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by Julius
Rated: 18+ · Other · Horror/Scary · #1948925
Please keep in mind this is a very rough draft as most of it was written using talk-2-text
Jeb awoke to a heavy fist beating against the trailer door. "Aye?" He croaked. "Put yer pecker up, we got company!" The heavy southern twang called through the thin wall. Jeb raised up slowly, and looked bleary eyed about the cramped bedroom. He fumbled along the nightstand, his hand a drunken parody of its owner, knocking over empty cans and an overfull ashtray. Fingers closing on the cellophane package he weighed it mentally, cursed it for being empty then hurled it to the floor. Reaching down into the left side of a pair of worn work boots beside the bed he pulled out a half empty can slightly cooler than the muggy room. Jeb smiled at his own genius. "Who needs a fucking beer coosie?" The tilted the can to his lips and drank deep. His eyes flew open wide and foam erupted from his nose and mouth as he vomited up the contents of his liquid breakfast. Several cigarette butts splattered on the floor and across the toes of the worn boot. Looking down the noticed the clean can in his right boot. "God dammit!" He yelled. "This places is a fucking sty." He sat up and turned to his right to speak to the teenage girl laying beside him. She worn a tattered greasy cheerleader shirt pulled up over her bruised breasts. Her eyes, lined by too much mascara stared blankly at the ceiling. She gave not indication that she heard him. Jeb backhanded her across her right breast and growled "you listening bitch? Today your gonna clean this fucking place up or I'm gonna wear your ass out." He raised his hand again and she flinched slightly, causing the handcuffs chaining her to the headboard to rattle and a tear to roll down her cheek through the heavy makeup reveling the darker colors beneath it.
The thunderous knocking came again, "Hey! Get your fuckin' ass out here man! This shit's seriously weird !" Jeb swung his feet out of bed and into his treacherous boots tossing back the clean beer after proper inspection and kicked a path down the cluttered hallway. He opened the door and stepped out unto the scorching June sun. His retinas shriveling in their sockets to small dark pits as they surveyed the landscape. The Hill View Delights trailer park was a conglomeration of roughly half a dozen ratty trailers, stacked in two rows divided by a long gravel drive. The boys picked this location not simply for its resemblance to home but because it had a 6ft chain link fence surrounding it and was sealed by a large gate. His eyes came to rest settling on a small knot of men standing in the bed of a rusted black pickup. The leader of which was a scrawny sunbaked man with long tangled dark hair and a scraggly goatee. He sauntered across the brown lawn to stand beside the shirtless man. "Tha fuck is this about Kenny?" Jeb eyed him darkly. Kenny pointed a boney finger towards the end of the drive. A white golf cart rolled silently down the side street and turned into the mouth of the park, stopping at locked gate. Its front and sides where clad in tinted plexiglass obscuring the driver from view, and a solar panel was affixed to the roof. "What the fuck is this happy horse shit?" Jeb said as he tried to make sense of what he was seeing. "Blessed day gentlemen" a small scratchy voice emitted from a speaker on the carts side. "I am the Worshipful John Larkin and I have come here today to bring you blessings of Almighty God and to cleanse you of your sins so that you may be accepted into the fold ." Jeb gave Kenny a look as if to say, this fucker for real? Kenny replied with a nervous shrug."Have you men realized what is happening to this world?" The voice from the cart spoke again. "Yeah its fucked six ways to shit" Kenny retorted and the men around him chuckled nervously. The second coming is at hand gentleman, Larkin replied. Revelation is upon us and the dead walk the earth. now is the time for the rapture. those have been chosen will join the fold those who have not will walk with the dead. Jeb and Kenny looked at one another again in stunned amazement. "And just who the hell made you King shit of turd mountain?" Jeb asked. "The lord did when he made me immune to this disease and told me to gather his flock. I shall set the faithful free and condemn the wicked." Jed had had enough, "give him a warning Kenny" Kenny leveled the rifle and with a single shot blew the side mirror of the golf cart. "Now now gentlemen" Larkin replied "this is not the way to proceed. It does you no good to fight. your choices in the matter are simple. repent and join us or join the Damned. The sooner you see that the sooner you can be cleansed." Okay enough of this shit Jeb yelled. You having to the count of three or I'm going to blow your fucking brains outta the back of your crazy ass head. Jeb snatched the rifle out of Kenny's hands as he began to count. 1 he pulled back the bolt ejecting the spent round 2 he slammed the bolt forward sliding a fresh shell into the breach. 3 he took aim at the tinted windshield. Last Chance mother fucker Jeb said as he began to squeeze the trigger. If you do this you will damn yourself and everyone else to burn John Larkin taunted cooly. Jeb pulled the trigger shattering the plexiglass windshield and splattering the man's head against the back wall of the cart. The men around him relaxed visibly and a few even let out a yell of celebration. That will teach crazy fuckers to come around here spouting bullshit. Jeb said as he set the rifle on the tailgate of Kenny's truck. "That was not wise" the voice returned suddenly causing all the men to jump and one to fall from his seat on the trucks railing. The small voice still from the carts speaker even though the man behind it was clearly dead. Upon closer inspection Jeb guesses the man had been dead for a while. The hands taped to the carts wheel were a purplish color and several of the knuckles were worn to the bone. As he watched the fingers of the right hand still flexed and curled around the plastic wheel. "That things a god'am biter!" He said this with disbelief. "That thing was one of my acolytes, judged and found wanting. Now it is your turn." The sound of an approaching engine filled the air and a large tractor trailer rumbled down the side street. Instead of a freight container in back it carried a modified cattle trailer. Jeb could see a dozen arms reaching through the wire welded on the haulers sides. The large truck burst through the chain link gate with ease and roared past the scattering crowd of on lookers. When it reached the middle of the park it rumbled to a stop. Hydrolic motors began to whine as the back of the cattle haulers ramp slowly lowered. Dead poured out in waves chasing and catching prey with amazing speed. The men lept from the back of the truck and began scrabbling for weapons. Shoves and shotgun, kel-tecs and tire irons were snatched up and used to push back at the oncoming wave of dead. It was not enough
