Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1953909-Till-the-Clock-Strikes-Midnight
by KAM
Rated: E · Chapter · Drama · #1953909
Ansia is faced with going to see her friend. Now she might be facing time in prison.
Chapter 1: How can it be?

The police came rushing in my house, putting my best friend Ryan on the ambulance. The policemen asked me if I needed a ride, my face wet with tears. Afraid of him asking me too many questions I lied and said I had a ride to the hospital. After everyone left all the neighbors were just staring at me. I closed the door and called a taxi to pick me up.

Getting into a taxi was like going to a gym. It was hot, smokey,and dirty. "Were to Miss?" the taxi driver asked. "Novant Hospital" I said still crying. "I am sorry... who died"? the taxi driver asked. "No one"! "My best friend got hurt because of me" I said still crying. "Oh i'm sorry but keep your head up Miss" the taxi driver said. The taxi car stopped. Handing him the money he said "You look like you are upset... don't worry it was just a dollar". "Thank you sir" I said and jumped out the car.

The sign Novan Hospital made me scared and upset. I entered and signed in, everyone knew who I was (because my mom worked here). " Hey, Anisa what are you doing here? The lady at the desk(Gina) asked me. Stuttering I answers "I am visiting a friend here". "His name?" Gina asked. "Ryan Johnston" I said. "Oh the kid that just got here... that should take two or three hours" she said. "Okay I will wait" I said.

I sat down and pulled out of my purse the bible that Ryan gave me for my birthday party. I was so embarrassed I told him what I wanted. I took the bible with me, I flipped through the pages and Ryan highlighted the verse 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 It read 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. . Just 30 minutes ago I was not being loving to my best friend, I close the bible before I started to cry.

I got up and went to the gift store and bought a teddy bear, a card and five balloons that read "get well soon". When I came back Gina told me the room number 134. I knocked on the door and Mrs.Johnston opened it, she had a red nose & watery eyes. She would not let me in, "Mrs.Johnston can I come in'? "NO, YOU DID THIS TO HIM"! Mrs. Johnston closed the door right in my face.

Someone touched my shoulders, I turned around and there was a man." Hi, I am detective Derrick Robinson on the case of Ryan Johnston" "Are you going to arrest me"? I said crying so hard. "Well do I need to"? Derrick asked. "No" I said calming down. "Anisa, do you have any family"? Derrick asked. "Yea, I have my mom, my dad lives 2 hours from here. I said. "Did you call your mom" Derrick asked "No" I said forgetting the bet I made with my dad.

Trying to run out of the hospital a women called my name ANISA!
It was my mom I stopped and turned around. I knew that I was in so much trouble... but I was worried about my dad finding out and moving me to South carolina. "What are you doing in here"? My mom asked. She turned to the detective and asked "What is going on here"? I cried just thinking about moving.
© Copyright 2013 KAM (kikinaynay at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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