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Rated: XGC · Fiction · Erotica · #1947598
Another text experiment, based on work by Dream Weevil.
This is purely a work of fiction, and any resemblance to persons living, dead, or imaginary is purely coincidental.

This work depicts acts of a sexual nature between consenting adults - those unable to endure such should find something else to read!

However, should you read this piece and have any comments, please let me know. I always like hearing what people think of my work.


By Rochndil

This is also an experimental piece, making gratuitous, even piratical, use of the characters and situations created by Dream Weevil. All the mistakes are mine, all the good parts are his.

Basically, I'm using his story (Minus One) and his experimental dialogue piece as a springboard. This is strictly _my_ spin.


What a night! So much had happened, so many wild things, I couldn't even sort out memory from fantasy. You see, we often played fantasy games as we made love, but something new had happened last night, though I couldn't be sure what. There had been a change - of that I was certain.

However, all thought of that was quickly driven from my head when nature summoned me to the bathroom post-haste! Many agonizing minutes later, I slowly made my way back to our bed, to find that she was awake, and watching me with a complex expression on her face.

She yawned, and asked, "How are you feeling love?"

I nodded, and sat heavily on the bed, making her squawk as I bounced her up and down. "I'm not feeling well this morning, maybe a bout of G/I flu or something, but I'm OK.

Her face took on her "concerned mate" expression, and she raised her hand to my forehead, which apparently satisfied her worry. "I don't think you're running a fever love, it's just a side-effect. I know something that will make you feel much better!"

Her hand lifted from my forehead, and slowly fell to cup her full breast through the soft material of her chemise. Knowing that I was watching, she pulled the strap slowly down her shoulder, and bared her breast. Eyes half-closed as she stroked at her nipple, she said quietly, "Come here, baby-mine."

I all but fell forward as her strong hand reached behind my neck. She leaned over, her breast growing to fill the whole of my sight, and pressed her warm nipple into my mouth. As so many times before, I suckled at her, but nearly choked when a stream of musky milk suddenly filled my mouth!

Holding me tight, stronger than I expected, she shushed me, stroking at my hair. "Baby, it's OK, everything is just as it should be. It has begun, and must be finished."

I couldn't make sense of what she was saying, but as I drank, I remembered that _this_ was part of what had happened last night. However, the more I drank, the better I felt. In fact, the scent and touch of her skin, the taste of her milk, were making me quite aroused, but I also found that I could not stop drinking, even to satisfy that need.

When her left breast was finally empty, she slipped down the right side of her chemise, and pressed my face to her other swollen nipple. As I drank, she spoke again, softly still. "Don't worry about a thing, my love. I will take care of you, always. I will take care of everything."

Finally her second breast was dry, and she laid me carefully back among the pillows. I was strangely passive, anxious, but unable to do much more than watch as she stood up and slowly, teasingly, slipped out of her top, revealing the lush curves of the body that I knew so well.

I ached to touch her, and she teased me mercilessly, running her hands slowly over her body, cupping her still heavy breasts, stroking slowly across her gently rounded belly. Finally relenting, she climbed onto the bed, and stretched herself over my recumbent, but burning, body.

She stroked herself against me, and I rose, swollen hard, against her softness. I tried to reach up, to grasp her, and take her then, but all I could manage was a gentle thrusting against her weight. "What's happening to me?" I whispered.

Smiling gently, she sat up and rested her weight on my thighs. "Don't worry about a thing, baby mine, everything is fine. Here, let me help you." She took my useless hands in her warm grip, and raised them to her breasts, stroking them against her silky skin. As she ran my hands across her warm flesh, her eyes slowly fluttered closed, and she sighed deeply.

Shifting forward on her knees, she took a firm grasp of my aching shaft, and while her breasts hung just before my face, but out of my grasp, she continued to tease me by bouncing slowly up and down, just kissing the tip with her lips as my need grew by leaps and bounds.

