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Rated: 18+ · Other · Contest Entry · #1950744
Day 2: Comedy entry for the Baker's Dozen contest.
Well I would have to say I was feeling kind of lonely having lost my old cat to cancer over a year ago.  Life was pretty quiet around my house.  We had no animals.  My husband had grown up without any so this was no big deal for him, but for me...it was.  I missed the pitter patter of overgrown nails skittering across my floor in a late night game of catch the red dot.

         It was the Tuesday after Labour Day and my husband had gone back to work.  He was back on nights and after two months of him being either working days or on holidays with me. I was feeling little timid sitting home alone. 

         To ease my senses, I had gone out for a walk around the neighbourhood.  When I returned, I noticed a fuzzy grey mass up on my front step.  I stopped short, thinking it was a racoon or something equally vicious.  But it did not move.  To get a reaction, I began to dance and swing myself about, but still nothing.  I moved closer taking the steps slowly.  On the top step I peered down at the thing. 

         Whatever it was, it was clearly bloated or pregnant.  Then it raised its head and peered golden eyes at me.  I saw fear there, but also exhaustion.  I reached out to touch her, being careful not to startle her.  She began to purr and my heart melted.  I knew my husband would hate this, but I could not walk away.

         I went into the house and brought out water.  She was weak, but with my help she was able to stand up and drink it down.  I then fed her the bits of tuna and Cheezies I had left over.  She ate and I was ever so careful to feed her slowly.

         Next I brushed her and she seemed to love the brush.  She rubbed weakly against it each time I brought it by her face.  I felt her belly and knew she was definitely pregnant and ready to pop. 

         Where could I put her? I thought, my mind tripping over possibilities. If I bought her inside there would be hell to pay.  My husband was not a fan of cats; he had merely tolerated the one we had had.  This one was probably flea infested.

Then I thought - the back shed.  It was perfect and not really inside the house at all.  If I brought out blankets and a basket for her she may be okay in there.  That was it then.

         I went in search of all the things I would need.  I got everything settled then went back to get her.  I lifted her and tucked her gently into my arms.  She meowed weakly but seemed fine. I talked to her, soothing her as I moved across the backyard.  It seemed a shame to put her so far away and leave her alone.  So I made the decision to stay out in the shed with her.

         I made sure she was settled into her basket then went to get a few more things for me – my blow-up mattress, my sleeping bag, and some snacks and drinks for both of us.  I pulled the lawn mower and power tools my husband so cherished out of the shed.  I did cover them with a tarp just in case it decided to rain or something.  Then I settled myself in.


         I was awakened several hours later when I felt something slimy on my leg.  I remembered not to scream as I fumbled for the flashlight.  Turning it on I pointed it in the direction of the cat and found she was gone.  Then I heard little mewling noises and turned the light down into my sleeping bag.  There, up against me, was movement and golden eyes flashed me a look of helplessness.


         I twisted careful not to roll onto the new kittens.  I unzipped my sleeping bag further.  My mouth dropped open as I took in the sight before me.  Kittens, kittens everywhere.  Each mewling for milk and crawling their way forth.  I counted them.  Thirteen in all and I had slept through the whole delivery.  Sitting up I checked them all over and each seemed perfect.

         â€śWell congratulations, little mama.”  I said running my hand over her. 

         Then I heard a deep “What the hell” and before I could move, the door jerked open to reveal my husband.

         â€śHi honey, welcome to our new family.”

Word Count = 752          

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