Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1953798-Sun-Light-and-Glory
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Sci-fi · #1953798
Fighting in robotic power suits to save humanity from its deadly foe.
Chapter One

Karma is a What???

The sun rose high over the mountains of Dal-Nubara.  As the light stretched across the dessert, the sounds of auto locks and hydraulics rang in Christi's ears.

Christi dropped to her knees in the sand.  The unforgiving hot, dry wind whipped at her sweat soaked golden brown hair.  Her now dirt covered face was streaked with sweat and tears of sorrow.  She looked up at the rising sun with with dry red eyes. 

If only the sun would have rose an hour earlier today, she thought to herself.  Things weren't suppose to be like this.  Recon showed the sector clear, it was suppose to be a routine patrol.  Things started out fine with a patrol along the Tilistad mountain range, then BAM!!! There they were.  At least a platoon of Jun'gosh regulars and six Hunters.  We didn't even pick them up on radar until it was to late.  How could this have happened. 

Tom, Mark, Jenna, they didn't stand a chance.

Christi could still hear Tom's static broken cries for help ringing in her ears.

Why did she run?  Why didn't she stand and fight? Would it have even made a difference if she had?  The questions continued to burn a hole in her mind.

Ma'am, I've detected multiple enemy Jun'gosh Hunters closing rapidly on our position.  Please enter the cockpit so we may disembark", called the metallic voice of Jake, her Stalker's advanced AI..

"Give me a second," yelled Christi in frustration, as she tried to push the sight of battle aside.

The scene of a Jun'gosh pulse lance being thrust though the cockpit of Jenna's Stalker flashed in her mind.  Christi's stomach turned and she wanted to vomit.  Christi stood and turned. She then dropped back to one knee nearly blacking out from the sudden rush of blood to her head.

"Damn" she growled as she rose back to her feet more cautiously.

Ma'am, I'm detecting physical abnormalities in your bio-readings. Are you falling Ill, asked Jake in an almost concerned voice.

No Jake I'm fine, lets get moving.

Christi stood on shaking legs and climbed back into the cockpit. 

"Status report Jake." she said as the hatched closed behind her.

"All systems are functioning normally" came the rapid reply.

A dull hiss filled the small confines as the cockpit repressurized and locked in place.  Together they turned and ran across the barren dessert.  Sand filled joints and gears clattered loudly as Jake reached his top speed of 80 kilometers an hour.  Waves of heat rolled off the dessert in front of them.  Behind them the Jun'gosh closed the distance.   

"Ma'am two of the Jon'gosh Hunters have broken off pursuit the others are 25 kilometers north of our current position and closing rapidly."

"Send out a distress beacon Jake." "I just pray someone hears it in time to help."

    The Stalker Recon Suit was designed to magnify the combat skills of its pilot with the use of an Advance Artificial Intelligence.  When connected by the neural lace the two could act as one making movements respond at the speed of thought.  They were quick, standing nine feet tall and weighting 480 lbs.  There primary design was for advanced scouting and patrols.  They were better for defense and retreat using only a short Rapier plasma sword and retractable ion shield as their primary weaponry.  The plasma cannons were excellent but required more energy then the suits power core could produce.  Not what you wanted for a heavy Fight.  No, if you wanted to stand and fight you wanted the big Raider Heavy Combat Suits like those currently setting in the docking bay of the orbiting battleship Rising Star.

"Excuse me Sir" came a familiar voice over the intercom.

"What is it Luetinient Tren" asked Darrin Cain, the Captain of the Rising Star.

"We've received a Distress signal from the surface Sector Bravo One Zero sir."

"Whats going on."

"A patrol from outpost 18 Delta was ambushed in sector 9.  One Survivor Sir, and she has company."

"Spin up Alvarez, Garner, and Sosa, tell them to prep for a low orbit drop." That should make them happy.  Brief them on the way down."

"Yes Sir."

Anthony Alvarez, Dustin Garner, and Adrian Sosa were sitting in the rec room playing poker and smoking cigars.  Two activities which were HIGHLY discouraged aboard the Rising Star. 