Finally, when I was sure I could stand it no longer, she rose up once more, and swiftly plunged herself down upon me. There was a brief flash of pain as I entered her, but then passion overwhelmed me, and all I could feel was her moving around and above me as she rose and fell in the most ancient of all dances.

Strangely, while my passion grew great, I could not find release, until she finally threw back her head, and plunged down upon me once more, the force all but knocking the breath from my body. Then, at last, I came, and came, flooding into her...so much so that I was sure she must eventually burst. At the last, I passed into dreamless sleep, with her still impaled above me.


I awoke still beneath her, still conjoined. She seemed asleep, her hands cradling her belly. When she felt me shift beneather her, she awoke as well, and smiled down at me. "Hey there, sleepyhead. Ready for your breakfast..? I worked on it all night for you." She hefted and squeezed her breast suggestively, causing a fragrant thread of milk to leak from her dark nipple.

"Wait," I said, "First, please, I need to know what is going on, with us." I shrugged, "I mean, what does all this mean? How did you start your milk, and why couldn't I move before."

"Shh," she said, "So many questions, and before you've even had your breakfast? Tell you what, baby, you eat and I'll talk." She quickly put action to her words, and leaned over, pulling me up against her. She cradled my head against her firm breast, and thrust her nipple into my mouth. Instinctively, I began to suck, and once again her thick milk filled my mouth.

Her eyes closed in pleasure, and she began to speak. "Now, as to what is happening to us, we're caught, you might say, in the great dance of life. You know," she paused to press her breast against my face, "exactly what is happening, if you'll admit it to yourself. You are, as you swore you would do so many times before, giving yourself to me, body and soul. Now hush and finish your breakfast."

I tried to break free, but my weak struggles were no match for her skill, and before I even knew it, I had drained her second breast as well. The longer I nursed, the more I could hear her breathing quicken, and by the time she finally laid me back down, her chest was flushed with arousal.

Immediately, she began to move against me, her breasts and belly pressing warm and soft. Sitting up, she clutched her belly once more, and whispered low, "Oh baby, I need you so bad, I need more, give me more..."

Throwing her head back, she clutched me tight in her depths, and I obligingly filled her again, on and on, and this time I swear I saw her belly grow ever more round.


When I next awoke, I was alone in the bed. I sat up and as I did she walked back in, dressed in one of her silk robes. The fit looked odd, but I couldn't figure it out, muzzy as I was upon first waking.

She sat on the side of the bed, and placed her hand gently to my forehead. "How's my baby this morning, feeling better now..?"

I nodded weakly, and she helped me up, and into the bathroom, where I did what was necessary. When we were back in the bedroom, she sat down beside me.

"I've got a surprise for you, baby, do you want to see it..?"

When I nodded again, she took my hands and placed them upon her breasts, far more than a handful now, and then slid them slowly down to her belly, which seemed to have grown to at least twice its previous size.

As I stared, she slowly untied her robe, and laying the belt aside, parted the front, the silky material slipping reluctantly from her warm skin, and revealing at last her greatly rounded belly. She looked almost pregnant!

She winked at me, and said, "I know you've always wanted to see me this way, with a nice round belly. I'm making room for someone special. And if you think it looks good, wait 'til you feel it rubbing against you!" Wasting no time, she leaned suddenly into me, the weight of her belly pinning my hands beneath its softness, while her bare breasts pressed into my chest.

"Lie back my love, and I'll show you something else amazing." She pushed and pulled at me until I was once more lying upon the bed, and then stood right beside me, forcing me to look up at her along the curve of her belly and past her heavy breasts.

She slid quickly out of her robe, and then climbed back upon me, a position that seemed strangely comforting and right. For a few minutes she stroked me up and down with the warm weight of her breasts and belly, from face to groin, over and over. Without preamble she broke off her stroking and mounted me, so quickly I almost gasped with the intensity of it. Warm and tight, she sucked at me, pulling me into her until I came once more, but this time, instead of falling asleep, I instead became even more awake, more clear-headed than I had been in some time.

