Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1950398-Fruit-eating-challenge-part-2
by ph0220
Rated: E · Chapter · Fanfiction · #1950398
Baloo and King Louie has a food duel over Mowgli.
Fruit eating challenge

Part 2

During the night when Mowgli and Baloo were sleeping heavily, something was sneaking around in the tree above them. Spying on the fattening duo was a bunch of monkeys.

They were on a mission from their king Louie. Ever since the embarrassing defeat against The Man-cub, Baloo and Bagheera, The orangutan had sworn to get his revenge after they left him with his kingdom in ruins and taking the Man-cub from before he could learn the secret behind fire. Since that day he had told his monkey minions to keep an eye out for him if he ever was found wandering in the jungle again.

Earlier today one of his monkey spy’s had seen Mowgli while he was running through the jungle to meet Baloo again. After returning back to the king with the news, he ordered ten of his strongest men to follow this monkey back to the place where he spotted him, and catch him. When they got back they saw that both the Man-cub and the bear were in a giant fruit eating feast. Their best strategy now was to wait until after they where done and were resting.

And now at night the moment was perfect. After giving some silent signals to each others the monkey’s jumped down from the tree and gathered around the overstuffed boy. To make sure that he wasn’t going to be able to wake up his bear friend the monkeys took and put an extra large clementine in his mouth, and they bound his arms and legs with vines. Now bound and gagged they lifted up Mowgli and started to carry him away. “Oh, Did we have to take him after he ate all that fruit? He sooooooooo heavy now!” One of the monkeys whispers. “Don’t complain, lift!” One of the others said.

When Baloo woke up the next morning his body had adapted most of the extra food that he had been eaten last day. His whole frame now looked and felt like he had gained around 50 kilos (Around 100 lb). But he just loved it. The added weight didn’t made it any more difficult for him to move around. In fact for a bear it just helped him looking stronger then other males. Still not feeling completely rested Baloo almost returned to sleep, when he saw that there was nobody laying there next to him. At first he thought that Mowgli had just walked away to have a little morning swim in the lake, or having an early breakfast. But then he started to feel a strange smell. A strong smell that hadn’t been there before he went to sleep. Monkeys. He knew by then that something must have happened to Mowgli, and lucky for him there was a trace of banana peels. (The monkeys had left them there on purpose as a part of King Louie’s plan.) Baloo got a feeling inside of him that said that it could very possible be a trap, but he hadn’t any other traces to go after so he went of.

At the end of his traveling Mowgli found himself at the ruins of the once mighty temple of King Louie. Now only several piles of smashed rocks. Except for a small buildup area with a new build throne, in which the orangutan king sat. And if Mowgli’s eyes weren’t lying he looked a bit fatter since last time they meet. He sat there with his arms and legs spread out widely while his enormous middle took up all space on the throne, and also hanged down a few inches.

Looking at Mowgli he said with his few extra chins, “So nice to se you again, Man-cub.” Mowgli still having problems to talk thanks to the clementine in his mouth just gave muffled sounds. “And since we saw last time I’ve heard that you have been living in the man village.” He jumped of the throne (Making his whole middle wobble slightly.) and walked over to the bound and gagged Mowgli. “And while living in the man village I guess you learned the secret of how to make…fire. Would you be so kind and tell me what it is?” He asked and took the fruit out of Mowgli’s mouth. “Never!” was only thing Mowgli said before trying to growl like a wild animal, trying to scare the king. “Well, If you are going to be like that…” King Louie said before dragging Mowgli’s face very close to his. “I’ll let you into a little secret. Bananas are not the only thing I’ve been known for eating.”

And then the orangutan started opening his mouth wide. A frighten Mowgli could see all the way down his throat, and he could feel how the other monkey’s that was lifting him was starting to push him in. his head was almost inside when Louie ordered the monkey’s to stop. Looking at scared little boy he asked (Are you going to tell me now?). All Mowgli could do was to nod. “Good, now I hope that will be collaborative now, or I will…”

He didn’t have time to say more because just his monkey minions started to shout and point towards the entry to the ruins. There stood a very big and tired bear (Being very overweight and having to do run as fast as possible was not a very easy task.” “huh, huh, I’m here…for my friend. Huh, huh…” The bear panted. “Baloo!” Mowgli shouted with sheer joy. “Mr. Bear.” King Louie said angrily. “This boy is mine to teach me the secret of fire!” King Louie shouted. “I’m not going to let some obese primate win.” Baloo responded. “You tell him Baloo…” Was all Mowgli could say before King Louie stuffed that big fruit back into Mowgli’s mouth.

