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Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1948857
She disobeys by hiding from her Master. What will become of her?
Here's another short story that's been just hanging around in my collection. It will be revised, tweaked and possibly expanded. Help me will you? Review and comment. Give me ideas.

Hide n See

“Go get the kit pet. You need an exam.” Your voice drips with sadistic lust. You reach down and grab the back of my head pulling it up to look at you. “Look at me. What do you say?”

Meekly I answer, “Yes, Master.” I know better than to try to get out of it. But this is so humiliating. I walk over to the closet and pull out your kit. I know what’s coming. You’re going to examine every opening I have, play doctor.

I reach in and pull out the “medical” bag. I know what’s in there, all sorts of humiliating devices that you are sure to use on me. I tremble as I walk slowly back over to where you’re standing.

“Good girl. Now go get into position on your belly. Lie down over the wedge and wait for me to come strap you down.”

I start toward the exam table, dreading the humiliation to come, though it makes me wet and aroused. My feelings still confuse me, excited and wet but feeling debased and humiliated too. I know that you’re going to “examine” my ass. I dread it, but I know that I must submit…

As I get to the side of the table, you’re not far behind. I hear your footsteps behind me and feel your presence. Thinking quickly, I ask, “Master, may I kneel before you first please?”

“You may kneel.” Your hand rests on my head stroking my hair.

As I start to go down on my knees I do a fake out and fall to the floor dropping and rolling out of your reach. Quickly I get to my feet and sprint out of sight and hide. I know better than this but I’m hoping that maybe I’ll distract you long enough that you’ll decide to just punish me and forgo the exam.

Your footsteps are heavy. I can hear them as you come closer to where I’m hiding. I wonder how you could possibly find me out so fast. I know that I’ve done wrong and will have to be punished. I just couldn’t think of any other way out of this. Not that it will work. I should know by now that when you say something that is what you’ll do, no matter how much I beg, plead or try to maneuver my way out of it.

I hear you getting even closer. My heart races, I begin to sweat, and I start to whimper. Oh gawd I know I’ve messed up. But now what? I hear the click of your heels and your firm, calm voice speaking to me. I want to come out, but I don’t. I know that now I will be punished on top of getting the exam I was trying to avoid. But part of me thinks you enjoy it too, because there’s more of an excuse for you to train me to take more pain, to please you more. I just have to learn to lean into the graduating pain you inflict to get to the pleasure.

“You'd better come out now pet. You know better than to hide from me especially when you're needing correction. It'll only be worse on you if you make me have to find you. Do you think you can hide indefinitely?”

I hear your footsteps coming closer to where I’m hiding. I cover my mouth trying to stifle my heavy breathing hoping you won’t find me. I know I’ve been bad and that I’m really in for it but part of me hopes that you’ll forgo some of the promised punishment if I hide long enough.

“You already have 10 hard swats coming and I do mean hard so you’d better just make it easier on yourself and come out now. If I have to spend more time finding you it will be 20 and you don’t want that now do you?”

I can hear the irritation in your voice. I want to come out but now I’m really scared. I should’ve just done as I was told in the first place. If I’d just submitted to your command for an exam instead of running and hiding…what was I thinking?

You had that look on your face that told me that this exam would be a bit more humiliating than the others. When you told me to go get your bag, I panicked trying to think of a way out. That is all I could think of.

Now you’re coming for me and I know that I’ve really had it. Do I surrender or do I make you find me? I’m not sure which one to do. I’m sure that either way you will make sure that you will punish me good. A gasp escapes my lips and I quickly cover my mouth hoping once more that you didn’t hear me.

The door to the foyer closet opens and I shake. The light shines through. I know I’ve been had. I’ve hidden behind the coats and things trying to cover my body.

The coats in front of me part as your hand reaches for my hair and grasps my head. I fall forward onto my hands and knees feeling the pressure of your grasp on my hair. “Naughty pet. Did you really think you could hide from your Master?” You reach down and latch the leash to the collar around my neck. I tremble. “Hands and knees. You are in trouble. Follow me.”

Obediently, I crawl beside you on my hands and knees wondering why I even tried to get out of this. I know that you’re going to make sure that I remember this. I want to beg forgiveness but I know that is fruitless. My mind spins trying to think of a way out of all of it. We reach the door to the exam room. I freeze beside you.

