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Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Biographical · #1949154
Inside my head.

By Nana Aforo

As they rolled me down the hallway neon lights passed over me quickly,

one of the doctors looked down and said to me, “You'll be ok, we'll

make you better, stronger, faster. Just relax, let us work. You'll

be fine; it will only seem like a moment passed.” 

...And so as vision recedes and everything fades to black,

Slow. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

*Deep Breath*....................................

My son, I've been watching you for many years and I know your

fears. Eyes hath not seen the writing on the walls in the rooms of my soul

scrawled out like a mental patient as I wait patient. I was watching when

lights were dim inside the home as you roamed landscape. I was watching

when you felt like no one gave a shit. I was the twinkle in the eyes of

those you looked to for solace and the promise of care and I was

there when it left they turned their backs and their eyes went jet-black.

Ears hath not heard the tunes that skulked around my skull since childhood

and in my neighborhood nothing was ominous just present, just there. Tune

is a spirit can you hear it, can you see him? In the doldrums between wake and

dazed as though days passed but it's the morning; broken if you wake up

mourning. You've seen him. But I ain't dead yet prior to genesis are you getting

this; that's your brain going left but your wrong not right and what is right it's


My son you've already met me but you didn't realize it. I was the

shadows in your head when you looked up at rainy windows in the night

driving home. I was the cadence in the time of the season. See, I knew

you remembered. Observing rain drop shapes and points of light in the

car with my dad, I love my dad. I'm four years old going on five, going

on six.

You are unraveling enigma, attach it to a tree and swing elsewhere. My

son look forward and know that the coast is clear. My son, I've been watching.

Don't be afraid to jump high for fear you'll fall out the sky. Something higher

than earth-based by-and-by. Walk on. Past aforementioned neon moments that

pass now seem brighter. I'm fifteen going on sixteen, going on seventeen. Your

dreams are so real that your valley is uncanny. Keep reading. If you have

something to say then say it and spray it like fire and burn down your bullshit.

Chasm in your idgasm misguided at first because the world is at your

fingertips. My feet are dirty because I'm rooted in earth but I'm walking

briskly. You're born naked not jaded so drag yourself up and be free minded.

I'm at peace be with you my sister and brother. Oblivion is not a mind state

it's a pair of glasses. I'm eighteen going on nineteen, going on twenty going

on twenty-one. As I see myself in the mirror not inferior. Don't be insecure about

your soul because what's truer? Intelligently moving casting purposeful isms

into the pool of life is my ambition. I'm alive. My son, I see and I am glad.

It's now. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. SNAP! Wake up!

Welcome back Nana.

© Copyright 2013 Nana Aforo (naforo at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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