“Still I’m going to give you a fair fight Bear! Choose you’re fight, and we will do it.” King Louie said and slammed his flabby chest. Baloo thought for a moment, and then said. “Okay, but this fight I’m thinking about is a two partner. First we’re going to a contest on who can eat the most fruit, and then…King of the ring. (King of the ring is a jungle name for sumo.)” “Then so be it!” King Louie said before his monkey minions started to gather fruit and making a big ring to do the challenge in.

Later on the two big beasts was sitting down in each side of the ring with their own fruit pile. King Louie’s pile was (specially made for him) a banana pile. While Baloo’s fruit pile had almost all kinds of fruits, except for bananas. Both sides were waiting eagerly to make their move…

After a long glance into each others eyes they both yelled almost at the same time “GO!” They both had different tactics of eating. While Baloo shifted from scaling fruit to slicing it in half to swallowing it whole, King Louie had his own unique way of eating his bananas. He took use of all of his four hand that he had to scale and eat two bananas at time while sitting.

After about 15 minutes they both looked to be about halfway through, with King Louie holding a small lead. Starting this contest King Louie had a gut that hangs out about 1 and a half foot (About 45 centimeters), right now it laid on about 2 feet and 7 inches (Almost 79 centimeters). Baloo on the other hand started this being already on 2 feet 5 inches (Around 73 centimeters) on his belly and had already reached 3 and a half feet (Over 1 meter!) with still half the fruit left.

Baloo was not feeling completely well. If he had have his time to let the food he already had in his stomach from last night settle in and digest, and got the time to build up a great appetite he would have beaten this overgrown chimpanzee anytime. But things wasn’t the best right now for Baloo, as he stopped to look over at his opponent he could see how he was really into it. How he was working like a machine, with the only mission being to defeat this bear in eating. But Baloo realized something. It wasn’t about who eat the fastest that was the important part. It was about who would win in King of the ring. So if he just took his time he might just have a good chance to win.

Towards the end of it both sides had almost all of their fruit eaten, with tremendous results. Baloo the bear now had a belly that stood out around 5 feet (around 1, 5 meters.) and hung down about 2 feet (about 60 centimeters) when he was standing on his hind legs. Walking on all four his belly would be scratching an area on about a meter. The rest of his body showed some changes too. His waist and hips showed biggest change with them being wider and thicker, making his enormous stomach look very natural for its size. His arms and legs looked like they had more meat on them too, but they didn’t seemed any less movable then before. The only area of his body left that showed great signs of change was his head, which now showed him having about four or five extra chins and a much more covered up neck. Overall Baloo looked like he was very pleased with his new body, and felt like it was just all natural for him.

That was more then what could be said about King Louie. Looking over at the already overweight orangutan Baloo saw just how determined this beast where. Unlike Baloo that had been taking his time eating (letting all the food getting somewhat digested.), King Louie had been force-feeding himself from the start. And it showed. While Baloo’s stomach and body fat was looking fairly spread a crossed, King Louie had almost all his stuck in the center. His arms and legs looked a bit fleshier, but they looked like nothing compared to his gut. His gut stood out on a shockingly length of 8 feet and 3 inches! (Like 2,50 Meters!) It was also perfectly round, and seemed to weight up to about 200 lb. But the big difference between him and Baloo’s big bellies was that the measuring of Baloo’s bulk started from the center of his body out to where his belly ended. King Louie’s body on the other hand had no room for his big banana eating so his whole midsection had to expand out in all angles. So in his case the 8 feet 3 inches length started from the end of his backside expansion to the end of his front. And unlike Baloo’s head (that was just looked a bit pudgy from the fat.) King Louie’s looked almost consumed by his growing midsection. Even his arms and legs seemed much shorter now as they also were eaten by his inflated belly.

As Baloo was finishing his final fruits in a peaceful manner, King Louie was already finished and had (With some help by some of his monkeys) put himself in position for King of the ring. As Baloo eat the very last fruit he could see that the ape king was very inpatient and wanted this to start as quick as possible. After getting up in position, (Without the need of help unlike Louie.) Baloo and King Louie were just waiting to give the signal again.