Panting from her recent exertion, she pulled off me wetly, and sat herself upon my belly, which felt strangely tender. Her panting only increased, however, and I saw a strange ripple roll across her rounded belly. She was moaning once more, whether in pleasure or pain I could not tell, and she grasped at her belly, lifting and kneading at it roughly.

This went on for some moments, and I also noticed that milk was leaking copiously from her breasts, unnoticed, and running down to mix with the wetness leaking from her still, pooling upon my chest and stomach.

Suddenly she tensed, and gasped. There was a sudden rush of warm fluid onto my chest, and then I felt her strain as another ripple rolled across her sweating belly. Three more times she strained so, before she thrust her hand right into herself! To the wrist she disappeared up between her legs, and she seemed to be feeling for something. With an expression of triumph, she pulled something white and glistening out of her inner reaches, but I couldn't see clearly what it was.

Before I could even ask, she leaned forward suddenly, her still full belly squashing the air briefly from my lungs. One hand pressed a dripping breast into my face, while the other slipped back and forth between our bodies. Some moments after I had once more begun to nurse, I felt a sharp pain in my belly, but it quickly faded to a warm glow that grew to suffuse my entire body.

As I finished draining her breasts again, she sat up once more, rubbing her hands slowly against my body, and smearing me thoroughly in our mingled fluids.

"Sleep a little baby, everything is fine now." I tried to speak, but instead was swallowed up by the warm fragrant darkness, and knew no more for a time.


I awoke once more to find her still squatting upon me, but I was boggled at the changes in her! Her breasts were full and swollen even more than before, and her belly was frankly huge! She towered over me, and I was so frightened that I found a burst of strength, somehow, and pushed her from me!

As she fell over beside me in the bed, a mottled and shiny white cord slipped out from between her legs, a cord that seemed to be attached to me! "What is this?" I tried to shout, but my voice sounded strange in my ears.

"Shh, it's alright my baby. That's just the cord I grew from, and for, you. The cord that binds us together, forever." She smiled, and stroking slowly along the cord, I could feel her fingers!

"This has gone too far," I said, "I want out. Take this thing off." I reached to the cord, and attempted to pull it free, but only succeeded in causing a blinding pain to wrack my body.

"You can't take it off love, it's a part of you. And you are a part of me. Forever. It's much too late to turn back now baby, there's only one place left for you now, and it's almost ready." She stroked her distended belly suggestively, and smiled triumphantly.

Rolling up against me, her huge belly pressing me to the bed, she gave me her breast once more. While I helplessly fed my helpless, she spoke. "Really, at this point, I don't need to feed you this way anymore, but I do so enjoy it. There's also one last thing I want from you, before it's too late.

So saying, she carefully pulled her still dripping breast from my mouth, and crawled around to where my aching shaft waited. She wrapped her soft breasts tight around it, and slowly raised them up and down, winding my arousal higher and higher, before turning around once more to face me.

She carefully pulled the cord out of the way, and then impaled herself upon me. I came almost immediately, and I felt myself flowing through the cord as well, and this time there was no doubt that as I came her belly grew larger while I watched.


When we had both recovered, she smiled and climbed off me once more, seeming ever more huge to me. When she helped me to stand on wobbly legs beside her, I was certain that she had grown, for my head barely came to her breast.

"Come along baby, we're almost there, just a little more, and I will carry you the rest of the way." She led me slowly to the bathroom, and sat upon the toilet. Keeping close enough to her to avoid pulling on the cord had made the journey like one continuous embrace, and when she offered to let me sit on her knee, I didn't have the strength to argue.

Shortly after she sat, she began to pee, and I felt as well as heard the warmth pour into the bowl. She kept going for a long time, and I felt it pulling at me as well, swirling away. When she held me to her breast again, exhausted, I nursed myself into an oblivious sleep.


