Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1948205-Loving-In-The-Rain
Rated: XGC · Other · Adult · #1948205
Sweet sex in the rain
I open my window staring out into the darkness beyond a cool dark expression paling my face. As I stare out into the night a cool breath of cool night air blows into the window and the tree nearby rustled lightly. I think to myself, wasn't that a tapping I heard on my window not but a few seconds ago, I move restlessly back out the window closing it gently latching it shut the darkness of my room swallowing me up. I hear a gentle pitter patter and turn back to the window the first drops of a cool night storm splashing against the roof of our home and I move back to it watching the rain thinking of my life and how it was before she came into my life.  The sound of sheets rustling comes to my ears and a warm arm wraps around me. A happy smile breaks my face as I turn to the love of my life. Her intelligent eyes peering out at me from under her dark hair at me, I turn gently wrapping my arms around her and smile gently laying a kiss on your lips.

“I love you Jen” I whisper under my breath my admission sending an Eddie of feeling flowing through my stomach.

Her smile brings back memories to me as her sweet voice rings out softly “ I love you to Ajay, I love you so very, very, very, very much my love.” I place another kiss on her sweet lips my hand gripping her butt softly pressing her against me our bodies fitting to each other almost like they were made to be that way.  I sigh letting her go as my stomach rumbles a pout darting across her beautiful face as she beacons for me to come back to bed with her but already I knew I’d have to decline. I sigh moving towards the door the soft pitter patter of my feet echoing off the walls f our home as I walk down it. Taking the stairs two at a time I open the fridge pouring me some cereal and munching on it as you come down to join me. My t-shirt hangs off your shoulders baggily and I laugh the sexiest dam thing ever seen standing before me as she plops ungracefully into the chair opposite me. I smile sweetly and say.

“Honey I’m calling off work today and I’m taking you out to the field behind our house.” A string of protests spill from you at this but I simply shake my head and continue. “I've not had enough time to spend with you lately due to work and my lack of sleep plus this gnawing depression I've been having that drains me.  I already called in and said I was sick and so we are going soon as the storm clears up baby.  After an over dramatized sigh, you shake your head and say.

“You’re really stubborn you know that?” I respond only by laughing lightly. I finish my cereal and place the dish into the sink with a sigh. A brief flash of pale light floods the dark room as the fridge door opens and closes again. I turn around collecting the picnic basket a blanket and the plastic utensils placing them in the basket. I smile placing in the basket little half cut sandwiches along with a covered salad and celery and carrots. I smile and wrap it up replacing the lid and moving back to the table with you smiling a twinkle in my eye. I get up moving away from the table hitting the shower the hot steam washing myself thoroughly my mind almost comparing it to washing away the depression. My thoughts turn deeper and I say to myself. “After tonight there is no sadness.” A huge grin breaks my face as I think of what I have in store for you.  The door opens quietly and I bring back the curtain to see your beautiful self walking into here. Smiling at me you ask the one question dominating my mind at the moment as you walked in.

“Can I join you?” I grin and gesture to you o come in and you strip slowly before me the hot water still bouncing off my cool skin. My once soft cock now harder than steel at seeing you strip before me. Stepping into the shower your arms wrap around my neck crushing your breast against my chest. I kiss your tender lips softly my hands moving around back to grip your ass crushing my cock against your tummy. A soft moan spills from your mouth and I use it to my vintage breaking the kiss I begin raining kisses down your body my hot tongue exploring your softly.  Pushing you back I press you against the shower wall moving back up to kiss you firmly again. I feel vaguely your legs wrapping around me using me as your support as you rub your hot pussy against my cock and a dark growl ripples through me.  Moving my cock back a little so I can line up with your pussy I slam into you your fingers digging into my skin as your head tosses back in a sensual moan. I begin to work my hips back and forth slowly your body sliding up and down the wall with each push it causing your beautiful breast to bounce tantalizingly close to my mouth. Pressing gradually faster into you as my pleasure begins to build. Your fingers dragging a bloody trail against my skin as your moans become louder and louder my name repeated over and over again as my cock takes you across flights of pleasure higher and higher. My own moans mixing with yours as I feel your pussy massaging my cock. Faster and faster, My balls slapping against your skin as I pound into you when my end comes to your name echoing through the house and then mixing with yours before my lips capture yours silencing ours screams in sweet pleasure as I cum. Your tight pussy gripping my cock as my seed keeps pouring into you eventually spilling out onto me even as your pussy becomes overstuffed. I break our kiss as the high ends and pant heavily the shower running forgotten on my back and I smile pulling my cock slowly out with a soft but audible plop, and turning back to the shower.

