Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1953824-Evil-little-Goblin
Rated: 13+ · Other · Fantasy · #1953824
A story of an evil goblin
Meebles Fleech was celebrating his birthday, alone. Not that he cared for company, but a gift would have been nice. His mother had always wondered at his odd desire to celebrate aging. But the young goblin loved his special birthday prizes. His long drooping ears hung low, slouching, he crawled out of the fallen tree that was his home.

Meebles looked down at his small limbs, covered in scars, they were a constant reminder of many narrow escapes from human adventurers looking to make a name for themselves. He felt the burn scar on his neck, and rubbed his once broken left knee. Humans, for some reason, enjoyed testing their metal against goblins.

Meebles dragged his feet toward the river side and glared angrily down at the scarred face that looked back at him. His long, hooked nose was preposterous and his large red eyes held no kindness in them. Meebles was angry, every day, every night. He was haunted by memories of battles past and found himself looking for a haunch of meat that he had been curing for days. It was gone, someone, some thing had taken his birthday supper.

For days he had cured the meat, a skill he had learned from a dark elf. He had hunted the boar himself, tracked it for hours and made the kill with his fathers old spear. Meebles wanted revenge.

Meebles painted the air with his fingers and drew forth an ethereal form of an angry burning eye. “Find me what did this.” He whispered through clenched teeth. The eye sped off. As he waited to get some sign of the thieves presence in the lonely swamp, he looked to the hollowed ox horn that hung from his hip. Loosened the cap and swallowed greedily.

He chose in that moment to forget his special day and focus on the intoxicating drink. Waiting all the while for the eye to reveal a target for his frustration.

He gazed about, boredom setting in and began a hunt for something that might taste better then left over squirrel meat from two nights before. The eye suddenly caught his attention, it was gazing upon a traveler In the bog.  A human wearing leather armor, a large pack on his back and a sword on his left hip. He was clearly the thief as he was walking with the boar slung over his back.

Meebles began to follow the human, using the eye to track his movements. The man was walking slowly, and the little goblin felt he had time to stop for a well deserved snack. He had discovered a stump. Within the stump, a veritable cornucopia of  sumptuous bugs and slugs. He watched the mound undulate with delicious life. Taking a few moments to force his fist deep, retrieving handfuls of bugs and jamming them unceremoniously into his mouth, drooling copiously and munching loudly with mouth watering glee.

“Some birthday!” He snarled, and stomped off through the swamp after the human. Soon he could see the man with his own eyes. He canceled the seeker spell and crawled on his belly to get a better look.  The man was making a camp for himself, with the bent boughs of a tree that he was lashing together to make a bed. He was assembling the above branches for protection from potential rain.

Meebles admired the skill required to make such a comfortable looking bad, thinking all the while. Maybe I'll try that some time.

The human began to dig a small hole and  encircled it with stones. He piled dry grass and small sticks down inside the hole and stacked some slightly larger branches. Meebles watched with genuine interest as the human made fire without the use of magic or lightning. He was in awe of the skill It took and chose to study the details of the mans preparation for a nights sleep.

The wretched man set to cook some of the finely cured boar.

Meebles wondered if his mother had shown up in his home with a birthday gift in hand and found himself getting angry that he had not stayed home to wait for her visit. Damn it mom, you probably made a cake and everything! The man had a full blown fire going, the smell of cooking meat hanging thick in the air. Meebles gasped at his failure to cook the meat properly.

Without warning the sound of massive beating wings could be heard, and with a tremendous terrifying roar a Chimera swept down out of the air and landed in front of the human.

The great beast yawned loudly with its mighty lions head, the second goats head beneath its belly chewed at the grass and the snakes tail swept about looking for something to strike. The wings folded and the human did something that horrified Meebles. He pet the Chimera, feeding it his boar, calling it, “Metaggra.” The beast lay on its right side and set its head down chewing.

Meebles backed away slowly, only to cause an unfortunate rustling of branches.  Changing his mind was suddenly no longer an option as the human jumped to his feet and drew a now flaming longsword. The Chimera turned with a violent roar and pounded its paws in Meebles direction. “Come out who ever you are!” Shouted the human, his ferocious Allie taking to the air.

Meebles stepped from the bushes, bravely facing the human, and the beast now landing behind him, told him he was trapped. The humans face lit up with laughter. “Oh dear gods, a bloody swamp goblin!” Meebles stepped closer saying, “Did you ever dream this day would come? The day you were slain by a goblin?” Every word was a hiss and the human was simply annoyed.

“Kill him Metaggra!” called the human, returning to his campfire as though Meebles had never existed. The great beast burst toward the seemingly helpless, rum soaked goblin. To the beasts utter surprise Meebles had held his one tiny hand aloft, the Chimera was being lifted into the air as meebles chanted and whistled.

His hand went left and the Chimera was sent crashing through tree after exploding tree. The beast was swiftly jerked to the right, and smashed through another group of trees. It came to a final life ending crash into a group of boulders nearby.

The human was speechless, he had never seen a goblin wield such power. Not in all his adventuring career. Meebles sauntered proudly down the hill toward the camp, the human drew his sword, readying himself for the fight of a lifetime.

Meebles mom, sat in his home making a stew of fish and roots. When her son came through the tiny door with a flamboyant wave of his hands. He deposited a longsword in the corner and sat on the backpack that he was dragging behind him.  On his table he set what remained of his precious boar.

His mother began to Ululate, “Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you!” Presenting a hideous, but much welcomed cake. “Oh mom, you remembered!” Said Meebles with a goofy smile and hugged his evil little mommy.
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