Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1947910-Two-for-the-Price-of-One
Rated: GC · Fiction · Fantasy · #1947910
Werewolf story! Trying to make it different!
I hunched down and growled lowly but furiously. My posture screaming submissive but my growl screaming 'stay the fuck away from me.' I wasn't in the mood. Two of what should have been the most blissful and exciting things to happen to me happened in one night, anyone else would have been overjoyed at the experience but I wanted to die. It was sensory overload. His chocolate and pine scent begged me to stay but what he was screamed danger, my wolf knew this too. As he stepped closer i let out a louder, more sinister growl. He didn't like that one bit and changed on the spot. His wolf was a dazzling grey with black paws and ears, Those silver eyes begged me to come to him. I barked as my chest rumbled as to say 'don't follow me' and i sprinted back to the house, leaving everyone confused,


Audrey Raynes was a good girl, and everything was fine until her father died two years ago. This took a toll on her but worst of all her mother. She became an abusive alcoholic, but Audrey stayed and took care of her and her mother, little did she know that on her 18th birthday her life would change more than ever and it might not be in her favor. Her mate Nathan Steel was soon to be Alpha, but came with baggage... he has Disassociate Identity Disorder, or Multiple Personality Disorder. And his 'Alter' Scott was no one to mess with.

Chapter 1:

I walked. Alone. In the dark, and yes, in the woods. I was angry, no i was fuming! I don't know how much more I can take. It's been two years, TWO! Whoever said that time heals everything was obviously wrong! Shes been drinking for the past two months, but usually she just passes out. The past few weeks though, have been hell. She just gets angry. I've had to replace countless things, mostly kitchen ware and some furniture, due to her constantly throwing things. I do thank my rare lucky stars that i haven't had to replace everything, because shes been close to shifting in the house. See the thing is, my family and I, are werewolves, and so is this town, and so on. But right now I need to rant, and thanks to my friends being able to sleep like the dead, all I have is myself.

I was headed to one of my favorite spots, it was about 10 pm, and i kinda wished I had brought a jacket or something. My spot is on a rock out on the edge of the lake. Still surrounded mostly by the water. After about 30 minutes of walking i was finally here. i jumped up and settled down in a comfortable position, it truely was peaceful here. listening to the water lapping away at the rock, the occasional fish jumping through the water, and my favorite, admiring the sky. As i looked through the stars i started remembering the evenings events:

*** 'Damn algebra, why can't i understand this??' I was left glaring at the page needed to be completed for homework. I really needed to step my game up in this class or i was screwed. I already had enough problems and i didn't need this to be one of them.


'And the bitch awakens...' I huffed quietly so she couldn't hear me. I tore myself away from my desk and sauntered down the stairs.

"Yes moth-"

"Where the hell is dinner?! Do you not know what time it is!"

"Well if you weren't passed out drunk i would've had it done sooner." I glanced at the microwave clock, 9:15.

"Then hurry up and make it!" Her difficulty speaking make it obvious she was still drunk.

A low huff escaped my lips and I instantly regretted it as a vase shattered into the wall next to my head. My nerves were wearing thin. She would have never dreamed of being this way before dad died.

"God mom can you stop throwing things!? And go sit down so I can make dinner!"

"Well hurry up im starving!" Thankfully she retreated to the living room, quite awkwardly.

I put a pot of water on the stove and went to hunt some noodles. Spaghetti it was. As I waited for the water to boil, i rummaged through the fridge for ingredients to make a salad. As i started cutting up the lettuce she cam back.

"Audrey, why must you be a fuck up?"

"Excuse me?" My she was bave tonight. I was getting angrier with every word she spoke.

"Your seventeen years old, what are you planning on doing with yourself? I doubt your mate is even going to want you. I mean you've let yourself go, your failing math, do you really think any respectable guy is gonna want your fat, lazy, stupid, good for nuthin ass?"

Tears were forming in my eyes, yes she ws drunk, but still this was unreasonable, and it hurt. This is it, the last straw... i snapped.

