Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1951132-Matthew-Lulamoon
Rated: E · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1951132
What does he have to do with the future of Equestria?
Deep beneath the ground in a long forgotten tunnel, someone was being hunted.

Drops of blood fell from the figure as she ran, staggering, through the dark. She gasped for breath as her body screamed for a break from running. Against her better judgement she consented, stopping at a bend in the the tunnel. She was so weak. So hungry. Her body was in so much pain from the last few hours. If only she could rest--for years.

“Peek-a-boo. I see you,” said a voice out of the black.

She turned her head and saw the razor-sharp teeth of her pursuer grinning widely from amongst the shadows. He took a step closer. He was massive: The rippling muscles. The clawed hands. The horned head. The spiked tail and with purple light coming from his hollow eye sockets. Someone’s nightmare had come to life.

He grabbed her by the head and threw her against the wall, his claws digging into her skull. His other hand came for her her throat and squeezed. She tried to scream but all she could manage was a weak gurgle of coughed blood. She could feel the life leaving her as she slowly gave in to the suffocation.

“I told you I would find you.”


Twilight awoke to Spike beating her body violently with a blanket. She lay on the floor next to her bed, a broken lamp lying nearby. A quick glance at the rest of the room revealed an overturned desk, torn books, more broken glass, and a small fire in Spike’s bed. At least this time her magic hadn’t hurt Spike.

“You alright?” Spike asked, helping her up.

“I think so.” Twilight answered.

She looked at the clock: 6:30 AM. Morning already. Stretching, she let out a yawn. It was almost time to open the library. The mess would have to wait.

“Hey Twilight?” Spike asked, interrupting her thoughts.


“Can I show you something?”


“It’s kinda important.”



Twilight glared at him. “Later, Spike. Unless Celestia has somehow come back to life, there is nothing that is so important it can’t wait until I take a shower.” The look in her eyes dared him to argue.

Spike nodded.

“Good. Now, go find the broom. This place looks horrible.”

Twilight gave a huge, beaming smile, as she quickly left the room. She headed into the bathroom, turning on the water for a shower. As she went through her morning routine, Twilight kept thinking back to her dream. It wasn’t the monster that had caught her attention, though he was interesting. No, it was the girl. The girl looked just like Trixie. And not just that. From the moment the dream had begun, Twilight had had this ominous feeling of dread and fear, but hadn’t known why. To say that her curiosity had been piqued would be an understatement. She would definitely have to ask Princess Luna about this one.

And then she heard it, a loud thud from downstairs. Followed by a groan.

“Spike? Everything okay?” She called.

No answer.

“Spike? You there?”

Still nothing.

Why hadn’t he answered her? Twilight wrapped a bathrobe around herself as she hurried out of the bathroom. Halfway down the stairs, someone groaned again. Was Spike hurt? Did something happen? She jumped the last few steps and ran toward the kitchen, tripping over something on the the floor as she entered.

Twilight rubbed her head as she tried to get back to her feet, but found she couldn’t. Something was on her back. Another groan--a remarkably female groan. Twilight’s head whirled as she looked behind her; On her back, unconscious, was Trixie Lulamoon. Twilight screamed.

Spike appeared at her side immediately. He carefully lifted Trixie’s form and carried her to a nearby bed of pillows. The girl’s body was a wreck. She was covered in dirt and bits of various foliage, bandages, and dried blood. Someone had done a horrible job of bandaging her wounds, especially the ones on her chest, which were still seeping blood. Her left ear had a large piece missing from it, and her tail was burned almost completely to a crisp. Twilight noted the claw marks along her neck.

Spike was watching her, obviously waiting for her to say something. He had some of Trixie’s blood on him as well. For the first time since she got up, Twilight noticed the bags under Spike’s eyes from lack of sleep. Had he stayed up all night to take care of Trixie?

“Is that who I think it is?” Twilight finally asked.

“Depends,” Spike said. “Who do you think it is?”

Twilight glared at him.

“I mean yes. It’s the real Trixie.”

“Uh huh. What happened to her? How did she get here?”

Spike rubbed the back of his head. “I sorta set her tail on fire while out for a walk last night. But I managed to put it out before it did any real damage. As for the rest of her injuries...I’m not sure. I don’t even know who tried to bandage her.”

Twilight nodded.

“She came to for a few seconds while I was putting out the fire. She begged for my help--Wanted me to hide her from something. Her and the kid.”

Twilight blinked slowly. “Kid? What kid?”
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