When next I awoke, it took me some time to get my bearings, for the world seemed to have changed much! Finally, I realized it was I that had changed, grown much smaller, and in fact the size of a small baby. I could still feel her pulling me into her, swelling ber belly and body with my substance. I tried to look up at her, but my head didn't want to hold itself up right. Immediately I felt her warm hand support me, and held me to look up at her huge face, beyond the vast curve of her breast.

"It is time, my love, my baby, at last. The gates are open. Are you ready?"

I tried to argue with her, beat at her with my fists, anything to stop this madness, but all that came from my mouth was the cranky wail of an infant, her infant.

Still, she saw my intent, and smiled gently. "There is no turning back, love. The wheel only moves forward. I warned you, three times, but you had to go on. I love you and will take care of you always, but I cannot let you go, even if I wanted to. You see, I'm caught on the wheel too, and in the grip of the forces of life just as you are.

She started to continue, but could only moan as I felt a huge shift in the belly I rested on, shivering slightly in the chilly air.

Recovering, she pulled the blankets up against me, and held me to her breast, cradled in her arms. "Drink from me one last time love, please." She pleaded to me with her eyes and her voice, but I could no more refuse her now than I had before, and latched on, the action filling me with a sense of rightness and completion I had never felt before.

As I drank, three more spasms ripped through her, and finally she had to pull me away from her breast. Raising me carefully to her face, she kissed me once on the lips, and then pulled the blankets fully from herself. I got a dizzying view of her hugely swollen belly as she turned me around, and laid me between her legs. I could do nothing more than wriggle in place as she slowly slipped the slack of the cord up between her loose and hanging lips.

She reached into herself, and pulled out a hand glistening with what looked like shiny white grease. She smeared me all over with the fragrant mess, and then she cradled my tiny body in one hand, and with the other spread her lips wide, baring the yawning chasm between them. Slowly, she pressed my head and face into her warm and waiting depths, and the last thing I heard before my ears were covered was, "I'll love you always!"

Her soft lips wrapped warm and wet about my tiny face, sucking at me as I had so often sucked at her breasts, bathing me with scent and touch. Slowly she pushed me in deeper, and I felt their wet warmth climb slowly around my head and down to my neck, not even noticing that I was no longer breathing.

Once my head was inside, her well-trained muscles came into play, pulling me in deeper and deeper with each contraction. I could hear her heart racing, and the sound of her breath as she panted. The deeper I went, the more ragged grew her breathing, and as the cron of my head squeezed into her womb, I heard and felt her scream in release.

From that point on, matters proceeded quickly, and within only a few more moments, I found myself curled within her, the final doors shut, back where it all began. As the space filled with fluid, and I felt sleep began to creep over me, her hands caressed me from outside her warm belly, and I heard her say, at the last, "Welcome home."

0.0 fin.


This little gem was created with the unstoppable Notepad. At least mickeysoft got one thing (almost) right.

The majority of the elements of this story were lifted whole from the stories by Dream Weevil, "Minus One" and its successor (which never got a title). Among the liberties I took with the piece were: change to (at least mostly) first-person voice, removal of the characters' names (going for that grand old "it could be you" spin), lots more sex, gratuitous lactation and nursing, and a bag full of other oddities.

Hopefully some will enjoy this little collaboration, including the original author. Curiously enough, it's my _first_ piece of hyooman-hyooman erotica - it came off fairly well I think.

Thanks go to Dream Weevil, for getting me going, Cerine for listening to me babble and providing some ideas, my wife Opal for reading the first draft and not laughing (she actually liked it), and for all the rest of y'all for putting up with me. -:)

Rochndil, the oddity.

This story is © Rochndil, 2000, except for all the good parts, which Dream Weevil came up with first. All commercial rights reserved, anything else, ask me first! -:)
© Copyright 2013 Rochndil (rochndil at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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