Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1950394-Fruit-eating-challenge-part-1
by ph0220
Rated: E · Chapter · Fanfiction · #1950394
Mowgli and Baloo has a big eating challange.
Fruit eating challenge

Part 1

It was an ordinary day in the jungle. The weather was great, no big predators where lurking around, and most importantly this was the time of the year when all the fruits of the jungle was in best condition for harvesting. And two who where very eager to do some harvesting was Mowgli the man-cub and Baloo the bear. Some of the best memories that Mowgli has have of his time in the jungle before returning to the man village was to compete with Baloo in who could eat the most fruit. It always ended with Baloo winning by a large margin, because his body was build to be able to keep large amounts of food to keep for hibernating. Mowgli was despite that never sad about losing, because the best thing about it was for Mowgli to take a nap together with Baloo on his stuffed belly.

Since then Mowgli had been missing to do many things with his dear “Papa Bear”, but the thing he missed most was the Fruit eating challenge and the resting on Baloo’s belly. He got clearly reminded by the village men when he heard them saying to each other that “The best moment to pick fruit is now!” It almost sounded like a temptation for Mowgli. That if he ever wanted to get a chance to see Baloo again the chance was now.

Mowgli had during his time in the man village learned how all the routines went. All the ways to get in and out, and which who were aloud to be outside the village. The key for freedom in this case was the fruit patrol. A group of people who’s goal was to collected fruit to save up for the village. With the right plans things might go Mowgli’s way.

The next day Mowgli and the rest of the fruit patrol made there way into the jungle. By using his memories of how the jungle looked like Mowgli made a sudden sprint into some thick bushes, and lost his company. He could hear the others calling for him to come back and that thing weren’t safe. But he knew that he would be able to survive and make it back safe later. He just couldn’t wait to get to meet Baloo again.

As he went through all the wines and bushes of the jungle he tried to figure out where it was most likely for him to find Baloo. Then he remembered Baloo telling him ones about a particular old and big tree where he enjoyed having a nap after a great meal. He also started to remember that Baloo had been letting Mowgli rest with it to after their food duels. “If I know him right, he hasn’t been changing that rest place no matter what.”

As Mowgli got there he got to see his greatest memories come to life. There under the tree Baloo the bear was sitting and sleeping. Walking up closer not making a sound Mowgli looked closer at Baloo’s size. “Has he gained some while I was gone?” Mowgli asked himself, but he already knew the answer. Just by looking at him he saw Mowgli saw how his stomach had been puffing out some inches, and spread out some on his sides as well. His arms and legs where also looking thicker and he could even see a couple of extra chins on his old papa bears face.

Just getting too exited by the moment Mowgli took jumped up and gave the big bear belly a great hug. Spreading out his arms and legs while laying on it he was amazed that the belly was so big that none of his limbs was outside its field. But his comfort was “short-lived”, (Depending on what you think about the following scene) because of Mowgli’s forceful hugging Baloo thought it was some kind of animal attacking him, making him throw himself forward on his feet with his giant stomach slamming into the ground. Still half asleep he looked around and couldn’t see any intruders around. Then he heard some muffled sounds coming from his stomach, so he stood up on his hind legs and he crawling out from underneath was his man cub friend.

The bear didn’t know any limits of happiness when he bent down and picked up Mowgli from the ground (Something he hadn’t even been able to do with fruit recently.) and pushed him into his puffy chest. “I can’t belive it! I thought I would never see you again!” Baloo shouted almost falling a tear from his eyes. “Neither do I…” Mowgli tried say getting hard to speak with his face in Baloo’s chest. Baloo put Mowgli down and looked down at him. “It hasn’t been a day without me think about you little britches.” He said. “And you couldn’t have picked a better day to make a visit. Don’t you remember what day it is?” Baloo asked rubbing his stomach giving Mowgli a wink.

For one second Mowgli was unsure, but then it became very clear. It was just the one day that always was the big highlight of the year. “Fruit challenge day.” Mowgli said sounding very competitive. “That’s right.” Baloo said rubbing his paws together. “And if there is anything I have been doing just in case you would come back it’s eating, and eating, and eating.” Baloo taunted and smacked his stomach so it was shaking for a good 10 seconds, “I know I’ll have no chance against him, but I have been missing this soo much.” Mowgli thought doing the same hand rubbing and stomach smacking like Baloo.

Later under the big tree Mowgli and Baloo was sitting face to face against each other with an enormous pile of fruit between them. Just sitting there staring into each others eyes, they each waited for the other one to make its move. After a few minutes of this pre-meditation both of them shouted at the same time “GO!” and started digging in.

Even through Mowgli knew it was a lost battle he still wanted to give Baloo a real fight. Even through he had been having a good meal before leaving the man village, he hadn’t been thinking about how long he had wandering through the jungle, and now with this big pile of fruit in front of him his hunger had started to come back again. “Maybe I might have chance after all.” Mowgli thought.

Baloo on the other hand had just had himself a huge meal before seeing Mowgli again, but he was still going to go all in into this.

Since start both side had tried to keep up an even pace, but Mowgli had difficulties keeping up considering he had to scale all his fruits before he could eat them. He looked over at Baloo and saw how he just eat “and swallowed some whole” all his fruit with the scale on. Still not letting that stop him Mowgli continued.

After 10 minutes of constant eating Mowgli was starting to feel full having a stomach that was stretching out 3 inches. He looked at Baloo who’s stomach looked like it was stretching out whole foot. Still determined he decided to continue until his body couldn’t take anymore or until there weren’t any fruits left.

After 15 more minutes only one fruit was left. Both Mowgli and Baloo was struggling to fit any more fruit in them. Mowgli’s stomach was now stretching out 5 inches, while Baloo’s were all of 3 feet. Mowgli was feeling how round and hard his stomach was, and how his own loincloth was on its way to be ripped off his inflated body. While Baloo’s stomach had been big and round before the challenge it had still been keeping some form of consistency with his body. Now it was just hanging down and spreading out on to the ground. It was like a big bean bag that was only sticking together thanks to his skin.

The where still one fruit left and both sides where determined to take it. For Baloo this was to keep his record perfect, and for Mowgli it was his first chance to win. No matter the outcome they both know that they had never had game this even ever. Mowgli and Baloo where both stretching for the last fruit. Both felt their heavy bodies holding them back, but they where both determined to win it. Not even feeling the big pain they had of this overeating. Both their hands where about to finally touché the fruit when Baloo let out his claws, pierced the fruit, and took it right into his mouth swallowing it whole. Mowgli could only look on in disbelief when gravity made itself reminded sending him back on his back with all the pains returning as well. Baloo feel on his back as well (not having the same amount of pain as Mowgli being more used to it.).

After some resting Baloo got himself up too help Mowgli do the same. Mowgli had some trouble standing up, holding his stomach like he had a child. “So…?” Baloo said with a little cocky attitude. “Yeah, Yeah…” Mowgli muttered. “You won again.” “But I’ll have to admit, this time you where really close. You should feel proud of this kid.” Baloo said patting Mowgli’s bloated belly, hurting him a little. “But don’t they expect you to be back at man village by now kid?” Baloo asked. “I guess so, but it’s kinda dark now.” Mowgli answered. “Yeah, you’re not in the best condition to go through the jungle at night.” Baloo said poking his stomach again. “You need to rest some first.” Baloo said leading him to under the big tree. “I think they can handle one night without you kid.” Baloo said and fell asleep. “I think so too.” Mowgli said and started to sleep as well.
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