"Man... two weeks of lock down because of an unauthorized test fire." "This is crap."  complained Anthony

"Relax, consider it a bit of free vacation time."  "It could have been worse."  Replied Sosa as he kicked his feet up on the table and took a big puff off his cigar.

"It wasn't our fault they parked the Generals' Tracer Transport there."  "They should have known better." Snickered Garner.

The three started laughing out loud at the thought.

"Man was he pissed." chuckled Alvarez.

The laughter was broke by a very serious voice on the intercom. 

"Garner, Alvarez, Sosa, put out those cigars and listen up."

Uuuuh uuuh Sirrr.  Weee Werreen't  Studdered Sosa.

"Stow it Sosa."

Report on the double to docking bay C for a low orbit drop.  This is a Code Alpha mission, you will be briefed on the way down.

Yes Sir. the three replied in unison.

"Smooth move Sosa, you had to say Vacation" joked Dustin as they headed out the door.

    Mean while on the planet surface Christi and Jake Continued running in an attempt to evade their pursuers. 

"How many Hunters are there again Jake"  Christi asked in a tired voice.

"I am detecting four within the range of my sensors, ma'am, however there may be more out of my scanning range."

After another 15 minutes of running , Christi looked over the system status display.  Every thing was green, operating at maximum efficiency.

"Well old friend." Christi, paused for a moment concluding a hard decision. "We can't run forever."

"Actually ma'am I am capable..." Jake was cut short.

"It's an expression Jake." "I'm fully aware of your capabilities, but we either stand our ground or wait for them to run us down." "I have no intention of dying on the run."

"I understand ma'am even at our current speed the Hunter's will overtake us in 12.6 minutes."

"Alright Jake! Full stop!" "Lets break out the sword." "Who knows maybe we can take one of those bastards with us." 

    The Stalker stopped and turned to face its oncoming foe's.  A soft buzzing sound filled the air as The sword and shield were activated.  Jake stood poised to attack. Minutes felt like hours as they waited in the heat.  Suddenly Christi spotted dust trails on the horizon.

"Here they come ma'am, Ten kilometers and closing." announced Jake.

The light reflected off the metallic armor of the approaching Hunter's.  Their red power lances cast an eerie glow across the sand.

"God help us Christi thought to herself."

    They were Jun'gosh Hunter's alright.  The enormous spider-like suits resembled the humanoid spiders that piloted them.  Standing nearly sixteen feet tall with eight legs, they had superior balance and maneuverability during combat.  On open ground they could overtake even the fastest human power suits.  The massive torso made for an easy target, but the armor plating was extremely strong.  If you could take out the legs on one side or strike the soft spot between the base and the torso they were as good as dead.  However the 15 foot long Plasma Lance they carried made getting close a daunting task. 

The steel spiders grew larger and larger as they closed the distance between them and their prey.

"Ma'am four hundred meters and closing."

At one hundred meters the Hunters abruptly stopped and spread out in a half circle.

"What are they waiting for Jake?" asked Christi in a surprised voice.

"My best conclusion is they are planning a strategy of attack." "They didn't expect us to stop and fight."

"They're more likely just arguing over which one gets to kill us." stated Christi.

"That is a possibility I had not considered." "I will log this behavior."

"Jake now is not the time."

"Sorry Ma'am."

Fist clenched tight on the controls, Christi sat, tensely alert waiting for them to make the first move.

"Come on already, why aren't they attacking" murmured Christi.

"Ma'am three energy signatures 6 o'clock high." announced Jake!!

"Smart!!"  They held us here until the others could block our escape."

"Wait ma'am these new contacts are not Hunters they're larger."  "Much Larger!!"

"What the HELL are they and where did they come from??" asked Christi surprised.

"I'm not sure ma'am but they are closing faster than anything I have ever encountered."

Terror struck Christi like a brick wall. What had the Jun'gosh constructed that was so large and fast?  Were they about to become the test dummies for a new Jun'gosh weapon.

"Jake any chance of running??"

"No Ma'am." "However I am picking up a weak signal." "It appears to be on an encrypted com frequency."

"Let me hear it."

"Attention ssssshhshshhh on sssssshhhhhshh Sergeant sssshhhhhh Steel Talon sssshhhhh, copy."

