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It's the story of a land of fantasy and a girl trying to find who she is. |
Beradon is a land full of magic, heroes, and wonder, for which one young market girl thought she would never see. She would look longingly at maps and dream of that large continent attached to Forerun. Her mind would run wild with the possibilities of such a place, while her days here were nothing more than cleaning up after her master and laying out the goods, she suspected people in Beradon were unsheathing their swords and battling vicious dragons. There was nothing she would not give to cross through that gate separating the two masses, but alas to cross into Beradon one must show proof of mystical blood. However, Maya could not complain awfully much for her master Meguy Blacksmith had taken her in when she was abandoned with nowhere to go. At seven years old she had been found wondering aimlessly in the rain, after being found and explaining she had no memory, Meguy decided to take her in as his apprentice. This was indeed a blessing for she would have surely starved if not for his kindness. On the other hand being indebted to Meguy could not stop her day dreaming. Then on her eighteenth birthday a strange wind blew into town. Everyone in the market place was to the brim with rumors of sorcery and bad omens. Maya though fond of magic talk took no heed and went about her day as usual. It was while she was busying herself cleaning the tools that a strange hooded figure approached her master’s booth. The figure leaned over the many knives and other masterfully formed objects to take hold of Maya’s arm. She tried to move out of his grasp while remaining polite. “Excuse me sir if you wish for some help all you have to do is ask.” When he did not let go she looked up at his hooded face in frustration. “Sir I can retrieve my master if you wish but lessen your grasp, or else I fear I will become cross.” She was surprised to see a smirk appear on the mouth of the stranger. She did not understand what he found so amusing but when he raised his head enough to divulge his red eyes to her gaze she was shocked into silence. “You my dear are whom I wish to see not your so called master, now if you would be so kind as to follow me at once.” That was by far the final straw she yanked her arm free of his and ran straight for the master’s chambers. However, when she pulled the plush velvet curtain aside she was faced with her master’s shadowy form sliding down the sharp tip of a blade. “Master Meguy!” She screamed it with all her might but he did not respond, that was when she looked into the face of the monster which had slain her giving master, and a monster it was. The figure had four glowing green eyes that were surrounded by heaps of cloth; it stood to be over six feet tall, and held two deadly black blades in each hand. It was when it began to move that a strong arm snaked about her waist and yanked her from the tent and into the frozen air. She simply could not fight the cloaked man with this body that had become stiff as a board from what she had just seen. However, she could still hear the man yelling something at her; she focused in on it and realized what he was trying to tell her. “Listen to me girl, my name is Donavan Drake, and I am here to see you safely through the gate and into Beradon.” “What you saw back there was a Slato assassin, they are mystical creatures for hire from Beradon and I fear with you as baggage I cannot defeat it so we must flee.” Something about him saying those words in that manner and making her feel useless made her will come back to her. She began to fight back with all her might yelling questions at this man as loudly as possible. “Why would you take me to Beradon, I am not one of mystical birth, and they shall not let me pass.” “Leave me be sir, for I must avenge my master and the one I must slay resides in the other direction.” This statement brought the man to a stop, he looked down at this girl and for the first time he really saw her. This Maya girl had fire orange hair in a braid down her back, ash on her face, and fiery emerald eyes that gave no hint of wavering. Donavan was amazed by her bravery, but he had a job to do and he would not fail. Once resolved he whistled loudly into the air and grinned down at Maya. Maya furiously glared up at Sir Drake as if her gaze could penetrate his flesh. However, his whistle shocked her and she began glancing around, until she spotted a giant flying beast bounding through the sky, heading straight for her. When it landed on the ground right in front of her she took note of just how strange this creature was. The beast was as long as an adult oak and had the face of a cat, the body of a lizard, and the wings of a bird. She knew of stories of such a creature they are call Gamara, they are said to be the beasts of only highly skilled sorcerers. Donavan then proceeded to toss Maya upon the creature as she flailed and kicked. Then he jumped on himself and they took off. The ground was becoming smaller and smaller as the clouds came closer. Then Maya looked up at Donavan, ready to let him have all she was thinking of him. Then he stopped her short. “This is Hollow, he is my companion, and it would be in your best interest to adjust your attitude for he tends to have a temper.” Maya looked down at the scaly creature and then grabbed on tight. As much as she wanted to return to take care of her master she knew there was nowhere to go at the moment, unless she could fly herself. The trip lagged on with neither party saying a word, until Maya began to think of all the fond memories she had of her master. That was when she began to feel tears slide down her face and pool in her open hands. She simply could not make them stop, then she felt Donavan place a hand under her chin and lift her face up to fully face him. “Maya I am very sorry for your loss and I promise you will have your revenge but you must be patient.” The fact he said this with the sweetest of smiles made Maya fully take in his face, he was very young probably about twenty and his eyes were now a light blue. She was amazed at how a man could change so much, without the cloak and red eyes he almost looked as if a temple spirit. His black hair met his shoulders and he had a strong jaw that Maya could tell was usually bearing a frown. Donavan was caught off guard by Maya’s sudden smile, and he couldn’t help but think she looked much prettier when she smiled. Then with a mental shake he turned back around and tried to think clearly about his mission. He was to escort this young girl to the Glass Kingdom of Beradon at once, no harm was to come to her, and he was keep conversation to a minimal. However, with her tantrum ending and those tears running down her face, he was finding it increasingly difficult to refrain from talking to her. Hours passed by until it became dark and Hollow landed near a lake for all of them to rest and eat. Maya went over to the lake and cupped her hands to get a drink