“Now pet. No more tricks. Get into the room and position yourself facing the St. Andrew’s Cross. Put your hands and feet in place…that means spread ‘em to meet the shackles. I will be walking you there to make sure that you obey me this time. Anymore tricks and you will deeply regret it.”

The leash pulls at me and I follow you still on my hands and knees. You stop at the cross and I pause looking up at you. Your eyes tell me to obey you or else. I want to run again but think better of it. Slowly I rise from my position and stand up against the wooden x stretching myself into place. You lean into my body pressing me there while you shackle my wrists. A few hard smacks blister my cheeks. I jerk and squeal. They are hard. My ass burns. You reach down and secure my ankles.

“P-p-permission to ask a question Master?” My voice is shaking. I’m really nervous now. I know when you chain me to the cross that I’m going to get a good, sound flogging.

Your mouth grazes my ear. “Yes pet. What is it?” you breathe in a heated whisper.

“I-i t-thought that you were g-oing to uh well uh s-spank me.” I’m shaking visibly now.

You’re silent for what seems like an eternity, your hands tracing over my trembling cheeks. You lean in close letting me hear your labored breathing. Your hard cock presses against my ass. Suddenly you grasp my hair and pull my head back. “Oh yes pet I am and a whole lot more. This is a punishment you will remember. But first I’m going to flog you with “the stinger”. Your ass and thighs are going to burn.”

I’m speechless. I wait for your next move. My mouth is dry. I close my eyes and take some deep breaths. My heart is pounding hard against my chest. I know I’ve screwed up and am about to feel your firm, swift discipline. Oh how I want to beg for mercy, but I know that will only get me more punishment.

Your footsteps recede and come back. I feel your presence behind me, your eyes boring into me. The thrash from the tails of the flogger reach my ears, over, around and beside me. I wonder when the first strike will come.

Swish, crack, swish, crack.

Oh gawd! You’re just warming up. I know now I will really feel it good.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk…My bad, bad pet. You have disobeyed me haven’t you? You deserve this punishment don’t you?” The sounds of the flogger rending the air around me fill the room. “

I lick my lips trying to wet them. “Y-yes Master I have disobeyed you. I…i…deserve this punishment.” The words fall haltingly from my lips. I know they are true. I’m afraid but aroused. I know I will be made to take more pain before the pleasure will set in.

“What are you when you disobey your Master?”

“A bad girl.”

“And what happens to my bad girl?”

“She is punished Master.”

There is silence. The sound of the flogger again resonates in the room.

Whap, whap, whap, whap…the tails lash my vulnerable cheeks and thighs…it stings. I twist in the restraints. Again you rain down stinging hard thrashes over my already burning and reddening flesh.

“This doesn’t count for the 20 pet that you have coming. Those will be given by my hand.” I hear you pace. You land more thrashes from different angles. My skin is burning and stinging. I’m dancing around with every blow trying to get out of the way of the flogger. I’m sweating and breathing heavy. The stinging blows stop.

You release my wrists and ankles. I’m weak from the thrashing. You release me from the restraints and sweep me up in your arms. I squirm a bit. Your arms are touching my freshly thrashed thighs. It hurts and stings but I remain in your arms. Your lips press to mine and as your tongue demands entry.

Submissively, I part my lips wanting to feel your warm, wet tongue. You kiss me deeply and passionately. I respond licking your lips and probing your mouth with my tongue. I love the feel of your mouth on mine…your mouth on all of my body, the feel of your hands, your discipline. Though your discipline hurts it is always for my good and ends up bring us both powerful release.

You carry me to the exam table, remove the wedge from the top, and lay me down gently. I wriggle around as my ass and thighs come into contact with the table. It stings. You stare down at me. The look in your eyes tells me to lay still. I quiet down even though it hurts. I’m becoming wetter. I want to please you.

You grasp my wrists and stretch them out over my head securing them to the table. Your lips travel seductively down my body stopping to lightly bite and suck my nipples, traveling down my body….kissing, licking, taunting and teasing…You grasp my ankles pulling them wide apart. Your strong hands strap them down to the table.

I wonder what is going to happen next as I struggle to stay in place. My ass and thighs burn bad but I’m throbbing and aroused. My nipples are hard and my skin is tingling. It’s hard to stay still, but I remember the look you gave me earlier.