"What was that Jake? Amplify it!" demanded Christi.

"Attention sssshhh Stalker" ssssshhhh "is Sergeant Gar" ssssshhhhh " the 41st Steel Talon Squad." "Do you copy??"

Hope surged in Christi's heart, finally help had arrived.

"10-4 Sergeant""Thank God your here." "This is Corporal Reese of the 131st Recon group please assist."

"Yeah we're coming to crack some Jun'gosh skulls, but we ain't there yet." "What's your exact coord...

"LOOK OUT Ma'am" shouted Jake.

    The first hunter had made its move.  He charged in hard, his lance set on hitting center mass on Jake.  In one motion Christi parried the thrust and spun, striking the Hunter in the back with her plasma sword.  The sword blow merely scarred the dense armor plating.
"Jake transmit our coordinates quick."

"Sergeant! WHERE ARE YOU?" shouted Christi over the com link.  "Things are getting ugly down here."

"We're about there." "Just stay alive for another minute." came another voice in reply.

Thanks for the words of....."

Christi was knocked to the ground.  The smell of burnt metal filled the cockpit and Christi couldn't feel her right leg.  A second Hunter had charged in, driving his lance though the joint of Jake's right leg pinning the suit and its pilot to the ground.  The first Hunter came around quickly and raised its' lance to strike the killing blow.

"Sorry Jake." whispered Christi in a gravely calm voice.  "We tried"

Dustin ran the name through his head again and again. "Reese" it couldn't be. Or could it.  What were the chances of finding her here on the edge of the known universe. If it was her had he found her ,only to now be on the brink of losing her forever?

Suddenly the desert sand unsettled.  The very ground began to shake,  Heavy Artillery rounds fired by Anthony struck one of the Hunter's who had yet to attack.  The blast as its fusion core overloaded knocked the Hunter next to it on its side.  With a crash from the low orbit drop Sgt Garner, Sgt.Alvarez, and Sgt. Sosa had arrived.  The dust settled just in time for them to see the first Hunter withdrawing his Lance from the cockpit of the Stalker they had come to save.

"Game Time Maverick" yelled Dustin to his Raider's A.I.. "Lets show these fools how the Steel Talons do Business."

"Alright Sosa we aren't on vacation now, you take the one on the right."

"Oh yeah." replied Adrian "Let's Play."

"Excuse me Adrian, came the voice of Adrian's A.I Gryphon, your designated target has not retrieved his lance from the downed Stalker."

"Good call Gryphon" replied Adrian as he smiled broadly at his advantage.

Just as Adrian charged the Hunter, it reached for its weapon.  The moment it grabbed its lance, Adrian thrust his Briest Battle Sword between the torso and base of the machine  At first the attack seemed to have no effect.  However as Adrian withdrew the 10 foot long Plasma charged blade, the two pieces separated and crashed into the sand. 

Adrian paused to admire his skill, when he and his Raider were jolted to the ground.

"Nice moves Sosa, but next time watch your back." came Anthony's laughing voice over the intercom.

Anthony had shoved Adrian's Raider clear of a lance strike from the fourth Hunter which had just righted itself.  Anthony drove the barrel of his plasma cannon against the cockpit of the hunter. 

"Goodnight!" he smirked as he pulled the trigger.  The plasma bolt melted into the Hunter and burst out the back side.  The Hunters legs buckled as it fell to the ground.

Anthony turned and got a nod of thanks from Adrian.

" I'd a blocked it." joked Adrian "I Saw it coming a mile away."  "You just wanted in on the fun."

Both laughed and turned to see Dustin and the remaining Hunter in a vicious fight.

"Stay out of this guys, He's MINE!" growled Dustin.

    Dustin blocked a powerful attack with his shield which drove him backwards several meters.  He quickly counter attacked, bringing his sword in a wide arc toward the Hunter's left legs.  The blow was deflected by the Hunter's Lance.  Back and forth they went.  Lance met shield and sword met lance.  The two opponents exchanged powerful blows waiting for the other to expose a second of weakness.  Finally a thrust from the Hunter struck hard enough to knock Dustin's Raider to the ground.
"Get up Garner" Laughed Adrian.  "You ain't gonna beat him lyin on your back."

