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Don't be fooled by the war machine. Syria has nothing to do with our National security. |
The war machine is gearing up for yet another conflict that is none of our business. This is nothing new of course; war is the health of the State after all. But, what is worth noting is how quickly the "peace loving anti-war" Obama supporters became the "aggression loving pro-war" Obama supporters, now that the one who is beating the war drum is one of their own. Yes, these are the same "peace loving anti-war" liberals who just a few years ago were holding signs and chanting "no war" when the person calling for war had an "R" beside their name instead of an "L." The irony is beyond ironic, the partisans are beyond partisan, and the hypocrites are beyond hypocritical ... not that this should be of any surprise though. Although the names, faces and geography may have changed, the Bread and Circuses of ancient times were no different than the bread and Circus shows of today. The shallow requirements of the populace make it easy for the war machine pimps and whores to prey upon. I am aware of the Orwellian method by which words can be used to convince people that "war is peace" or that "taxes are voluntary." Liberals also like to use this method when speaking of using the coercive powers of the State to accomplish whatever goal they feel deserves everyone's attention. To be fair, to whatever extent that there still is a difference between the two-party political system in the United States, the ones who call themselves "Conservatives" are equally guilty of this. Once you are able to recognize this doublespeak it is easy to see behind the words they speak when engaged in a conversation with these brain-dead trolls. The Collective We I recently responded to an Obama supporter who was giving her reasons for supporting Obama and our current Empire Building operation over in Syria. She was very concerned about the children that were dying over in that country and made this comment: "I cannot even count the days that I have asked why doesn't somebody do something ... anything ... anything ... Please anything." I sarcastically replied: Hold on a moment while I reference my liberal thesaurus ... oh yes here we are: "Somebody" - Someone other than me or mine. "Something"- Other people's resources not mine. "Anything"- Someone else's children, not mine. Okay now I understand where the problem lies. You have a definitional problem with property and who owns it. Unless by, "somebody", "something" or "anything" you are referring to "you" and "yours." As a Libertarian I am the iron-fisted ruler of all that is mine. By mine I mean anything that I have honestly and peacefully acquired. As such I make all decisions on my property (body, time and money) and if you would like to use any of my property, first you must ask my permission. You do not have the right to volunteer my property without my permission. Now if by, "somebody", "something" or "anything" you meant "you" and "yours" then I have no problem with "you" volunteering to involve "yourself" and try and do anything "you" think "you" can do or even volunteer "your" children (as long as they voluntarily agree) to do "something" as well. The Liberal's Dictionary Liberals seem to have a definitional problem in that they think for some reason they have the authority (through the coercive actions of the State) to volunteer other people's property in ways that they see fit ... as long as it's for a good cause. Of course another great irony is by what means they would use to do "something." Force would of course be necessary by the use of guns ... something they absolutely abhor. So how would they suggest stopping this without the use of force? Oh yes that's right force and guns are okay as long as it's the government wielding that force and the ones who have control of the guns. Too bad we can't ask all those dead Jews in Nazi Germany how well that worked out for them. The problem with this type of thought process (if it truly is a thought process at all) is that it makes claims on other people's property, claims that others do not have a right to make. Socialism does not work, Communism does not work, Marxism does not work. Fascism does not work. What works are Capitalism, The Free Market and Libertarianism. Point to anywhere in the world that has a higher degree of Capitalism and you will also see a higher degree of freedom and prosperity. Point to anywhere in the world that has less Capitalism and you will see a higher degree of poverty and coercion. This is not a coincidence. While I will agree that what is going on over in Syria is an atrocity and I would like to see it end, it has been going on for thousands of years and it is not our problem and we cannot "fix it" no matter how much of other people's money, time, and property we throw at it. The problem is this, one side believes their "god" is better than their neighbors "god" and they are willing to kill and even die for that belief. Until they learn that there is no invisible man in the sky, there is nothing that, "you" or "I" can do. Even the "we" collectively and through the coercive powers of the State would have no effect. Mankind as a whole needs to kill "god" before "god" kills mankind. Until this happens nothing will change. Until "we" as a people learn to respect property rights, embrace freedom and kill the "god" meme nothing is going to change. Yes it's an atrocity what is going on, but the atrocities are taking place on both sides of this conflict. It's a civil war, Syria fighting Syria and both sides are religious nut jobs and the problem is not ours. The United States is not the world police, or at least we shouldn't be anyway. So to those that are calling for "we" to do "something" I would like to remind you that "you" don't get to decide how "I" use my property and that "I" do not give "you" permission to do so, but that "I" do support "your" right to support any cause "you" like with "your" property. War is tragic, yet sometimes justified- While it's true that sometimes after diplomacy fails and it becomes of vital importance to protect our National security, war unfortunately is the only option. I am not against using force if force is needed to repel someone Else's use of force. If Syria or any other Country for that matter were to threaten the United States with force I would support war as a means of self-defense. This has not been the case though since the Second World War. From the Korean War up until today there has not been a justified war that the United States has participated in. All of these wars have been illegal, unjust and Unconstitutional. Since the Korean War we have been in a constant state of war and Nation building around the World. None of this is by accident and all of it has been planned out for decades. Obama is nothing more than a puppet playing his role in what has been put into motion by the powers that be and will be played out whether the public agrees or not. What we are seeing right now is nothing more than Bread and Circuses so that the masses will believe they really do have representative government still. Truth is, with or without approval from Congress, the media or the public this plan will be carried out. Be prepared in the coming weeks and months for what will appear to be a terrorist attack in this Country to garner support for going to war with Syria. This tactic is nothing new and had been used for centuries by governments all over the world to scare it's people and gain support for an unpopular cause. These false flag operations will be carried out by people within our own government and be made to look like they were orchestrated by individuals within Syria ... much like operations in years earlier that were needed to sell the Iraq and Afghanistan wars as well. I would like to say I have an answer for all of this, but I don't. Truth is there is nothing "you" or "I" can do to change any of this. Voting is not the answer and if voting were a viable means to stop this it would have been made illegal long before now. The two-party system is an enormous charade that was designed to make people believe that they have a say in what happens .. they don't. All we can do is be prepared and learn to recognize these false flags when they occur and not be fooled into thinking there is some National interest for being drawn into yet another unprovoked, unjust, and Unconstitutional war. |