Kenny leveled half a dozen walkers before being leveled himself. Jeb had taken the rifle from the bed of the truck and climbed onto the cab. Standing above a sea of chaos he fired round after round into the rotting bodies around him. He exploded the head of a woman in a stained flower print dress. He sent an old man in suspenders flying backwards. He sent another round through the head of a small deformed creature in a blue jumper as it chewed through the neck of one of his friends. Both the man and the small abomination fell in a gout of blood. It was no use, the crowd of hungry faces kept closing in reaching up towards his boot heels. He seemed to be the only one left standing, the others having fallen or retreated into one of the various mobile homes. The bed of the pickup filled quickly with climbing corpse and Jeb knew it was time to go. He turned and ran down the windshield leaping from the hood and rolling to his feet. Firing his last round into the chest of a bloated construction worker he reversed the rifle gripping the warm barrel in both hands and began clubbing his way to freedom.
Jeb ran up the steps of his mobile home hideout, kicked in the door and started barricading it behind himself. Press wood furniture, broken couch, cheap kitchen chairs all stacked up in a rickety mound in front of the door. He stumbled down the hallway tripping in the trash and clutter and landed in a heap at the foot of the bed. He began searching amongst the litter on the floor. He kept a spare pistol here somewhere. He remembered knocking it off the nightstand light night while he was riding that... A low growl beside him made his heart stop and his blood run cold.head turning slowly to the left he stared into the face of the blonde girl. Here face was smeared with blood and it dripped slowly from the corner of her mouth. She growled again and he could see bits of skin stuck in her teeth. Holy fuck how did she turn was his only thought before she lept sinking her strong teeth into the side of his neck, tearing the skin open. Blood spurted from the wound and Jeb shoved her but only succeeded in falling onto her spraying the already stained mattress with his blood. She bit and clawed at his face with hungry ferocity. Keeping one hand on his spurting neck he used the other to punch her repeatedly in the face. As the blows landed she winced and he saw with amazement she was fully coherent. She hadn't turned, just snapped. He saw her right hand, the one he kept chained to the bed, was a bloody mess and most of the skin missing from around her wrist. Oh god she was chewing her own hand off! This was the last coherent thought he had before darkness overtook him. The small girl pushed Jeb limp body off of her as something smashed against the flimsy front door. The trailer shuddered. Several fists began to beat at the doors and walls. There was no time. No place to hide in the filthy cramped room. She looked about frantically for a way out. The door burst open. Blood soaked figures poured in stumbling over the pathetic barricade. They swarmed down the hall shoving and snapping at one another for space in the small bedroom and began to feast. The battered girl held her breath as she felt the weight of the body's above her. She could feel them jerking and pulling. Hear them chewing and tearing at the body lying on the mattress on top of her. The cheap wooden box springs rested on the floor. The thing fabric covering it tore aside. Allowed her to crawl in between the floor and the mattress with no room to spare. There was no light under here but she could still see when the bottom of the mattress became soaked with blood and started to drip onto her. She felt like she was being crushed by the weight of the feeding mass, and all she could think is would it be enough? Would this thin layer of springs and cloth covered in cigarette burns, blood, and shame be enough to protect her from the hungry jaws of death. She heard fabric being ripped and the bed shake. Oh god were they digging after her? The sound of church bells rang though the air from a loudspeaker close by. The writhing mass stopped, and one by one began to rise from the bed relieving the pressure on her lungs. She heard footsteps shuffling slowly, almost reluctantly down the hallway. Not daring to move she lay in silence counting time by the drops of blood that fell like corrupted rain onto her upturned face. After minutes that seemed to stretch into hours she heard a large engine crank up and slowly back away. It was over. She crawled slowly from between the blood soaked mattress and box springs, an obscene parody of birth and looked back over her shoulder at the shredded remains of Jeb's corpse. She spit into the open cavity that minutes before served as his chest. Reaching beside the night stand she retrieved the missing pistol and went to the window. She peered with caution through the sun faded curtains onto the scene of carnage outside. Bodies littered the lawn of every home. Most in a state of decay though scattered amongst them were several fresh corpses. She stood there staring out the window in deep contemplation on her life and newfound freedom and how best to keep both. While behind her Jeb slowly rose... The End
© Copyright 2013 Julius (jmcalister at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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