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by joenc6
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1953869
response to Daily Flash Fiction Challenge
What if Jesus Christ was actually a time traveler? His documented abilities to heal the sick and make the blind see were a result of his advanced knowledge of medicine and science from a culture in the present or future where such knowledge is common place. His ability to turn water into wine was a technological marvel in which a powdered solution was simply added to clear clean water and wine was created. This speculation has nothing to do with faith or religion as there are no accusations or suggestions that these events did not happen, but that the miracles were a result of technology and a primitive understanding of technology and the only means of explaining these phenomenal occurrences was to label them as miracles and that the only being capable of performing such feats could only come from the divine, thusly; he was crowned son of God, the King of Jews. Given such information, then quite possibly instead of being the son of Mary, conceived immaculately, he could be instead, the hippie son of a Hebrew contractor from Hoboken, New Jersey. Now, this is merely speculation, but if all this were true, perhaps Jesus is the conduit to the ancient aliens that are responsible for many of the fantastic architecture found in the Middle East. Perhaps the aliens visited the Middle East in the time that Jesus was visiting that time period and found that his advanced knowledge and his hippie groovy-ness gave them hope and inspired them to build these ancient wonders like the Great Sphinx and the pyramids in an effort to bridge to the two universes. The resurrection was the aliens abducting Jesus as means to keep him safe. They were disappointed in humankind, not angry, but sad; sad that they had shown, in their estimation, humans great wonders and felt that in Jesus they-humans, had a gift and they had squandered it over petty superstitions. The second coming of Jesus, is just him going home to Hoboken, back to working for his dad, doing what else; carpentry.
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