You get up on the table and straddle my chest. I see your cock pressing against your pants. Your fingers release your button and zipper and you release your hard, throbbing cock from your pants. It springs free. You come further up to my face and lift my head, placing a pillow under my head. You press your throbbing cock to my lips. “Suck your Master now.”

I open my lips to receive you as you thrust your cock forcefully into my mouth. You gaze down into my eyes holding my head as you fuck my mouth. I moan around you loving the taste of your cock, feeling your forcefulness. I feel the vein on the underside of your shaft throb and I know you’re close. You surprise me and pull out. “Saving my cum for your lovely face pet.”

I groan because I love the taste of your cum, the feel of it shooting down the back of my throat.

“Your punishment isn’t done yet pet.” You get down from the table and pull yourself together turning to walk away from the table where I’m still bound. I hear rustling noises and see you coming back toward me. You have 2 items in your hands. I stare up at you begging for mercy with my eyes.

Your eyes soften but tell me no. “I’ve brought the clit crop and a pussy spreader. Your sweet pussy and clit are going to get punished now too. It’s for your own good. You must learn to obey your Master even when you don’t want to.”

Oh my gawd. I know I’m in for it now. You place the items beside me on the table. I’ve pushed you too far. Small tears form in my eyes. I try to hold them back. They sting. You reach down and stroke my face and hair. Your eyes are soft but demanding. Soon I know I will still be punished hard.

Still stroking my head you lean in close and whisper. “It’s for your own good. You must learn to obey me.” I stare up at you trying to hold back the fear in my eyes. “I will not harm you but you will feel the pain pet. You must learn.”

You reach down and secure the pussy spreader to me. It opens and holds my pussy lips wide exposing my hardened clit and wet, swollen lips. You pluck the clit crop from the table and beat it against your palm. The hard smacks make me tremble and pull against the restraints. You stare down at me, your eyes are soft but warning me to submit, not to fight you.

Slowly I quiet down and center myself preparing for what you have planned next. I’m wet and aroused but shaking anticipating my punishment.

Your hands stroke my head as you lean down and graze my lips with yours. I undulate toward you, my bodying responding to your touch. Though my ass and thighs still burn and hurt my body throbs for your touch…whatever you have to give, even if it is painful.

Without warning the crop slaps my mound hard a few times. My mouth is closed tightly but I screech through it. I can feel the heat and sting from the crop. I twist and fight trying to get free.

I close my eyes trying to accept the pain. You stroke my hair. “Look at me.” My eyes flutter open and see yours staring into mine. “You must learn to obey me. Do you understand?”

I struggle for a moment still gazing up at you. “Y-yes Master. I understand…” I want to say more, to beg for you to stop but my voice fails me. I twist my wrists and ankles around in the restraints writhing under your power. I am totally at your mercy.

“Good girl. Now I must punish your clit. I will give you 5 smacks with the crop. You will count them for me. Do not mess up or I will start over. You know what to do, so do it.” Slapping sounds hit my ears as you again hit the crop repeatedly against your palm.

“Begin now.” Thwap! the crop hits my hardened clit.
“Ow! One, thank you, Master.”

“Good girl. Four more to go.”

Thwap, thwap, thwap…

I continue to count and thank you for them. I twist and writhe with each punishing blow. It hurts so bad as the blood rushes to my stinging clit. The pain and the pleasure mingle. The slaps are short and crisp. I wince and cry out. You land one last blow as I count it and jerk against the restraints. My nether regions are stinging and throbbing.

You reach for the wedge. “Up now and turn over. Lie over the wedge. Need to take your temp and perform your exam. No, you’re not getting out of it. You see all your rebellion was for nothing.”

Obediently I turn over hearing the clank of the chains that are hooked to the leather restraints on my wrists and ankles. As I rise up and turn over you place the wedge under my belly. I lie over it as instructed.

“That’s it. This will sting a bit. I put a special liquid on the bulb of the thermometer to make my point. Now hold still.” I feel your hands part my cheeks. I clinch. “Won’t help pet. Going to shove it up your ass anyway. Been a bad girl.” I feel you shove the cold bulb up my ass. It stings, heats my hole, and I squirm. You hold me firm.

“Master, please it stings bad. Please take it out.” I wriggle and fight trying to get you to take it out of my ass. You hold me down.