Face flushed red with anger, Dustin righted himself striking the Hunter dead on with his shield. 

Turning in a swift motion, Dustin drove his sword down though the head of the Hunter until the tip burned into the ground.

"That'll teach ya to mess with humans you damned incests." stated Dustin as he withdrew his sword.

"Actually Dustin, Spiders aren't insects, they're Arachnids." chimed in Maverick.

"Shut up Maverick"

"Yes sir."

Dustin drew a deep breath to calm his nerves. 

"Pardon me Dustin."

"What now Maverick."

"Well, I'm detecting a faint life sign from the downed Stalker." 

"Thank God!"

"Adrian provide cover."  "Anthony lets check it out."

As the Raider's approached the Stalker, Dustin came over the com system.

"Nice and slow lets not jostle it to much." "Close to about 25 meters and I'll dismount."

The Raider inched forward to 25 meters.  There was a loud hiss as the air seal broke and the cockpit hatch opened up.  Garner exited his cockpit and ran quickly to the smoldering wreck.  He tried the emergency cockpit release lever.  Sparks shot out from around the cockpit as the area inside began to fill with smoke.

"Damn, Anthony that lance really screwed this thing up." "Think you can rip it off."

Anthonys' Raider, Link, approached and a giant hand grasped the front of the cockpit hatch.  As it pulled there was a deafening snap.  Severed wires crackled and hydro fluid spurted out of torn hoses.  Slowly, Link finished pulling the hatch clear of the now metal coffin.  Dustin climbed up and looked inside.  His heart sank.  There laying before him was Christi.  The same girl he had grown up with.  The one who had stolen his heart all of twenty years ago.  The second lance had missed her completely.  However the first had nearly removed her right leg.  Thankfully the lance cauterized the wound immediately, preventing major blood loss.  With great care Dustin lifted Christi out of the mangled Stalker.  As he carried her to Maverick's waiting emergency pod Christi whispered in a weak and tired voice.

"Save Jake."

Then she collapsed into unconsciousness again. Dustin placed her in the emergency pod and activated his com link. 

"Adrian you detect anymore Stalker's out here?" "Destroyed or otherwise." 

"Nope just this one."

Save Jake, Dustin though.  Who is she talking about.  Then it hit him. "JAKE" the stalkers A.I. and memory unit.  Dustin ran back to the downed Stalker were he pulled the hard drive and the A.I. Module.  Normally the coordinance of the stalker would have been called in and it would have been destroyed completely.  Dustin knew all to well what it was like to lose a whole battle suit.  He'd lost two since his enlistment.  Ground troops and fighter pilots always say "Its just a machine","or "Its a tool for war".  But to a Battle Suit Commander it was so much more.  It was as partner and a friend.  Losing an A.I. Was like losing a part of yourself.

Dustin ran back to Maverick and climbed in the cockpit.

"Alright guys lets get out of here."

"OK!"  "Big AL two, you guys one." "That's a good day." gloated Anthony.

"Shut up" replied Dustin and Adrian together.

"Rising Star this is Steel Talon Two One Alpha." Enemy threat neutralized requesting immediate dust off."

"Any survivors Two One?"

"Only if you hurry the hell up."

"10-4 will advise."

The heavy transport ship arrived quickly.  The three Raiders entered the cargo area.  Medics were standing by with a liter to take Christi to the aid station.  Once loaded the transport rumbled into the air and turned skyward disappearing. 

Once back in the Docking bay the Raider's maneuvered back to their stations and powered down.  Adrian, Dustin and Anthony exited their cockpits and meet on the connecting walk way.

Corporal Zediger, the chief mechanic, surveyed the damage to the suits.

"Those Jun'gosh musta been rookies." Joked Zediger.

"What makes you say that?" asked Adrian in a puzzled voice.

"Compared to most fights you guys get into, there's hardly a scratch on these suits." came the reply.

Dustin pushed between the laughing duo, shoving them out of his way, and charged towards the hatch.

"What's his issue?" asked Zedigar "He didn't even stick around to tell me about his GLORIOUS victory."