but stopped short when she suddenly felt as if she was being watched. She quickly turned around to stare into the nearby tree line, but all was quiet. Then Donavan sprang forward to stand in front of her. He looked back and whispered, “Maya you must know you are truly of mystical blood, though I do not know how you ended up in Forerun, I can tell you are truly magical.” Maya couldn’t help but believe him when he was looking at her with such earnest. Sadly the moment was shattered when a large dog like mound of fur with six legs burst through the trees. Maya was taken aback for this monster was being ridden by the very assassin who had dispatched her master. “How did he follow so quickly, what do we do?” Donavan smirked back, “We fight of course.” Donavan ran straight for the assassin and with a chant on his lips he through a large ball of red energy at both beast and master. The energy hit the beast but the assassin faded into smoke before it could make contact. Maya stared in amazement as the large animal began to fall in on itself as nothing but ash. Then her mind came back to her and she saw the assassin falling form coming right for Donavan. “Donavan above you!” She held her hand out towards him wishing she could somehow help, then Donavan raised his hands to protect himself, but the assassin met with an invisible wall. He fell to the ground as if the force of his blow had been sent back to him. Maya couldn’t help but stare at her hands, for they were glowing a deep purple, and she could feel the deep warmth radiating from them. Donavan stared at her in wonder until the assassin hit him with a side kick sending him right for Maya. They collided and skidded into the lake. Maya whispered, “Donavan are you all right?” Donavan looked up at her with wonder, “Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” Maya looked at this man and even though he was slightly mangled and his eyes were a brilliant red she could see him for who he truly was, and he was beautiful. She wanted to protect him; she never wanted to see another kind person die again. That is when she felt her power rise up in her. She faced the assassin head on as he began walking toward them with his black blades going in circles, and even though she could not see his face she could since a sickening smile under those layers of fabric. The Slato stepped one foot in the water and she felt him, she knew his every move. She raised her hands and the water began to form large waves all around her. She wanted the assassin to be wiped from the earth and she would make it happen. A hint of fear laced those glowing green eyes as the water began to take the form of a large bird with it’s wings outstretched and it’s talons open for its prey. It came for him then once Maya’s hands went out the water beast soared and claimed the assassin, and took him back into the depths with it. As quickly as it had come the power left Maya and she fell into Donavan’s arms. Donavan was speechless; all he could do was stare down at this powerful little thing and ponder who would have let her go. The truth was they had passed easily into Beradon an hour ago, and if she had not been of magical blood the many barriers around the continent would have stopped them. However, her skills far surpassed his initial suspicions, he had never in his life seen or heard about anyone being able to use magic so quickly. About two hours later Maya woke from her sleep and raised up to find herself in front of a very warm fire, with Donavan’s cloak wrapped tightly around her. She snuggled into it and glanced around, and then she saw Donavan coming through the trees with an arm full of fire wood. She smiled at him, and she was surprised to see him blush. Donavan could not help being embarrassed by this fire haired beauty’s smile; he had never seen another woman like her. He placed the firewood down and sat beside her. “How did you not know that you possessed such power, I have never seen such a display, how did you do it?” Maya looked away and muttered, “I have lived in Forerun for as long as I can remember, and I never had the smallest notion I might be magical, after all I was never faced with a situation where magic would have been needed.” “And as for how I am not very sure all I knew was you were in danger and I wanted to avenge my master.” Donavan smiled down at her and leaned in placing a kiss on her head. “Maya you should not have had to protect me, but I am glad your mind can be at piece over your master.” Maya looked up at Donavan and they just stared at each other for a moment both pondering what the other was thinking. Then Donavan cleared his throat and began packing up. He handed her a piece of bread and some water and then he called for Hollow so they could leave. Maya was confused as to what Donavan really wanted but she knew now that she was from Beradon and no matter what he wants she would always be grateful for his contribution in helping her find that out. Weeks passed as the two traveled together and became closer and closer. They went over mountains, through meadows, and came in contact with many a mystical creature. The more they went through the more Donavan began to dread the moment when he would be forced to let Maya go. Then one day the mystifying glass kingdom came into view. It literally took her breath away, it reflected the sun’s light in every faucet, and made rainbows flood the skies from every angle. She wrapped her arms around Donavan and smiled. She knew deep down that she was home. As they walked into the kingdom the very size of it alone made Maya gasp, she constantly had to look at Donavan’s smile for insurance of her presence being wanted in such a place. Then they both had their time with the king and queen, they were placed in the center of the room where all attention had to be on them. The queen was beautiful her blonde hair cascaded around her narrow shoulders and her kind blue eyes made Maya feel an overwhelming since of peace. The king had red hair under his crown and a long beard that bounced when he laughed. They both smiled at Maya and then stood. “Donavan you have found our beloved daughter, thank you after Mita took her from us we thought for certain she was forever lost.” “Please take your gold and our thanks.” Maya could not believe her ears, she was a princess, but then her memory returned to her. She had been very young when the great sorcerer Mita took her away and tried to steal her magic. Somehow she had warded him off but it had cost her her memory and magical abilities for a time. Maya ran to the king and queen and hugged them both as tightly as possible; she had so very much to tell them. They cried together as they embraced. However, she separated from them long enough to grab Donavan’s hand before he could leave. “Please Donavan stay with me, and help me find Mita I know he is still out there somewhere.” Donavan smiled and picked up Maya spinning her in a circle. “Of course I’ll stay with you; after all I still want to see all you can do.” To be continued…. |