Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1954406-923-entry
by joenc6
Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1954406
“What are you doing?” Turbo said warily as his young companion slowly stood and straightened from the hatch he had been kneeling at turning a handle. “I would have thought it obvious, at this point Turbo, it is over” Duke said as he stood within the narrow passageway of the exploration submarine.

For the past six months he had spent countless hours and effort in an attempt to find the vein of natural gas that he and Turbo knew had to be at the ocean floor in the Gulf of Mexico, crammed into the narrow confines of the underwater exploration station, peering endlessly through a window of high pressure glass hoping, straining, praying that the tell tale bubbles escaping from the ocean floor that indicating gas beneath.

After six months, the team had hit a brick wall, and were set to return to the surface, "Don't you dare back out on me" Turbo growled, “we’ve come too far, and worked too hard to not see this through to the end”.
“C’mon Turbo” Duke wailed, “we’ve been down here for so long I’m growing gills, and we’ve nothing to show for it, the funding has ran out, the institute is done wasting its money, and the scientist don’t even know if their readings were accurate at this point, what’s left?” He threw his hands up in despair just as the submarine was rocked from a sudden blast underneath it.

“Could it be? Could we have found the vein? Turbo?” Duke buzzed excitedly as he glimpsed a shadow move past the portal.
Turbo followed the shadow the length of the submarine moving from portal to portal, at each one uttering phrases of disbelief.


“What is it? Do we find the vein, what is it?”

“Nope…..something all together different…..it’s a Plesiosaurus”
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