"He's most likely mad he got knocked on his ass." stated Anthony

Then they saw it.  Dustin met the medics at the hatch and proceeded to help carry the liter down the corridor.

"Is that guy gonna make it?" asked Zedigar in a somber tone.

"I don't know?" replied Anthony.  That "guy" is a lady and I think Dustin knows her."

"What makes you say that?"

"The only other time I've seen him that worked up over someone was when we lost Corporal Richardson." replied Anthony sadly.

" A Man Who Knows Pain Without Love is A Man Lost in the Depths of His Very Soul."

Writer Unknown

Dustin paced impatiently outside the infirmary doors.  A million things were running through his head.  What if she doesn't make it.  What will I say to her if she does.  Dustin was so lost in his thoughts he hadn't noticed Anthony entering the quite, poorly lite hallway.

"Hey Brother"

Dustin jumped as his train of thought was interrupted.

"Never thought I'd see the day I could sneek up on you."

"Sorry, my mind was elsewhere."

"You'd better stop pacing."  "You'll wear a hole through the floor." said Anthony trying to ease the tension.

"Any word on how she's doing."

"No, but I wish someone would tell me something." stated Dustin in an aggravated tone.

As if someone had heard his wish, the Infirmary doors slid open. 

Dr. Kong stepped through the doors and looked up at Dustin with a shocked expression.

"Can I help you Sergeant??"

"Christi...." Is she going to make it."

"The nano-bots have their work cut out for them fixing that leg." "But other then that she should be back on her feet in a few weeks."

Dustin let out a sigh of relief at the news.  You could see the tension drain out of his body.

"When can I see her?"

"Come by in a couple of days." "We have her sedated, nano-bots do great work but it's not painless." "You should know that Sergeant."

Dustin rubbed his right shoulder as he remembered the pain.  He'd taken a hit from a plasm pistol about a year and a half ago almost losing his entire arm.

Anthony walked up and placed his hand on Dustin's other shoulder.

"Lets go to Ten Forward for a drink."  "It'll calm your nerves."

Dustin grinned at his old friend.

"Only if your buyin."

Together they headed down the hallway.

Christi slowly opened her eye's.  The world was a blur of light.  Am I in heaven she thought to herself.  Then the pain in her leg brought her back.  She looked around trying to get her bearings.  Nothing was familiar.  She wondered if she had been captured.  Then she saw a shape.  It was a human.  Her heart slowed as she realized she was safe.  Dr. Kong walked to her side. 

"Hello Ms. Reese, nice to see you recovering so quickly." "The sedatives will wear of shortly, Until then please try not to move."

"Wh-Where am I?"

"Your in the infirmary aboard the Rising Star."  "From what the techs were saying your lucky our guys showed up when they did."

"I'd like to meet the guys that saved me." "Did they recover Jake?"

"Hello" came a familiar voice. 

"Hello Jake, I am glad your still with us."

"Its nice to have you back also Ma'am" replied Jake "I've been monitoring your recovery from this stationary computer terminal." "Dr. Kong has done a most excellent job."

"Ms. Reese, I will tell the Sergeants you have regained consciousness."

Dustin, Anthony and Adrian were again sitting in the Rec room playing poker when their names rang though the intercom.  Garner, Alveraz, Sosa, report to the infirmary.

"Every damn time I have an awesome hand we get paged" griped Adrian.

Together the trio walked to the Infirmary.  Dr. Kong met them at the door. 

"Ms. Reese has requested to meet the three of you." "However, she is still recovering so don't overwhelm her."

"Adrian and Anthony followed the doctor through the doors.  Dustin remained in the hallway.  Dr. Kong looked over his shoulder and noticed Dustin was not following.

"What's wrong?" "You seemed so eager to see her the day she arrived."

"Well you said you don't want her overwhelmed, so it maybe best if" Dustin was cut off by Adrian and Anthony.  Each had grabbed an arm, picked him up and carried him inside.

"You can fight a thousand Jun'gosh, but your scared of a girl" laughed Anthony as they went.

They entered Christi's room and Dr . Kong stepped in front of them. 

"Ms. Reese these are the gentlemen you requested to see.

Christi sat up in her bed.  Her vision still a little blurry from the sedatives.

