Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1947819-Seeing-My-Way
Rated: E · Non-fiction · Biographical · #1947819
How I see the world. Limited vision, hearing loss, & power-chair user;a life challenge:-)
The challenge of using my computer is...I have a list...how much time do you have...well, I'll try to be brief and yet give you as complete and accurate insight into my world. Oh, yes!...back to using the computer.

For me to see what is on the computer monitor, I have to blow up the items shown on the screen. Using en explosive sometimes is something I think about during frustrating situations, however, I usually spend this time figuring out how to solve the problem. Blowing up items on the screen requires an software program that makes the items anywhere from 2x to 30x bigger so that people who have limited vision, are legally blind, can see what is displayed. Currently I'm using the software which comes with windows. No matter what software a person uses for this purpose they are only able to see small portions of the screen at a time and must scroll around the screen to be able to know everything and what is displayed.

The only way I can think of to explain what this is like is by explaining that although it isn't precisely exactly like looking through a toilet paper roll, this is the closest analogy I can think of to give you an idea of my experience. Another part of this is the scrolling is an action which needs to happen almost all of the time no matter what task I may be doing. Reading, writing, looking at a picture, anything visual requires scrolling. The trick to this is making my actions smooth and accurate so that I don't make myself motion sick, and making sure I don't miss something like I almost missed an instant message alert on WDC today because it was at the very top left corner and I didn't scroll that direction to realize the alert was showing.

Another challenge using the computer is typing, which has multiple issues. Sometimes I have a finger twitch which causes multiple strokes, accidentally hitting the caps lock is a major issue because I often do this and am unaware of accidentally yelling until I've typed many lines. For this I apologize because many times there is way too much to retype, so I leave it as is and keep going on with my activities. Touch typing is although not impossible it is painful for me, so I have large print/braille stickers over top of my keys and type the hunt and peck method. Transposing letters often happens which I suspect is because of my medical diagnosis which is a long list. The short version is:
limited vision ( legally blind)
hearing loss
herniated discs C5,C6,C7, & disc bulges in lower back
spinal stanosis
much, much more, MS also

Hearing the sounds the computer produces sometimes works, sometimes not, however, I have hope of some day being able to have hearing aids which are more valuable than the gold in Fort Knox to me.

My neck causes a challenge when using the computer because I am unable to move my head in the normal manner or frequently. If I'm not careful, I will become dizzy, nauseated, and possibly have to get to the bathroom very, very quickly. I'm thankful for my mobility, however maneuvering a wheelchair through doors and around corners takes time, with limited vision, I have to be careful not to bust my knuckles, and being dizzy, nauseated, and in need of a sickness container, I must not move too quickly.

So, using the computer takes energy, concentration, precise movements, being careful to not make mistakes as much as possible, not over doing my activity, trying not to miss anything,...

Please let me know if you have any questions. I'll be happy to tell you more about me, myself, and I.

Safe travels & many blessings.

Thank you for reading my story about using my computer. You are welcome to review, comment, and ask any questions you may have.

This is my first draft. I'm getting dizzy, very tired, and my neck is beginning to hurt.
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