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Rated: 13+ · Other · Political · #1947856
Is it right? Is it wrong? Maybe we could look at both sides.
In a way it is quite disgusting, abortion is. When I see the protestors holding up pictures of mutilated fetus's its a bit tough to not feel like you would feel terrible to do this to a living thing, especially when you could always give up the child for adoption. Then there are those who feel that fetus's cannot feel pain and are not yet officially human.
So who is right? Anymore, it seems to me that what is right is all a matter of an individual's point of view. Best I can do is maybe break down the facts and examine each and every one of them so that we can all come to our own conclusions and bring those conclusions up to the ballot box at the next election.
Abortion truly does stop a beating heart. There is no denying that, unless your limiting it to the stage before the heart is present. You most certainly are preventing a life from coming into this world. What is wrong with this? Well, if we can destroy a person just because we don't want to burden ourselves with them then for what reason should we keep any particular adult alive? Couldn't we decide to get rid of someone whose lost their legs or are paralyzed neck down? It might be easy for a person to say yes to that, but what if one of their relatives or they themselves end up in this situation? Its tough to give people the freedom to destroy a life. Living in a society that destroys its children before they are born can be a scary thought to some.
The other thing taken into consideration is the stage of the fetus. Many people look at the stage of the pregnancy and decide that terminating the pregnancy is acceptable before the brain and spinal cord is formed. Now what could be wrong with this? If there is no brain or spinal cord and the medical procedure is very simple and easy to do at this point then what is the harm? The only argument against this as of right now is mainly a spiritual or religious one. The unborn child has a soul, and while there is not yet a brain or spinal cord the "potential" is there and to terminate this pregnancy is denying a person's right to be alive.
Now think for a moment about birth control. Does that not also in a way deny a person their right to life? If you happen to be religious and your religion wants you to have children then you could be breaking the rules by using contraception. Conception is part of the process, of creating a new life or a new soul and you interfere with this with contraception. So a question I would like to ask many abortion protestors is wether or not they practice birth control and why they would feel that this is so much more correct than terminating a pregnancy at a very early stage before the spinal cord, brain and heart have formed. I guess the trouble is, how often do people actually catch a pregnancy that early?
I think that we must also take into consideration the fact that there is so much poverty in this world. What good does bringing more children into an impoverished world do? I find it interesting that many of the same people who are against abortion are also against food stamps and hand outs to individuals who would not be able to live without them. Say we have a mother that does not work and she gets pregnant. The father leaves, and the mother still does not get a job. The mother could get an abortion, and continue living her life to get a decent job and become a productive citizen, as long as at some point she decides to start "getting her act together". We never know wether or not this mother is going to get a job. Lets say that she will not ever get a job and her fate is to become a welfare mother because she simply refuses to get a job. She becomes more of a burden now, than if she had simply gotten an abortion especially since not only will she be living off of our tax dollars but also any child she had afterward, and she will not be contributing to society. The more women we have going down this path, the more our resources are being tapped for what could quite potentially be a whole lot of non productive citizens. Many people, who ironically are against abortion are complaining about people who leech off of the rest of society through welfare.
So in a way what it comes down to is wether or not your going to abort a child, or starve a child! Which path is better I wonder.... If you let a child starve at least your not directly killing it and in a way your hands are clean. Maybe this could make sense because this is how the world has always worked with all the other living things. The weakest links all simply die out. Its fate, theres nothing cruel about it since it is no one's doing. It was simply the law of the jungle. People who abort a child have the blood directly on their hands! Very easy to accuse someone in this case. Either way, population is going to be controlled its all based on the available resources and how well individuals are able to get their hands on the resources.
The way I see it, its not really a debate worth fighting for either way, because it seems that wether one side or the other wins we arrive at the same results but through different methods.
Now I want to bring up another topic related to this. I always have wondered why a fetus is so special and protected. Then, children get much the same treatment. A fetus and a child is just so innocent and deserving of all the protection and help they can get. Adults for some reason are not all that special anymore.(especially young male adults). Of course adults are much more capable to fend for themselves so it only makes sense that we as adults should be pressured a bit more than children. But why is it that so many people put so much value and care into these unborn children when they simply turn into adults and then all the sudden the value and care is totally gone! We all were fetuses at some point. We adults don't want to suffer, and just because we aren't this "innocent blank slate" anymore are we somehow that much less important than we were when we were that "innocent blank slate". Do we adults really need to enslave ourselves to the never ending supply of fetuses and children that would flood the planet if we were not to practice some form of birth control. Wouldn't we just all suffer together for lack of resources and space? If we can control population by preventing pregnancy or terminating the pregnancy would that not in a way keep the world a peaceful place where we all had the space and resources we need?
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