On a silent count of three they both yelled “GO!” and slammed in into each other. They both felt at first very even. (While both trying to find a good grip on the other.) Then Baloo started to push the king around a bit before the orangutan took and put his feet down, stopping the bear dead on his tracks. Then he got surprised by a sudden strength coming for the ape’s arms, as the monkey king started pushing him back. “Huh, I shouldn’t have underestimated the strengths of an orangutan’s arms.” Baloo though, before putting himself in defense mood. Unlike when Louie did it Baloo could still make some kind of movement on his opponent. (He hadn’t just been counting on him use such strength suddenly.) Now when Baloo did it Louie couldn’t make him move at all. It could have something to do with that by now Baloo was weighting probably around 1200 lb (About 550 kg!), while King Louie “only” weight around 700 lb (“only” 320 kg!).

Looking down at the smaller and less fatter of the two Baloo said a little cocky “I don’t think that anything you do will make me move. I’m still the heavier one.”, and just stood there with his arms crossed looking untouchable. King Louie got really upset on Baloo’s comment and did something very unexpected. He ordered his men to feed him extra fruit. At first Baloo didn’t understand what good that would do for him, but soon he started to feel it.

King Louie was like an eating machine. There doesn’t seemed too be any end of his stuffing. He just eats more and more and made his middle swell out more and more. And then Baloo started to feel how he was starting to move a little. He grabs King Louie’s hands and starts to make resistance. Louie feeling that the bear still had the upper hand ordered his men to feed him even more.

After being feed even more food Louie now stood on a new weight of 900 lb. (400 kg.) With his new weight and strong arm muscles he seemed to be the stronger one. His body looked even more an inflated ball, now with his arms and legs now looking only half their normal length and his head being almost swallowed by his fat. Baloo could feel ones again that the ape was starting to push him out, and this time he was using his maximal strength to keep him off.

Feeling that he was just about to lose Baloo suddenly got an idea. Just when King Louie was about to give a huge push against the bear, he got surprised over that the bear jumped aside letting the pudgy primate fall right down on his giant middle. And when he tried to get himself back up, he noticed that he couldn’t. With his arms and legs being shrunk and his middle bloated to all limits, King Louie had made himself immobile.

And if that wasn’t embarrassing enough, Baloo decided to roll the ape so that he was upside down with his head down and feet up. And then he decided to sit on him! As the half ton bear rested his fat bear butt on top of Louie’s enormous monkey butt, the king could feel how the gigantic pressure was pressing his head into almost getting it inside his own body. He called for his monkey henchmen to help him, but all the sound he manage to get out was very muffled noises. The other monkeys wanted to help their leader but where all keeping a distance because of the obese bear’s size. After a while Baloo asked the monkey ball he was sitting on, “Have you admitted yourself defeated?” All he got for a respond was the same muffled noises as before. He sat up and rolled Louie a bit so he was now lying on his back. After letting the king get a chance to breathe normal again, he just looked Baloo in the eye and gave him a defeated nod. The bear responded by slamming his belly into the ape, sending him rolling out of the ring.

Baloo showed his victory by hitting himself on the chest and trying to give a big roar. But because he had been eating so much food recently all that came out was an enormous belch. Baloo looked around feeling a bit awkward of his failed attempt on trying too look like a dangerous predator. But it made the trick because all the monkeys took and runned away with their tails between their legs. All except King Louie who had be rolled away by about ten of his men.

When all the monkeys had left the temple ruins Baloo started walking up to the still bound and gagged Mowgli lying on the ground. Mowgli could feel how the ground was shaking when Baloo got closer to him. Looking up Mowgli could barley see the face of his papa bear, because of his big fat stomach blocking the view. Bending down carefully Baloo manages to pick up Mowgli, and with the help of his claws he manages to cut through the wines bounding Mowgli. After that Mowgli took and used his now free hands to get that big fruit stuck in his mouth out. Looking into the bears eyes all Mowgli could say was…”That. Was. Amazing.” Baloo chuckled (Making all of his now three times fatter body shake.) and said “Well, When your life is in danger, I’ll do almost everything to safe you.” “Even ruin my dear figure.” Baloo said jokingly smacking his belly with one of his paws making it shake and jiggle like crazy.

As they made their way back to help Mowgli return safe to the man-village Mowgli knew that whenever their would be situation were he might need the help from some big old fat bear, he knew just who to search for.
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