"I wanted to thank you." Dr. Kong says that had you guys not arrived when you did I probly wouldn't be here.

Adrian stepped forward. 

"I'm Adrian Sosa glad we could help. "

Anthony followed suit admiring her fast recovery.  Dustin stayed back leaning against the door frame.

"And you are?" asked Christi looking at Dustin wishing she could see more clearly.

"Thats Garner" replied Adrian "The strong and silent type."

"Anthony thought that he knew you because of how he was acting, but what are the odds of that right?"

"Dustin" said Christi softly. "Is it really you?"

Anthony and Adrian looked at each other questioningly.

"Uh Adrian", studdered Anthony.  "I remember we have level three repairs to do on the Power Suits today."

Anthony proceeded to pull Adrian and Dr. Kong out of the room by the arm, closing the door behind them.

Dustin walked forward and sat at the foot of Christi's bed.

"How are you feeling?"

"My leg still hurts."

"You'll learn to ignore it over time."

"So you saved me?" asked Christi.

"Well not just me." "Those two knuckleheads did their part."

"It's been a long time Dustin"

"I know, after I finished basic I was shipped out." "I've been everywhere because of this damn war." "But I never expected to find you out here."

Dustin moved further up the bed and reach towards Christi's hand and closed his eyes.  His heart skipped a beat as he felt Christi's fingers interlace with his.

"I've missed you" said Dustin so softly it could barely be heard.

"I've missed you to'" came a gentle reply.

"I've got to go" said Dustin as he stood up suddenly. "If you'd like I'll come by later and see you."

"I'd like that." replied Christi still holding his hand.

Their fingers slowly slid apart as Dustin turned and headed toward the door.

Dustin looked at her beautiful face as he opened the door.  To his surprise he ran directly into Adrian and Anthony who were standing on the other side trying to listen.

"Get outta here you two, before I kick your asses" stated Dustin in his usual gruff voice.

As the three of them walked though the corridors of the ship Adrian bombarded Dustin with questions. 

"Where'd ya meet her."
"Does she have a sister."
"What's the story between the two of you?"

Dustin stopped abruptly and turned to Adrian "Yes she has a sister and no I won't introduce you."

"Ah come on man, what's up with that." snickered Adrian.

About that time the entire ship seemed to shutter.

"We're picking up speed, that was the main Ion Drive starting up." stated Anthony.

"What the hell now" mumbled Adrian as they continued on their way "We weren't suppose to leave Dal-Nubara for at least two months. 

Then came the voice over the intercom. Steel Talon's report to the ready room.

The three walked into the ready room together.  Adrian still pestering Dustin for more details.

"Sit down and Shut up" said a stern voice from the front of the room. 

Sergeant Major McCloy was standing by the holograph projector, looking at Adrian with cold piercing eyes.

"As you all may have noticed we're moving out." "We been ordered to join the 5th Fleet in the Drakma System." Intel we received points to a large Jun'gosh force moving into the area. So be ready for a fight shortly after we get their."

"Sergeant Major, what about Corporal Reese in the infirmary?" asked Dustin.

"We don't have time for a drop to get her back." "So now she's along for the ride."  "The communication officer has notified the outpost of the situation." 

"Now your guys get some rest the jump will take approximately 18 hours." "Dismissed!!"

Chapter 2
The Skies are Clear

On the surface of Dal-Nubara, a Jun'gosh soldier hurried through the camp from the communication post.  He entered the command structure and bowed deeply. 

"What is it." asked a voice hidden among the shadows.

"A communication from our spy in the outpost sir."

The humanoid half of the giant body loomed forward into the light.


It just says, "The Skies are Clear."

"Very good."

The creature smiled broadly reveling a row of jagged blood covered teeth.  A half eaten human corpse was tossed into the center of the room from the shadows. The name tag read Corporal Jenna Hayes. 

"Notify the other units we will start to assemble for attack."

Mean while at Outpost 18 Delta, or Hell's Gate as the residences there had come to call it, business continued as usual.  The colonist followed their daily routines of tending to the biosphere farms and caring for the animals. Children played kickball in the street. The soldiers standing watch in the towers around the perimeter cursed the hot afternoon sun.     









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