Pets? None. I've had 2 rabbits and a hamster in my lifetime - they all turned out to be crazy.

  8. Zodiac sign? Gemini

  9. Righty or lefty? Right handed

  10. Hair colour: Blonde

  11. Eye colour: Blue/green... I don't know

  12. Height: 5' 7"

  13. Do u wear contacts or glasses? Dull question - glasses

  14. Do you have any piercings? Pierced ears

  15. Do you have any tattoos? Nope

  16. Do you wear any rings? Yes, two - my engagement ring and a thumb ring on my right hand that I've not taken off for about seven years

  17. Do you have a certain fashion you follow? Haha! No.

  18. How are you today? Good ta, eager to get this done though

  19. What are you listening to right now? The sound of me typing

  20. What was the last thing you ate: Left over pizza - cold - for breakfast!

  21. How is the weather right now? Sunny and warm (ish)

  22. Last person you talked to on the phone: Chris - he's the only one I really speak to on the phone.

  23. Last dream you can remember? I'll get back to you because I can't remember

  24. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? Blue because then I'd be used for blue skies and the sea!

  25. What makes you happy? Doesn't this come up again later? I'm not one for answering the same question twice.

  26. What's the best advice ever given to you? Never give up

  27. Have you ever won any special awards? Haha just a few. *ahem* I mean yes

  28. What's the stupidest thing you have ever done? Cooked popadoms in the microwave for ten minutes instead of ten seconds.

  29. What's your favourite memory? Winning the 2006 World Championship gold, 4 seconds ahead of everyone else.

  30. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? Possibly my speech impairment

  31. How many kids would you like? 1 or 2

  32. Son's names? Charlie

  33. Daughter's names? Charlie or Daisy

  34. What sport do you dislike the most? Goalball - its pretty dull to watch

  35. Have you ever broken, fractured, or sprained something? I've torn/made holes in my tendons but never broken a bone (other than my collar bone when I was born).

  36. Which came first: the chicken or the egg? Why don't we just ask the chicken?

  37. If you had a Saturday to yourself, what would you do? It used to be drinking - now its reading & writing(.com)

  38. When you're sad, what comforts you? Chris can always make me smile - even when I don't want to!

  39. If you could go anywhere, where would it be? Back to Malawi where I lived as a kid.

  40. If you were reincarnated as an animal, what would it be? Dinosaur, so I can shout "surprise!"

  41. What is your biggest fear?

  42. Who is your rock/biggest support? Chris, again. Oo and my mum!

  1. Where do you want to go on your honeymoon? Somewhere hot. Not decided if I want to go and lie around somewhere or if I want to go on an adventure!

  2. What song do you want played at your wedding? I don't really care, as long as I get married!

  3. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Smile/laugh

  1. Summer or winter? Summer!

  2. Milk chocolate or white chocolate? Milk

  3. Glass half full or half empty? Half full

  4. Vanilla or chocolate? Chocolate

  5. Skiing or boarding? Haha neither! I'd end up in a full body cast

  6. Day or night? Night

  7. Cake or pie? Ooo ... umm... pie... no, cake... I don't know!

  8. Sunset or sunrise? Sunset

  9. Salt or pepper? Pepper


  1. Colour: Purple

  2. Food: Lasagne or curry

  3. Fast food: Pizza

  4. Chocolate: ooo yes! Just remembered I have chocolate in my cupboard *runs to get it*

  5. Beverage: Coffee

  6. Ice cream flavour: Coffee

  7. Sport: Swimming!

  8. Number: 16... maybe

  9. Song: No no, that's too hard... I refuse to answer!

  10. Band: That's too hard, too

  11. Actor or actress: Alan Rickman

  12. TV show: House

  13. Board game: Monopoly

  14. Book: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee ... and 50 others

  15. Holiday: Cuba ... I'm going back in 32 days! Woo

******Deeper stuff!*******

  1. My family would describe me as... Bossy? I'm not entirely sure what my family thinks of me. I'm pretty sure they like me though, so that's ok.

  2. The thing that makes me happiest is... Every single morning Chris gives me a smile... that's pretty great.

  3. The thing that makes me the saddest is... lots of things I guess. A lot of things on the news make me sad.

  4. The thing I wish other people would get about me is... having a speech impairment doesn't mean I have a learning impairment.

  5. 10 things that really stress me out are...

  • Trousers that are too short

  • Being late (I always am anyway)

  • Never ending traffic jams

  • People who don't respond to emails

  • People who don't read my emails properly

  • No coffee

  • Chris

  • Not feeling like I performed at my best

  • Being hungry

  • White clothes - they get dirty in seconds

  1. My idea of a perfect day is... On holiday - lots of sun, food, drink, laughter and a book

  2. My favourite dream was... about winning a Paralympic Gold medal. Sadly, it never came true.

  3. I plan to accomplish the following three things in the next year... Buy a house, get married and keep being good at my job

  4. The most valuable lesson I learned last year was...

  5. My friends would describe me as... Odd

  6. If I had $5,000 in my hands, I would... Pay off my tax bill

  7. If I had $25,000 in my hands, I would.... Pay off my tax bill, pay off my student loan and put the rest towards a house deposit

  8. If I became a millionaire overnight, I would.... Pay off my tax bill, pay off my student loan, buy a house, pay off my next tax bill, buy a VW camper van, go on holiday, give some to charity and put the rest in the bank.

  9. I am best known for... err swimming I think

  10. I really should stop... Drinking so much coffee and eating so much chocolate.

  11. The most beautiful thing in nature to me is... The Ocean

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