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Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Drama · #1952183
A dramatic poem of self defense.

We moved to Jasper County a dozen months ago.
Things were quiet on our street, not a neighbor did we know.
The house across the street was dark, nobody lived within.
"FOR RENT" the sign out front displayed, so let the fun begin.

A moving van pulled up one day, with drugged out people driving.
They emptied all they had inside, Pit Terriers were thriving.
Each day we saw them come and go, drive off for who knows what?
They'd let the Pits out to yard, the gate was locked and shut.

The Cops would pay a visit to their home to offer query.
But the druggies never answered. The house looked dark and dreary.
One night the skinny old dude let the pits outside to potty,
but forgot to shut the gate, so they got out, and were naughty.

One grabbed me by the leg as I stopped to check the mail,
so I smacked him hard and stuck him in his eye as he impaled.
I was able to escape inside, my leg was bleeding heavy,
I holstered up my forty five, made sure the gun was ready.

I opened up the door, the dogs were lunging at the screen,
so I shot each dog two times, when skinny came upon the scene.
One dog was lying, whimpering, the other dog was dead.
(Skinny) "what the hell you doing?" ... "Putting down your dogs" I said.

"Those dogs are like my sons!" ... "You should have latched your gate then fool".
Skinny went inside his house, and chose the shotgun as his tool.
I ducked behind my my Chevy sixty nine to wait him out.
I could see his shoes beneath the frame, my attitude was stout.

I shot him in the ankle, Skinny leaning on my car.
I said "you best give up fool... you won't be running far."
Sneaking softly round the corner, I ducked down behind the trunk.
"Throw your weapon to the ground or I'll shoot you in the junk!"

He tried to turn around, with quickness and right aim,
but before he pulled his trigger, my lead was in his brain.
I could hear the sirens coming. Skinny falling to the ground.
The policemen heard my story, said the evidence was sound.

Your actions were in self defense, no need to go on further.
We've been trying to catch this guy for months, suspecting him of murder.
So now the house is empty, and my leg has healed up fine.
"FOR RENT" no dogs allowed", the words now printed on the sign.     


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