“No girl. Been a very bad girl. Put some extra sting on the end of it so you’d remember to obey me the next time. This will stay in your ass for 5 minutes.” I know that it doesn’t take that long to take my temp but you’re keeping it there to make your point. It will hurt and burn. I writhe and twist begging for you to take it out. The burn and pain become more intense with each passing moment. It hurts bad but feels good too. I’m wet, debased and aroused. I beg you to stop.

“No my bad pet. You need the humiliation and pain. You’ve been very bad and disobeyed your Master. You know better but you did it anyway. I must really debase you and punish you for that.”

The time slowly ticks by. My ass burns more and my clit throbs harder. You reach between my thighs. “Very nice pet. You respond very well to your Master’s punishment. I smell your desire. Must punish you more.”

I feel your fingers push up into my pussy thrusting in and out. “Very nice. Wet and ready.” You press against my g-spot. “Do not cum yet. Your are not allowed.” I’m so humiliated and excited. I don’t know what do. I struggle to hold back as you continuing probing me. My muscles begin to contract in pre-orgasmic spasms clamping around your fingers.
Slowly, you remove your fingers. “Pussy checks out.” I feel you remove the thermometer from my anus. “Looks like your temp is a bit high pet. Need to do an anal exam to make sure everything is alright.”

Oh no! Please…not that!

You wheel the light over to where I am and turn it on maneuvering it into position to see up my ass when you insert the anal device. Oh I was hoping you wouldn’t do this. “Getting the anal speculum pet. Stay in position. I need to examine you.”

I know I have no choice. I whimper and cry softly as I hear you reach into your bag. To make your point you bring the device into my line of sight. “Now pet I must examine your ass. I need to make sure that all is ok.” Oh gawd what a ruse. But I have no choice but to submit. You walk back around behind me. “Hold still now while I examine you.” Your hands part my cheeks inserting the speculum. It hurts as you slide it in to my recently violated hole.

I twist and moan. It rattles as you begin to ratchet it open exposing my tender hole to your examination. I wriggle trying to pull away. “No pet. Stay. This is necessary for you and for my pleasure.” I quiet down doing my best to hold in place.

I feel the heat from the lamp move in closer. “Looks good pet. You’re clean. Nice pink muscles. Very nice.” I’m open and exposed to your “inspection”. I hear you turn off the lamp. I feel the metal invader squeeze back together and slide out of my ass. Without a word you retrieve the flogger and bring it into my line of sight.

You open my asshole and shove the grip end of it in…fucking me with it. My ass feels so violated. The ridged texture of the grip scrapes my tender muscles. After you’re satisfied, you slide it out of me. “That’s my good pet. You have 20 hard swats coming. Stand up, turn around and follow me.”

Not wanting any more punishment I do as commanded. “That’s my girl.”

“Now pet. You must get your hard 20.” You walk over to your spanking chair and sit down. “No dawdling. Come present your ass for punishment, over my knees.” Oh no! my ass still hurts, stings and throbs from your punishment so far. Not wanting to add to it I walk over to where you sit and drape myself over your knees.

You wrap your arm around my upper back pulling me into you. I wriggle against you as you strike my ass hard over and over and over again letting me know who’s in charge. One after another after another you blister my already stinging, hurting ass with your punishing blows.

“You may get up now. But you are not done. Kneel pet, I’m going to cum all over your face.” I lower myself to my knees waiting for you. “Open your thighs and masturbate for me while your lovely mouth prepares my cock to cum all over you.” You open your pants and pull out your hard shaft presenting it to me. “Open.”
I open my mouth as you grasp my head and shove your cock into it. As commanded I spread my thighs wide and finger my clit. I moan and hump my fingers as my orgasm comes closer…I stare up at you, pleading with my eyes to please let me cum your cock still filling my mouth.

You nod. I cum hard as you pull out of my mouth, jerk your cock and spray your hot cum all over my face, neck and chest. There’s so much of it. It’s warm and smells of sex. It drips freely from my nipples and runs down my cheeks. Some lands on my lips and I lick it off.

“That’s my good girl. You look so lovely covered in your master’s cum. You will clean me with your mouth now.”

I lean forward and lick all over your cock and balls cleaning you as commanded. I draw your cock into my mouth sucking the remaining fluids and sweat from them.

© Copyright 2013 Desiree Addams (desvamp at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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