"What the fuck mom?! Where is this coming from? Here I am trying to keep myself and your lazy drunk ass together! Your not the only one who was affected by dads death! But did I have time to mourn? NO! I had to keep going because you decided to be selfish and shut down when I needed you most! I much rather prefer the 'keep to myself, locked up in my room' mother that left me the fuck ALONE!"

I had somehow moved closer to her and was now screaming in her face. She drew back her fist to swing at me. Her being a werewolf and a former Protector it had a good bit of force behind it despite her being drunk. However i was rasied from a long line of Protectors, my father being the head Protector, therefore he taught me what he could and i learned well. I easily blocked the punch and with all my force I had pushed her back and watched her stumble and land on her back. With that I just left. Not bothering to turn off the stove, the house could burn to hell for all I cared.*

Being seventeen I hadn't gotten my wolf, but thankfully my birthday was in a couple of days. Here I am now, laying on my rock, crying my eyes out.


Nathan's POV

Border patrol sucked! Having to run around fro most of the night was not at the top of my 'Fun things to do" list. I was already beat from training earlier today, but thankfully my buddies were running with me.

*Whats wrong man? Training too much for ya?*

Speak of the devils themselves. There goes Chad trying to poke at me.

*Nahh man, that's nuthin compared to your sister last night!* Yeah I could poke back.

I heard him growl through the link. Along with Andrew and Lucas laughing. Although all of them knowing that's not anywhere near my thing. I was soon to be Alpha, and i respected myself and my pack too much, although Chads sister Maycee was a hottie.

*God dude not my sister! Nasty!*

The others had to slow their pace due to laughing so hard.

*Well Chad... that's what you get for tryin to get at Nathan... you just wont win!!* Lucas managed to huff out between fits of laughter.

*Shutup.* Chad retorted grumpily.

*Hey guys hold up, I think I see someone out on the rock, at the lake.*

As i neared I realized it was a female, and still human by the scent.

*Who is it?*

*Audrey Raynes I believe. Looks as if shes been crying. I'm gonna take her back home, i'll meet up with yall later.*

*Yep.* They all said at once. I shifted, not minding being stark naked, it comes with being a wolf, and so many clothes destroyed in the process. I looked down and saw the fresh tear marks that stained her cheeks. I also notice she was shivering. She was only wearing a pair of sweat shorts that ended above the knees and a black tank top. Her long brown hair was splayed wildly around her head.

I gently picked her up and wondered what was wrong. A slight bit of anger rose in me and I held her a little tighter. I felt bad for her. i took the trail back to her home and found the back door wide open. I sniffed deeply and there seemed to be no threat. Cautiously entering the house i smelled gas, i looked to my right and saw an empty pot over a high flame and immediately turned it off, I looked back to my left and saw stairs. I headed up and found her room to the back of the hall and to the right. Even though it being around 1 am and dark I surveyed the room. Yellow, lots of paintings and drawings. A large window was on the wall in front of me with a bench made from the window sill to sit on with yellow and light blue pillows and a large brown plush blanket hanging off the edge. To my left was a large desk with a shelf above both light brown and the wood was natural. to the right of the desk hung a large flat screen . To my right was a large dresser made of the same wood and color. Right next to it was a door i assumed to be a closet. To the right of the tv were double doors that I'm pretty sure was the bathroom. and last on the wall to my right was a large king size bed. A large creamy yellow duvet covered the bed with yellow and blue pillows. I gently laid her down and put the covers over her. She immediately snuggled into them.

Happy with that i walk back downstairs. I sniffed again and alcohol tinged my nose, i turned left and saw whom I know as her mother, Krystal. The smell of alcohol assaulted my nose and I crinkled my face in disgust. I did feel bad for this family, they lost a wonderful man, and we lost our best Protector. Assessing the scene before me anger once again reared within me. No one should live like this, and this without a doubt made Audrey upset. That poor girl didn't need this in her life. I lifted the woman off the floor and out of the spilt whiskey and laid her on the couch. That should do for now. I headed out my last thought being that I would have to tell my father about this in the morning.
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