Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1949983-Visitors
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1949983
Sometimes visitors stay too long.
Shortly after the first colonists moved out of the landing ship into their new domes, the reports of ghost sightings started coming in.

"Emergency Services, what is the nature of your emergency?"

"There's a freaky ghost that keeps appearing and disappearing," came the response.

"We knew about the planet being inhabited eons ago.  We've seen the abandoned cities. But nothing was said about ghosts.  Particularly ghosts that do more than visit; they move in."

Dozens of similar calls were logged.  The Commander of the Interstellar Migration realized he had to act.  The construction of a large hall was expedited; an all-hands meeting called.

The more vocal of those assembled led off by describing their experiences.  Each speaker earned a round of applause, and calls of "Yeah, that's what we saw too."  Even those who expressed how wonderful this new planet was, called for some explanation of what was going on

When he sensed that most folks realized the tales were becoming repetitious, the Commander took to the podium to see if he could move things along.

"Now folks, we have to be serious here," he said.  "Don't be silly.  There is no such thing as a ghost."

This resulted in an outbreak of boos, catcalls, and shouts of "We saw them."

Suddenly, silence filled the hall.  Followed by a mixture of laughing, oohs and ahhs, a few screams, and a lot of what the Commander thought was finger pointing at him.  Finally, he realized that he should look behind himself.

"Welcome to our world," came from several creatures that seemed much like clouds moving in wind currents, clouds that changed colors as they changed shapes.  They spoke in unison. 

"We are always happy to see visitors," they continued. "We do have a question however."

"When are you leaving?"
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