         Thirty minutes after our steamy shower we walk downstairs. I glance around the kitchen perplexed at the missing basket when you walk down saying with a giggle at my perplexed condition and pint to the fridge. I smile cracking it open to find that the basket had been thoughtfully placed in there and I grab it the clouds still rolling overhead but the rain is gone and I smile saying. “Come on baby lets go it’s a nice day.” You smile taking my hand in yours and I grab the basket leaving through the back door to the woods beyond our house. After a 10 minute hike through the wood,s we come to a bright golden field the vast sea of golden wheat stalks stretching in either direction just below waist height. A trampled path between them that we follow takes us to a small clearing in the middle of it and with a happy smile I pull out the blanket and begin unloading the basket our light breakfast used up in our brief shower fun leaving me hungry again and I groan plopping down on the blanket. The rays of sunlight cast through the thick clouds light up your body like a Christmas miracle, your dark hair shining like a bright light in the glow your perfect face screaming for me to touch it. My thoughts begin to turn to how I managed to gain such perfect women in all her beauty and charm but I just smile picking up the sandwiches I begin to eat slowly just kind of watching you wishing I could mentally record this moment forever as I watch you slowly eat a celery stick. Sweet crunching sounding as you eat when suddenly you turn to me and blush.  I smile at you hoping in my heart that you believe the same for me when I feel a light raindrop splash against my skin. I grumble my happiness dashed as it begins to rain again and I begin putting away the food, nature hell-bent on ruining this moment with you when suddenly you push me to the ground smiling. You begin gently nibbling my ear lightly and whisper. “No one’s here to see us, I want you, baby.” I grin as you take off your shirt your body slowly twisting on my soft cock, almost hardening instantly under your teasing.  I watch as you reach back undoing the ties to your bra peeling it away as the rain begins to fall more heavily now. The wet drops hit your beautiful skin dripping in tantalizing paths across your beautiful breast and my mind flashes to desire as I think of following those paths with my tongue. I lean up taking my shirt off and undoing your pants gently the light rain soaking them as we slowly strip out of our clothing. A small box tumbles from my pants and I pick it up sliding under it under the blanket and collecting you in my embrace. Your eyes sparkle with love as I take you. The rain gently falling around us, I slowly slide in and out of you my mouth captured in a sweet lingering kiss with yours as we make love. My tongue sliding out to lick around your lips and your fingers explore my chest. My every heartbeat feels like its being amplified as sensations pour from me our bodies moving slowly faster tighter. Sighs and moans mingling into a symphony as the rain pitters and patterns across our skin. I lower my mouth onto one of the streams one of the drops made licking it slowly down to wear it semi circles your nipple. I growl biting hard onto your nipple my tongue flicking across it lightly as my movements become harsher and I draw near my climax again. With a mighty push, I shove my cock deep into you and cum hard my lips sealed on your silencing our screams of ecstasy. Your pussy slamming on mine as your back arches against me as you cum. I groan breaking our kiss as our orgasm subsides panting heavily in each other’s arms.  Reaching under the blanket I groan having to twist my aching body to reach it. Picking up the box I crack it open turning back to you my hand over it to shield the rain away and I ask quietly to your shocked face.

“Please marry me, my love, you have made my life complete. Without you in my life I was cold and heartless you have made me complete and I don’t wish you to ever leave. So please marry me.” A gasp is heard and you basically hug me and saying with a passion I know no one in my past could match the one simple word that made my life.

“Yes” and then she blushes moving away from me a little. “I have something to tell you to,” She says softly and I move up kissing your blushing cheeks softly and ask.

“What’s up my love?”

“I’m pregnant.” She whispers and my whole world turns upside down with that one simple admission more happiness and love blooms in my heart for her then anything ever has in my life as I think to myself, I’m a father, and I sweep you into my arms slipping that ring onto your finger and kissing you with every ounce of my love in my heart.

© Copyright 2013 LightAngel (xxdaxxnoobxx at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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