Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1954375-Childhood-Misogyny
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1954375
Winner! DaFlFiction: Write a story that includes the line: "Don't you dare back out on me"
"Don't you dare back out on me"! Bree yelled at Thalmus.

"I said I won't, stop haranguing me."

"Well someone's gotta hurry you along my Lord. You're slower than a green-shelled snail."

"They're called turtles." Thalmus mumbled to himself. This noble girl was much too adventurous for her own good. Just his luck to go liking the most ornery female in the realm.

Bree was three limbs above. Thalmus reached to grab a limb above his head. He heard a loud snap and felt his right leg give way. Instinct and adrenaline encouraged him to grab the above branches and hold on for dear life.

"You ok?!"

"I'm fine." Thalmus took a moment to steady before swinging his dangling legs up to another branch. He missed and continued to hover.

"You don't look ok. Give me your hand."

"I said I'm fine! Lay off afore you make me fall." Bree rolled her eyes. If he plummeted into the river it'd be her fault, not his for being such a proud and stubborn fool. She lay down and lowered her body far enough to catch Thalmus' right leg on his next swung, ignoring his grumblings of indignation. If she hadn't caught the hem he would have missed again, she didn't say as much.
"Let's stay here. This is nice don't you think?"

"Scared now?" Caught off guard Bree questioned Thalmus’ sneer. "I said I'm going to the top and I'm going, with or without you."

"Don't be stupid, you're breaking branches already, there's no way the top can support you. Let it go. We'll find a bigger tree tomorrow."

"Whatever gel. I will always go higher than you, just watch.”
Bree rolled her eyes. Let him bluster, I see he isn’t trying to climb higher. She sighed heavily. Boys.

Note to reader: Thalmus said “gel” on purpose: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/gel

Etymology 2[edit]
Imitative of upper-class British pronunciation of girl.

enPR: gĕl, IPA(key): /ɡɛl/, X-SAMPA: /gEl/

gel (plural gels)
(UK) A girl.
Word Count: 300
Excerpt from "The Gift a book I'm looking to perhaps complete some day.....
Original concept story:
The Gift  (E)
WC110612 Use this sentence in your entry: I just couldn't pass it up. A girl and her gift.
#1902131 by A*Monaing*Faith

"Winner for 9/23 and prompt for 9/24"  
Daily Flash Fiction Challenge  (13+)
Enter your story of 300 words or less.
#896794 by Arakun the twisted raccoon
© Copyright 2013 A*Monaing*Faith (afaith at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1954375-Childhood-Misogyny